Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 15, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday, Jan. 15, 1942, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon
hides? A. Yes.
Q. Where qualified trucks are
used over extensive areas, to which
board should owner apply for tires?
A. To the local board in the state
and county where the trucks are
X-ray Finds Tuberculosis in Young Girl
News of the
Doctor (above) shows young girl where tuberculosis has affected her
lungs. Part of activities of tuberculosis associations, which are supported
by Christmas Seals, is to find persons who have the disease.
Thrilling action of Amercian de­
fense preparedness is adroitly wov­
en into “Down in San Diego,” new
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture.
With a cast of talented young
players directed by Robert B. Sin­
clair, the story concerns a group
of youngsters who become involved
accidentally with a spy ring in San
How the boys cooperate with the
U. S. Marines in a daring capture
provides a modern touch that is as
new as today’s newspaper headlines.
for the Damon Runyon film was to
train Miss Barnes in prizefighting
and wrestle holds so that she could
make a convincing performance in
her free-for-all battle with John
Howard and Brod Crawford. Frank-
ovich was a former All-American
football player, and is now a lead­
ing radio sportscaster.
Echoes of the bootleg liquor era,
the days of the gangster chief and
his mob, are heard in Universal’s
“Hit the Road.”
Based on an incident of prohibi­
tion days, the story deals with four
boys, orphaned sons of gangsters
slain in an underworld mass mur­
der. They are paroled from reform
school in the custody of the man
who was the chief of the gang of
which their fathers were members.
real-life rotes as man-and-mate to been cut to 3.84 cents and is stead­
engage in one of the sprightliest ily being lowered.
series of marital mix-ups that has
screwballed to the screen this sea­
In the story of “Model Wife,”
Miss Blondell and Powell are em­
ployees at Benson’s, a gown shop
so exclusive one has to have a for­
mal introduction to speak to the
License Granted Laundry
The Vernonia Laundry, managed
by Joe Inouye, has been granted a
federal license to continue its op­
eration it was announced here this
week. The license permits the cash­
ing of any checks which were re­
fused for payment after the declar­
ation of war. The license grants the
manager the right “to have your
place of business remain open and
operate as a generally licensed na­
tional under General License No.
Jerry Colonna, who says he draws 68A.”
the line at using his walrus must­
ache to sweep up ice, declined the SECURITIES MARKETS
job of skating in Republic’s “Ice-
Approximately half the people in
Capades,” in which he is a featured
America have a direct, personal in­
comedian. The studio prop depart­
terest in securities markets, either
ment made the rounds of all the as owners of securities or as hold­
museums and finally located a pair ers of life insurance policies x>r sav­
of skates equipped with double ings accounts.
runners for Colonna’s special uene-
areas eligible vehicles? A. No.
Not since his stellar performance
Q. Are trucks used for retail in “My Man Godfrey” has Mischa
deliveries of heavy goods such as Auer been assigned a role so' thor­
Twenty years ago the average
furniture, eligible vehicles? A. No. oughly suited to his own original ‘MODEL WIFE,’ HILARIOUS
rate for electricity for domestic
brand of humor as the one he por- STORY OF MIX-UPS—
Q. Does the OPA set quotas limit­
In “Model Wife,” Joan Blondell service was 7.45 cents a kilowatt
trays in Universal’s new laugh sen-
and Dick Powell step out of their hour; by the end of 1940 it nad
Q. Are seconds of new tires or ing the number of tires which each sation, “Cracked Nuts.”
tubes “new” tires or tubes A. Yes. dealer may sell? A. No. No quotas
In “Cracked Nuts,” Auer por-
Q. Are bicycle tires within the apply to sales by dealers. Local trays the self-styled inventor of a
scope of the rationing regulations? boaids cannot issue tire certificates mechanical man. Mischa, it is said,
for new tires or tubes in excess of has been afforded the opportunity
A. No.
Q. Can tires in possession of a the quotas assigned to them. Deal­ to bring into play every mirth-jerk­
seller on which part or full payment ers may sell as many tires or tubes ing trick he has ever wanted to rry
has been made be delivered to the ar they are requested by purchas­ out on audiences.
ers who hold tire certificates.
purchaser? A. No.
