6 Thursday, Oct. 30, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon which had broken out of pasture. The crash killed the horse, and smashed the front of the car. The occupants of the car were injured. Mrs. William Bridgers has had quite a little trouble rince having were MIST—Funeral services her tonsils removed, She returned held here Monday of last week for home recently from the hospital, Mrs. Walter Shearer, an old pioneer then was taken back for a couple who died Friday. She was nearly of days last week but she is home 84 years old and had spent most now and doing nicely. cf her life in the Nehalem Valley. Those from here attending the Her husband survives her. She fell shower for Mr. and Mrs. Alvery a few years ago and broke her hip Trotter at Elsie were Mrs. L. W. and since then has been in failing Wikstrom, Mrs. Acie Trotter and health. She leaves a husband, two Mrs. A. A. Dowling and daughter. brothers and several nieces and Florence. nephews. She was a member of the Mrs. Donald Sundland’s sister Nehalem Valley Pioneer association. has been visiting her for the past Mr. Roper from Seaside is our two weeks. new highway boss, having taken Mrs. Maud Rodgers was here over last week. Mr. Hayden resign from Garibaldi last week visiting ed to go to work for the Mathews’ Soldier* Hit Hone her daughters. A loud crash awoke the people brothers. Mrs. L. Ctosner went to Portland Our school is preparing a program in the upper end of the village last week, being called there by and carnival to be given on the early Thursday morning about 2 the serious illness of Mr. Cl-osner’s 29th. It promises to be pretty good. o’clock and upon investigation it mother. The youngsters are excited about was learned a car containing three Don’t forget the county demon it. soldiers had hit Mr. Kovach’s horse st ration in the gym on November 7th. Pot luck lunch will be served. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wikstrom were Portand visitors Saturday. Mrs. Lena Renfro is visiting the Libel family. She lives at Newberg. Family Moves to Vernonia Thomas Osborn moved Sunday from the Turner house to Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Hayden had as guests over the week-end hit I arents from Hebo. Mrs. Roper has purchased the home of Mrs. Violet Larson and she will' move to Vernonia soon, We hate to lose a good neighbor. The L. E. McGees spent Iasi Sunday with the H. M. Reynolds Floods the Room with Circulating Warm Air —Gives Penetrating Radiant Heat Close Up! family. This new Coleman Oil Heater gives extra Mrs. George Jones visited Mrs. valueforyourmoney— 2-way heating serv J. 0. Libel on Wednesday. ice—healthful, radiant heat plug active Mrs. Mary Garlock is again work warm air circulation. Gives dependable ing for the Dr. Rockwell' family heat under all ordinary weather conditions. in Vernonia. FOR HOMES HARD-TO-HEAT... ROOMS... CABINS ... COTTAGES ... SERVICE STATIONS Mrs. Ed Reynolds returned from Burns low-cost fuel oil efficiently! Grilled Seaside last week and spent the cabinet of distinctive design. Good-look week at the Libel home. She is ing, with sturdy, long-life Coleman con somewhat stronger but is not feel struction. Has many of the fine features found in higher-priced models. A real ing too well yet. bargain! COME IN AND SEE A DEM- The L. E. McGee family spent ONSTRATION1 last Sunday at the Clyde Henderson home. William Bridgers was a Portland business visitor Friday. Mrs. Charles Sundland called on Mrs. A. A. Dowling on Friday after noon a week ago. Mrs. William Bridgers was in Portland Tuesday. Miss Ruth Seif kin of Portland Get yours NOW while they are still obtainable. and her sister from New’berg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald You will be astonished at the amount of space this Sundland Sunday. Another sister, little Coleman will heat and again—how cheaply who has been here for a couple it operates. cf weeks visiting, returned home with them. Terms only $5.00 down, $5.00 per month The Mist Helping Circle met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Charles Hanson. A