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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1942)
Derno Thursday, January 1, 1942 Boy Scouts To Collect Waste Paper Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon Events of 1941 Compiled From Files of The Eagle Flying Radins Of 10 Miles Permitted Here Volume 19, Number 1 Observers Urged To Attend Meet Uniform Air Raid Signal Is Adopted A meeting on Monday evening, January 6th is announced this week foi all aircraft observers who are to serve at the Rock creek observa tion post. The meeting is to be held January 1 Citizens Urged to Save No Civilian Pilot Per at the M. J. Ohirstensen home at O-A Mill Whistle Will Miss Donna Jean Raymond won consolidation with district 47, show AH Kinds of Paper Ma the Vernonia •’First Baby of the ed a vote count not favoring the mitted in Air Unless 7:30 p. m. and all observers are Sound Warning; Signal terials License Reinstated Year” contest sponsored by Ver- consolidation. urged to attend. At that time shifts Is Changed The Boy Scouts of Vernonia will nonia merchants. The parents were May 11^ Information was released here will be arranged for duty at th» The authorities of the Second Mr. and Mrs. David Raymond. The first solo airplane flight by b»l*in th» collection of waste gaper January 14 Rock <Sreek post, it was stateu in Interceptor Command has, this week, a member of the Vernonia Flyers Monday regarding the flights of of all kinds Friday and Saturday The annual report of the Ver was made by C. J. Badley, presi planes from the Vernonia airport the announcement. adopted standard “air raid warn of this week, Scoutmaster Ira Bau nonia Library as prepared by Edna dent of the group. and some of the regulations which ing” and “all clear” signals which com said Monday. Members of the Engen listed a total of 8,742 books May 15 must be adhered to in making those will be used throughout the dis Dr. Frank Munk, economics pro flights. The information was made Vernonia troop have been prepar as the circulation for home use trict under the command. during the previous year. That fig fessor at Reed College, spoke be ing for the collection since the first Citizens of Vernonia and the ure was an increase of 327 over fore the combined assemblies of known by Harold Dow. of December when many homeown 1939. According to new regulations it the high school and upper grade Upper Nehalem Valley are urged ers were interviewed regarding ac- January 17 school students. is possible for a plane to fly in The work of organizing first aid to take special note of the change William Larson, Vernonia, was May 18 cumulations of paper. an area, the radius of which is ten Mfeadpuarters and the obtaining of in warning which will be given. The Twenty-five seniors began their miles in any direction from the The scouts will not stop with the listed among nine county men sel- ected by the Columbia County Lo- graduation exercises from high airport. In case a pilot who is pro materials to make possible the suc Oregon-American Lumber Corpora collection made this week but will cal Board for induction into the school by attending baccalaureate perly licensed wishes to fly over cessful operation of those head tion is changing the type of slfc continue to collect onCe each month. army. nals which will be sounded on the services at the Christian church. a greater distance he must submit quarters in the event of injury to People are urged to save cardboard January 20 May 30 detailed information before doing a number of persons in event of mill whistle in the event of an air Six City officials were awarded boxes, magazines, newspapers and Fifty-five names of merchants so. an air raid was started this week raid alarm to conform to those any other kinds of waste paper pay increases by the city council. and residents of Vernonia were In addition to the above, no by Mrs. R. D. Eby. The headquar- standard signals. •o the material may be collected Included in the increases were the signed to a petition objecting ito a pilot may fly unless his license nas The signals to be sounded on the ters for first aid in case of such offices of water commissioner, city city ordinance regulating the oper by the scouts. The paper will be recorder, two city marshals, city ation of saw mills, planing mills, been reinstated since the time when an event mill whistle in the event word is is the I. O. O. F. hall, she all civilian pilots were grounded taken to scout headquarters in attorney and librarian. pulp mills and other similar manu a little over three weeks ago. received that a raid is threatening stated. Portland where