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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1942)
Two Tons of Men Traffic Deaht Test Fir Lumber Rate Drops Vi.iting in Washington___ Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Kuper- smith and daughter, Carol, motored to Portland Sunday to return Bet ty Packer to her home. Mr. Kuper- smith returned home, but his wife and daughter went by train to Yak ima, Washington, to visit Mrs. Kup- ersmith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kirby. Mrs. Kupersmith is spend ing a week there, and Carol' will stay through August. Tweh'.y-five soldiers of war pro duction/ all ve.erans of the West Coast lumber industry, demonstrate the strength of airplane grade Douglas fir lumber, now a vital ele ment of the big job of beating the Axis by airpower. Early in the war the English discovered that Douglas tir was superior to me al for propellors, and that Sitka spruce was unexcelled for many structural parts of planes. Now both English and American air plane engineers are using hemlock as well as fir and spruce. After years’ of experiment, a revolutionary method . .of plywood plane construc tion has become a sensational suc cess. War supply officials of the United Nations have given the for ests and mills of the West Coast front rank, beside the ore fields and metal plants of the Great Lakes region,. in the army of industrial war production. Each of the twen ty-five men pictured here is en listed in an needed war service. / the Paramount Technicolor comedy Vernonia Eagle Thursday, August 6, 1942 3 musical coming to the Joy Theatre the Portland area. ” with qtars Hope, Vera Zorina and ROUNDUP BITS Citing security of home life as Victor Moore. Several companies are staging of “Look,” Hope finally told the essential to the child tn war-time, fice roundups of paper ciipe, rob makeup man, “this fellow is sup Mrs. Dalziel stated that the chief foster boarding ber bands and similar articles as posed to follow me all through the requisite of a picture, so make his makeup as home is the ability of the parents part of the job they are doing in conspicuous as possible. I want to to provide normal family life for salvaging materials. One company the dependent child. The proximity claims that one roundup brought in know when he’s shadowing me.” of school, chureh. and recreational enough such items to meet a year's COMEDY TRIANGLE THEME facilities are factors to be con On the basis that two’s company sidered in placing a child, she ad needs. but i.hrce’s a crowd—at least, when ded. the third party happens to be the Need Home* husband—RKO Radio’s “My Life “The boys and girls under the with Caroline” is said to be one of organization’s care are normal the year’s greates comedies. children whose homes have been Ronald Coleman is starred as .the broken, who are parentless, or tolerant husband of a lovely but whose parents are unable to provide susceptible wife who is easily per for them,” Mrs. Dalziel continued. suaded that she is neglected and "Families in Columbia county can unappreciated. This leads to ser make a real contribution to our ies of vicarious romances on her total war effort by opening their MOTHERS— part, and to the husband’s dashing doors to these children, a large Medical science has to the rescue on each occasion, with number of whom come from war- entertaining results. proved that milk is disrupted homes.” Anna Lee, the British star, has Legal custody of each child plac the most satisfactory the feminine lead in the film, with ed in a boarding home is retained food for growing Charles Winninger, Reginald Gar by ithe society. Ages of the children children and adults! diner and Gilbert Roland heading range from infancy to 18 years. the featured cast. Grade A Milk & Cream Boarding home parents receive a Sr Oregon’s traffic death rate for the first six months of 1942 drop ped 20 per cent below the rate for the corresponding period of 1941, Earl Snell, secretary of state, disclosed recently. Traffic accidents claimed a toll monthly payment to provide food Phone today for reg of 119 persons during the first FEARSOME ACTOR Nbongo, hugh gorilla and one of for the child. ular delivery to your halt of this year, compared to 157 Mrs. Dalziel said that additional the most fearsome sights ever home. last pear. brought to the screen, takes part in information concerning the foster The death rate this year was 8.1 home program and the placing of thrilling scenes for “The Strange persons killed per one hundred mil- MIST—Earl Roper and family Case of Doqtor Rx,” Universal’s