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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1941)
1941 CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE EDITION Oer no iWOE agl e Thursday, December 4, 1941 I, 231 Farmers Eligible to Cast Ballots County Convention Dele gates to Meet to Review Association Business Approximately 1,231 farmers, members of the Columbia County Agricultural' Conservation associa tion, are eligible to vote next week at the annual community elections, W. C. Johnson, county AAA chair man, announced yesterday. Community committees and dele gates to the county conventions will be chosen at. the community elec tion meetings. The community elec tions have been scheduled as fol lows: Clatskanie community Mon day, December 8, 1:30 p. m„ Odd Fellow’s hall; Nehalem Valley com munity Monday, December 8, 10 a. m., Natal Grange hall; Rainier community Tuesday, December 9, 10 a. m„ Rainier city hall; War ren-Scappoose community Tuesday, December 9, 1:30 p. m., Scappoose grade school; Yankton-Goble com munity Monday, December 8, 1:30 p. m., court house. Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon Vernonia Merchants Ready District No. 47 For Christmas Season Bond Condition Made Known The issue of The Eagle for this week carries a message to every home in the Nehalem Valley from the business firms of Vernonia, telling valley residents of this year’s Christmas gift offerings. Many, n.any suggestions are made on in side pages and from those sugges tions those who are having diffi culty in deciding what will make an appropriate gift will find much aid. Listed are items of clothing, furniture, auto accessories, toys, jewelry, etc. An examination of the suggestions made will be of much help in remedying the problem of what to give. Along with the effort of mer chants, The Eagle is being printed in sufficient numbers so that a copy may be distributed to every home from those at Timber down through the valley to the homes at Birken- feld. Red Cross Group Lauded for Work Balance Outstanding Is $8,924; Issues Being Re tired Volume 18, Number 49 Four Army Men Leave Fou|r VeRnonia soldiers, George King, George Peachey, Roy Bell and Junior Owen, were recalled to Fort Lewis Monday night during a fur lough at home. The four who were originally members of the National Guard and who signi fied the desire to go to the Philippines will leave on Sat urday, December 6, for the Presidio, San Francisco, whore they will remain in quarantine for a short time before sailing for the Philippine Isles. Stop Streets Designated By Council Ordinance Passed Mon day Establishes Ruling for Motorists The Vernonia city council acted Monday evening to pass an ordin ance which designates stops for automobiles which enter Maple Street between Second Street and Weed Avenue. Other business of Thirty, little, friendly, European the council during the evening was children who will be clad in blue placing the official okeh on first- woolen rompers or will be fitted in cf-the-month bills. clever snow suits will owe their The ordinance regulations, which warmth and comfort to a group of have been discussed by councilmen Vernonia women who have given ai a previous meeting, will seek In the hands of the Vernonia to prevent auto accident at the one day a week for the last two months to Red Cross sewing. The merchants early this week were intersections of Second and Third small brother or sister may receive letters from the Vernonia Business Streets and Maple Street and lessen Funeral services were held here some of the 20 sleepers, 10 shirts, the danger at those places. Women inviting each business house The ordinance in part reads as last Friday for George Hyatt who 20 gertrudes and 15 little dresses to enter the second annual Christ passed away at his home Wednes the group of volunteer wooers follows: mas window display contest. The THE CITY OF VERNONIA DOES have completed. day following a flu attack. prize, a trophy, will be on display George Hyatt was born Novem ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: But ask some of Vernonia’s pat soon. Last year, a small loving ber 25, 1880 at Lincoln, Nebraska, ient workers about the long tedious Section 1. That Maple Street cup with the winner’s name en from the easterly curb line of Seo- and passed away at the age of 61 hours spent on the 80 pairs of graved was presented to Wendall ond Street to the easterly curb years. He was married and leaves bootees, the 10 pairs of