lovely chicken dinner was served with the usual added pot luck. The birthday anni versary, too, was celebrated for Mrs. J. O. Libel. A most gorgeous birthday cake, baked and decorated by Mrs. Hanson was the center f attraction. After dinner the business meeting was called to order. It was voted to buy some new pans and bowls we are much in need of. A program wilt be given at a later date to raise funds. Several mem- bers were absent. Mrs. Lence Ren fro was a visitor at the meeting, The next meeting will be with Mrs. Violet George. Mrs. C. O. Hayden spent a few days last week in Portland with l.er mother. Aged Pioneer Called by Death r ¿HP Q!^f5K ¿ , Mrs. Rex Bellmore spent Sunday bert Yoder, Helen Blanchard and in Astoria. Mrs. Lance Brown who were re- Go to Forest Grove ceived by the parents of the city, Mr. and Mrs. K. Cobat and Mr. Reception was arranged and pre and Mrs. Rex Bellmore spent Sun pared by the local Parent Teacher’s Association of which Mrs. Ed Peter day evening in Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cobat spent son presides as president. Tables the week-end at Lebanon at the were gaily decorated with witches and cats and other Hallowe’en home of Mrs. C-obat’s sister. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Camoun characters. A welcoming speech was and sons of Portland were guests extended to teachers and parents at the E. A. Snider home Sunday. bv Mrs. Peterson. Tokens of apprec Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson and iation were presented to the teach daughter spynt the week-end at ers from the P. T. A. before the luncheon. Goble visiting friends. Mrs. Stella Porter and Hazel Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coburn and daughters, Anna, Nada and Orpha, Shuck of Eugene were visitors of former residents of Vernonia but Mrs. Ida K'lburg Friday night. Georgene McCuistion, who is em now living in Portland, and Mrs. Carl Adams of Portland were week ployed in Portland spent the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McCuistioa. Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. William Huffman accompanied Miss Billy Huffman, Annabelle Dunn and Betty Ramsey to the dance Saturday night at Shadyside. Reception Given Timber Teachers several days last week visiting with Mrq. Rneal and Mrs. Kilburg. Albert Yoder, Helen Blanchard and Mrs. Lance Brown attended the Five-County Institute Monday. Miss Alga Ribbers and George White attended the play “Tou—xo Road” in Portland Saturday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. William Huffman and daughter, Billie, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ramsey and Betty and Bobbie, made a tour over the Wolfe Creek highway to Neahkahnie and back the new Wilson River highway Sunday. Special For This Week Only Effective October 30 to November 6 Parents Visited Miss Betty Jean Gildner, who is TIMBER—A surprise luncheon re attending St. Marys of the Valley, ception was given in honor of ihe spent the week-end with her par teachers in the Timber school Oct ents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gildner. ober 23. Honored guests were Al- Mary Hart of Vernonia spent ! I E I CfáttS FOR the whiskey THAT’S "Cheerful as its Name!" Wash Job " We wash you car with Kerrick special car wash soap which leaves a protective coat of wax. * aik S unny A roo * Richfield Super Service \J®"TVCKY STRriO«J yK'RBON WHlStf* OLD *2.10 QI. 93 Proof S unny B rook K eimaj C3’’» ¿>. ir BLi .iBON WHISKRV National Distillers Products Corporation. N Y. Bridge & State Streets BRAND Jas. R. Davies ^í^íáííííííí^////////////////////^ Coleman OIL HEATER These Little Heaters Are Getting Scarce? While They Last Other Models from $59’^ to $119’50 —— Paterson JOINS IN THE {( ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ^STABHSHH) 1881 * I in CELKBKATES 60 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP Kt MATTRESS VALUES WITH THIS X ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 4 Jw \ wr rout! now f W , Both Spring \ & Mattress Only $49-50 I Highest qualities plus gen uine comfort made the Sealy MattreM world-famous for 60 years as "The Pillow For The Body.