’■'iL'* 4 Thursday, April 23, 1942, Vernonia Eagle Vernonia Oregon the voting public still apathetic but showing a little more interest in the coming primary, the candidates will bring out their war drums and tom-toms in order to keep political interest alive. However, the politic­ WORTHY OF MENTION ally wise men still say less than 50 J ames P reston per cent oif the registered vote will Well worthy of mention is the work that has been done by During the next few months civ­ go to the polls election day. two groups of students at Vernonia high school, one the track ilians all over the country are go­ * • * team under the coaching of Mason McCoy and the other the ing to feel' the impact of war moie It may be just a coincidence, but singers who competed last week-end in the annual northwest strongly than ever before. Short­ we hear via the grapevine route Oregon district state high school music contest. Both groups ages like those that have already that Donald Nelson, big boss of have made very favorable showings in representing their school occurred in many lines of consumer WPB, has been requested to make in competition with like groups of other schools. goods are going to increase, and a personal investigation of why so A short time ago the track team competed in the Hayward increase rapidly, according to of­ many industries proposed and eve 1 Relay meet at Eugene and was successful to the extent that ficials here, as more and more in­ announced for the northwest are it retains a championship cup awarded to winners in the dustries change over to the grim shoo-flied away from this region. classification in which Vernonia competed. and sober business Of full-time war Chemical plants, aluminum plants, Last week-end high school soloists, the sextette and glee production. stainless steel plants have been, for club competed in the district music contest and rated high hon­ The experts say that an acute one reason or another, throttled. ors for their performances. metal shortage is rapidly developing There is a suspicion among some Both groups, the singers and the trackmen, and theii in­ congressmen of the northwest that cn the production front. It’s bound structors, Mrs. Sam Hearing, Jr., and Mason McCoy respective­ someone in the war production to cut still further t.. i i mount of ly have spent a sizeable amount of time, especially after school board is responsible for blocking metals now available for the manu­ hours, in preparing for the events. The showings that have i.een one thing after another that is facture of many of the articles that made have given Vernonia much favorable publicity and the ef­ planned for this area and is under­ are regarded as necessities in peace­ fort that has been expended and the results achieved deserve taking to sabotage any industry time. Army and Navy estimates for credit from the people of this community. that migjit become paramount after the current war program indicate the duration. By special messenger that military demand alone exceeds IS IT NECESSARY TO HAVE SUCH A COUNCILMAN? a letter inviting Nelson to look into the supply of many metals. This month five industries — the matter was sent 'from “the It is likely that the average citizen of Vernonia gives little hill,” citing stainless steel as a case laundry equipment, radios and thought to the actions of the city council as it deals with the history, suggesting other inquiries. phonographs, electric refrigeration, general order of business as that business arises from one meet­ There is ample hydroelectric pow­ vending machines, and vacuum ing to the next because, as is usually the case, those matters er in Oregon and Washington from cleaners—are going to stop making are dealt with in a satisfactory manner. However, at the coun­ government dams at Bonneville and civilian goods. No lawnmowers ex­ cil’s last meeting Monday evening an occurrence that deserves Grand Coulee to either build new cept those used to harvest crops wide mention did arise. Before continuing with some of the de­ aluminum plants or expand the may be turned out alter June 30. Iron and steel used in making beds tails of that occurrence, let it be understood that this concerns ones already built. Instead of in­ bedsprings and mattresses have al­ the actions of only one individual whose name will not be men­ creasing capacity in this area WPB ready been curtailed from 15 to 69 tioned and not the entire council. Those people that are suffic­ proposed more aluminum produc­ per cent. Iron, steel, and zinc used iently interested can easily learn the person’s name. tion at TVA, but TVA has every On Monday evening there appeared before the council a kilowatt under contract; and then in manufacturing scores of kitchen yommittee of two representing the chamber of commerce which it was announced aluminum plants and household articles will be cut up now enjoys