mittens, Kupersmith, barber. to mourn his passing his wife, the 10 little wooly jackets and the line of Weed Avenue in the City Merchants planning on entering of Vernonia is hereby designated Jennie Hyatt; one daughter, Mrs. 8 dozen diapers also completed dur Delegate* to Meet the contest, the judging date of as a through street or highway. Farmers are urged to do their Nettie Plymale; and one son, El ing this time. In addition, the Ver which is Saturday, December 20, voting in the community in which mer Cummings, all of Vernonia; a nonia group made 5 tailored dresses Section 2. It shall be unlawful are requested to inform the club brother, Jack Hyatt of Ryderwood, for women of the oppressed coun they live. for a driver of any vehicle to en president, Mrs. Marvin Kamholz, tries. Following the community elec Washington; and one grandson. or the corresponding secretary, Mrs. ter upon or cross said Maple Street Services were held at the Bush tions, delegates to the county con Help is badly needed by the lo Rose Valpiani. This means of learn between the easterly curb line of vention will meet to review the Funeral Home with Reverend H. cal Red Cross group, which is now ing the entrants will aid the three Second Street and the easterly curb business of the association during R. Scheuerman officiating and in asked to do its own cutting, and judges whose names remain unpub line of Weed Avenue without first terment took place at the Vernonia the past program year and to which has decreased in number, ow lished until' after the judging. bringing said vehicle to a stop at ♦Meet oounty comnu4‘jmen Jok- Memorial Cemetery. ing to the holiday activities. Wo Omei Nickerson, a resident of Finns will not be over-looked if any place where any cross streets 1942. men who have had any experience Vernonia for the past 35 years, their entrances are signified. Riv between the above mentioned point! “Triple A’s role in the all'-im- in cutting or sewing are urged to was called by death Monday while erview businesses and those located cross Maple Street or where any portant food for defense program come to help. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. on streets other than Bridge street, stop signs are placed between said wfill place added responsibilities W. F. Slater of Tigard. Funeral it is hoped, will understand that points. More sewing machines are also on all AAA committeemen during Section 3. Any person violating services for the deceased will be the contest is theirs to enter. Every in demand. Anyone lending a mach the comir,- year,” Johnson said. held today, Thursday, at 1:30 at Vernonia business house is encour the provision of this Ordinance ine may feel certain that the in “I believe that this is all the more The men’s and women’s bowling the First Christian church with Rev. aged strongly to take part in mak shall, on conviction thereof, be pun reason why everyone who has a teams of Rainier met defeat last strument will be kept in good con W. O. Livingstone officiating. ing the City window display for ished by fine not more than $25.06 vote should attend his community week when they encountered the dition and will be returned to the Mr. Nickerson was born at On Christmas an inspiring one, one or by imprisonment in the City owner upon request. Treadle mach meeting and help name the men two Vernonia teams. Total pins and tario, Canada, March 1, 1862, and that is a credit to the merchants Jail not more than ten days, or by who will handle this increased re high point bowler for each team is ines can be used to advantage by passed away December 1, 1941, at and to their patrons. both such fine and imprisonment. many of the women who are not sponsibility.” listed as follows: Rainier men: accustomed to the faster, electric the age of 79 years. He is survived Section 4. Lt is hereby declared 2581; John K.