2. 1941 $19*50 per Month— No Down Payment Will Buy A Comfortable Home in an Excellent Neighborhood on Corner Lot Surrounded by Well-Kept Modest Homes. We have just spent $258.15 in the improvement of this property, including full new roof and two coats of best paint on outside of house. I had this property appraised at $1150.00. On September 12 I gave you an opportunity to pur chase th:s property for $890.00. I thought the price was reasonable but it appears that you did not. "II I I MH mMJ)MJ.ll. M11IISL The garage is better built than usual. There are two extra well-finished rooms that could be made into an apartment. The sidewalks are in across ths front and end of the property. The sci! is an good garden soil as can be found anywhere. Now I Am Offering It The water is piped to the house but there are no built-ins in the kitchen nor is there any bath in the house. 1 am going to sell this property at such a price as to permit the purchaser to put in these improvements If you were to figure the material in the building and the cost of labor to rebuild it, the building, without the lot, would cost you much more than my appraised value and in addition thereto prices are increasing and comfortable houses are hard to find in Vernonia. for $758.15 the actual cost to me without any charge for my time, but at this price of course 1 shall expect you to put in some further repairs to the property and will permit you to have immediate possession for payment of only $19.50 per month. LOOK THIS PROPERTY OVER WITH THE IDEA OF MAK ING YOURSELF A PERMANENT HOME. YOUR RENT RECEIPTS ARE OF NO VALUE AFTER THE MONTH HAS PASSED BUT A PAYMENT ON THIS PROPERTY IS BETTER THAN MONEY IN THE BANK. WHY WASTE YOUR MONEY ON RENT? LJMIllM.j™ w—g^—— OF COURSE, IF YOU WANT THE PLACE BEFORE THAT DATE YOU CAN REACH ME AT THE ADDRESS GIVEN BELOW. SEE THIS PLACE AT 1155 UMATILLA ST., AND INQUIRE. IF YOU WILL. AS TO VALUES IN THE IMMED IATE NEIGHBORHOOD a ND YOU WILL FIND THAT THIS PROPERTY IS UNDERPRICED SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS. This Is an Opportunity of a Lifetime to Secure a Comfortable Home and at a Price Far Below Present Values. I Will Be in Vernonia at the House Monday, October 6, After 2:00 P. M. FRANK H. REEVES 301 PACIFIC BLDG. PORTLAND, OREGON BE 6272 — EA 9875 Loss of Eye Is Reported be remembered here as Kareen Pfeifer and (taught school here about 12 years ago. The young son has been named Peter Jan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kubler and Billy were dinner guests Wednesday- night of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reveal and Dicky. Mrs. Laura Gilmore visited Sat urday in Portland with Mrs. Cohn. Mrst Roggi of /Cochran and Myrtle Ramsey spent Monday with Mrs. A. Dahlman at Elsie. The Dahl- man’s recently moved to Elsie from Cochran. Mil-s. Nellie Kubler and son, Billy, spent Wednesday in Portland at the home of her mother, Mrs. u. H. VanZetten. Northwestern Business College in Portland spent Tuesday and Wed nesday at her home here. Mrs. Mary Hart of Vernonia was a visitor Tuesday of Ida Kilburg. Estelle Porter and Hazel Shuck of Eugene were Friday afternoon visitors with Mae Tailman. Mr.,. Porter is employed at the Stone Hut and Mrs. Shuck at the Grand Cafe. Both were formerly employ ed here at Wolfe Creek Cafe. Walter Brown of Modesto, Calif ornia, has been visiting the past two weeks with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. David Castle. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kubler were Saturlay evening guests of Mrs. Kubler’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Sattler, at Wilsonville. TIMBER—Mrs. Gilmore received word last week from Fred Lumm, Jr., at Medford that he had lost the sight of his right eye, caused three months ago in an accident while he was working at Sunset Camp. Lawrence Kelly, and Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Portland were visitors Sunday at the Gilmore hotel and were guests of Remus Branson. Russell Smith received word of the death of E. T. Watkins of Tilla mook, whom he had known and worked with for the past 16 years. Help Added Mr. Watkins died suddenly Friday Additional help has been added with a heart attack. He was very prominyit in different organiza to the section crew on the S. P. Boyce L. Parker left Friday for tions in Tillamook county, and leaves a large family and many Fort Lewis, where he is now sta tioned. friends to mourn his loss. Eric Armstrong is acting as fire Son Born A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. man and doing janitor work at the KEASEY—Mrs. H. A. DeWitt Morry Vannewitz in Boise, Idaho, Gilmore hotel. left Friday for a visit with her September 22. Mrs. Vennewitz will Maxine Cameron, who attends mother in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Gillham made a trip to Portland Monday. The Frank White family returned Thursday from the hopyards. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis White ana family visited at the G. A. White home Saturday. Visitors at the Krieger home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reed and Bill Cook, Lillian Graham, Abe Graham and Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sturdevant and children, Margaret and Ralph. Mrs. Krieger’s mother is Mrs. W. B. Reed. Mrs. G. A. Riggins and Geraldine attended a shower given for Mrs. J. M. Boss in Vernonia. Mrs. Watson and Opal Steele visited at the Lindsley home Friday. Victor Bergerson is very sick with pneumonia. Visitors at the W. J. Lindsley home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lindsley and daughter, Sher rie, Joe Lindsley, Opal Steele and two children. DISCOVER the many good things tc be found at your neighborhood Safeway A streamlined store offering a wide vari ety of fine foods at the lowest prices . . . with a money-back guarantee on every thing you buy. 6 Trip to Ohio Started Friday FLOWERS TENDER-FRESH BREAD Julia Lee Wright—Enriched 1 Vi-pound loaf BROWN’S FLOWER SHOP Phone 111 lie COFFEE VALUE! AIBWAY ROASTER Lb. bag | Kitchen Craft Enriched FLOUR 49-lb. sack $1.69 F-sher’s, Drifted Snow, Crown Flour 49-lbs. $1.93 Carnation, Pet, Alpine, Borden Milk 3 tails CHERUB MILK Fre,h Tasting 4 tall cans GLENN AIRE GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 can FRUIT COCKTAIL Hostess Delight No. 1 LIBBY PINEAPPLE TIDBITS 2 8-oz. cans KELLOGG CORN FLAKES 11-oz. pkg. 2 for ALBERS FLAPJACK FLOUR Lg. pkg. SCHILLING BLACK PEPPER 8-oz. can ZEE WAX PAPER 125-ft roll 2 for FRESH 3-lb. bag « FAVORITE MATCHES Carton_______ boxes __ 16c MAZDA LIGHT GLOBES 15-100 watt 13c-15c STELLAR FACIAL TISSUES 200’s 9c; 500’s 19c TOMATO JUICE, Sunny Dawn 3 No. 2 cans 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Town House 46-oz 16c SLEEPY HOLLOW SYRUP 26-oz. can 29c LOG CABIN SYRUP Small Can 17c SMALL DRY SHRIMP 5-oz. cans 2 for 29c TOMATO HOT SAUCE 8-oz. cans 4 for 15c SUGAR BELLE PEAS, Fancy 2 No. 2 cans 25c GARDENSIDE SPINACH No. 2Vi cans 2 for 25c DISCOVER PRODUCE Tender, juicy, flavorful—guaranteed to please or your money backl That's Safeway’s offer and your assurance of fine meats, every time! PORK ROAST Picnic Style Pound 91 Serve roast pork with applesauce , , . £IC they'll love it! SIRLOIN STEAKS Pound BEEF ROASTS Pound CHINOOK SALMON Pound BACON JOWLS ARMOURS Corsages, Funeral De signs, Potted Plants REAL Bacon Hack Regular Per Pound 23c .. Pound 33c 23c 19c 17c Guaranteed to please with Safeway’s extra vantage of buying by weight. SWEET POTATOES Jerseys Pound BANANAS Ripe, sweet fruit .... 3 Pounds CELERY Green, appetizing ONIONS Sweet Yellow Spanish LETTUCE Solid Heads ................ CARROTS Tops removed . ___ SQUASH IN NUTRITION" by our Homemaker»' Bureau. gc 25c Pound 3c Pound 3c Pound 8c 4 pounds 19c Pound 2Hc • Get your enrollment-coupon at your neighbor hood SAFEWAY for the 10 eaay. workable,^r»«- j/mnd lessons-by-mail of "KITCHEN COURSE ad LEMONS Sunkist Fancy, full of rich juice Pound