2 Thursday, Oct. 30, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon YOUR TOWN’S TOPICS Sunday Visitors— in Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason of Camp Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holcomb were Portland visitors Saturday. McGregor were Sunday visitors at They returned in the evening to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Robbins. Other visitors at the Rob- Vernonia. bins home were Mrs. Rachel Rob- Group Take. Trip— bins and Fred Lindberg. Mrs. Paul Gordon, with hen­ mother-in-law, Mrs. Zerbie Gordon, Accordian Played---- Richard Lalli played before the left Friday morning for Cottage Grove where Mrs. Gordon lives. Business and Professional Women’) s Mrs. Wallace McCrae acchmpanied vlub of Portland at the Heathman the former ladies as far as Eugene, Hotel a short time ago. He present­ her home. Mrs. McCrae and Mrs. ed six pieces during the evening. Gordon returned after the week­ New examinations for stenograph­ ers, clerk* and tabulating machine operator* are to be given soon Unemployment mission jobs. Compensation Starting pay for Com- from $960 to $1440 a year with promo- tion Merit prospects, system rules apply. Send applications before Nov­ ember 10 to the Board of Examin­ ■ith the Bible message for him 11:00—Communion service. and other relatives. Mrs. Tunnell’s Cedarburg will have charge of the library during Mrs. Engen’s ab­ 11:30—Sermon, special message, who comes. home is at Bend. sence. subject, “Our Family.’’ The Woman’s Missionary Society H.atm-s—$39.95. Oil 6:30—Both young people ana meets Wednesday afternoon at the Wood Heater.—$44.50 junior endeavorers. church. Furnitur« Stör«, 7:30—Song service and sermon, * It— The mid-week prayer meeting is subject, “Our Invisable Means of held Wednesday evening at 7:30. Support. ” Seventh Grade Win.---- Thursday evening at 7:30 Dr. E. The seventh grade at the Wash­ W. Petticord will preach and con­ Evangelical Church— ington grade school was victori­ Assembly of God Church duct the business of the second — Harvey R. Scheuerman. Minister ous in a class football struggle —Rev. John W. Hodges, Pastor 9:45—Bible school for all ages. Quarterly Conference of this con- with the eighth grade last Thurs- Sunday services: 11:00-—Morning worship with ference year. day, winning by a score of 24 to 9:45 A. M.—Bible school, direct­ missionary emphasis. The Bible Ftiday evening at 6:30 is the C. ed by Alban Colsen, superintendent. message will be, “Our Neighbors.” scheduled time for the society sup- 11:00 A. M.—Morning worship. In Hospital— 6:30—The E. L. C. E. will meet per and Christian fellowship. 6:45 P. M.—Christ Ambassador’s in three groups. Marianne Tomlin, daughter of The community is cordially in­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tomlin, was services. 7:30—The evening searching hour vited. Wednesday night, 7:45—Bible taken to the Portland General hos­ pital Saturday for an emergency study and prayer meeting. Thursday, 2:00 P. M.—Ladies operation for appendicitus. Mari­ YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE anne is in the same ward with Mary missionary and prayer band. Friday, 7 :45 — Christ Ambassadors. Lee Hall who was taken into Port­ We invite everyone to be in our land Thursday for an appendec­ services. tomy. At The Churches . JOY THEATRE Dance at Natal, Saturday, Nov. 1. Davis orchestra. 44 tl Glen ers, Portland. Complete information Purchase Home— from any state employment office. Mr. and Mrs. Ira DIAMOND New Come shipment in and Furniture of see Store, Axminister them. Jewett rugs. Astoria Visitors Here— Vernonia A. Bush. It— 6 DIAMOND LEROY 50 Here Attractive combination of blos­ soms and diamonds. Engage­ ment Ring 50.00 A. L. Kullander for Week-end— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ouderkirk and daughter, Carol, of Astoria were week-end guests of the Glenn Elys. Barbara Dusten and Mrs. Chester Move Wednesday— Dusten visited here the past week Mr. and Mrs. George Smith mov­ end with Mrs. Ben Owens. Miss ed Wednesday into the A. V. Mowe Dusten is attending the University home on Rose Avenue. of Washington at Seattle. Attend Anniversary Party— Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Belongia and children, Leonard, Phyllis and Jim­ Watchmaker and Jeweler mie, spent the week-end at the Parent« Visited— Official Watch Inspector home of Mrs. Be'.ongia’s parents Mrs. Richard Tunnell and two for S. P. and S. Ry. who celebrated their golden wedding sons spent a week visiting her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Warner, anniversary. Thirty-tw. u were pres- ent for the dinner, including the ÏMIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHZHIHIHim 11 grandchildren. Dance at Natal, Saturday, Nov, 1 Glen Davis 44tl orchestra. In St. Helen*— Get the Articles You Need NOW! SPECIAL This Week Only! 32-Piece Dinner Set. Regularly $5.40. Limited Amount in Stock. Reduced to ..... SILEX COFFEE MAKERS Buy While They Last 6-cup. Fire King Oven Glass 9-inch Pie Plate SILVER WARE Service for Six $4.95 $2.45 H H Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lalli and son, Richard, spent the week-end tn St. Helens as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minsent. Mr. Lalli and Mr. Minsent hunted for pheasant Sunday. H Grange hall, Saturday, Nov. H H H H H H 20c $4.75 For Hardware—See Hoffman About It! Hoffman Hardware Co. Vernonia, Oregon —Father M. E. Fleming Services will be