Q. When will a company using PAYNE, SONJA HENIE STAR
Q. Can tires now owned and in
possession of a fleet operator bo trucks to transport coal be able to IN ‘SUN VALLEY SERENADE’—
The new entertainment triumph
transferred from one of his fleet get tires? A. Any time after Janu­
of garages to another; from truck ary 5 it may apply to the local from 20th iCentury-Fox, “Sun Val­
board in its area and the board has ley Serenade,” starring Sonjo Henie
to truck? A. Yes.
Q. Can tire dealers exchange tires available for it within its and John Payne is slated to open
soon at the Joy Theatre.
white wall tires owned by them for quota.
With a featured cast headed by
Q. <Can local tire rationing boards
black wall tires owned by auto­
charge a fee for the issuance of a the nation’s number one band,
Prices are for Friday, January 16th
mobile dealers? A. No.
to Monday, January 19th, inci.
Q. Have the local board any dis­ tire certificate? A. No, Exaction Glenn Miller and his Orchestra, and
Pancake FlourH-
cretion in extending the list of elig­ of a fee under color of authority including Milton Berle, Lynn Bari,
Peacock Buckwheat’ll,^ 65c
in violation of regulations will be Joan Davis and the Nicholas
ible classes? A. No.
Brothers, this new musical snows
Q. To whom must one apply for a federal , offense.
F|«ur?^L:.9Jb $l.3«24s*? 75c
Q. If a tire dealer has sold a tire Sonja in spectacular new skating
Fresh Lard Lbi7c 4-ib ctn 63c
modification of the list? A. neon
Henderson, Office of Price Admin and has guaranteed to replace it numbers and breathtaking skiing
Calumet Baking Powder %> lb 39c
with a new tire if the original tire
istration, Washington.
Vanilla Extract
2-ot. botti« 32c
Q. Is a hearse an eligible vehicle? proved defective, can the tire own­ NEWLYWEDS APPEAR
Ritz Crackers
1-lb. carton 21c
A. No. In emergences ambulances, er exchange a tire which proves TOGETHER IN COMEDY—
which are on the eligible list, may defective for a new tire? A. No.
Graham Crackers
For the first time that they have
2-lb carton 19c
AIRWAY Coffee 19* 3 L%55<
If the person is entitled to an ad- appeared together on the screen,
be used as hearses.
Marasca Jam Asstd
No 5 can 63c
Q. Is a truck used to deliver coal justment on the guarantee he should Binnie Barnes and Mike Franko-
Peanut Butter Real Roast 2-lb. jar 29c
I Edwards
to both manufactures and private seek a monetary settlement.
vich, who recently were married,
Apple Butter Libby
33-or jar 2 fl C
Iba.. 27« lb HOUSE
it ...31«
consumers entitled to tires? A. Yes.
Q. Does the list of eligible ve- .are featured in “Tight Shoes.”
[ 2 -53c
Pearls of Wheat
Large Pkg- 23c
2* 59c
Q. Does the exception in the sec­ hicles set forth the order of pre­
One of Frankovich’s assignments
Wheaties or Klx £?«■. 2 pkg« 21c
tion relating to deliveries to ultimate ference in which the classes of
consumer prohibit delivery of coal eligible vehicles are to be granted
tire certificates? A. No.
to an ultimate consumer? A. No.
Q. Are trucks used to repair tele­
Q. Are trucks used by a retail
graph lines eligible vehicles? A. Yes. grocer to obtain supplies from
Q. Are passenger cars used to re­ wholesalers entitled to tires? A. Yes
pair telegraph lines eligible vehicles? provided they are not also for re­
tail' deliveries or other non-qualifi-
A. No.
Q. Are cars used to deliver tele­ ed uses.
grams in rural areas eligible ve­
Q. Can an employe of a mining
hicles? A. No.
or manufacturing company who uses
Q. Are wholesale grocers’ trucks, his car to travel to and from his
used to make deliveries to retailers, plant or between plants of the co>.
eligible vehicles? A. Yes.
pany secure a certificate for tires?
Q. Are passenger cars used by A. No.
wholesale grocers to make deliveries
Q. Can a person using a passen­
or to solicit sales eligible vehicles? ger car for supervisory work on a
A. No.
defense project get a certificate
Q. Are wholesale grocers’ trucks from the local tire rationing board?
used for sales and for solicitation A. No. If the car has been used
or sales and for deliveries eligible for the last six months to the ex­
vehicles? A. Only when the deliv­ tent of 75 per cent or more on
eries and solicitations coincide. army or navy work, there is a pos­ AMERICA ON GUARD!
