Thursday, Oct. 2, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon SPORTS i'’** Loggers Conquer McCoy Gives St Helens Eleven Probable Lineup The Vernonia Loggers won their first Columbia County league game at St. Helens last Friday evening by an 18 to 0 score to start them on the way to a second consecutive county championship. The first score came four and one-half minutes in the second quarter ns the result of a drive from the Vernonia 48-yard line with Hall and Sunnell carrying the ball. The second tally was made by Sunneil in a play starting at the 13-yard line. An intercepted pass accounteo for the third score of the game. The punting as done for Vernonia by Robert Rocser was an outstanding part of the game from reports that have been made. Roeser’s perform ance was the best ever seen, ac cording to one observation, by a high school player. ASSURE PERSONAL SECURITY Logger coach Mason McCoy re leased his probable starting lineup of players Wednesday for the Ver nonia-Clatskanie game here Friday evening. Players and their positions as given by McCoy were: Robert Roeser, left end; Jack Olin, left tackle; Wilfred Holce, left guard; Leland Errand, center; Lester Gall oway, right guard; Louis Adams, right tackle; Bernard Lamping, right end; Edgar Culbertson, quar terback; Cloice Hall, fullback; Claire Sunnell, left half; and Bill Duncan, right half. News of the Theatre “KITTY FOYLE” FILMED IN FIRST PERSON— San Francis»» Mmatefl Posse and •‘Canine Police” Hevue— to Show at Pacific International Livestock Exposition Portland, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Above illustration shows members of San Francioso Mounted Posse also “Canine Police” going through paces. According to T. B. Wilcox, Jr., President of Pacific International Livestock Exposition, this year's program of entertainment will equal any held In the past from a stand point of quality and variety. A feature attraction—the San Francisco Mounted Posse. This posse—famous for its smart appear ance and spectacular drill—is com prised of 21 men whose saddle out fits alone cost from $1000 to $1,500 apiece. Another main event—the “Canine Police" Revue—presents Doberman Pinschers trained to the highest degree of efficiency in Police work —accomplishing amazing feats—such as hurdling a 9-foot wall without assistance—guarding any given ob ject against theft, and many others. An event of special interest to many will be the thrilling driving New and Used Parts New and Used Tires Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS SAM’S FOOD STORE GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES An Independent, Home-Owned Grocery FREE DELIVERY FOR SALE—32 Special Winchester rifle. Long barrel. House 19, O-A hill. 39t3— FOR SALE—-Fryers. Glen Bodell. Stoney Point 38tf— FOR SALE—1929 Model A Ford and 1935 V-8 Convertible both in good mechanical condition and cash in lawful money of the United with good tires. Inquire 841 Grant States, 10% to accompany bid, 38t3— balance to be paid on confirmation Street, Vernonia. of sale. All bids to be delivered to the undersigned at Vernonia, WANTED—Handyman wants work Oregon. on dairy or in town. Write Box FRED J. ZEINER Executor 133, Vernonia. 40tl Oct. 2 and 9 For personal security and finan Unusual both for its honesty and cial independence—buy Defense for its radical “first person” tech Savings Bonds and Stamps today! nique in revealing the innermost thoughts of its principal character, Ginger Rogers’ new RKO Radio Guaranteed film, “Kitty Foyle,” sets a new Watch Repairing record in Hollywood offerings. W. T. JACOBS The picture, taken from Chris 1162 State Street topher Morley’s much-discussed Vernonia novel, covers an eleven-year period in the career of a little Irish steno grapher whose heaht is constantly getting in the way of her head, and it is said to give the versatile star FOR DELICIOUS her finest opportunity for realistic al attack and defense tactics which, HOME COOKING characterization. it is said, will do more than any other feature ever filmed to ac ‘DIVE BOMBER’ FILMED You’ll like the Termin quaint the public with the superb AT U. S. NAVAL AlP. BASE— Errol Flynn and Fred MacMurray power and organization of this al for its tasty food and head a company of 150 film makers branch of the government service. “Dive Bomber” was filmed in clean atmosphere. who went to the naval air base, San Diego, to film Warner Brcs.' technicolor. U. S. Navy air thriller “Dive Bomb “PLAY GIRL”, IS DANGEROUS Terminal Cafe