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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
Thursday, April 30, 1942, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon 5 into police difficulties, escape from a patrol wagon with a racketeer, and while hiding from the police, set out to produce the composer*« show before its Broadway presenta tion, to prove its authorship. Homeward Bound—Cured! A FASCINATING TEAM— HOT WORK AT SHORT RANGE—The Thompson (''Tommy”) sub-machine gun in the hands of a trained infantryman offers a formidable combination which can spell the difference in fire-power when American troops clash with those of the enemy. Evangelical Church — ( WORK—These flashy 37-millimeter HERE’S PERFECT anti-tank units function with the snap and precision of a well-trained football backfield. Coupled to tiny “jeeps” the pieces can be drawn over the roughest terrain at speeds often in excess of 50 miles an hour. The crews prepare their guns for action in a matter of seconds. News of the Theatre Every steel rail that is made in the United States carries its own biography imprinted on it—when and where it was manufactured, the pnecess used, and clues to other es CHARACTER BECOMES sential facts about it. INDUSTRY— Guaranteed Watch Repairing w. T. JACOBS 1162 State Street Vernonia MOTHERS— Medical science has proved that milk is the most satisfactory food for growing ch’ldren and adults! G-ade A Milk & Cream Phone today for reg ular delivery to your home. Nehalem Dairy Products Go PHONE 471 —Harvey R. Scheuern an. Minister 9:45—Bible school under super- vision of H. E. John. 11:00— Morning worship with Bible message from the subject, “The Prayer Meeting of Pentecost.” 7:00—The E. L. C. E. meets in three groups for fellowship, prayer and lesson study. 8:00—Gospel song service with evangelistic Bible message. Wednesday at two o’clock the Woman’s Missionary Society meets in the church. Wednesday evening at eight the mid-week service of Prayer and Bible study. A Mother and Daughter program will be given Friday evening with Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Tamplin, mis sionaries to Bolivia under appoint ment off the Friends Church. 'Community welcome to all of our services. Christian Church —The Livingstones. Ministers 9:45—Bible school; M. L. Herrin, superintendent. 11:00—Communion service. 11:30—Morning sermon; subject— “The Complete Christian.” 6:30—Christian Endeavor Society meetings. 7:30—Song, evening communion nad preaching service; subject of sermon—“The Tower That Collaps ed.” Edgar Rice Burroughs’ celebrated character of “Tarzan,” which start ed out as a hero of fiction, has now became semething in the nature of an industry! Innumerable articles of commerce today pay royalties for use o', the “Tarzan” trademark. Twenty-five million Tarzan books have been sold, translated into 56 languages. They founded an elabor ate industrial network, including a Church of Jesus Christ newspaper comic strip, nationa. Of Latter Day Saints— Sunday school convenes at 10 ladio broadcast, and the Tarzan a. m. at the I. O. O. F. hall, under latest of wnich, motion pictures, “Ta zan's Secret Treasure,” opens the direction of Charles Ratkie, soon on the Joy screen, with John- superintendent. ny Weissmuller and Maureen O’Sul- Assembly of God Church livan again starred. —Rev. John W. Hodges, Pastor Sunday services: YOUTH IS ON PARADE— 9:45 A. M.—Bible school, direct Its climax an impressive presenta tion of “Ballad for Americans,” ed by Alban Colsen, superintendent. 11:00 A. M.—Morning worship, popular patriotic song hit, “Born to Sing” presents a cast of youthful f :30 P. M.—Christ Ambassador’s singing, dancing and acting prodi services. 7:45 P. M.—Evening services. gies, including several “discoveries,” Wednesday night, 7:45—Bible in a streamlined blend of harmony study and prayer meeting. and drama. Thursday, 2:00 P. M.