t Derno ■ Iwrsday, April 16, 1942 Armitage Drug Store Robbed Of Narcotics Exact Time of Robbery Not Determined by Au thorities Veinonia stores and residences apparently are becoming popular with those of a thieving nature if cne c n judge by the number of r bberies which have occured he.«* in the past few months. To cap two previous robberies, the Armitage Drug Store was forcibly entered late Sunday night or early Monday mo-ning of this week and a con siderable amount of narcotics and money trken. Time Not Known y A definite time lor the break was not determined by authorities, some judging the robbery to have occured befo.te midnight Sunday and others after the midnight hour on Monday. Entry into the store was mao. by forcing the lock of the front door in such a manner that considerable noise must h.,ve been made, au thorities judged, but no one was in the vicinity to hear the break. The door glass was not broken.' No knowledge of the loss, was known until Mi.nday morning when W. J Armitage, owner of the store, open ed for the day’s business. Taken from the store was $74 in paper money and approximately $1- 00 in narcotics, cocaine and mor phine being the two drugs lost. State police and federal authorities were called here immediately to work on the case. Two Previous Robberies Made v Previous robberies in the past few months were those of the George G. Paterson Furniture Store <.n November 6th when a fcnsider able quantity of guns and ammuni tion were taken and the Lew Flcat- en residence which was entered on Decembr 4th by Millard Sarver. Budget Committee Named by Board A reminder that the time for the making of budgets for the com ing school year is made with the appointment of the budget com mittee by the school board foi the Union high school. The appointment of names to serve on the budget committee was made a short time ago to include the following: C. W. Johnson, Wil liam Pringle, Sr., J. C. Moran, R. M. Aldrich and Charles Uhlin. Al- ernntes named were: John Grady and A. L. Kullander. The comniitt»e wHl meet May 9th to draw un the »rbonl’s cost sheet for the coming year. Leave for Portland---- Mrs. Ross Duncan and son, Bill, left this week to make their nome .n Port.and where Mr. Duncan has been employed the last few months by the Oregon Shipbuilding Cor poration. The Harold McEnaires have rented the Duncan farm lo cated oil Rock Creek. BROADSIDES that get RESULTS Vernonia Eagle Want Ads deliver a broadside that blankets the Vernon ia trade» territory. They offer you your only opportunity to reach, in one eperation, the entire field of prospective cus tomers economically and quickly! A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU u, Oi ir E a<yQ Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon First Quota of Airplane Models Completed, Judged The first quota oif model airplanes which are being constructed by a group of Vernonia high school students was completed this week and judged by the civilian committee of craftsmen which was named to evaluate the work done by the students. The planes are built on a solid scale for the Navy and the work was done by the industrial arts classes under the direction of Glenn Ely, manual arts instructor. The building of the models was started here the latter part of Feb ruary under a p ogram that will !»ovide 10,000 models of each of 50 d’fferent types of fighting craft, Men between the ages of 45 and 500,000 in all. The models re need ed for training in aircraft recogni 65 will register for duty in the tion and gunnery sighting practice. rimed forces on Monday, April 27 In addition the .public may make use and arrangements are being made of the m.dels for education in air heie by R. A. Bramblett to con craft recognition. duct this legistration on February Ju- ng Done Tuesday 16. v udging of the planes was done Mr. Bramblett, in announcing the Tuesday evening by the committee place of the registration, urged chat which consists of Emil Messing, chairman, J. W. Nichols, Paui Gor those who can, be sure to complete don, C. M. Johnson, Mike Willard the detail in the early hours of the and Harry Culbertson. Nineteen of day so that those men who mute the 20 planes completed were ac register after wonk will not be hin cepted by the committee as OK and dered. will be sent to the Naval St tion at The hall will be open at 7 o’clock Oakland, California. The boys mak that morning and those who come ing the planes will receive certifi will be signed until 9 o’clock that cates of award entitled “Cadet Air evening. C taftsmen.” When the men go to the places to Fourteen boys were