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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1941)
_________________ Thursday, Dec. 4, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Renfros Leave on Extended Trip TIMBER—Mr. and Mrs. Guy Renfro, he being a local employee of the Southern Pacific, left Thurs day night from Portland on a trip which will encircle the United States. They are taking the north ern route to Chicago and New York and will return by the south ern route. They will visit relatives in Richmond, Virginia, and Tampa, Florida. A side trip will take them to Cuba. Mrs. Alice Hensley and daugh ter, Wynona, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. B. Walter, all of Portland, here last Tuesday night where they visited at the Kilburg and Tallman homes. Miss Helen Blanchard, Mrs. Lance Brown and Albert Yoder attended Wednesday night the Washington county teachers’ meeting at Corn elius grade schorl', of which Austin Sc’afford, former Timber princi pal, is principal. Puppet shows were given along with other forms rf entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Ed West were Bux ton visitors Sunday. Returns to School Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riggle of Tophill were visitors Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Riggie’s sister, Mrs. Ida Kilburg. They wt>. enroute to their home after at tending the funeral services of Mr. Riggle’s sister, Mrs. Etta Edwards, at Buxton. Mrs. John Marchel returned home from the General hospital in For est Grove last Thursday where she spent several days recuperating from a severe cold. Attends Funeral Mrs. Elmo Tallman attended the funeral of an aunt, Mrs. Albert Ed wards, at Buxton last Wednesday. This is the second death in the family in five weeks. New additions have been added to the gymnasium such as a slide and rings, a back stop on the base ball field and new gravel side walks. George McCuistion and Mr. Blankenbickled did the work. Albert Yoder, principal, escorted his seventh and eighth grades to the skating rink at Hillsboro last Thursday night. Mary Hart of Vernonia spent from Thursday of last week until Monday at the Kilburg home. Mrs. Lance Brown attended the Washington County Institute Satur day in Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kelly and fam ily will move to Reedsport Satur day. Mr. Kelly is educational sup erintendent at Camp Reehers. Jake’s Cafe closed last Wednes day night. Mr. Bock purchased the equipment. Freddie Roggi returned to school this week after an absence of two months due to illness. Lorraine Tailman left Sunday morning for Pendleton where he is stationed with the 20th Air Base Squadron. Tailman has been on a 20-day furlough. Miss Alga Ribbers left .ast Thursday for the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Kenneth Baker, in Forest Grove. Miss Ribbers will visit an indefinite time. KEASEY—Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kubler spent Stevenson and son spent the week Saturday night in Portland at the end with Mrs. Stevenson’s sister, J S. F^wster home. Mrs. R. Miller, in Portland. In Wilsonville Mrs. Dane Brady, Mrs. Eda Park Mrs. Nellie Kublqr and son, er, Mrs. Homer Gwin and Mr. Chas. Billy, spent Wednesday in Wilson -•Bergerson spent Friday in Hills ville at the home of Mrs. Kubler’s boro. sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Smith and Mrs. George Sattler. daughter, Janet, and Joy Counts Frank Booth of Los Angeles, spent the week-end at the home of California visited Farrell West Mon Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bergerson day. at Garibaldi. Mrs. Eric Carlson re Mr. and Mrs. Earl Byers and turned to Vernonia from Garibaldi family of Warrenton spent the with the Smiths Sunday. Mr. Smith week-end with Mr. Byer’s parents, and Mr. Bergerson spene Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Byers. morning crabbing in Garibaldi bay. Lester Boone left Wednesday Ralph DeVaney made a trip to for the Philippine Islands. Seattle over the week-end. Albert Yoder was a business Visitors at the W. J. Lindsley visitor in Portland over the week tome Sunday were Mrs. Lindsley’s end. uncle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Walt- Mrs. Preston .Jlonnell received ter Beard, of Banks, Mr. and Mrs. word Friday of the death of her Sam Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon mother, Mrs. Joe Warner, of Ver Lindsley and Claribel' Lindsley. nonia. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnell and Mrs. A. B. Counts and Mrs. D family atteiyled the funeral Mon R. DeVaney called on Mrs. Lindsley day. Monday evening. Man Trannferred Mrs. G. A. White returned Thurs Mr. and Mrs. Will Miles and day from a ten-day visit in Port Beverly moved to Manzanita last land. week-end. Mr. Miles was transfer Mrs. A. B. Counts of Roseburg red to the Nehalem CCC camp from Camp Reehers. Ida Kilburg served a chicken dinner Sunday to the following people: Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Walt ers, Maxine Cameron and Lester Boone of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kilburg and Ronald of Hillsboro. Miry Hart of Vernonia, and Otto Wilson of Forest Grove. Mrs. Hazel Saunders of Seattle was a visitor at the B. Tallman home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Boardman of Manzanita were Sunday r.oon callers at the home of Miss Helen Blanchard. The Boardmans were enroute to their home after visiting in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Whitir^’ formerly lived here; Mr. Whiting was a CCC camp employee. Garibaldi Visit Is Mentioned Why don’t you try hanging up an average week’s washing some time, Mister? Even a he-man would be tired out after a big day’s washing. Yet many a he-man expects his wife to do the job he wouldn’t tackle for love or money. Besides housewives have plenty of other work to do. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK Vernonia-Seaside Laundry & Cleaners Vernonia Phone 711 is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. D. R. DeVaney. Sunday visitors at the G. A. and Frank White homes were Mrs. Or- ley Milligan and small son of Ver nonia. Mrs. Herb Counts has been help ing Mrs. Luther paper the Victor Bergerson house. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Battrick and son, Kent, spent the week-end at the Clarence Reed home. Anniversary of Wedding Honored CAMP McGREGOR—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lund went to Clats kanie Saturday. While there they were given a surprise party on their 25 th wedding anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lund, The hostesses were Mrs. Anna Lund, Mrs. Siuma Lund and Mrs. Ed Lund. There were sixty people present. The honored couple was presented an envelope of silver. Those attending from camo were Mr. and Mrs. Westerberg and Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. John Reed and son went to Wheeler Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gore and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olson went to Tigard and visited at the home of Otto Brockhaua over the week-end. Mrs. Hogberg took her daughter, Dorothy Ann, to the doctor Last week for an examination of her arm. Mrs. Ellen Doyle was in camp last Thursday to attend the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fugate were in Portland Saturday. They are visiting in Wheeler now. Mrs. Roy Dixon visited at the Fugate home last Thursday and Friday. She attended the dinner in camp. Mrs. A. O. Turner took her aunt, Mrs. Remington, to her home in Dallas. She returned home on Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Turner went fish- ing on the Wilson River Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald and baby of Hood River visited over the week-end at the Lyman Wax home. Mrs. Wax and Mrs. Fitzgerald are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Robbins visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Bill Mason, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ego motored to Hillsboro Saturday to receive med ical care. Chris Norgard went to Portland Saturday to see his doctor. Mrs. Peterson Gives Dinner SUNSET—Mrs. Ed Peterson en tertained with a turkey dinner honoring her husband on his birth day Friday evening. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shank of West Slope, Mr. and Mrs. Art Young and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. i.ux- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher visited Dave Currans of Manning Satur- day and other friends and relatives of Buxton. Mrs. Fred Davis and daughter spent the week-end in Astoria with Mr. Davis who is staying with his sister, Mrs. Charles Swanson. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher were Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Watson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson and Beverly White, all of Buxton. Visit from Cottage Grove Mrs. L. L. Rex and Mrs. Gordon Stimmel and children of Cottage Grove were overnight guests of their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Arneson Thurs- day. W. C. Arneson of Portland was 5 an overnight guest Friday of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Arneson. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Sandberg spent the week-end at their home in Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rebitzke and Jim Shayne visited at the William Mizner home at Buxton Saturday and also visited Mrs. Rebitzke’s mother, Mrs. Anna Godfred of Hillsboro. Vacca* Visit in Buxton Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vacca and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pratt of Buxton Sunday. Mrs. M. B. Watson and son, Mrs. Charles Pratt of Buxton and Mrs. C. Goodrick and son of Man- ring were luncheon guests of Mrs. Earl Fisher Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peterson and son, Robert, visited Mrs. Peterson’s father, Jacob Girshberger, and a sister, Mrs. Tom Jiffenes, of Sher- wood Saturday. HAMMOCK NOT USED The days of sleeping in the swinging hammock are over, as far as the majority of Uncle Sam’s sailors are concerned. Most of the new ships are outfitted with steel bul ks which, when not used, fold against the casement, or wall. LUMBER - SHINGLES — VENEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. 4. IBIKUUE WEEK-ENU. New and Used Parts New and Used Tires Gas and Oil You can always be assured of the best in meats when you purchase them at King’s. A trial is the best way to be convinced. We invite you to make that trial today. Expert Auto Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS TRY THIS BAKED HAM SLICE WITH PEARS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW Place a thick slice of ham in an open baking / pan in a moderate oven. Let bake until fats brown, then cover with a paste of % CUP brown sugar, 2 tablespoons vinegar and % teaspoon mustard. Cover pan and bake for U/i hours. Serve with pear halves brushed with butter roll Oregon-American LUMRER CORPORATION ed in fine crushed corn flakes and baked till brown. Add a teaspoon of currant jelly to each pear. King’s Grocery and Market Vernonia, Oregon “Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge, Riverview z ^For Farms... For Business... For Total Defense Effort VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY A Safe Place to Trade Vernonia, Oregon