it will be disposed January 24 facturing establishments in the city When small planes are seen in In seeking to get needed mater will be as follows. Announcement was made that the limits. of in keeping with the reeent na 1. The “air raid warning” will the vicinity of Vernonia it is likely ials, a house-to-house canvass is to tional defense call to save paper location of the Vernonia post of- June 8 they are flying only within the ten- be sounded as a series of short, be started early next week but th» rice would be changed from the Pioneers of the Nehalem Valley mile radius as permitted, Dow stat so that it may again be turned to sharp, intermittent blasts lasting Early building to the Oregon GUs Pioneer association gathered for ed. announcement is made this week so for at least two minutes. These us». and Electric building. their 18th annual meeting at Bir- that those persons having some of blasts will be of about five seconds Anyone who has some of the January 24 kenfeld. the needed articles may have them duiation each and will' be separated The Silver Dome Tabernacle was June 15 waste material but who has not ready or may take them to head by intervals of about three seconds being constructed near the Sixteen planes landed at the Ver- post beer, contacted may have the paper t ach, the whole to last at least two quarters. office. The building was to be used i nonia airport on a tour arranged collected by a scout by telephoning minutes. Needed Articles Listed for a series of lectures by G. A. by the Sportsmen Pilots of Ore 2. The “all clear” signal will be Ea Frazee, Harold McEntire or Thompson and Professor Tom Wil- gon. Needed articles include, sheets, sounded as a continuous blast last Harry Culbertson. ley. June 18 Beef cattle producers of Colum cots, stretchers, blankets, pillows, ing for at least two minutes. A tie vote for director of the bia county can help their country lamps, lanterns, candles, hot water Aiding the Boy Scouts in the work February 1 Residents of the community are The President’s Birthday Ball board of district 47 resulted from in wartime as well as protect tnem- bottles, ice bags, and camp stoves, of collecting paper will be city of requested by civilian defense auth Those people having some of the was held to raise Vernonia’s can- an election. Nominations receiving rclves by increasing their market ficials who have arranged for a tribution to the fund for the con- equal votes were R. A. Bramblett ings of cattle and calves to meet above articles which may be donat- orities to familiarize themselves with these signals and to note par place to store the paper locally trol for infantile paralysis. and T. F. Keasey. Lee Schwab was the 1942 production goals is the ed are urged to mark them plainly ticularly that they constitute prac until it can be hauled to Portland. February 7 elected as clerk of the district for belief of W. C. Johnson, chairman so that they may be later identifi tically a reversal of the type of The response to a call for old the ensuing year. of the Columbia county USDA ag ed. The place of storage is the old post < Members of the first aid group signals which it was previously an ricultural defense board. office building, Walter Kent stated magazines brought approximately June 23 nounced would be sounded in the 480 pounds which were sent to Walter Kent was elected director Now that this country is at war, will be chosen from those who Wednesday. Camp Murray for use by army men for five years and Antone Smejkal it is essential that the nation’s signified willingness to serve in that event of an impending air raid. The city siren warning signal who have enlisted from Vernonia. for a two-year term on the high workers and armed forces have an capacity when they signed the ap which has been used formerly «o February 10 school board of directors. abundance of meat. Beef and veal plication blanks in joining the Ore rotifv people living in the citv A total of 309 money orders was June 27 will be needed in larger amounts gon iCivil Reserves. Members would limits has also been changed to written at the post office to break John Gritdahl was installed as as the demand increases, the chair report to the hall in case an emer conform with the standard signal being used throughout the Second gency arises. all previous records for the num president and Harry Hall as busi- man pointed out. Interceptor Command territory. The ber written in any one day. ness agent of I. W. A. Local No. 37. Citing the increased purchasing city siren signal will be of two mutes duration and consist of a July 7 power of civilian consumers as well In