er.” The film had full government LADY OF LEISURE— approval, and shows advanced nav- Bristling with spicy situations and smart dialogue, and cleverly blend ing emotional drama with sophisti- cated comedy, “Play Girl,” stars Kay Francis in a role tailor-made to her versatile talents. Providing the pleasing romance are James Ellison and Mildred Co»is. In sharp contrast to her charac terizations in “Little Men” and Deanna Durbin’s “It’s a Date,” Miss Francis’ role in “Play Girl” pre sents her as a glamorous fortune hunter who has lived by her wits. Thanks to her cleverly planned Phone 773 RIVERVIEW breach of promise suits she has done right well for herself until, on her last two campaigns she draws blanks. REAP YOUR HARVEST OF VALUES! We’ve sown the seeds of money-saving food buys. It’s up to you to harvest them! Stock up on the things you’ll need—prices are rising. thence South 87 degrees 47’ West along said South line a distance of 175.12 feet to the point of begin ning and containing 7672 square feet; and The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8 in Township 4 North of Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian, Colum bia County, Oregon, for the purpose of paying the claims, accounts, costs and expenses of administra tion of said estate. Bids to be 5 “ZIEGFELD GIRL” HAILED AS MIGHTIEST MUSICAL— competition by 6-Horse Draft Teams. In addition to these special fea ture numbers at each performance in the big arena, plenty of thrills can be expected from the Rodeo, un der direction of that well-known veteran producer, Verne Elliott, and his associate Don Nesbit, assisted by Abe Letton as announcer and with Homer Holcomb, clown of clowns, adding the comedy touch. Entries in the Horse Show supply contrast with brilliant exhibitions of skilled horsemen and women and their mounts. Exhibits at the Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exposition will in clude Beef and Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Goats, Hogs, Horses, Poultry, Pet Stock, Dogs, Land Products, and Industrial Exhibits. An outstand ing exhibit will b" one supplied by the United States War Department. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF HERMAN PETERSEN, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Col umbia, was appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Herman Petersen, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such administratrix. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified, as by law required, to her at the office of The Vernonia Eagle in Vernonia, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first publication: Sept ember 26, 1941. Date of final publication: Octo ber 24, 1941. Frances Petersen Administratrix William S. Nash Yeon Building Portland, Oregon Attorney. Classified East along the said North line a dis Ads............ tance of 80.38 feet to the North east corner of said Lot 5 in the center of the Nehalem River; thence along the center of said river South 12 degrees 05’ East a distance of 26.83 feet; thence South 19 degrees 36’ East a distance of 17.89 feet to a point which is 40 feet distant from (when measured at right angles to) the relocated center of said highway; thence South 60 degrees 36’ West paral lel to said highway center line a distance of 36.06 feet to a point on the South line of said Lot 5; FOR SALE—Underwood portable typewriter. Ray Thacker. 40t3 FOR SALE—2 bull calves, 5 days old. Will Chalmers, Mist route. 40t3— FOR SALE—3, 600 x 16 tires and tubes. See them at Culbertson’s Blacksmith shop. J. W. Nichols. 40tt— WANTED—To board and room 3 or 3 school girls between the ages of 6 and 10 years. Mrs. Clara Kane, Keasey route. 38t3— FOUND—White button front sweat er at Vernonia Auto Company about September 26 or 27. Owner may have by calling at Eagle office and paying for this ad. 40t3— MISSING—Since September 1, fe male Boston Bull dog, “Charity.” Reward for information. Mrs. E. J. Kraft, Wheeler, Ore. 40tl— Medical science has proved that milk is the most satisfactory food for growing children and adults! Grade A Milk & Cream Phone today for reg ular delivery to your home. Nehalem Dairy Products Co PHONE 471 NOTICE OF TAX BUDGET MEETING OF NEHALEM BASIN PEOPLES’ UTILITY DISTRICT NOTICE is hereby given to Taxpayers and Residents of the NEHALEM BASIN PEOPLES’ UTILITY DISTRICT, that a meeting of the Budget Committee of said District will be held in the City Hall at Vernonia, Oregon, on the 27th day of October, 1941, at the