Thursday, January 8, 1942 Scrap Iron Drive to Aid Expense Needs Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon Raid Leaflets Received Here Funds from Drive Will Be Used for Local De fense Needs Started in Vernonia and the Upper Nehalem Valley this week was a second drive to collect waste materials which may be used to create a fund for expenses of the local Civilian Defense preparation. The drive is started for scrap iron which is to be sold after a sufficient amount has been collect ed for transportation to Portland. Announcement of the drive was made by Harry Culbertson who is providing a place for the collection at his shop. In announcing the drive Culbertson stated that lu.ids from sale of the material would be used to purchase items necessary for those people who have under taken civilian defense work. Up to this time there has been no provis ion made for such a fund. Those who are active in civilian defense work have been paying expenses individually. Those people who have any scrap iron are urged to bring it to Cul bertson who will' see that it has proper disposal. Dan Cason has stated that he will transport the scrap without charge to Portland where it may be sol'd. Winner of Baby "Contest" Named The 1942 winner of Vernonia’s annual baby “contest” can be a.. nounced today just one week after the “contest” was started at 12 o’clock midnight, December 31st. Carrying off the honors is Dor othy Lee Counts, six and tmee- quarter-pound daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Counts born at 12:05 p. m. Friday, January 2nd. Dr. R. D. Eby was attending physician. Miss Counts will be awarded 26 prizes which were offered the win ner in last week’s announcement by Vernonia merchants. The prizes vary from five gallons of gasoline for the parents’ use to baby gift pack ages. Tire Committee Members Named Notification has been received here that the names suggested for the committee which will' act in re leasing for sale new automobile tires or tubes has been ratified. Members of the committee which will act in that capacity are Mrs. J. C. Lincoln, Loel Roberts and Elmore Knight. The committee has authority for rationing tires in the Nehalem Val ley, the shortage of tires arising because of the threat to the raw rubber supply in the East Indies. The January quota for this county is 28 tires and 23 tubes for passen ger cars, motorcycles and light trucks and 57 tires and 53 tubes for trucks and busses. A sample copy of the leaflets to be distributed all over the United States, with the Pacific coast being the first to receive the material, was in the hands of Vernonia Air Raid Warden heads Wednesday aft ernoon. The leaflet, “Meet Your Raid Warden”, is a valuable, in structive paper composed to help each person to protect himself in case of air raids. These leaflets will be distributed locally by the Boy Scouts to every home in this district. Save yours, it may save your life some day! For the benefit of its readers, The Eagle has printed on an inside page a copy of the instructions. Genevieve Brown The body of James O. Morgan of Portland was taken there from Sun set Camp Tuesday by the Bush Funeral Home. Cause of the death was heart trouble. Burial will take place in Portland. Journalist to Talk Here Fri. Collection* to of $100 a be awarded Tokyo, date for Defense the pur Bond to the first flyer bombing Japan, amount to $50, Ken White stated Wednesday. Many Ver nonia business men, who are contri buting to the purchase of the bond, have not yet been contacted, it was stated, but will be interviewed soon. The “bomb bond’* has already re ceived mention in the Oregon Jour nal. Dr. Martin Hall, German exile, will speak at 2:30 Friday after noon at the Washington grade school' to the combined student bodies of the grade and high schools, it was announced this week. Dr. Hall was born in Germany and was a prominent journalist there before being forced to flee from the country. He was exiled because of his insistent attacks on the policies of the Nazi totalitarian state. Adults of the community are in vited to be present for the pro gram at the designated time if they wish to hear the speaker. secretary Executive partment of Logger Dies chase Wallace McCrae Heads Division of Civil Defense for Vernonia Scouts Organized For Paper Drive City councilmen, meeting Monday evening, took action on two mat ters in addition to the examination of the regular first-of-the-month business, city bills. The seven city employees were given pay raises to the following figures: city recorder, $150; water superintendent, $150; city marshals, each $150; treasurer, $50; librarian, $40; and city attorney, $35. The increase in salaries will be made through the adoption of an ordin ance at a future meeting. Another ordinance will also be acted on soon to reduce the amount of the occupation license for laun dry concerns to $15 per year. $50 Collected In Bond Drive Bond Canvass to Start Soon Raid Wardens To Organize Here This Week Second Red Cross Drive The organization of another part of civil defense for the Upper Nehalem Valley was started Wed nesday evening when a meeting of air raid wardens was called by Wal lace McCrae who is charged with that particular part of the civil defense work in this locality. Air raid wardens are not on con tinuous duty, as is true with air raid observers, but act only in case a bombing should occur. Should that happen, the wardens become active in evacuating people from danger ous areas to shelters and in trans porting injured persons to medical attention. Their duties are much broader than that, it was stated, Further plans were being made but that, in general, defines their late last week by the Vernonia Boy work. Scout troop in organizing the local Canvass to Start waste paper drive as a continuous Those persons who have signed move for the collection. The drive civil reserve application blanks cer is being made as a part of tne tifying their wish to serve as war nation-wide attempt