Thursday, Jan. 15, 1942, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon 2 yOUK TOWN’S TOPICS pard Field, Wichita Falls, Texas. Las? week. The Eagle was given Mrs. Whedbee returned to her home to understand that the treasu.. C Wednesday. for the city was given a raise in Enlist* in Naval Reserve— salary. to City Treasurer Hale Graves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hieber, the salary remains the same W. T. Graves, enlisted in the Naval as previously. Reserve Monday. He formerly work ed with the Consolidated Aircraft Nebraskan Visits— Mrs. C. Grafton of Lexington, corporation in San Diego until Nebraska, arrived last week to visit Christmas which he spent here visit her mother, Mrs. Demarest, and her ing his parents. Graves has served brothers, the Linn boys, as tfell at a previous enlistment in the Navy, other relatives here. Before return being released about two years ago. ing to her home, Mrs. Grafton will Flu Prevent* Work---- visit her son in California. She re Buddy George, clerk at the Hoff ports that when she left her home man Hardware company, was ill on January 2, the temperature was with the flu the forepart of this 18 degrees below zero. week. NOTb— Ihla is not a a order farm. Thr Signor will buy Dafeiiaa Savin«* Bwesda by one of the method* liatod below: The United States Civil Service commission announces the following open competitive exams: Power Lineman (high tension transmission lines) Helper, Lineman; Senior Fire fighter (motor equipment), Fire- fighter (motor equipment). Apply Manager, Eleventh U. S. Civil Ser vice District, P. O. Building, Seattle, Washington. Latest equipment for testing and repairing radios. Bring them to the Bush Furniture Store. Experienced repairman. 3tl — DePue in Missouri— Robert DePue, according to word from Fort Lewis, has been sent to bort Leonard Wood, Missouri, where he is assigned to the engineering training center. Daughter Visited— Pledge* Fraternity— Clifford Bergerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bergerson, re cently pledged Gamma Sigma, soc ial fraternity, on the Pacific Univ ersity campus. Bergerson is one of the yell kings for the school. Visit* Family Here---- Mrs. Merlin Whedbee of Portland rpent Tuesday night here visiting with her parents, the Hamp Rober sons, and with her brother, Hamp, Jr., who left Wednesday ofr Shep- Mrs. A. V. Mowe returned home Friday from a visit in Portland with her daughter, Mrs. Bert bnort. While there she attended a wedding party for her son, Maurice, who was married January 3rd at v an- couver. He has employment in Port land and will make his home there. On the way home she stopped at the home of another daughter, Mrs. Walter Watkin, who husband has the Cornelius Cabinet Shop in Cor nelius. School Friend Visited— Call Us If you have any scrap iron to dispose of for the Vernonia drive. We will haul it for you free of charge if you have no other means of transportation. Vernonia Trading Co. Vernonia, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mowe watch ed the old year out and the new year in and enjoyed New Year’s dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heinan of Portland. Mrs. Heinan was an old time schoolmate of Mrs. Mowe’s. Family Safe— Mrs. Mike Willard received word Wednesday morning from her sis ter, Mrs. Clyde Phillips, the former Melba Laramore, who has been re siding in the Hawaiian Islands since her marriage 9 years ago to Dr Phillips. The sister writes that , >ey and their two daughters are well and safe though they feel the ef fects of the bombing on December 7. On the island of Hilo, 100 miles from Pearl Harbor, schools have been closed; blackouts are every night; 10 gallons of gasoline a month is the ration to car owners. Mrs. Phillips wrote that the only fear is that of food shortage. The letter which came by Clipper was mailed January 5. Get Your Used Car NOW While They Are Still Available! ’35 PLYMOUTH COUPE— Good rubber $J50 ’33 PLYMOUTH COUPE— New paint,... CfiC Fair rubber............................................. ’29 CHEVROLET SEDAN .............................. ’35 OLDSMOBILE ......................................... $200 HARRY MORRIS Phone 211 Vernonia, Oregon Hy-Van Garage Save Your Tires NO NEED TO WEAR OUT YOUR TIRES GO ING TO PORTLAND FOR YOUR OPTICAL SERVICE. I Will Be at Kullander’s on Monday, January 26th. I will invest the *um of F OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED — GLASSES FITTED <CONF*IDENT*IAL) in Defense Saving* Bond* (ot Stamps) each iq week. <□ month. I will buy these Bonds: □ fro« a post office, bank, ar other tala* *gency. IO □ By mail from the Treasurer ot the United States, Washington. D. C- □ Under • Pay Roll Saving* Pisa (ar other similar asraagemeat for regular pterehamug) h eRect at my place ot employment: (Taoïirw1» ««sw>~ lt«fcw'> Isd s iii Uk.) □ Through • regula- plu installed by the following organisation: .. , “ui’ll.r.7^. hopL .yvtem*tieaUy. please Indicate the type of plan when signing thia agreement. Also check here. Q I will faithfully fulfill thia pledge foe the duration of the War.or *o long as I am financially able to do to. (Print) CONSUMPTION RISES h a •••«■■ (N mm V aad ▲<•>! BÀcariix Plûffs) The consumption of iron ore for the first eight months of 1941 has risen 29 per cent over the compar able period of 1940. n. i. t. in Shown above is a replica of the pledge which every loyal American will be asked to sign, during a house-to-house campaign to be carried on in every part of Oregon beginning Janu ary 20. Citizens, to be designated as “minute men" will call at homes, with the request that all Oregonians sign up to “buy a share in Uncle Sam," by agreeing to purchase regularly defense savings bonds or stamps. Remember the Boy Scout waste 2tf paper drive. Save your paper. Preston* to Leave---- List of Vehicles Govern Tire Release Committee Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Preston plan to leave Monday for Kansas City, IN ANY GLASSI Following the ratification last week by Governor Charles A. Sprague their former home, Preston has been employed in the O. A. main of the coynmittee which will govern the release of new tires and tubes office as accountant since the mffl’s to citizens of this vicinity, the following rules are being published to clarify the vehicles to which releases may be made. Committee members reopening. are Mrs. J. C. Lincoln, Loel Roberts and Elmore Knight. Boss Buys Place— List of vehicles which may be The Jake Bosses have purchased equipped with new rubber tires, scrap material. the former Kane bee ranch on Rock casings or tubes. 9. Transportation of raw mater Creek and will make their home Yes, wine gias av* fo* — —■ i Q No certificate shall be issued un ials, semi-manufactured goods and 'there, it was learned recently. Boss the brilliance, color and formerly operated the local bakery. less applicant for the certificate finished products including farm sparkle of your table — certifies that the tire, casing or but, the fine flavor of Cal tube for which application is made produce and foods, provided that no ifornia grape wines and is to be mounted: Oregon's fruit and berry oper- (a) On a vehicle which is wines is inherently in the STANDARD OIL ated by a physician, surgeon, visit- wine itself, no matter the PRODUCTS Vernonia, Oregon ing nurse, veterinarian and which shape of the glass. The January 14, 1942 is used principally for professional simple rule to enjoy wine Batteries, Tire services. Editor of the Vernonia Eagle is—“Serve the wine you Vernonia, Oregon Repairing (b) On an ambulance. like in the way you ’iker Dear Sir: Welding, Repairing (c) On a vehicle used exclusively This is also written to the Ver- for one or more of the following WINE COUNCIL nonia business men. purposes: ROSE AVENUE OF OREGON Why is it that the Vernonia bus- 1. Maintain fire fighting services. m » sm «'• i«*u< sim GARAGE poaniso oste«* iness men always say “spend your 2. Maintain necessary public pol 717 Rose Ave money in your home town.” That ice services. is a good policy, and should be fol 3. To enforce such laws as relate lowed out. But, why don’t the busi specifically to protection of public ness men of this town follow suit health and safety. and give the young girls in the 4. Maintain garbage disposal and town a chance to work in their other sanitataion services. stores. Instead of letiting "them run « 5. Maintain mail service^. wild or do the best they can. They (d) On a vehicle with a Capacity say one needs experience but now of 10 or more passengers operated is one to gain experience unless one exclusively for one or more of the first has a chance to gain some. following purposes: Some of the stores do hire the 1. Transportation of passengers girls and boys and to them a lot of as part of the services rendered to Widely assorted designs; beautiful colors. credit is given by the younger set, the public ,by a regular transpor Get yours while the stock is large but what about the others? I have tation system. tried unsuccessfully for some time 2. Transportation of students and to obtain a position here in Ver teachers to and from school. nonia, but I guess it is hopeless. 