Trucks cannot be used as salesmen’s sibility that he may be able to get
Above is a reproduction of the
a priority rating which will entitle
Treasury Department’s Defense
Q. Are trucks used by newspapers him to purchase tires without a cer­ Savings Poster, showing an exact
duplication of the original “Minute
tc make deliveries of newspapers in tificate.
” statue by famed sculptor
wholesale lots to news dealers elig­
Q. Are trucks used to transport Man
Chester French. Defense
ible vehicles? A. Yes.
laundry from central dry cleaning Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your
Kaffee Hag COFFEE
lb. can 34c
Q. Are trucks used for delivery establishments or laundry establish­ bank or post office, are a vital part
of America's defense preparations.
Sank a Coffee d » p or Reg Lb. can 35c
of single papers to homes in rural ments to retail stores eligible ve-
Questions, Answers
On Rationing Told
Don’t scatter your shot and
expect to get results. Concen­
trate it—aim at one target,
one market. You reach the
greatest number of people in
Vernonia and the Upper Ne­
halem Valley by advertising
consistently in this area’s best
medium to carry that message
Sunbrite Cleanser 2 for 9c
Beans Briar Gate 2’s 2 for 250
Pumpkin*? 2%'ea„3 for 250
Hominy VJ*-”S’?“ 90
Highway Kraut °. 2% gc
Pineapple BNr:k“/ice 160
Peacock Farina^«» sack 49c
Cocoa Our Mother's 2-lb. carton
Canterbury Tea bi .<* i , u >
Lipton's Tea pi.a
h - u >. piq
Cherub Milk Tall Tina
4 for
J tails
Baby Foods
4 c... 25c
Fruit CocktailH sl,ss De'|?0h'No. 1 13c
Pineapple Broken Sliced No 2*^ can 17c
Kraft Cheese K"* ’"“Tib i..i 69c
Sardiness & w h * i5c
Oysters b . iu . hoci
isvi -ox can 15c
S&jfl)0l1 Biltmore Chinook No V, can 2 I C
Corned Beef Libby's 12-oz,
Macaroni Port.,', cut
14 ot cello
fable Salt
81b bag
Hershey Bars
3 5c size
Hershey Large Bars
2 lor
Rinse Gran. Soap
234 01
21 c
At Safeway every
cut is guaranteed
to please you—or
money back!
1 0c
1 9c
Pancake Flour ft’* 530
Pancake Flour
Sonp££'J:l"3 for 260
3 lbs.
Grapefruit Juice ' .: „‘1.190
Fr. Amer. Macaroni
Fig Bars
2 lbs. 21c
Popcorn 2-lb. bag 17c
34 c
Milk Borden’s Eagle Brand 2
Rancho Soups Aesd
lO’^ ox. can 5c
Tomato Juice
n » 10. 39c
2 N°.j’4 29c
2 n » 2”«.. 23c
Pork & Beans v*'v “
Ten million books will be
sought for men of the United
States armed forces and Mer­
chant Marine through this
poster, designed by the Na­
tionally known illustrator, C.
B. Falls. Sponsors of the Vic­
tory Book Campaign are the
American Red Cross, Ameri­
can Library Association and
the United Service Organiza­
Boned and Tied Picnics lb. 350
Bacon, any size lb. 27c
Sirloin Steak
lb. 35c
Bacon Jowls .... lb. 19c
lb. 24c
P°rk R°ast
Fresh Oysters Pint 25c
Pork Shank .... lb. 17 q
Center Cut
\J¡¿¡ dated P
Granulated Swap
24-01 pkg.
juicy navels ......... lb. gc
Nlblets Corn
12-os can
Wesson Oil
Pt 27c Qt
■ay Day Salad Oil
Qt <*■
Raisins su. m .,< i Heew 3
APPLES Winesaps ex fey
TEXAS YAMS kiln dried
RUTABABAS clean stock
TOMATOES field-grown
Seedless ..... lb.
lb 6iic
lb 6Hc
lb 3 He
lb. 17c