to conserve dens were assigned to duties at the paper materials that have formerly Wednesday evening meeting. A been wasted. The paper that is house-to-house canvass is to be made collected may be converted in.v here this week seeking materials usefulness again. which will be necessary for the Scoutmasters Ira Baucom and E. wardens to carry out their work. L. Frazee last week had assigned At the same time the canvass is scouts to districts in the commun made for that purpose, home own ity. Those scouts so assigned will ers will be asked to contribute make regular calls on business spare articles which may be used houses and homes. In order to help, by the first aid hospital which is anybody who is making a trip down being organized by Mrs. R. D. Eby. town is urged to bring the paper In making starting plans for the with them and leave at the old post air raid wardens McCrae stated office building where it is being Tuesday that wardens would be ap collected. pointed for every community in the Tlione Numbers Given territory surrounding Vernonia as Should someone have waste paper well as the town itself. and wish it collected he may call any of the following places and a scout will be sent to that address to make the collection: H. E. Mc Entire, 422; E. L. Frazee, 658, Harry Culbertson, 63; and The Ver nonia Eagle, 191. Scouts have been assigned to the following districts: Treharne, Jimmy Mohler; O-A hill, Sylvan Graves, Frank Aspinal; Riverview and vic inity, Dale Grenia, Harold Fowler, Bobby Bramblett; in Vernonia east of Rock creek and Stoney Point, Jimmie Rachel, Lynn Michener, Bobby McDonald, Delmar McDon ald; Vernonia business district and Corey hili', Pete Shipman, Jimmie Frazee. DeVere Byers, Jimmy Ray, Donald Tiffney and Billy Hall have not been assigned districts yet. City Employees Salaries Raised Volume 19, Number 2 the Society of of missionary United Christian of Disciple* of the de education Missionary Christ will speak here. Speaker at Church Named The congregation of the First Christian church here will hear Miss Genevieve Brown speak Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, W. O. Liv ingstone, minister, announced this week. Miss Brown is executive sec retary of the department of mission ary education of the United Chris tian Missionary Society of Disciples of Christ. The speaker is well trained for her work. Before being called to her present position she was assist ant to the minister of the National City Church of Disciples of Christ at Washington, D. (C. For eight years she was director of personnel and publicity of the Board of Ed ucation of the same communion and for almost four years director of religious education for the » irst Christian church at Lincoln, Neb raska. Citv Books Audited The books of the City of Ver nonia were being audited this week by representatives from the audit department of the secretary of state. The audit was started Mon day and will probably continue most of next week. Organized for Vernonia The year’s second Red Cross drive is on its way in the United States. The goal is for 50 million dollars to be used for war relief; Columbia county has been asked by national headquarters to give $3,500 and Vernonia’s portion is $500. Instead of the house-to-house canvass that was conducted before the holidays, this drive will be made on every individual, both men and wo men, who receives a wage or a salary. The employers will act in cooperation with others assigned the soliciting in obtaining the Con The President and leading church tributions. Solicitors for the funds will have their names published at men of the nation have urged the s later date, it was stated by E. people to pray. To remind people H. Condit, general chairman of the of Vernonia of this duty and high Vernonia district drive. privilege the bell at the Evangelical According to Condit. we must church will be rung at the designa understand that this particular drive is probably only one of a series ted time of one minute to six to be conducted during the nation o’clock in the evening, H. R. Scheu- al emergency. The attempt is there erman, minister of that church, fore to make a permanent organiz stated Tuesday of this week. ation for the duration of the crisis The bell will be rung to call now confronting us. Those employed privately or in all who hear to pause where they industries where no solicitation has are and pray one minute. It is been conducted, as well as the sol asked, “How can you do less!” icitors and individuals who contri bute are asked to send their sub scriptions of $1.00 to Miss Lillian Hedman, Vernonia, who is acting as permanent Red Gross secretary for the Vernonia area. The work of organizing the first aid hospital to be used in case of air raid injuries was nearly com pleted this week according to Mrs. R. D. Eby who is in charge of the hospital. Headquarters for the hos- An announcement of interest to pital'din the I. O. O. F. hall'. owners of giyis was made Monday As was mentioned lost week, a by Ken White, manager of Pater house-to-house -canvass is to be son’s, who issued a call that guns made this week to solicit materials which are broken or are not need to equip the hospital. The canvass ed be brought to the store. In is to be made by a committee which making the announcement White will also ask material aid for the stated that it is impossible now to air raid wardens. get new guns but that there is con Anyone whe has any o* the siderable call from customers for needed articles are asked to i.ave them. them labeled for identification and Anyone owning a gun may be bring them to the I. O. O. F. hall able to have it repaired as parts on Monday, January 12, between are still obtainable and if that per the hours of 12 and 5 o’clock. son wishes, the gun may be sold to another owner. It was stated Rehearsal Planned also that numerous calls have been Mrs. Eby also announced that a made for guns and anybody having one to donate will find it readily rehearsal of those