instrumental in the work: Bernard Lamping, Lee register they should know definitely Lindsley, Emerson White, Lloyd the month, day, and year of their Stuve, Jimmie Snider, Nelson Bird. birth, place of birth, and perman Leonard Belongia, Fred Busch, Wil- ent residence and mailing address, ted Holce, Carroll Keasey, Jack if different from their permanent Bergerson, Jim Furnish, Norman address. Figgins and George Armstrong. The committee expressed special commendation on the work of Lloyd Stuve who was rated as doing the best work of any on the two planes built by him. The pl"nes«will be on display this week-end in the show wind >w of The hiriifg of a county health Miller’s store. nurse immediately and the setting up of funds for the hiring of an ad ditional health nurse were the re quests made at a meeting Sunday r.ight in Clatskanie of a county health group. The action was taken as a result of the resignation of Miss Nettie Alley, former County The names of high school stu Red Cress nurse, and the uncertain- dents who rated honor roll mention tv of the county court as to the hir for the next to the last six weeks ing of a nurse to fill the vacancy. period were released this week. Both the senior and freshmen classes The Clatskanie meeting was at warrant equal honors for placing tended by E. H. Condit, grade the most students on the roll, seven school superintendent, who reported members oif each class reeiving suf the action taken there Sunday even ficiently high grades to receive men ing. tion. Group Favors Appointment The names of the students and their classes are: The health group went on rec Seniors: Virgie Killian, Lillian ord favoring the appointment of a Laird, Etha Morris, Jack Olin, Wini county health nurse immediately fred Romtvedt, Opal Scheuerman. and asking that funds be provided in and Martha Tapp. the next county budget for an ad Juniors: Margaret Anderson, Rob ditional nurse, the need Tor two ert Kent, Arthur Tousley and Joy nurses being necessary at this time, Willard. it was judged. The State Board of Sophomores: Mary Hall and Lor Health also recommends that coun- raine Mahar. t;es of this size have two nurses, Freshmen: Delores Bergstrom, it was stated. The recommendations Phyllis Bonsiaw; Tommie Lou Hol made Sunday night were turned over comb, Mary Beth Lish, Max Millis, to Joe Miller, county commissioner, Shidley Ray and Marvin Turner. who was present at the meeting. April 27th, Time For Registration Raid Wardens Making Calls On Homes Thursday Evening Meet ing Hears Discussion of Problems Those men who have been named as air raid wardens for the Upper Nehalem Valley met last Thuisday evening to discuss problems relative to their work and to plan for house- to-house call's, Wallace MicCrae, chief air raid warden stated this week. The wardens have an impor tant position under the civilian de fense organization in that they must know every home and person living in their respecive district and know what is to be done in the event of an air raid. Hot Lunches for Students Talked Hot lunches for children of the grade schools may be a feature of their school life beginning with the opening oif the next year of school this coming fall if discussions of the lunch problem at recent grade school boaud meetings develop into reality. The problem of installing facilities for serving noon lunches has been discussed at two different times, once last Saturday night and again at a meeting a month previous to that time. detail will receive further considera tion when the budget committee of the grade school meets on May 9th. As was stated this week, the board of District 47 feels the need for the project and the need that the pro ject be properly undertaken. A group of ladies interested in home demonstration work first ask ed that the matter be given con sideration as to costs and details which would be necessary to in stall the service. Representatives of other civic organizations have also given the matter some thought and we'le present last Saturday night to meet with the board and discuss the matter. Vernonia high school is entering in the Northwest District Music con test this year, a girls’ glee club, a girls’ sextette and four vocal solo ists. This is the first time soloists have competed. The contest this year will be held in Hillsboro Friday and Saturday, Aprl 17 and 18. In planning for a satisfactory arrangement of duties, the Vernonia territory has been divided into 12 districts with one warden appointed in each district to supervise the Approximate Cost, $1500 work. Each warden has then named As nearly as