children may be secured by writ li ,n miles cf travel, compared to are enoying a visit from their mystery-drama. ing to headquarters office of the 10.1 last year. daughter, who lives in California. Featured in the film are Patrie Boys’ and Girls* Aid Society, 1504 Car Maintain Record PHONE 471 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sundland S. W. lljth Avenue, Portland. C' e observation of traffic reg and her sister, Miss Ruth Seifkin, Knowles, Lionel Atwill and Anne Gwynne. ulations, particularly with reference and Bernard Dowling spent th? to speed, will enable the state to week-end at Seaside. HE DIED FIRST, THEN LIVED maintain this record of traffic im The way things worked out, Mrs. L. Wikstrom and three provement. children are spending a month down Maynard Holmes “died” first, and Drivers were urged to stay be at Taft where Mr. Wikstrom is in lived afterwards, during the filming low the minimum speed limit of 40 the logging business. of “Remember Pearl Harbor.” miles an hour and to avoid such Maynard’s demise doesn’t occur Mrs. Walter Foster and two child Do your bit for dangerous practices as passing on ren left last week for their home until midway through the picture, curves and while approaching the in Alhambra, California after but the production schedule wasn’t America by carefully brow of a hill. spending .he past couple of months arranged that way. So he did his Stop signs have been authorized here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. death scenes on his first day at at main line grade crossings in the W. R. Johnson. planning your daily work, then during the days that •Jj state and when they are in place, scenes ’ in Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling followed enacted the drivers must bring their cars to were in Clatskanie BATTLESHIPS CARRY BULBS on Saturday. which the screenplay permitted him include as “Every sheep uitli its like”—bun Quixote menus to Sin een light bulbs will supply an a complete stop before proceeding The Closner family moved from to be “alive!” aveiage household for two years; a across the tracks. This precaution the Bridget’s cottage last week to I AUGUST NEW MOVIE TUNES many real HEALTH battleship plying the Pacific car in believed necessary due to the in the Birkenfeld vicinity. “Don’ft Get Personal,” the latest ries >7,000 bulbs in sockets and two creased number of trains moving at ®""5 rst Congregational Mr. and Mrs. Alvery Trotter fhurch in America. Sa- spares for each one in use or a to higher rates of speed due to war spent the week-end at Elsie with Hugh Herbert comedy from Uni lem. Mass., 1629. foods as possible. Have transportation demands, is was said. her parenits, Mr. and Mrs. Gillette. versal, is a tuneful' attraction. tal of 21,000. 7 — First settlers land In Radio broadcasting serves as a Maine, 1607. Mrs. C. O. Hayden came home a healthy family in a background for many sequences. from the hospital in Portland a . •—German air offensive Jane Frazee and Robert Paige, aaainst Britain begins. week ago. She had been there the beth well-known vocalists on th,e healthy nation by shop past two week«. airlines, have singing roles and pre —First Commencement of Orlo Trotter left Friday to an .t .' . ,'X ' Harvard College, 1642. sent three attractive "new songs swer the call of Uncle Sam. We, the new proprietors of the Pal Shop, ping for your grocer written by Jack Brooks and Norman U s. Naval Academy The Wilson and Charles Trotter Berens. Annapo11 ’ ’ families were in Clatskanie Satur wish to tell our customers that we will continue ies at KING’S day afternoon. " M U k 11—Fulton’s ’ Clermont." first to serve you in the same manner as the Hatchards One of Ray Garlock’s trucks ran J’Jy' successful steam vessel, appears on Hudson, 1807. c'ff the road Friday evening with ---------- •----------- did, both in fountain service and in sandwiches. a load of ties. No very serious dam ,«*—12—Wrangell Island, In Arc- One Delivery Daily r II Q ,ic' taken in name of U. age was reported, but the wrecker &. 