3. Transportation of employees’to Most of the places have married and from any industrial or mining women working. There is nothing establishment or construction pro wrong with a married woman, whose ject, except when public transporta family needs the money, working. tion facilities are readily available. What about the others? Can’t their (e) On a truck operated exclus Everything for the Home on EZ Terms at Portland husbands make enough to support ively for one or more of the pur Prices. — We Carry Our Own Contracts. •them? Are the rest of us going poses stated in the preceding section to have to get married before we or for one or more of the following NO FINANCE COMPANY NO RED TAPE can obtain a job? purposes: 1. Transportation of ice and fuel, Soon there will be another draft, Easiest Terms. If We Haven’t Got What You 2. Transportation of material and "nd the men will all register. If Want We Can Get It If It’s Obtainable. the married women want to work, equipment for the building and No Order Too Sn\all or Too Large. why don’t they let their husbands maintenance of public roads. 3. Transportation of material and go help Uncle Sam? He needs them, We Deliver FREE Up to 150 Miles. if they don’t. Maybe then some of equipment for construction and Phone 802, Vernonia, Oregon us can obtain jobs. maintenance of public utilities. 4. Transportation of material ana Some of the boys and girls who graduate from Vernonia High aren’t equipment for construction and jjble to go on to college. What are maintenance of production facil ities. they supposed to do? 5. Transportation of material and The boys are somewhat lucky. They can usually obtain a position equipment for construction of de fense housing facilities and military in the mill or logging camps. But, what about the girls? Most and naval establishments. 6. Transportation essential to ren of the girls want to work instead of getting married, I think. AnJ der roofing, plumbing, heating and they would rather stay in their electrical repair services. 7. Transportation by any common home town where they know the people instead of working in an carrier. 8. Transportation of waste and unfamiliar place. Of course, all the girls couldn’t obtain work, but, if the merchants would give more of We might as well face the facts. To facili Guaranteed them a chance it would help a lot tate war production you’re going to have to make ot them. Watch Repairing Thank all of you who read this, your present car last and last and last. W. T. JACOBS 1162 State Street and I hope what I wrote will make Vernonia some of the people in Vernonia The national welfare requires that exist- think more about the young, job- mg automobile transportation be maintained at less girls. the highest efficiency possible without interfer- A V. H. S. Graduate The Forum Indian. Blankets $2.49 $2.99 $3.49 George G- Paterson Announcing A NEW SERVICE TO KEEP YOUR OLD CAR ROLLING 30 PER CENT OF PAPER Defense will take about 30 per cent of all paper produced next year. The New Singer Sewing Machine Dr. Geo. Butterfield ___ TBIPlTTATm To aid the National Defetue, I pledge that, Mistake Corrected— Exams Announced— certificate shall be issued for a new tire or tube to be mounted on a truck used (a) for the transpor tation of commodities to ultimate consumer for personal, family or household use; or (b) for transpor tat ion of materials for construction and maintenance except to the ex tent specifically provided by sub- sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this section ( e). (f) On farm tractors or other farm implements other than auto- mobiles or truck» for the operation of which rubber tires, casings or tubes are essential. (g) On industrial, mining and construction equipment other than automobile or trucks for the opera tion of which rubher tires, casings or tubes are essential. v a r>**Mn Dsosxy» PI.EBGE FBN BECULAlt INVESTMENT IN BEFENSE SAVINGS BONBS Now on Display PEGGY’S APPAREL SHOP Vernonia, Ore. Needles ing with war effort. Repairs and Accessories on Convenient Payments in an Estimate Your Vernonia Auto Co A Safe Place to Trade Vernonia, Oregon