—571. Vernonia men, machine. that existing conditions are such by: three daughters, Mrs. W. F. 2625; Charles Dübendorf—619. that this ordinance is necessary for Slater of Tigard, Mrs. C. H. Lynch, Hours for sewing are from 9 a. Cloverdale, and Mrs. H. E. Sewell, Rainier women: 1804; June Bust- the immediate preservation of the rin. Vernonia women: 2012; Ther m. to 4 p. m.; the kitchen in the Portland; one son, Dewev Nicker peace, health and safety of the I. O. O. F. hall is used for hs son of Lake Creek; three sisters, esa Goertzen, 473. City of Vernonia, and an emergency On December 13, the Vernonia workroom where at noon coffee Alma Sitts, Vernonia, Alice Doerr, 13 hereby declared to exist and provided by Vernonia grocers is Emil Lund, late of Gresham and The League of Oregon cities in men’s and women’s bowling teams served. The ladies volunteering for Dallas, Texas, and Myrtle Lang, a former resident of Treharne, this ordinance shall take effect cooperation with the bureau of will go to Rainier for a return work bring their own cups and Chula Vista, California; a brother, passed away Wednesday, Novem from and after its passage by the Common Council of Vernonia and LeRoy of San Diego, California; 11 municipal research at the Univer game. lunches. ber 26, from an attack of pneu approval by the Mayor. grand children and four great sity of Oregon will hold a regional monia. Mr. Lund was born in Any information desired may be grand children. meeting of city officials in St. Hel obtained by calling 396 or 626. Interment will take place at the Sweden on August 16, 1880. He ens on Monday, December 8, it was Came to the United States on June Rock Creek Cemetery. announced this week by Harold 25, 1910 and lived in Portland for Wyatt, acting director of the bur Second Shoot Planned a good many of the years spent in eau. The American Legion members District Meet Planned this country. The mayor, councilmen and de Veterans of Foreign Wars will The Vernonia Gun club defeated are planning a second turkey shoot He leaves to mourn his passing partment heads of St. Helens, Scap the Hyster-Esco team here Novem on December 14, it was announced hold a district meeting on Friday, his widow, Emma Lund and five Nellie Helen Warner was buried poose, Vernonia, Clatskanie, anl ber 28 with the score 895 to 886. his week. The participants of the December 12, in the I. O. O. F. hail children, Fred, Yngve and Mrs. at the Rose City Cemetery in Port Rainier have been invited to the High men for Vernonia were Zim- last shoot, held the Sunday pre in Clatskanie. Veterans and auxil Lawrence Combs of Portland, Mrs. land Monday following her death conference. merdahl, 185; Fetsch, 183; Brown, vious to Thanksgiving, fortunate iaries from Vernonia, St Helens Howard Allen and Mrs. LaVerne at her home here last Thursday, Speakers for the meeting will be 180; Ray, 174; and Graves, 173. enough to have won cheaply their and Clatskanie will participate. Ac Adams of Vernonia. Mr. Lund was November 27th. Mrs. Warner was Mayor Earl Riley of Portland, May On Djcember 5 at the range In fowl for the fowl for the holiday cording ‘o R. D. Ramsey, Comman sick for just three days. born on April 11, 1890, at Jack or W. W. Chadwick of Salem, Mr. the basement of the Fenton build will' no doubt be present on the der of the Second District of Ore sonville, Oregon, and passed away J. S. McArthur of the Eugene wat ing at 6th and Oak streets in Port 14th to test their luck again. Any gon, both state and national offic at Vernonia at the age of 51 years. er board, and J. L. Franzen, city land the Vernonia rifle team will one having turkeys is requested ers will be present, stressing the She was married and is survived manager of Oregon City. national cause. meet the Portland Rifle club. to see Harry Culbertson. by her husband, Leotis S. Warner, The conference will provide an Vernonia; three sons, Joe, Arthur opportunity for city officials to ex and Lee of Vernonia; and five change experiences and ideas on a Regulations pertaining to the daughters, Betty of Vernonia, Mrs. variety of municipal problems and Richard Tunnell and Mrs. Lloyd recruited through us. The clothes tiny children know. To note how Received early this week from taking of game fish during 1942 make suggestions for needed re Tunnell of Eend, Mrs. Preston that the children wear have been J. W. Thompson, chairman of the they recognize the difference be will be promulgated at a meeting search through the bureau. Speak Bonnell of Timber and Mrs. Fred ers at the meeting will' also discuss Columbia county Red Cross, was a tween a warning siren and an “all sent by you and issued to them; of the Oregon State Game Com Bonnell of Delena; two brothers, the baby bus in which they travel clear ” ; to realize that they know copy of a letter from Lady Stelle mission in Portland on Saturday, state legislation of interest to cities Harry Hart of Salem and Hector and give consideration to propos Reeding, Chairman of the Women’s the difference between a bomb down to the country has been made January 10. Hart of Santiam; and 14 grand possible through American help. All which has