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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1942)
Thursday, Jan. 8, 1942, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Estey) of Portland, and Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Halt and son of Mrs. Lee Caulfield also of Portland. Portland visited with Mrs. Luther Sunday. Auto Company Mr. and Mrs. G. A. White spent Scene of Party— ceremony. Verhagen-Ryves An entertaining, fun-filled eve New Year with their son, Frank, The bride, daughter of Mr. and ning on New Year’s eve was at and family. Wedding Read— Mrs. F. J. Seidl, wore a dress of tended by their families and mem Mr. and Mrs. V. J. DeVaney and Miss Jeanne Ryves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryves of Ber- white crepe and lace. The finger-tip bers of the Vernonia Auto company Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Westerberg kely, California, became the bride veil was held in place about her staff. The party was held in the spent the week-end at the J. O. of Leonard Verhagen of Salem Sun head by a coronet of pearls. Her sules room of the company with DeVaney home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kreiger and day afternoon, December 28, at the bouquet was a cascade of gardenias dancing and games amusing the group until' midnight when a buffet three children, Evelyn, Marvin and Evangelical church with Reverend and freesias. supper was served. Billy, spent Friday evening at the H. R. Scheuerman officiating. M iss Margaret Ann Jackson, at- Lindsley home. The bride, in the absence of her tendant to the bride, wore a dress G. A. White was able to go to father, was given in marriage by of orchid satin and carried a bou town last Saturday. That was his J. Boss. Her dress was traditional quet of pink carnations. first trip for some time. white and the veil was finger-tip William Monson was his brother’s Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley length. She carried a white Bible. best man. Anthony Seidl and John visited with Mrs. Sadie Austin Sun- The attendants were Miss Kath Gary ushered. day afternoon. leen Lolley and LaCier Vincent of Owen O’Connor sang. LEON ERROL STARS IN Verle DeVaney and Gladys La Salem. Ushers were Reese Bost and An informal reception was held “HURRY, CHARLIE. HURRY”— Chapel'le were married in Vancouv- Clarence Lamping. during the afternoon at the home Veteran of stage and screen for er New Year’s Eve. Attending the Miss Zonweiss Douglass sang “Be of the bride’s parents. the past 25 years, Leon Errol, fam weeding were: Mr. and Mrs. J. O. cause” and “At Dawning” preced Mrs. Monson Is an instructor at the high school. ous “rubber-legs” comedian, is said DeVaney and Mr. and Mrs. D. R, ing the ceremony. DelVlaney. Following the wedding rites, a to have one of the funniest roles reception was held for tne guests Ruby Maddess Weds of his career in “Hurry, Charlie, and the wedding party in the social Portland Man— Hurry.” Miss Ruby Maddess, daughter of hall of the church. Designed especially for Errol’s Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maddess of particular brand of wacky comedy, After a week’s trip, Mr. and Mrs. Verhagen will be at home in Salem Eugene, and John R. Claiborne of the RKO Radio feature film pre where Mr. Verhagen is in the bak- Portland were married at 10::3o sents the comic as a harassed bank m. New Year’s day at Vancouver. er who involves himself in ludicrous cry business. TREHARNE—Patsy Thacker had Washington. Reverend Paul Kunz complications when he sneaks away the misfortune to fall on the froz Club to Purchase man officiated. on a fishing trip on the pretext of en ground last Wednesday, injur The bride wore a California drape visiting the Vice President of the ing her knee. Now blood poison has Defense Bond— The Mountain Heart social club suit in light blue; the accessories nation. started. met Tuesday afternoon at the home were black. Her corsage was a single Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale were “ BEHIND THE NEWS ” PROMISES white orchid. of Mrs. Minne Wood in Wilark. El Portland business visitors Saturday. ection of officers resulted as fol Attending the couple were Mr. UNUSUAL STORY— Betty Thacker spent several days In the annals of motion pictures, visiting with her parents. lows: president, Lena Schroeder; and Mrs. R. E. Dayball of Portland. the the Republic film, “ Behind A wedding dinner for the party vice-president, Bertie Bassett; sec Mrs. H. E. Schram and children, retary, Beatrice Moon; treasurer, which included only close relatives News” will go down as one of the Betty Jean, Lila and John, attend and a few friends was held at the unusual newspaper pictures of our ed a family dinner at the home of Edna Gwin. The club voted to buy a $100 De Dayball home after the ceremony. times. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John The “unusual” aspect lies primar Davidson, of Helvetia New Year’s Mrs. Claiborne will continue to fense Bond and further decided to sponsor a Defense dance to be giv teach in the Washington school un ily in the fact that the story’s hero day. They also attended the dance “l an inexperienced, small town New Year’s Eve at the Helvetia en in the near future, proceeds of til the term is completed, then the “IS which will go for defense purposes. couple will be at home in Poruand cub reporter, fresh out of college, dance hall as did several others where Mr. Claiborne is employed who is dumped onto a metropolitan from Treharne and Vernonia. McKenzie Home Is with the Union Pacific railroad com newspaper staff, while the center Mrs. Ethel Morrell and son and pany. of interest in newspaper stories in Edwin Treharne of Seaside were Scene of Wedding— the past has been the experienced Saturday callers at the O’Connor The J. W. McKenzie home on Clorey Hili' was the scene of the Mrs. Olin Is ace reporter or toughened editor home. wedding of their daughter, Chris Hostess for Club— who knows all the answers. Mr. and Mrs. Hulan Thacker and On Friday Mrs. F. R. Olin was tina, to Jack Adams, son of Mr. daughter, Patsy, and Ruby Thacker SAILORS DRILL and Mrs. A. Adams on the evening hostess at her home for the 0. A. motored to Forest Grove Saturday TO MOVIE TUNE— of December 30. Reverend W. 0. bridge club. A dessert luncheon where Patsy had X-rays taken. “ We ’ re in the Navy, ” one of the Livingstone officiated. The occasion was served t|> the six members pres- Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and daugh several songs written by Don Kaye was also the 23rd wedding anu.ver- ent and the two guests, Mrs. Alice ters, Ruby and Mildred, were Christ and Gene de Paul for Universal ’ s Estey and Mrs. Richard Fletcher. sary of the McKenzies. new laugh riot, Bud Abbott and mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse The bride wore a white mar High score was held by Mrs. Judd Lou Costello and Dick Powell In Laman in Portland. quisette dress with lace inserts; her Greenman. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teeling of the Navy, has been adopted as an veil was finger-tip length. She carri Portland visited with Mr. and official tune for use by the per ed a colonial' bouquet of pink anJ Annual New Year’s sonnel at the U. S. Naval Training Wilbur Thacker New Year’s white carnations. Party Given— Mrs.' Teeling is the former The progressive New Year’s Station at San Diego. Miss Zelma Shipley, dressed in Zula Wooldridge. yellow, and Lewis Adams, brother party given by a group of people NEWLY STREAMLINED Mrs. Hulan Thackor spent a of the groom, were the attendants. who began the initial start of such IS FAMOUS MUSICAL— days last week visiting her cousin At the reception serving w- »: a social affair two years ago was Described as a streamlined film and family in Portland. Mrs. Munro, Miss Nora Vike, and held this time at the homes of the version of the popular Broadway Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds and F. R. Olins, the J. W. Vaughans musical comedy Miss Patricia Pemble. success, RKO daughter, Marie, and Frank Eden Following a wedding trip to the and the Judd Greenmans. Radio’s “Sunny” comes to the screen returned last week from a visit in coast, Mr. and Mrs. Adams are at The beautifully decorated Christ with Anna Neagle in the title role Arkansas. mas trees, cheery fireplaces with and with seven spectacular dance home at 945 3rd avenue. Wilbur Thacker spent Christmas boughs and Christmas figures routines and four of the original day with' the Clarence New family High School Teacher adorning the mantels were appar song hits highlighting the sparkling in Vernonia. Weds in Portland— ent in each home visited. A cheer romantic plot. Miss Ludmilla Seidl and Robert ful note for the New Year was A notable cast surrounds the love Monson of Portland were wed Dec caught and held throughout the ly star, including Ray Bolger, John ember 28 at a nuptial' mass read at evening made for “good fellows” Carroll, Edward Everett Horton and the Sacred Heart church in Port to get together. the famous dancing Hartmans. land. Reverend Paul Benedict offic Out-of-town guests were Mrs. iated and Reverend Robert Sheehan Alice Fs*ev of Corvallis, Mr. and NEW CANOVA HIT was in the sanctuary during the Mrs. Lucien Alexander (Doris Rae GUARANTEES COMEDY— Unbeatable coat values! Another Judy Canova laughfest All regular stock - is in store for local Canova fans when “Puddin’ Head,” her newest drastically reduced on her Republic contract, opens at YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE immediate clearance! the