—Ladies The story concerns the daughter of a composer, played by Miss missionary and prayer band. Friday, 7:45—Christ Ambas Weidler, whose father’s music has been stolen by a Broadway pro sadors. We invite everyone to be in our ducer. She enlists the aid of a group of youngsters, headed by Ray Mc services. Donald, who, in attempting to ob tain justice fbr the composer, get LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL y bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. ItltVCE Dry Cleaning Call and Delivery Service Classified Ads Lodges Clerk of Union High School District No. 1, of Vernonia, Oregon, until 8:00 P. M. Saturday, May 9, 1942, tor ninety (90) cords of four foot wood. Bids will be accepted on any of the following: Green old growth slab wood Second growth slab wood Green old growth wood Second growth wood This wood is to be of a size not smaller than eight inches cross sec- tion at smallest point.' Bidder to specify kind of wood. Vernonia Lodge No. 246 FOR SALE OR TRADE—For town property: 2 acres, 5 room semi modern house, garage, woodshed and chicken house; all kinds of berries Meets Every Tuesday city water and lights. One mile from 8 P. M. town on Stoney Point road. $1500. Harry George, N. G. See Carl Davis. 16 t 3 I.O.O.F. Dwight Strong, Secretary Business-Professional Directory G. J. Ten Brook, M. D. Physician and Surgeon ELIZABETH’S BEAUTY SALON Hall Vernonia 2nd and 4th Friday Night* 8 o’clock Arthur Kirk, W. P. Willis Johnson, W. Sec’y. 7-41 Knights of Pythias Harding Phone 431 Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings:—I. O. O. F. Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month. Elizabeth Horn Ha ir Stylist and Cosmetologist Pythian Sisters Dr. U. J. Bittner The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK Dentist Joy Theatre Bldg. Vernonia Temple No. 61 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings:— I. O. O. F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays Each Month 2-41 Phone 662 Order of Eastern Star 153, O. E. S. Regular Communi cation first and third Wednesdays of each month, at Masonic Temple. All visiting sister« and brothers wel come. Verla Porterfield, Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Secretary 1-43 Nehalem Invites You to Bank by Mail if Inconvenient to Come in Person Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon J. A. Thornburg, Präsident Nehalem Valley Motor Freight “THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK" Frank Hartwick, Proprietor Portland - Timber - Vernonia Sunset - Elsie - Cannon Beach Gearhart - Seaside Vernonia Telephone 1042 Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Roland D. Eby, M. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Town Office 891 NEAL W. BUSH Vernonia, Oregon Attorney at Law LYNCH AUTO PARTS RIVERVIEW Vernonia F. O. E. I.O.O.F. For Your Beauty Needs Oregon Laundry and Cleaners Phone 773 4-42 (Fraternal Order of Eagle*) Office Phone 72 Residence Phone 172 Office: Ben Brickel’s Barber Shop We close all day Sunday FOR RENT—4-room house with garden plot Ready after May 15th. Call 572. 17t3 FOR RENT—The Wright house or fields, or both, located one mil.* front Mist on Vernonia highway. See NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the county court of the state or write Mrs. Albert E. Wood, Kea- of Oregon for Columbia county. sey Route, on Stoney Point road. In the matter of the estate of 16 t 3 CHARLES S. HOFFMAN, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as executrix of the es TIMBER WANTED—Peeled fir pil tate of Charles S. Hoffman, deceas ing, all lengths. Quote price f. o. ed, has filed her final account in the county court of the state of Oregon b. shipping point, quantities can for Columbia county, and that Sat- supply, earliest shipment. Nieder- unday. May 16th, 1940, at the hour meyer-Martin Lumber Co., Spalding of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 18t7— said day and the court room of said court has been apponted by said court as the time and place for WANTED—75 strawberry pickers, After treatment in tuberculosis the hearing of objections thereto tents and stoves furnished. Reg hospital patient leaves for home, a and the settlement thereof. healthy person again. Dated and first published April ister with John Davidson, Rt. 1, Hillsboro or Herb Schram, Tre- 17th. 1942. Date of last publication May 15th, harne. 