cooperation With the President February 19 rising and failing signal of varying The Vernonia post office opened Lights for playing sports events as the needs of the armed forces, of the United States in his request pitch. its doors in its new location in the at night were turned on for the Mr. Johnson believes that larger The city siren “all clear” signal that New Year’» Day b* observed Oregon Gas and Electric building. first time at the city park field. quantities of beef can be sold with will be of two minutes ______ duration _______ as a day of prayer, the local Chris February 28 July 18 also, but will consist of a continu very little chance of depressing ous flow of sound at a steady tian church will b» open from 10 Howard Reeher resigned as dir Rufe Bramblett was named dir prices during the coming year. Funeral services were held here pitch. Thus, the chairman said, by in a. m. to 4:30 p. m. during which ector on the board for school dis ector for district 47, Jt., by a draw It is urgently requested that Tuesday at the Bush Funeral Home creasing marketings next year, ing to decide the tie vote. people living in this area familiar time those who desire may go there trict No. 47, Jt. for George Enos Partridge, son of March 4 July 15 cattlemen can serve their country, ize themselves with the signals so and offer prayer. Strict silence is George and Mary Partridge. He that they may know their meaning. 0. T. Bateman, Dr. U. J. Bitt E. G. Roediger was named to head head off overstocking, and take ad requested. Those cooperating may ner, Lowell Hieber, Orvel Edwards the Vernonia drive for raising funds vantage of the opportunity to sell was born November 24th, 1878 at Marseilles, Illinois, in LaSalle coun eome and go at will'. There will be and Harry Kerns were elected as a for the USO. on a good market and prevent ex ty. He passed away suddenly at his ■ o speaking and no singing >ut board of directors for the Vernonia July 21 cessive marketings at some later home December 25th. prreyelr and occasional scripture chamber of commerce. The drive for aluminum began time when prices and demand may Left to mourn his passing are reading only^ A general assembly March 14 not be as good. and continued for a week’s time. one brother, Will Partridge; his for prayer will be held from 4 to Dr. U. J. Bittner was elected E. M. Bollinger resigned as mayor wife, Anna; two children, Waydc 4:30. Everyone is favited to part president of the chamber of com of the City of Vernonia. More signers for carrying on the Earl and Lorrayne Mae; and five this New Tear ’ s appeal icipate in merce; Lowell Hieber, vice-presi August 6 work of civilian defense here are step children. to God. Vernonia merchants were con- dent; and O. T. Bateman, secretary George Partridge and family mov needed it was stated this week, al- tacted for pledges to finance the treasurer. ed to Vernonia from North Piacte, though approximately 300 men and Robert Raymer was elected as Vernonia Host Days celebration, Nebraska, in May, 1939. He was a ilO women have already signed. director to fill the unexpired term Sufficient pledges were obtained to There is no time limit for the sign retired Union Pacific employe. Ownership of The Club will make the celebration possible. of Howard Reeher as director of ing, it was stated, and blanks may Services were conducted by Kev. change January 1st was the an- August 8 school district No. 47, Jt. be found at the Oregon Gas and John Hodges assisted by Tom Wil- The Nehalem Beaver Creek Cattle r.ouncement made this week by H. March 17 iey. Burial took place in the Ver- Electric office, with J. C. Lincoln C. McDonald who has the been club turned over $92 to aid in fi City councilmen gave financial and Harry Culbertson, at the bank Funeral services for A. L. Ritz nancing the 4-H Club barn at th» owner up to this time, The new nonia Memorial Cemetery. building, city hall and The Vernonia were read at the Bush Funeral Par- assistance in the amount of $250 county fairground». owner, Mr. Burke, will take over Eagle office. lore December 27. Reverend Harvey to aid in starting a project for August 11 with the ctsnge of the year. Civil Reserve Police, Air Craft Seheuerman officiated. Burial was lights for the city park. McDonald has made no announce First earth was turned to start April 5 Observers and Firemen have already at th» Vernonia Memorial Cemet Antone Smejkal was sworn In as Construction of a new Assembly of ment as to what he intended to do been organized and have groups ery. in the future. God church at the corner of Maple ready to operate, members of each The deeeased was born Jun» 