who will serve acceptable for use by officials who in the hospital unit is to be held have need therefore under the civil Friday, January 16th, starting at ian defense setup. A gun that is 7:30. At that time everyone in the loaned for that purpose wilt be group is to report to the hall just as quickly as possible as though returned in good condition. the rehearsal were an emergency end is to remain until checked in. Needed articles which will' be sought in the canvass are: sheets, cots, stretchers, blankets, pillows, lamps, lanterns, candles, hot water bottles, ice bags and camp stoves. The Columbia county conference Mrs. Eby stated that the Oregon- with state Grange officers, original American Lumber Corporation has ly scheduled to be held January 9 in storage 25 cots and mattresses at Yankton Grange, has been post- which will be made available for poned until January 23, according the hospital in case of emergency. to an announcement from state Grange headquarters. There will be no change in the place of meeting. The change was made necessary when Ray W. Gill, Master of the state Grange, was called to Wash ington, D. C., in connection with Tuesday evening, at the organiz national Grange business and de ation meeting for another First Aid fense activities. class, there were 73 persons pres The program «f the conference ent, it was reported by Mrs. E. J. has been readjusted to meet the Preston, instructor for the new present war situation and the many class. The number equalled that of opportunities wherein the Grange three normal classes, 24 or 25 per may serve in war efforts will be sons in a group being the greatest discussed at the meeting. nu her encouraged for practical in struction. There will necessarily have to be formed 2 additional classes, Mrs. Preston stated, and plans will be made this week for other instructors to handle them so that by next The first concerted group action Tuesday at 7:30, at the Legion hall, here was taken Wednesday by the the 3 classes instead of the very teachers and janitors of Vernonia large group will begin work. Last summer. Noble Dutton, schools when they voted to contri bute to the purchase of Defense school teacher, and swimming in Savings Bonds. The teachers and structor at the city pool in the janitors of both the grade ar.J high summer, taught a First Aid class schools are asking the school board with the normal number enrolling. to instruct their respective clerks Several weeks ago Harry Culbert to deduct from each teacher’s sal son began a class in the study; 24 ary for the bond purchase. men and boys meet each Thursday School authorities have also tak in the Legion hall for the instruc en stops to provide Defense Savings tion. It is believed the United stamps at the school building so that •States’ declaration of war last students will have the opportunity month has greatly increased the de sire for a knowledge of First Aid. to invest. Bell to Toll Prayer Minute Hospital Plans Near Completion Call for Guns Made Monday Grange Conference Date Re-Set Keen Interest in First Aid Shown Group Action Taken Wed. Preliminary Organization Made Monday Meeting at St. Helens Outlines Plan for Defense Bond Sale Representatives from the various communities and towns of Columbia county were in St. Helens Tuesday evening to hear plans for the start of a drive to increase the sale of Defense Bonds and Stamps to citi zens of the county. Heading the county drive is Irving Rau who has been named county chairman. As sisting him are representatives from the communities who will organize the drive in their respective dis tricts. In Vernonia the first local meet ing towards the organization of the drive here will be held at the Ma sonic Temple Monday evening, Jan uary J i, it was announced by Emil Messii g Wednesday. At that meet ing it is requested that represen tatives of fraternal and civic or ganizations be present :p that plans may be made for a thorough house- to-house canvass of the town. Granges to Solicit The rural area of the Upper Nehalem Valley will be solicited by the Granges, Messing stated. At <-he time of the canvass, home owners will be asked to pledge the amount they can spare for the purchase of bonds and stamps. An interesting item of informa tion released at the St. Helens meet ing Tuesday was the fact that Ore gon was the first state in the union to complete the organization of county committees for the promo tion of the sale of Defense Bonds and since the beginning has ted the nation in the per capita sale of these securities. The plans of organization made Tuesday will attempt to keep Ore gon first in the sale. Patriotic Rally Slated Tuesday Of interest to residents of this vicinity is the announcement made Wednesday of a patriotic rally to be held Tuesday, January 20th at the Washington grade school. The rally is being held in the interest of Defense Bonds and Is scheduled to start at 8 o’clock in the eve- i/ng. To explain the purpose of the bonds, speakers from the state de fense committee will be on hand, it was revealed. In addition to the speakers, the school band will pre sent a program for those who at tend. No admission will be charged and everyone is urged to attend. 25 to Go in Largest Call Twenty-five Columbia county men wept into the nation’s armed torces Monday to make the largest draft group called from this county to date. Names of the men were not re leased by the county draft board due to instructions which prevent the giving of that information for publication. The same policy of not releasing information will be follow ed in the future. Registration of Pistols Required was Announcement that week of owners pistol* it is revolver* or them have to soon as possible. this made necessary the for automatic registered a* Registration book* for the gun* owned by people in the r’pper Nehalem by kept Ken Valley White at are being Paterson’s Furniture Store. A maximum fine of $300 can be levied for failure to the law, It was stated. comply with