18tl 1942. Kate G. Hoffman Executrix WANTED— 29x4.75 or 5.00x20 NOTICE OF PLAT AND STREET David O. Bennett tires. Willard Ingermanson, Tim St. Helens, Oregon VACATION ber Rt., Vernonia, Ore. 18tl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Attorney that Mrs. H. D. Eggleston, H. D. HELP WANTED—Telephone opera Eggleston, LaVern G. Adams and tor for a small exchange. Some Agda A. Adams filed with the City Council of the City of Vernonia previous experience necessary. In on the 20th day of April, 1942, a quire Eagle office. 17t2— petition seeking the vacation of the following described portions of plats within Vernonia, Columbia County, WANTED—Girl for general house FOR SALE—4-year-old stud colt. Oregon, to-wit: work and care of 2 children for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block Weighs 1400 pounds. Dale Miller, employed couple. Good wages. In 5, Evergreen Park Addition ,o Mist, Ore. 18tl quire at Eagle office. 16 t 3 the Citv of Vernonia; Block 8, 9, 10, 14 and 15, Evergreen Park Addition to the City olf FOR SALE—2-piece Mohair over WANTED—Someone to plow field Vernonia; and Tract No. 1 in stuffed. Good condition, no moths. L. Sargent, three miles north of Block 6, Sunrise Addition to At new house east of high school Vennonia. 16 t 3 the City of Vernonia; 18t3— and the following described streets on B St. Call p. m. also to be vacated: WANTED—200 straw'berry pickers. First Avenue from Cedar FOR SALE—Drag saw, practically Free transportation daily. Regis Street, running between Blocks new, 2 blades. Also 1 14 H. P. ter at Frank Hartwick home, 192 6. 9 and 14 and Blocks 13, 10 gas engine, good condition. See Mr. North Street, Vernonia. Phone 1042. and 5, Evergreen Park Addi- tion. within the City of Ver- Thompson at Cedarwood Timber 16t4 nonia. Co. 18t3— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOUND—Set of three keys fqr that on the 1st day of June, 1942, at the hour of 7:30 o’clock p. m. FOR SALE—-Household furniture. General Motors car near planer at the City Hall of the City of Ver- Includes dishes, cooking utensils shed at O-A mill. Owner may have nonia, written objections or remon strances may be made and filed and miscellaneous articles. F. A. same by paying for this ad. 16t3— 18tl with the City Recorder, and at said Gray, Timber route. time will be heard or considered. LAWNMOWERS—Ground and re DATED that 20th day of April, paired by Electrakeen system. ROOM AND BOARD—in private 1942. home. Inquire at Eagle office. Price $1.00. Will call and deliver for Loel Roberts City Recorder, City of Vcnonia 17t3— $1.50. Guaranteed work. A. F. Scha- 18 to 22 lock, Riverview. 15 t d FOR SALE — Kerosene incubator. NOTICE 500 capacity. Good condition. $10. Notice is hereby given that bids 17t3 will be received by E. R. Mills, Call 572. Alterations and Repairing NEW and USED PARTS Gas and OIL Exert Auto Repairing Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 7:30 P. M FOR SALE—Packing boxes. Two fo-r 5c. Get them from J. C. “Abe” Lincoln, The Men’s Store. 12 tf — Legal Notices At The Churches ( STEEL RAIL BIOGRAPHY A brilliant new acting team looms on the cinema horizon in the persons of Robert Taylor and uana Turner, making their first appear ance together in M-G-M’s powerful ditima of a gangster’s career, “Johnny Eager.” The story gives Taylor the great est dramatic opportunity of his career as Johnny Eager, ruthless killer who knows no code except the rule olf self-preservation. Not until he has pinned a trumped up murder on the only girl who has been able to reach beneath his cold blooded exterior and find out what makes his heart work, does he make a momentary concession to the laws of human understanding—and then it is too late. Wood to be delivered and piled under the supervision of Mr. R. L. Spencer, Janitor, not later than August 1, 1942. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ATTEST: Oscar G. Weed Chairman E. R. Mills Clerk 16t2— Joy X- Theatre Bldg., Phone 663 In Vernonia Mondays and Tuesdays Chapter A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. A A. M. meet« at Masonic Temple, Stat ed Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thursday nights, 7:30 p. m. Visitors most cordially wel- tome. Special I meetings Friday nights. Elmore Knight, W. M. Glenn F. Hawkins, Sec. VERNONIA POST 11» AMERICAN LEGION Meets First Wed. • nd Third Mon. of Each Month. AUXILIARY First and Third Mondays