Joy Theatre. “Puddin’ Head” presents Judy as the fresh-off-the-cobb, hillbilly own er of a strip of valuable Manhat tan real estate. When officials of Thursday and Friday, January 8 and 9 the United Broadcasting System DOWN MEXICO WAY learn that their skyscraper extends Gene Autry Smiley Burnette over one foot of Judy’s land, Judy looms as a menace to Big Business. LET’S BE SOCIABLE News of the Theatre Poisoning Results From Wed. Fall Family Reunion Attended Sunday STONEY POINT— Mrs. Otto Michener and daughter, Margaret, motored to Forest Grove Sunday where they attended a family re union held at Mrs. Michener’s mother’s home, Mrs. J. D. Worth. C. C. VanDoren and son, W. Van Doren, were Sunday visitors at the Oliver Mellinger home. Mr. and Mrs. R. Spencer were visitors at the Perry Mellinger home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Laramore and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Condit gave a New Year's dinner Friday night Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Condit and daughter of Port- land and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mat- hews, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Condit and Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Clark. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDonald MANY INSPECTIONS MADE were week-end visitors in Portland. Two hundred and nineteen nurs ery inspections were made last Week-End Spent Here month by the plant division of the Miss Carrol Delaney spent the state department of agriculture. The distributors and producers of Oregon dedicate the Pearson-4th Avenue Building Portland, Oregon January Clearance Entire stock—women’s dresses—priced to clear NOW! Values to $4.98 so hurry for best choice! JOY THEATRE SCATTERGOOD PULLS THE STRINGS Guy Kibbee Saturday, January 10 HURRY, CHARLEY, HURRY Leon Errol Mildred Coles Lloyd Nolan BEHIND THE NEWS Doris Davenport Sunday and Monday, January 11 and 12 IN THE NAVY Abbott & Costello, Dick Powell, Andrews Sisters Comedy News Tuesday, January 13 SUNNY Anna Neagle Gang Comedy John Carroll Musical Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, January 14, 15, 16 PUDDIN’ HEAD Judy Canova Francis Lederer FORCED LANDING Richard Arlen Evelyn Brent COMING—Down in San Diego — Ice Capades — International Lady SKY RIDING SPIES IN FORCED LANDING’— With hemispheric defense keynote to the news of the day, the Joy Theatre presents an up-to- the-minute thriller of fifth column menaces in the sky in Paramount’s “Forced Landing.” In a tropical island off the Pa cific coast, romance and adventure find new excitement in hair-raising aerial battles and sky riding spies. The film makes use of colorful jungle scenes combined with death defying flights through dangerous mountain passes that promise hum with suspense. Keasey Family Moves to Chicago KEASEC—Mr. Kirkbride called at the Herb Counts home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kreiger and family made a trip to Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bales and son moved ot Chicago the first of I January. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. DeVaney from Turlock, California, visited at the J. O. DeVaney home Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergerson and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts spent Friday even ¡ng at the Victor Bergerson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rasmussen UNTRIMMED COATS $6-98 To $9.98 Values to $15.75! Reef ers, swaggers, “dress” coats, casual fitted styles in tweeds, plaids, black. Perfect now—and for Spring—hurry for yours. 12-20. Peggy’s Apparel Shop 3 week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wood. Perry Browning and Melvin Bak er motored to Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Vurl' Roberts and family motored to Estacada over the week-end to visit at the home of his brother, Lewell. Otto Boeck of Cascade Ix>cks visited at the Perry Browning home Sunday evening. Donald Atkinson was a Sunday caller at the Browning home. We regret to lose a nice neigh bor here on Stoney Point. The - Kenneth Walker family is moving to the O-A hill. Delmer Michener returned to Salem Sunday where he will con tinue his schooling. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mellinger were Monday visitors in Forest Grove. Friday evening visitors at the Oliver Mellinger home were Mr. and Mrs. W. VanDoren of Vernonia and Louise Fletcher of Portland. Miss Louise left this week-end to re-enter school in Portland. Ml»«r»’ Site« 12 tq 20 L Iunior Site» 11 to 17 ★ Western Shirt-Coat Dress! ★ Tucked Front—for all figures! ★ Long Torso—for junior figures! Wear them now—through Spring! Women*« casual, dressy styles in Spun Challis, Feather Flannels and Crepes. Wide choice of colors.