1881. TWO DELIVERIES ON The ice cream will not be changed. --------- ------ ■ -I» VHUIeee assisted in getting it back on the SATURDAYS and PAY DAYS The need for homes in Columbia road. WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE county which will accept dependent William Bridgets was a Portland children for boarding care has be visitor Monday. come urgent as a result of war con Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Alvery Trotter will J. ditions, Mrs. Myrtle C. Dalziel, occupy the cottage recently vacated state director of the Boys’ and The Pal Shop “Where Your Money Buys More” by the Closner family. Mrs. Maude Rodgers spent last Girls’ Aid society of Oregon, has Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge, Riverview week with her daughter, Mrs. Roy announced. A home-finding and child-placing Hughes. Mrs. Rodgers is employed agency, the society provides for de at Scappoose. throughout the Mrs. Dowling called on the Gar- pendent children lock ladies last Thursday afternoon. stare. Each child is placed in a The Garlock women folks spent foster, or family, home for care. several days at the camp meeting at Requests to the organization to ac cept Children are increasing to the Gladstone recently. No More Ammunition will be shipped Mr. and Mrs. Ain Wallace return extent that unless additional board That HEATH’S is a convenient, friendly home to Seaside Tuesday. They ing homes are obtained, the society from the factories for the duration. have been visiting at the William cannqt take the responsibility of caring for additional children, Mrs. place to stop for gasoline, oil, or a greasing job. Bridger’s home. Mrs. Collie Perrin is here from Dalziel explained. Family Spending Month at Taft Nehalem Dairy Products Co Homemakers! f : V ' To Our Customers Homes Wanted To Take Children King’s Grocery and Market. YOU’LL FIND Riverview YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE JOY THEATRE and Friday, Aufuit 6 and 7 TWIN BEDS Musical George Brent, Joan Bennett, Mitcha Auer Cartoon Sport Reel Saturday, August 8 NEW YORK TOWN Fred Mac Murray, Mary Martin Robert Pre.ton -----•----- LADY GANGSTER Faye Emerson, Julie Bishop, Frank Wilcox * Sunday and Monday, August 9 and 10 LOUISIANA PURCHASE (In Technicolor) Bob Hope, Vera Zorina. Victor Sport Reel Cartoon Tuesday, August Moore New. 11 MY LIFE WITH CAROLINE Ronald Coleman, Anna Lee. Charles Winninger THE STRANGE CASE OF DOCTOR Rx Patrie Knowle., Lionel Wednesday, and Atwill, Anne Gwynne_____ Au»u*'JL A™ *nd 14 REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR Donald M. Barry, Alan Curtis, Fay McKenaie ------- •-------- DON’T GET PERSONAL Hugh Herbert, Mi.cha Auer, Cartoon Fraaee __ _____ COMING—Wings for the Eagle—Shepherd of the Osarhs----- Broadway—Tortilla Flat—Captain of the Cloud. « Mrs. Shortage Causes Given “The shortage of available homes at the present time is partly due to the increased difficulty of trans portation under war conditions, the director pointed out. “Our head quarters office is in Portland, and, since our caseworkers cooperate closely with foster parents, it has MARY EVENS SCORE been necessary to shift children Mary, singing and danc formerly placed in eastern or ing star, has added another laurel southern Oregon to homes nearer to her wreath—drama. For in headquarters to cut transpomation Paramoent’s latest film, “New mileage of our staff. Al.«, the in York Town,” Mary is seen in her flux of war workers has decreased first straight dramatic role. the number of homes available in Starring opposite Fred MacMur- ray and Robert Preston, the rhy thm girl from Texas, Broadway and Hollywood plays the role of a small town girl with Big Town am bitions. Alter years of being turned down as a dramatic actress, Mary more than evened the score with studio officials when Hollywood critics applauded her performance. Yamhill visiting Roy Hughes. Heath’s Service Station Phone X57 Sorry Boys her niece, News of the Theatre DRAMATIC REUNION Julie Bishop and Frank Wilcox, with leading roles in Warner’s “Lady Gangster” have had their orbits touch before. Both are pro ducts of Pasadena*^ Community Playhouse. But, outside of that, they have not too much in com mon, including their heighth. She is 5 feet tall, he a trifle more than 6 feet 3 inches. HOW ABOUT NEON LIGHTS? Bob Hope gloomily watched a makeup man applying powder to the battered features of “Slapsie” Maxie Rosenbloom, just before the ex-pugilist was to go before the cameras for “Louisiana Purchase,” The ammunition and gun you now have will have to last you—so use it wisely. You must conserve it even more carefully than your tires. It may have to last you for the next Five Years! All high powered ammunition and guns in our stock is frozen and will be sold only to Rangers, Guards and Policemen. When our stock of .22 shells is ex hausted there will be no more. Please don’t ask for more than 2 boxes at a time. No one regrets these restrictions more than I do—BUT THE SITUATION OUR NATION IS IN IS SERIOUS! If you go hunting this fall—REMEM BER PEARL HARBOR SAVE SOME FOR THE JAPS! Kenneth White Paterson’s Phone 802