just fallen, an incendiary Voluntary Services for Civil' De Individuals and organizations in als which have been made for lea children. this generosity and kindness is in bomb coming down and a time fense, London, England, a reprint terested in the fishing regulations gue action. Services were held at the Bush of which is given below: bomb going off. This is not a thing addition to all the magnificient help are invited to attend the meeting My dear Chairman of Chapter that can be taught or be learnt, it you are giving us in so many dir which will be open to the general Funeral Home with Rev. W. O. Pre-Schoolers to Get Test Columbia: Livingstone officiating. is a thing which experience alone ections, but because of the enclos public. An announcement from the grade I know how wonderfully you have engraves in one’s mind, and this is ure in this letter I have narrowed The Commission is required under school 'Wednesday revealed that worked to help us in Great Britain why we, who operate your wonder myself down to War Nurseries and pre-school children may take he ever since the war overtook us, ful gifts to the children in distress, the wonderful work the American state law to fix the fishing regula tubercular test and may be giv.en and I am pending you a small in this country, are so immensely Red Cross has done to help us in tions at this meeting. the small pox vaccination on Tues booklet on War Nurseries because grateful to you. Tiny children who this country in so tangible a form. day, December 9, at the Washing you have made them possible in have lived through raids, who often When you live through days .such ton grade school. The charge for this Country. I doubt if your gen have been dug up from under as we live through, words seem the vaccination is 25c. erous members realize how immense debris in the arms of their dead a very poor way of framing apprec the help is that their individual mothers are, through your gener iation and thanks, and, therefore, contributions makes possible, nor osity, sent to war nurseries in the I can say only to you that we will Bond Purchase Made Information from the weather The Lumber and Sawmill Work how wonderful the knowledge is country where they are able to be show by actions how much we value ers Union, Local No. 5-37, has pur physically and mentally that help brought baric to normality and for what you have done and continue records compiled for the month of chased Series F Defense Bonds is coming so readily to us who get. the horrors which at one time to face in the future what has been November by Ed Sessman reveal which will mature at $1200, an are working incessantly to make had become part of their daily life. our lot in the past, realising that that the precipitation for the past announcement made recently states. the burden on each man. woman The nurseries are run under the you are strengthening us in every month totaled 4.81 inches. Maxi mum temperature for that period The purchase was made at The and child in the country as light auspices of the Waifs and Strays way you can. was 65 degrees and the minimum Stella Reeding First National Bank of Fairest as possible. Coe of the horrors of ami other organisations through recording was 23 degrees. this war is to see how much the W. V. S. Voluntary workers are Chairman Grove. Hyatt Funeral Held Friday A release of information this week makes known the bonded in debtedness condition of Grade School District No. 47, Jt. The bonds now outstanding against the district are some of. those whicn were issued to build the present grade school building and to take up interest-bearing warrants dur ing the last depression. On the refunding issue $4,000 is outstanding in serial type bonas which cannot be paid until date of maturity. One $1,000 bond will mature each year on July 1st for the years 1942, 1943, 194a and 1945. On the funding issue $11,000 is outstanding at the present time. Tihesle bonds are retired when money is available. This listing was issued in amounts of $500 each. The two issues total $15,000 and at the present time the cash on hand in the county treasurer’s of fice totals $6,076 leaving a balance outstanding of $8,924. Merchants Sent Contest Letters Illness Causes Death Monday Vernonia Bowling Teams Win Games Former Treharne Resident Dies City Officials To Meet Monday Rifle Team Wins Match Friday Red Cross Aid Is Greatly Appreciated Funeral Held For Mrs. Warner Fishing Rules to Be Set January 10 November Rainfall Totals 4.81 Inches