a weekly attendance of 20 to 30 business and pro­ to 50 per cent, beginning June 30. would be placed in Boston, New fessional men of Vernonia. That committee appeared to ask for These reductions are only a few York and Chicago where private of the many that a-’e coming, but a pump to be used for fire protection should the city experience power would be abailable. That a large fire, it being the opinion of those attending the commer­ More Fir for MacArthur Aires. The ship was the West Mah- New York and Boston are on the they indicate what’s happening, and what’s going to happen in the fu­ cial club meeting that additional pumping equipment was highly Australia is a timber country, wah. After San Pedro, we were 37 ocean front and in a target area necessary as an emergency measure. ture, as industry continues to con­ outside its desert areas. There the days straight on deep waser. Down was ignored, despite army policy on To continue, the committee presented the request to the white .mbuntain ash (eucalyptus the South Pacific, through Magel­ the west coast. Well', these develop­ centrate on war production. WPB and OPA officials are frank­ council and immediately this councilman began a tirade against grows to the tallness o'f lan’s Strait, northward to B. A , ments were apparently dropped and the commercial club in general and against the spending of regnans) ly worried over the possibility of Douglas firs. The hoop pine is then some 400 miles up the Parana now WPB is asking for aluminum money for a pump in particular, stating that the city already our “panic buying” as a result of these a powerful tree of Queensland. River to Rosario, the Chicago of from Canada. In response, Canada scarcities. They realize that some­ possessed a pump that could be so used. says it can use its hydro power for Sassafras, myrtle and blackwood, as the Aigentine. Further testimony was presented pro and con on the pump’s well On the homeward voyage we took either aluminum or newsprint, and thing must be done to prevent runs as eucalyptus, produce timber condition and is not of interest here. on stores by anxious consumers, wages and dividends in Tasmania. on beef hides at Montevideo, coffee suggests WPB make the decision. What is of interest here is the attitude taken by that but so far no one has come up with at Santos, Brazil nuts at Parana — Most newsprint in the United States But for forty years and more the councilman, who, it is well to mention was being influenced in Aussies a workable solution to the problem. have been heavy importers up the Amazon—-more coffee at comes from Canada and diversion his remarks by intoxicating liquors. When the request was pre­ of Douglas fir for use in theii best Port of Columbia, and then we roll­ of power to aluminum would have SIGN POSTER sented, this councilman immediately took it upon himself to construction. They call it “Oregon” ed through the Carribean to the an effect on American newspapers. Sign outside of one lange war veto the suggested need, not allowing other councilmen to ex­ just that, even when it is fir Panama Canal and up the coast > Half a year has been lost in ar production plant: “We have been press themselves, and to air his views in stronger language — British Columbia. In their war California. ranging for more aluminum. than was necessary. During the course of the conversation, the from asked for the impossible. Let us do • * ♦ Five months for a round trip. Its year ending June 30, 1941, our remark was made by this person that he was not paid to look “.air dinkum” comrades of battle main business was delivery of fir Four chemical companies wished it, as usual.” after city affairs and to spend time attending council meetings still managed to raft some 80 mil­ from our forests—two million feet to locate in the Bonneville-Grand and that he would resign after the meeting closed. So far that lion super feet of “Oregon” across in the holds and a million feet Coulee area. There was talk of their resignation has not been tendered. lashed on the decks—to cons’ruction being placed at Pasco, Wenatchee Pacific. The purpose of this outline of happenings at the meeting the Australian lumber trade has meant jobs in the Argentine. Railroad and Spokane. For a time it looked is to ask the people of Vernonia if they consider that such a a lot to our tidewater mills, partic­ bridges, wool warehouses, shock­ as though one plant would be esta­ Vernonia Lodge No. 246 reception of a committee which appears in good faith should be ularly Grays Harbor and Goos yards, grain storage structures, box­ blished in some Puget Sound city. permitted. If that councilman cannot appear at meetings with­ Bay, in on times Only the Army cars, wooden ships—among all the Then WPB ordered one of the out the reenforcement of intoxicants and be civil to others it and Navy know past. what is going over forests of the world, timber from plants to Alabama, in TVA territ­ seems that he should be asked for his resignation if he does these days for war construction. We our woods in Washington and Ore­ ory, where it was to make phos­ Meets Every Tuesday not carry out that move himself. 