hour of eight o’clock P. M. for the purpose of considering and hearing objections and recommendations on the proposed Budget for the District for th» first six months of the vear 1942, which Budget was prepared and recommended by the Budget Committee at its meeting held at the same place on the 26th day of September, 1941, at the hour of 8:30 o’clock P. M„ as follows: 1941 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fir.t Six Month* of Year 1942 BUDGET EXPENDITURES BALANCE LEVY BUDGET $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ None Directors’ Salaries ...................... $ ? $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Secretary’s Salary ..................... $ $ $ 500.00 $ 700.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Compensation for Engineer ....... $ 400.00 $ 250.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 250.00 Compensation for Attorney ..... $ $ 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 .... $ 100.00 Stenographic help ...................... 8 $ 100.00 $ 50.OS $ 50.00 $ 100.00 Office expense .............................. $ Traveling expenses of members $ 200100 $ 250.00 $ 200.00 $ 250.00 of Board and Secretary ......... $ $ 700.00 $ 250.00 $ 400.00 $ 300.00 $ 650.00 Emergency expenses ................. $2100.00 *$ 800.00 $1300.00 x$1700.00 Total of Budget .......................... .... $2500.00 List of expenditures includes amounts pledged or contracted for for balance of 1941. Only $1804.12 of the levy for 1941 has been received by the District, owing to delay in payment of taxes. Budget for years 1939 and 1940 not shown for the reason that District was not created until May 17, 1940. Total levy for first half 1942 in Dollars and cents, is $1300.00. 8. 9. Reviving the Golden Age of X musicals, “Ziegfeld Girl” is ac claimed as topping the imposing list of lavish productions scheduled for 1941—also as being Holly wood’s most elaborate spectacle since “The Great Ziegfeld.” The picture tells the story of This meeting will be open to the public and all reeidents and Taxpayers, and all will, be invited bo three girls—Susan Gallagher, San object or make suggestions and recommendations as to any item of the foregoing Budget or th* matters dra Kolter and Sheila Regan—play pertaining thereto. ed by Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr Date of first publication October 2nd, 1941, and Lana Turner respectively. It Date of second publication October 9th, 1941. Date of last publication October 16th, 1941. tells of their jump from obscurity to fame, and its effect on their Jewett A. Bush, Chairman Harry L. King lives. The dazzle and glamour of E. M. Bollinger Leslie W. Skuzie, Secretary Harry E. Condit Noble Dunlap the Follies prove too much for C. A. Van Alstine Chas. B. Uhlin Sheila, who in the end, ill and dis Geo. I. Baker R. D. Eby illusioned, dies on the eve of Sus an’s success as the Follies’ new star. Legal Notices-- NOTICE OF EXECUTOR’S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY In the matter of the estate of HENRY GLAHN, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Columbia, duly made and entered on Septem ber -24, 1941, in ths matter of the estate of Henry Glahn, deceased, authorizing, licensing and empower ing the executor to sell all of the real property of said estate at pri vate sale from and after October 10, 1941, for cash, and subject to confirmation by said Court, and continue to offer for sale until sold, the following described real property within Columbia County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot Numbered 5 in Block Num bered 2 Malmsten’s Riverview View, Columbia County. Oregon, except ing therefrom the following describ ed parcel: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 5, said point being 5.67 feet Easterly from the Southwest corner of said Lot 5, said point also being 40 feet distant Northwesterly from (when measured at right angles to) the relocated center line of the Nehalem highway; thence North 60 degrees 36’ East parallel to and 40 feet distant from said highway center line a distance of 131.26 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 5; thence North 87 degrees 47’ . . . UNTIL HE GOT BETTER LIGHT. Light condition now and help your child’s eyes and grades. He may be a whiz on the football field where he has plenty of light, but dull in class. Ft may be that he hasn’t enough light to study by at home. A poor report card could mean a poor light. Oregon Gas & Electric Co.