16, director to fill the position vacated and Second streets. having been chosen from those who 1860 at Muncie, Indiana, and died by Peter Bergerson on the Ver August 18 puipose. The amendment is one that after a short illness at his home nonia high school board of direc- Another of the series of first aid signed the blanks. Organizing of permits the transferring of money George Johnson was named mayor oa Ros» Avenue on December 23, ton. classes is scheduled to begin nere the First Aid and Air Craft Warden' of the city to serve out the unex- from the water fund to the general Tuesday, January 6th it was an groups will be organized soon. at the age of 82. He had resided April 18 fund. Between $375 and 8385 had piled term of E. M. Bollinger. Anyone who has not already tn Vernonia for the past 17 years. nouuced this week by Mrs. H. H. October 31 been collected as Vernonia’s part August 30 King, president of the American signed for duty is urged to do so Vernonia held a practice black- Legion Auxiliary. The three-day program for Ver of the Columbia County quota of immediately at any one of the above Marriag» A b » m » c »4— out. nonia Host Days began. Julia Keasey, former teacher in 82800 for Greek war refief. Those attending the class Will named places. November 13 the Vernonia schools, was married The Columbia County Stockmen’s September 8 receive instruction from Mrs. E. J. resently to Lieutenant Curtis Tig Association elected Lode McDonald Thieves entered the George G. Another year of school began for Preston. The course includes 20 ard at Fort Lewis it was reported as president; G. C. Kirkbride, vice- students in th» Upper Nehalem Paterson store to steal a dozen hours of standard instruction and here thia weak. pistols and an unknown number of Valley. president; and W. E. Crawford, those interested will meet on that September 28 rifles. secretary-treasurer. date at 7:30 p. m. Another improvement was started November 17 April 21 It is suggested that those attend- The first meeting of the Christ Announcement was made that a for the city park ball field. The ing contact members of a former The Oregon State Game Com thrce-place Piper Cub airplane was high school, assisted by a number mas Activities group was held and class and borrow books as it may Sabacriptima by Varnoaia b««i- purchased by the Nehalem Flying of interested persons in the com plans made for staging the com- he some time before it is possible mission will hold on January 10 at the office in Portland, its annual ■aaa and professional nan Bro being Service, The plane was used as a munity began the work of con munity Christmas tree. to obtain new books. meeting to determine the angling December 8 asked thia weak for tba porehase train ing ship by students. structing a grandstand. regulations for the ensuing year, October 24 Vernonia was blacked out each Kilby Reported Safe of a 81OO Defense Savings Bond. April 25 Seasons, bag limits, and other Tbo drive for lands for tba par- Vernonia high school’s Loggers night for four nights after the Noble Dutton was named as life Mrs. A. E. Jennings report* re regulations affecting sports fishing abaao waa started Wednesday by guard for Dewey Pool. again claimed the Columbia county starting of war by Japan. ceiving a card from Robert Kilby will be considered. The meeting will Kenneth White, manager of the May 3 football championship as the result December 19 The championship Logger foot at Seaside which informs that his be open to the general public and Clean-up day was sponsored by of a win over Scappoose. The amendment to the city char ball squad attended a banquet in brother, Arthur Kilby, who was re representatives of sportsmen’s or- the Vernonia chamber of commerce. ter was passed by a large majority ♦heir honor and heard Rollie Truitt ported lost at the time of the bomb ganizations and other interested or- The Keasey school district elec ing of Honolulu, is safe. ganizations are invited to attend. tion held to decide the question of in the special election held for that as guest speaker of the evening. This week’s Eagle marks the beginning of another year of publica tion with the starting of Volume 19. Volume 18 has just been completed and in starting the new year the outstanding news stories of 1941 are presented below as prepared from last year’s 52 editions. First Aid Needs To Be Solicited More Beef Can Be Sold, Believed I i Day of Prayer to Be Observed Partridge Service Held Here Tues. More Civil Reserve Signers Needed Final Read Saturday Club Ownership To Change Soon First Aid Class To Begin Tues. Bond to Be Given Flyer Game Commission To Set Bules