8 P. M. can just be sure that heavy Austral­ gon was demanded by Argentine phates for Cotton farmers. This ian shipments from our forests in builders and engineers. boost for TVA was frustrated be­ Harry George, N. G. 4-42 other years are serving right now We’ve Got What It Takes cause TVA has no surplus power, Dwight Strong, Secretary That same demand rules with our but neither this nor any of the in many types of military buildings Vernonia F. O. E. Army and Navy engineers wherever other chemical plants was ordered down under. (Fraternal Order of Eagles) What timber-faller wouldn’t like war bases are being built. The story to the Columbia river. As the com­ found it necessary to raid them for to know that some .prime fir tree cf our forests going down to the panies interested expected the gov­ I.O.O.F. Hall possession of slot machines. brought down by his labor is now sea in ships on war missions .an’t ernment to put up the money, they floor, walls and rooif used by Gen­ be told now. But we can be jure naturally would go where WPB Vernonia WAR ORDERS IMPORTANT eral MacArthur or by MacArthur’s it’s the biggest story in the history proposed. Thus far no chemical in­ ATTORNEY SAYS SLOT AT LOCAL PLANTS— 2nd and 4th men somewhere in Australia? What of lumbering. dustry has been launched within MACHINES MUST GO— Evidence of the important part A base force without buildings reach of transmission lines from Friday Night» District Attorney Walden Dillard that war orders are playing in the sawyer Wouldn’t feel mighty pride Coulee. gave formal notice last Thursday business o'f local industries was ob­ in a certainty that structural lim­ is like an individual soldier without Bonneville or Grand 8 o'clock * • • that businessmen who have slot tained in a survey made this week bers from his headrig are now a uniform. The start Of those buildings must be at a tree — most When the late J. D. Ross took Arthur Kirk, W. P. machines—a st.-eamlined, newer mo­ by the chamber of commerce com­ hangar roof trusses for MacArthur’s likely a Douglas fir ten thousand over Bonneville one of the custom­ Willis Johnson, W. Set?'y. del of the well-known “one armed mittee which is preparing data for lip-roaring planes? 7-41 Hundreds of millions of feet from miles away, with two rugged timber­ ers he announced for cheap power bandit”— had better have the de­ an appeal to the federal housing Knights of Pythias vices out of their possession by authority in Washington, D. C. to our woods and mills are in such fallers swinging axes and pulling was a stainless steel company of Harding Lodge No. 116 Friday night, April 24 or face pos­ have St. Helens declared a defense service down there. Somebody fell­ a saw—“giving ’er snoose” to ax Baltimore, but nothing happened Vernonia, Oregon ed the trees. Somebody saweo ’em the Axis, to beat ’em with timber. until recently. This is a large con­ sible arrest by county authorities. housing critical area. The tradition of the American Meetings: —I. O. O. F. up. Here ’ s an old sergeant ’ s salute cern which can finance itself. It In issuing the notice, Mr. Dillard The checkup of industries here Hall, Second and also warned that anyone operating disclosed that at least 50 per cent to those somebodies. With a—“More timber-fighters goes back to the be­ has bought quantities of chrome in ginning of our history. And right Grant county, Oregon, has other de­ Fourth Mondays Each the machines likewise could be ar­ of the orders obtained in St. Helens fir for MacArthur!” now, in this war, mechanized though posits in southwestern Oregon and Down Argentine Way Month. rested if caught and he added that plants is going for defense purpos­ The Douglas fir lumber haul to it is, the work of the Douglas fir northern California. Chemists of owners o'f the devices might also es, while in some industries as much Pythian Sisters Australia is not so long as thui to timber-fighter extends around the the company have developed a for­ Vernonia Temple No. 61 feel the hand of the law. as 85 per cent of the business is the Argentine. Back in the days of world—to the plane factories of mula whereby a Io we- grade chromo Vernonia, Oregon The crackdown by the district at­ directly attributed to the war ef­ plenty and peace it was my luck > England ... to our fartherest war can be used than th > 40 per cent Meeting,:— I. O. O. F. Hall torney was apparently not aimed at fort. pet a ride with three million feet bases ... to MacArthur and his standard. Without cl- ime no armor Second and Fourth Wednesdays the numerous pin ball machines Each Month 2-41 of lumber from Aberdeen