__________________ Thursday, April 30, 1942, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon 3 1 LEF’SBE SOCIABLE Garden Scene, Theme of Junior Prom— Business Women Plan Annual Picnic— The high school gymnasium was transformed last Saturday night in- to a garden for the annual Junior Prom. Bowers of flowers and g.eenery and soft blue lights were the decorations to carry out the theme. Garden swings were placed about the hall. Music was provided by Bob Ste- wart’s orchestra of Portland. Plans for the annual picnic to be held on the lawn of Mrs. Ralph Valpiani were made Tuesday night at the meeting Of the Vernonia Bus­ iness Women who were entertained by Miss Mildred Weed at her home. The picnic fare for the last meeting of the year centers about the main dish, delicious, Italian spagnetti prepared by the hostess. During the business meeting Tuesday, the program for next year '■‘as discussed with the members agreeing upon tentative plans to be developed during the summer by the program chairman. Miss Betty Mulkey, in charge of the lecture for the evening talked briefly on physical education and particularly the part it takes in the defense program. Wedding Anniversary, Birthday Honored— Mrs. Lee Jessee entertained with a dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Roediger’s sixth wedding anniversary and Mr. Jessee’s birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hewett and Mrs. Meva Wilson of Camas, Washing­ ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hewett of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Land­ Friendship Club sen and son of Riverview, Mr. and Entertained Thursday— Mrs. Harvey Crume was hostess Mrs. John Roediger and daughter, for members of the Friendship Club J an. and Mr. and Mrs. Jessee at her home last Thursday. In addi­ tion to the regular members at­ tending, Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Ma­ har were there as guests. A delic­ ious luncheon was served followed by a delightful guessing game con­ ducted by the president of the club, . . Clha.'les Biggs. Missionary Meeting To Be Held Wed.— The regular meeting of the Ev­ angelical Missionary Society is to be held Wednesday, May 6th at the church social hall. This meeting will also commemorate the annual birthday dinner. SHORTAGE RESULT Sales of honey, mclasses and ma­ ple syrup are increasing as a resu.t cf the sugar shortage. STANDARD GAS and OIL REPAIRING Open Sundays—Closed on Mondays Hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. LEADERSHIP to speed Oregon’s war effort. LEADERSHIP for Oregon’s tax problems. LEADERSHIP for Oregon’s indus­ trial development. LEADERSHIP that is efficient, effective, friendly. ROSE AVENUE GARAGE 717 Rose Ave. YOU LIKE TO EAT ;o why not eat where you will like the food FOR GOVERNOR Terminal Cafe - Pd. Ad». Snell for Gov. Comm. Jerry Sayler, Sec'y, £*lalt Bldg., Portland At! You will appreciate the ▼▼ Vlllvll quick, courteous service you get when you shop at Sam’s. The bent way to satisfy yourself that you will enjoy shopping here is to make a trial. SAM'S FOOD STORE GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES An Independent, Home-Owned Grocery FREE DELIVERY YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE JOY THEATRE Thursday and Friday, April 30, May 1 YOU’LL NEVER GET RICH Fred Astaire, Rita a Hayworth, Robert Benchley WEST OF ABILENE Charles Starrett, Marjorie Cooley Saturday, May 2 A YANK IN THE R. A. F. Tyrone Power, Betty Grable, John Sutton Sport Reel Comedy Sunday and Monday, May 3 and 4 TARZAN’S SECRET TREASURE Johnny Weissmuller, New« Maureen Comedy O’Sullivan, John Sheffield Sport Reel Tuesday, May 5 BORN TO SING Virginia Weidler, Ray McDonald, Leo Comedy Gorcey Cartoon Wednesday, Thursday and Frjday, May 6. 7 and 8 JOHNNY EAGER Robert Taylor, Lana Turner, Edward Cartoon__________________________________________ Arnold Sport Reel COMING—The Bugle Sound. — Courtship of Andy Hardy —— Maltese Falcon A Mrs. America Meets the War EDITOR’S NOTE: War touches every every on citizen. official This home column, government and based information and prepared by the Office for Em­ ergency Management, the will war affect show, Mrs. how America and her home. Benzo will have to start stiatxrh- ing—and he can blame his new dog troubles on a shortage alf roten­ one. Rotenone 's a chemical widely used as an ingredient in sprays and soaps for dogs, cats and other household pets, as well as a house­ hold insecticide. Now all such uses are prohibited. Unfortunately, the source of rotenone is certain woody plants grown mainly in Malaya and the Netherlands Indies, and our present supplies must be cons, wed for use as a spray for specified food crops. ... A lot of Mrs. Americas, handy with the needle, have been asking ebout putting the cuffs on hubby’s t 'ousers at home. But if you have any such plans, you are breaking the law as much as if you walked off with a necklace from Tiffany’s. The War Production Board order prohibits any person (and the pen­ alties are severe) fi