** NIW^JTS^ ixt Y • Hc.lth-iied Sealy Inner- spring Unit • Health-iteJ Sealy Sun Ray lelted Couon • Healih-iied Sealy Germ- Resisiani Cover a Health ired Sealy Prebuilt "Breathing” Border • Health ited Sealy Packag. Ing—Factory Sealed • CuMom Tailored Features — Inner-Roll Edge—Tape Bound - Hand lee—Ven ti- Utore COMPUTEIV HEALTH-IZED i ——iwaMM,! Resilient Inncrapringunii con Mr ma to every contour oi the body for proper Mtpport .nd complete [Big New Sealy Inner-Spring Mattresses and Box Springs to Match—In Beautiful Assorted Coverings I RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Hannon, daughter, Lois, and Tommie Tucker spent Sunday at Scappoose fishing. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Boeck and Mrs. John Counts motored to Port land Monday to visit John Counts in St. Vincent hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Larson of Birkenfeld visited this week-end with Mrs. Larson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Boeck. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker and Marvin Hoffmeister of Fort Lewis visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. L.' C. Boeck. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graves and sons were guests Sunday of Mr. Graves’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cobat, Mr. and Mrs. George Cobat and Mr. and Friday, Oct. 31-Monday, Nov. 3 Wesson Oil For Finer Dreaainqa Ortleys ONLY $4».5O SAVE YOURSELF TIME AND TROUBLE Get the car anti-freeze now and prevent being caught in the rush when cold weather sets in. $5.00 Down, $5.00 month—While They Last Get what you need GET YOURS NOW BEFORE PRESENT STOCK IS EXHAUSTED today! George G. Paterson Everything for the Home on E-Z Terms - Portland Prices! We deliver FREE up to 150 miles FURNITURE — RADIOS — REFRIGERATION VERNONIA — OREGON — FOREST GROVE ßc Lb. Box Pounds SUGAR White Satin 100-lb. sack s PORK & BEANS H.*» gç Pie* For Cake«, Frying and Pastries. 3-lb. can CELERY Crisp, Tender ............. Alpine MILK 25c Case of 48 $3.98 Shortening SPRY 66c Shortening 1 P 66c Pure Vegetable 3-pound can CRANBERRIES Lb. -IQ Coos Bay ........................ JLarC 3 $5.71 for Pound J POTATOES ..................... SRAPES 2 Red Emperor Fine Qt can Crisco PUMPKIN $2.29 Pound JONATHONS Box $1.89 SWEET Pound II' Delicious 5C Lb. Box $1.75 Vs* Camp's INNIRSPSING MATTRESS TH! Events of Week Are Tabulated 3-pound can Lb- 4c Royal Satin JELLY BEANS 1-lb. pkg. 13c CHOCOLATE DROPS 1-lb. pkg. 13c Heinz SOUPS 10-oz cans 3 for 25c Campbell’s Tomato SOUP 3 for 25c Van Camp's Emerald Bay SPINACH No. 2 cans 2 for 25c Case 24 $2.95 55c Gardenside PEAS No. 303 cans 3 for 25c Case 24 $2.00 RED KARO Sleepy Hlollow 5-lb. can SYRUP PORK A BEANS 37c S."» 14< ★ CHERUB Ml!» 4t«iic.».Vr\ Cntrbry. Tea Blk. H-lb. 33« Lipton’s Tea %-lb. pk». 43c Hershey Cocoa 1-lb. can 15c 5-lb can g5c U. ». OErsxsX STAMPS * K'TCHEN CRAFT FLOUR tsib .41.69 PEACOCK BUCKWHEAT **JSX,«8c 8-lb. cloth cloth 21c TABLE SALT S-lb pkg 41« BABY LIMA BEANS SAN WAN FANCT PEAS 2’s 3/40c 2 ’* 2/25c COUNTRT HOME CORN FtlRDFNsmF SPINACH Me "A .. ... ... I2 c Ray Mai Pump. 2 H’s 2/19c c- Hostess Delight No. 1 tall 13c Peet* Gran. Soap 35-os. 29c ] LUX SOAP FLAKES GRAPEtRUII JUIutTOWhll£^-c.. lUb RANCHO SOUPS A..t - 10W«* ... 5c JELLWELl DESSERTSLu,... 3 pkglie > MONSTER BUM DROPS Mb pt« 12c' CHOCOLATES’"!» ... 73c; V.”. SI.291 SNOWFLAKE SODA CRACKERS ’<£ 29cl NEW LEADER SUDAS 21. 0, !7c . SHREDDED RALSTON lie ' FAG LAUNDRY SOAP Gu.i 1« 4a SCOT TISSUE TOILET PAPER S roti. Na StERRA PUIE TOILET SOAP 3 b.n IT. SU-PURB BRAN. SOAP 2. IBct ” 3Tt PARD DOG FOOD 3 No i e...2l« QUAKER OATS Omch .. R-g i, pt 21c HORSERADISH '’’IVARO Be . Paradise Dill Pickle* Qt. 19c ' Speas Cider Vinegar Gal. 29c PRESTONE — ZEREX COURSE ZERONE Heath’s Service Station Ph. X57 Riverview a ^^j» SKINNED HAMS Whole or Half BOILING BEEF Cenpak booA SAf tv*» •« ** “ ÛVcHtN covasi Pound Pound PORK STEAK BACON JOWLS RIB STEAK Armour’s Pound Grain fed steer Lb. Lb. «»7c BACON Any sise piece Lb 25c