could be determined, those to assist him, the number f assistants varying from three o the necessary equipment would cost $1500. Although it is likely that five men. WPA assistance will not be avail When the warden makes his call able, the possibility of obtaining a at homes he will, in addition to ac WPA cook is being considered so quainting himself with details nec that the outright cost of hiring a essary to do his work successfully, cook would be somewhat relieved leave a bulletm which should be As to the matter of costs, chat kept in the home for reference. Should some hemes mt be contact ed and a bulletin not be received, one may be obtained by calling Mr. McCrae at the Vernonia high school. Health Group Asks For County Nurse Order Numbers Posted Here Honor Students' Names Mentioned Volume 19, Number 16 Victory Book Day Proclaimed President Roosevelt Tuesday pro claimed Friday, April 17th as Vic tory Book Day, and a time ask ed Americans everywhere to contri bute as many good books as they can spare to the men in the armed forces, the soldiers, sailors and ma rines at home and overseas who, while fighting and training to fight, still have time to read and apprec iate a good book. The order numbers and names of those Columbia county men who registered for duty in the armed forces on February 16th were post ed at the O;egon Gas and Electric company office Tuesday afternoon of this week upon receipt of the in formation from the Columbia Coun ty Board at St. Helens that day. A partial list of the names were The setting aside of that day published last week in the St. brings to mind again that many Helens Sentinel-Mist. books have been collected in Ver A total of 1359 county met. reg nonia but that there are probably istered February 16th of which a good many more that could be numbed, 269 were registered at the IWA hall here and 42 at Camp Mc turned over to the armed forces. Gregor. The Vernonia library is the collec tion center here for those who have The order numbers posted on the O G and E window begin witn a books. When they are turned in to base of 10,000, the number 1 reg the library they wll be forwarded istrant on the February 16th sign to the proper authorities. up having an odder number of 10,001. Dog Owners Given Men instructors from Columbia county schools will attend a meet Notice by Marshal Schoolmasters to Meet ing of the Schoolmasters Club, the A notice served to all dog own last of the year, at Scappoose Mon ers is published in this week’s Ver day evening, April 20. nonia Eagle. Due to complaints re ceived from a number of persons of the city concerning dogs running at large, Marshal A. D. Lolley Harold Holding. Mist; George Her states that after April 16, any dog, bert Gettman, Vernonia; John Theo whether with license or not, caught dore Unden, Clatskanie; Robert running loose on property other Brooke Welsh, Vernonia; Elmer than its owner’s will be apprehend Emanuel Jensen, St. Helens; George ed and will not be returned to the Isaac Tomberg, Clatskanie; Kenneth owner until a penalty or fine speci Cannon, Scappoose; Otto Frederick fied by the city ordinance be .»aid Oja, Clatskanie; Richard Earl Da •by the owner for violating the law vey, Columbia City; Clarence Fred governing dogs running at large. erick Olson, Clatskanie; Carl Victor Eilertson, Clatskanie; Benjamin Eugene Rupp, St. Hel ens; Milton Albert Henderson, Mist; Eudor Alphonse Constantin, St. Hel lene; Walter Alexander Mustola, Clatskanie; Frank Rogers, Vernon A notice from W. E. Cilawford, ia; Francis Arthur Vostral, Scapp secretary-treasurer of the Columbia oose; Oswald Walker, Viuhkola, County Livestock Association, this Mayger; Neilo Oscar Koski, Clats week announces the annual meeting kanie; Virgil Arthur Gates, Scap of the association at the Yankton poose; Gerald Leroy Forbes, St. Grange Hall Friday of this week, Helens; Oscar John Halhtrom, St. April 17. Helene; John Michael Tomberg, The meeting wtl begin at 7:30 Clatskanie; James Leslie Roy Thompson, Vernonia; Carl Simon p. m. with an election of officers DuBois, Columbia City; Wesley Ira for the coming year and the trans Kinney, St. Helens; Robert Pete action of any other business that Rasmussen, St. Helens; Johnnie Ko- may come before the group. Transportation of livestock in vack, St. Helens; Russell Jennings Dees, St. Helens; Clarence Chester case of an invasion and precautions Anderson; Lester Allen Mitchell, m the event of incendiary bombs Scappoose; John Henry Cross, St. will be discussed, the announcement states. Helens. Largest Group Leaves County for Army The largest group