Thursday, December 31, 1942 News of Year Divided First Baby Of Year to Get Into 15 Important Stories Bond, Stamps Schools Open Monday Vernonia schools will reopen Monday, January 4 after being on vacation since December 24. Dur­ As old 1942 will pass out of the picture at midnight tonight. The ing that time at the high school, Eagle takes this opportunity to thumb through its files to determine the floors are being waxed, the boiler most important news recorded in Vernonia during the old man’s reign. is being cleaned, and some repair work is being done. This news has been divided into 15 stories. This news is as follows: Merchants Have Contest For Sixth Year with Change in Prize Made One U. S. War Bond and a book fi'led wi.h $12.25 in stamps will be awarded to the first baby born here after midnight, December 31. This prize is oflered by 30 local mer- chants in cooperation with the Ver- nonia Eagle. Complete rules for this contest are found on an inside page of