conducted at St. Mary’s church, Vernonia, on Satur­ day and Sunday, November 1st and 2nd, by Father M. E. Fleming, St. Helens. The mass on Saturday, the feast cf All Saints, will be at 10 a. m.; evening services and confessions at 7:30 p. m. Mass on Sunday will be at 8 a. m. Baucom recent- ly purchased the property belong- ing to Dr. and Mrs. Millard Cole; Taken to Hospitaal---- Mary Hall, daughter of Mr. and the house in which the J. W. Nich- Mrs. Lee Hall was taken to Port- ols family have been living. land to the hospital last Thursday Birth Announced— evening. She suffered from acute Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaver of appendicitus. Riverview announce the birth of a son born on October 23. Critically Illi— Christian Church Mrs. Laura Sauer was critically Zenith, the Wonder Washer— —The Livinjfstonps. Minister! ill the latter part of last week $59.95 and $69.95. Vernonia Furni­ 9:45—Bible school, M. L. Herrin, from a heart attack. ture Store, Jewett A. Bush. It— superintendent. 4411— is Her Dream Coirli Title! " St. Mary’s Catholic Church Phone 181 H H H H H tHZHIHIHXHXHIHIHZHIHSHXHIHS Hillbilly From dance at King’s Grocery and Market “Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge, Riverview Saturday, November 1 ARKANSAS JUDGE Weaver Bros, and Elviry THE INVISIBLE WOMAN Virginia Bruce, John Howard, John Barrymore Cartoon Sunday and Monday, November 2 and 3 THE ROAD TO ZANZIBAR Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour Comedy News Tuesday, November 4 A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN Gloria Jean Robert Stack Sweaters A MAN BETRAYED Slip-Overs Button Zippers John Wayne Frances Dee Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, November 5, 6, 7 BAD MEN OF MISSOURI Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyman, Wayne Morris p""d $3.50- $4 00 $4.50 and up J-C- ‘Abe’Lincoln The Men’s Store ONE NIGHT IN THE TROPICS Allan Jones Nancy Kelly COMING—Navy Blue» ---- Sergeant York (At popular prices) — I Wanted Wings — They Met in Bombay NOTICE—Mrs. Clifford Fowler, Harry George, W. T. Graves, T. Hardy, Mrs. R. Harmon and Mrs. Betty Hausler, Mist Rt. and C. W. Erven, E. W. French, J. E. Furnish, and L. G. Gil­ man, Vernonia are invited to present this coupon at box office any time before Saturday evening, November 1, for complimentary admission. Pleasant 1. Portland---- The C. L. Andersons had guests over the week-end Mr. Mrs. Carl Davidson and daughter, Doris, of Portland. Motor to Portland— Mrs. Leatha Tousley and son, Arthur, were in Portland Sunday, visiting Mrs. Tousley’s sisters and their families. Mrs. Tousley return­ ed to Vernonia early Monday morn­ ing; Arthur returned Monday eve­ ning. Goertzen Goes to Hospital— Otto Goertzen left Wednesday for Portland where on Friday he will undergo an operation on a knee which was injured almost a year ago. Mrs. Goertzen will be in charge of the bowling alley during her husband’s absence. ★ Daughter Born— Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Fred Layman announce the arrival of an 8-pound, 14-ounce baby girl named Marianne. Mrs. Layman will be remembered by her friends as Frances Vike. Marriage Announced---- We’re bringing you these values as our part of the National Apple Week Celebration—October 31 to November 6th. GLAZED CARROTS AND APPLE RINGS 8 medium size carrots 3 tbsp, fat 1/3 cup brown sugar 4 medium size apples % cup water Juice of 1 lemon Pinch of salt Scrape and cook the carrots in boiling salted water until tender. Drain and store in the refrig­ erator until evening. Core and cut apples into slices Vi-inch thick. Do not peel. Sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent darkening. Cover and »tore in refrigerator. Now for the glazing, Melt the butter in a skillet and add the sugar and water. Add cooked carrots, apple rings and lemon juice in which they marinated. Simmer gently, turning carrots and apple rings occasionally until they are nicely glazed and tender. It is important to keep the heat low to prevent carmelizing the sugar. For serving slip each carrot through an apple ring and serve around chops or corn beef hash. Thursday and Friday, October 30 and 31 THE DEVIL AND MISS JONES Jean Arthur Robert Cummings Disney Cartoon Private First Class Loren Lion- berger and Miss Gladys Emery of San Francisco were married in the Methodist Episcopal parsonage in Minden. Nevada, October 12, it was announced here this week. Mr. Lion- berger attended the Vernonia schools. Leave for Sacramento- Mr S. Ben Owens and Mrs. Lee Engen are leaving this week for Sacramento. California, for a short stay with relatives. Charles ★ C//EVR01H o' I Today, more than ever before, CHEVROLET ECONOMY is a Personal Advantage and a National Asset DESIGNED TO LEAD IN SAVES GAS • SAVES OIL • SAVES UPKEEP STYLING When you realize that The Finest Chevrolet of All Time brings you trim new “Leader Line” Styling . . . new Body by Fisher of the same type and size used on higher-priced cars ... a power­ ful, thoroughly proved Valve-in-Head “Victory” Engine and Unitized Knee- Action Glider Ride ... along with its low price and low operating costs— —then you know exactly what we mean when we say that, under today’s conditions, Chevrolet economy is both a personal advantage and a national asset. I DESIGNED TO LEAD IN PERFORMANCE DESIGNED TO LEAD IN ECONOMY IT PAYS TO BUY THE LEADER AND GET THE LEADING BUY Vernonia Auto Company A Safe Place to Trade Vernonia, Oregon