to Buenos men . . . would be available for tanks or which can be found in practically VOTER SIGN UP SLOW battleships. every county beer parlor or restau­ LAST TWO DAYS— Order of Eastern Star Voter registration during the two who enjoyed the hospitality. Agents of the stainless steel c. m- rant. These devices are licensed by Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. days before the books were closed pany browsed the northwest care ­ When Route 1 was established some towns, including St. Helens, Regular Communi­ fully. Having inspected Washii,,- and their legality is still open to was less than half what it was dur­ 20 years ago, the length in miles cation first and ing the same period prior to the ton, they looked at Baker, La was 29.5 with 175 boxes and the debate. ANO third Wednesdays Grande, I’endleton and The Dalles. of each month, at Mr. Dillard also cited the possi­ genetai election in 1940, according mail was taken three days a week. Masonic Temple. The company wanted water trans­ bility that places licensed by the to a count made in the county Mr. Parcher quit a job at Snider's clerk's office. All visiting sisters portation, rail, power and access mill which paid him $6.75 a day to Oregon liquor control commission and brothers wel­ About 100 persons appeared for carry the mail' for $93.50 per month. to its chrome deposits. Stainless would face suspension of these per Steel was ready to announce its ad­ Verla Porterfield, come. registration Monday and Tuesday of The length of the route is now Worthy Matron mits in the event county officials last week, while in the final two 62.60 miles. vent in the northwest when the Mona Gordon, Secretary 1-43 days before books closed in 1940 president of the company, then on CARSON SPEAKS TO approximately 250 voters signed up. the west coast, was advised to re­ A. F. & A. M. New registrations this year from LARGE GROUP HERE— turn immediately to Washington, Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Over 100 men including the en ­ MARVIN KAMHOLZ all county points totaled 250, but and whether WPB will sanction use A. F. & A. M. meets at Editor and Publisher gineers and American Legion mem ­ in this number there are several of Columbia river power remains Masonic Temple. Stat- bers heard Captain Joe Carson to be seen. ed Communication ____ First Entered as second class mail who mei'ely moved from one pre­ • * * Thursday of each month. matter, Aui’iHt I. 1922, at the post cinct to another. In addition there speak at a Legion meeting on Mon­ Special called meetings day night a week ago at the 1. O. office in Vernonia. Oregon, under So many industries on the verge jn all other Thursday nights, 7:30 are a number of cancellations of O. F. hall in Clatskanie. the act of March 3. 1879. cf moving to the Pacific northwest p. m. Visitors most cordially wel- registration, so there will probably Carson, who is department com­ Official newspaper of Vernonia, Ore have been diverted or discouraged eoine. not be much of a rise in the total mander of the American Legion Special Portland, Oregon, April 22—It’s (diverted generally to TVA) that gave one of his usual good talks in just about three weeks until Mr, Elmore Knight, W. M. number of voters registered here. there is a growing suspicion that which he urged an all out effort to and Mrs. Voter treck to the polls, Glenn F. Hawkins. Sec. 1-4« there may be dirty work at the O reg I o O lwspâ > îr win this war. to decide who is to be who on both crossroads; that there is some in­ VERNONIA P ublism | erjs z H sq £|*TION party tickets. These closing weeks POST 119 dividual within the framework of AUTOMATIC TURN-OUT * of the campaign will see the can­ AMERICAN TRACY PARCHER. 20 M PB who has been influencing the A new radio set automatically didates turning on the heat for all M t P I C A N « t S S Ä S S 011 »T10 M ¡I LEGION YEARS ON ROUTE— turns out the lights on outdoor it is worth in order to capture war board to the detriment of Ore­ Tracy Parcher has been the mail signs during blackouts. The set is every vote Meet, Fir,t Wed. possible. Governor gon and Washington. There is an and Third Mon. N ational A dveitisinc carrier on Route 1 Clatskanie for tuned to a near-by radio station; Sprague, who started slow, is now employe of TVA who is on advisor, of Each Month. the past 20 years. A party was giv­ REPRESENTATIVE AUXILIARY en at his home on Wednesday night when the station stops broadcasting, campaigning in high gear, and so but in the letter to Donald Nelson NEW YORK • CHICAGO . DETROIT Fir.t and Third Monday, and there were about 39 persons the radio switches off the lights. is his opponent, Earl Snell. With no names were mentioned. 1-41 Comments Week THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE Out of the Woods Lodges I.O.O.F. T County News St. Helens OREGON NEWS COMMENTS The Vernonia Eagle Clatskanie f