of men to be called by draft into the armed fen ces left Columbia county Wednes day. The men numbered 90, the lar gest former call being 60 last month. The names of those who left in the last call are: Harry Lind Olson, Clatskanie; Henry Robinson, Bi.kenfeld; Clifford Aufton Tom bleson, Rainier; Guy Robert Sny der, Rainier; Gilbert Franc Palo- maki, Clatskanie; Edward Henry Ryding, Clatskanie; McDonald Hugh Caples, Columbia City; Leslie Leon ard Alder, Frank Joseph Trtek, Scappoose; Joe Warner, Vernonia; John Her man Kallunki, Rainier; Donald Francis McGinnis, Rainier; Wayne Kukka, Clatskanie; Clifford Her bert Larson, Rainier; Kenneth El mer Flecher. Goble; Albert Forrest Fcigbt, Scappoose; Merle Vance Cantwell. Goble: Hugh McCoy, St. Helens; Harvey Edwa-d Cade, ttoul- ton; Jim Melvin McClung. Clats kanie; Gilbert Edwin Wilber Clarl- son. Woodson; Eino Abram Wirk- kala, Quincy; Jerome Mathew Frank, St. Helens; Onnie Bloom- quist. Clatskanie; Floyd Raymond Tuom, Clatskanie; Ronald Paul Fetsch, Vernonia; Ben Huston Sis co, Rainier; Ernest John Wernonen, Clatskan ie; Francis William Tichenor, Clats- k..nie; Erick Evald Josephson, War- len; Harry Clarence Stenerson, Vroodson; Bent Saxton, Scappoose; Warren Harding Jones, Clatskanie; Harry Calvin Etzwiler, Rainer; George Elmer Tuononen, Clatskan ie; Ross Burton Wilkins, Vernonia; Howard Francis Thompson, Clatskan ie; Lino Romiti, Houlton; Jewel Creston Parrish, Goble; Elvin Wal ter Danielson, Clatskanie; Wesley Mitchell Lewison, Clatskanie; Lewis Howard Peterson, Clatskanie; Haw kin Alvin Stenerson, Woodson; Wil lard Anton Zatterberg, Columbia City; Oiva Edward Alder, Clatsxan- ie; Ernest Everrett Erickson, Quin cy; Eino Ulyus Palomaki, Clatskanie; Frtz George Lundberg, Clatskanie; Albert Guy Closner, Clatskanie; Stanley Raymond Beyers, Scappoose; Asa McVay Irby, Rainier; George Anselm Luoma, Clstskanie; Donald Melvin Anderson, Clatskanie; Mar vin Dixon Link, Goble; William A. Litherland, St. Helens; Benjamin Joseph Fcwler, Vernonia; Harold William Cook, St. Helens; William Edward Winchell, Rainier; George Livestock Men To Meet Friday High School to Vie in Contest The glee club, consisting o’f 23 members and the accompanist, Ei leen Enos, will sing “Adoramus Te, Cristi,” and “Rain and the River.” Three-quarter length vestments with white collars will be woitn over black skirt*. Sextette members will sing “The Lass with the Delicate Air” and “Moonlit Lake of the Isles.” The girls, Opal Scheuerman, Mary Beth Lish, Joy Willard, Virginia Redner, Mary Lee Hall and Evelyn Heading will wear navy blue and white dres ses. Soloists Mentioned Entering the soloists’ division are Opal Scheuerman, singing “Hol Mr. Piper;” Joy Willard, “I Know a Lovely Garden;” Mary Lee Hall, “Pirate Dreams;” and Virginia Red- r.er, “Out of My Soul’s Deep Sad ness.” Members of the glee club are: Phyllis Bonsilaw, Tommie Lou Hol comb, Dorothy Sasse, Opal Scheuer man, Eleanor Corlt, Shirley Anne Brady, Martha Tapp, Evelyn Hear ing, Mary Lee Hall, Maxine Steele, Virginia Redner, Etha Morris, Joy Willard, Lucille Colsen, Marjorie Keasey, Rosalie Driscoll, Evelyn Morris, Marjorie Lolley, Mary Beth Lish, Vona Wiedman, Helen Fowler, Marietta Hodgeson and Norma Jean Latimer. Director of vocal music in the high school is Mrs. Sam Hear ing. Vernonia Relay Men Break Record The Vernonia Logger relay track team broke a former record in the class C quadter-mile relay and won. also, the three-quarter-mile relay to retain its Hayward relay cup won last year. The events were run last Friday at Eugene in the sixth annual Hayward meet. The former record of the quar- ter-mile relay for classs C teams was made last year by Vernonia with a time of :46.8. That record was bested Friday with a time of :46.2 to set the new record. Logger runners and the order in which they Han in the quarter-mite event Edgar Culbertson, Cloice Hall, Wil fred Holce and Claire Sunnelt. Running in the three-quaFter- mile relay were Culbertson, Sunnell and Fred Lusby. Time for that «vent was 1:34. The Ixigger track men go to Beaverton today, Thursday, to en ter the Beaverton relays. Eight teams will enter that event. Sarver Get« Two Year« Milland F. Sarver, 27, was sen tenced Monday by Circuit Judge Howard Zimmerman to a two-year term for the robbery of the Lew Floaten residence here December 4th of last year. Sarver will serve his term in the state penitentiary. According to Sheriff M. R. Colboun, Sarver was at liberty on his own recognizance on condition that he enlist in the armed forces, but hav ing failed to do so, he received the sentence Monday.