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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1941)
Thursday, Oct. 2, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Letter Tells of Interesting Visit— A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Parker (Wiila Crowder) was brought in by Mrs. William Crowd er this week, describing their meet ing the Henry Morganthaus and Eleanor Roosevelt. That part of the letter is reprinted below. The Parkers who both attended Reed College in Portland, were married March 14 at Cambridge, Massachusetts, while Mr. Parker was attending Harvard. He was in charge of a Surplus Marketing Ad ministration display at the Dutchess County fair at Rhinebeck near Hyde Park when the meeting, described below, occurred. “Having had little experience at either design or showmanship, we spent the first few days setting up and rearranging our exhibit. Later in the week Secretary of the Treas ury Morganthau and Mrs. Morgan- thau came by and we chatted for some time. She was particularly in terested in the nutritional aspects of our program and he found two pictures in our display which he wanted to borrow to use in the defense savings bond campaign. “Evidently, she saw Mrs. Roose velt that evening for Eleanor came around the next afternoon and spent several minutes with us. She had on a fairly plain white summer dress with a beige coat and the inevitable white band in her hair. Perhaps to strike the right national defense note, she wore white coupon stockings and white shoes. She was also interested in the nutritional problem and also inquired about GAY SWEATERS 1 our national and county statistics. She supported the plan and gave us a statement which we could use as publicity. We enjoyed meeting her very much and were mucn im pressed with the ease of her man- ner. People there seemed rather familiar with her and did not pay any particular attention to her visit.” “Winston Churchill” Reviewed Thursday— “Winston Churchill” by Renee Kraus was reviewed by Mrs. Wil liam Heath at the September 25 meeting of the Vernonia Study Club held at the home of Mrs. Hale Greenman. The report showed the English leader, soldier and states man a reader of the signs of the times and a man with the American sense of independence. The author, formerly a journalist in Germany end in Austria, is now an American citizen and writes for magazines. For roll call, English leaders were named. Mrs. J. W. Nichols will be hostess for the next meeting of the club and Mrs. Ross Duncan will review “London Diary” by Quentin Rey nolds. Rebekahs Plan Anniversary— The anniversary party of the founding of the Rebekah Lodge will be held Thursday evening, Oct ober 9, with the Odd Fellows, their wives, and husbands of the Rebek ahs and friends as guests. At the last meeting of the Re bekahs, much interest was created by a contest sponsored by Mrs. James Currie, The problem was to complete in 25 words or less the sentence, “I am glad I am a Re^Jcsah becuu.e— Mrs. Robert Spencer was the winner of the prize, p. lovely recipe book. his aunt, Mrs. Claude Ferguson, Mr. and Ms. Ray Watson, „nd Waldo Taylor, al! of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Lex Taylor and Locke Taylor. Mrs. Taylor, the grandmother, is MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 88 years of age and will be 89 in April; she is making her home in Smith and Bonnie Jean of Grand Portland at the present. Ronde and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and Loren of Vernonia were week- Surprise Party end guests of the William Bridgers. Mr. and Mrs. John Foster came Given Mrs. Owens— A surprise birthday party was over from Clatskanie to attend the given Mrs. Ben Owens at her home Wallace farewell party. A farewell party was given the last Wednesday, September 24th. Present for the event were Mrs. Ain Wallaces on Saturday night by Robert Spencer, Mrs. Bert DePue, the people of the community. They Mrs. J. E. Tapp, Mrs. H. R. Scheu- were presented with an electric erman, Mrs. E. J. Dougl'ass, Mrs. waffle iron. The evening was spent L. A. Rogers, Mrs. W. O. Porter- playing cards. Refreshments were field, Mrs. Sidney Malmsten, and served. We shall miss seeing the Wallaces and wish them a pleasant Mrs. Ollie Roberts. Mrs. John and Grandma Soule winter at Seaside, Mr. Wallace is sent gifts but were unable to at- not very well and is unable to op- erate his ranch. tend. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hayden re turned from a two-week hunting trip this week-end. Mis. Austin Dowling and son, Bernard, motored to Rockaway and returned Sunday. Mist Residents to Live in Seaside Party Given at Treharne Friday TREHARNE—Dan Rawlett was honored with a party Friday ru^ht. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eura Reynolds and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davenport and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Haden Dav enport, Mr. and Mrs. Eskel Eu banks, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds and daughter, Ruby, Beulah O’Connor, Norma McChristian, Clyde Reynolds and E. Glenn. Vernal Pickens of Brooks is spend- inv this week here hunting. Floyd Winters was a Sunday visi ter at the Hulan Thacker home. A Sunday guest at the ’Henry John home was Miss Opal Scheuer man. Miss Maxine John is spending a week at her home upon completion of her course at Northwest School of Commerce. Birthday Party Given Langes Have Sunday Guests— a shower ■ and ... a birthday dinner were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange Sunday to honor their daughter, Mrs. T. L. DeHart, and her grandmother, Mrs. E. C. Kinyon. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cain, Mr. and Mrs. John Cain, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Segar, Mr. J. J. Henning and Mrs. Kinyon, all of Portland; Mrs. Ax- lena Capistrant of St. Paul, Minne sota; Mr. and Mrs. DeHart and Mr. and Mrs. Lange. Other callers of the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Cr«5w, Marilyn and Bob, of Eugene; Harry Hen derson of St. Helens and Mr. and Mrs. Casey Fest and daughters, Shirley and Lucy, of Dallas, Oregon. Crisp Fall davs call for a smartly styled sweat er! At this low price you’ll find fashion’s Cardigans, favorites : Slip-overs and new Blouse types. Long or short sleeves. Taylors Have Family Dinner— • NEW FALL COLORS The APPAREL SHOP J Mr. and Mrs. Phil Taylor had as dinner guests Sunday Mr. Taylor’s grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, Mrs. Bertha McChristfan prave a birthday party in her honor Friday afternoon. Guests present were Ida Reynolds, Clara Reynolds, Florence Reynolds, Lois Eubanks, Anna Eu banks, Alice Eubanks, Floy Daven port, Lora Davenport and Avda Rawlett. Mr. and Mrs. William Falconer were Portland visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hul'an Thacker, Fatsv and Jean McDonald motored to Clatskanie Wednesday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sehorn. A group of friends came in Mon day, September 22, for a pot-iuck dinner to help Mrs. D»n Rawlett 1-------- celebrate her birthday. Those pres- ent were Mrs. Pauline Tisdale, Mrs. Florence Reynolds, Mrs. Clara Rey- Holds, Mrs. Floy Davenport, Lois Eubanks, Lora Davenport. Anna Eubanks, Ida Reynolds. Alice banks and Marie Reynolds and honored guest, Mrs. Rawlett. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher child’-en were Sunday visitors at the H. E. Schram home. Return from Hospital Made Mrs. Donald Sundland returned home from the Portland Sanitarium Sunday. She is still quite weak. The William Keaton folks were up from Grand Ronde over the week-end. Mrs. Thomas Osborn’s mother, Mrs. Christianson, is visiting her at this time. Sonny and Lloyd Osborn are at home from Camp Lewis on a short furlough. There was no school Monday oe- cause of the Institute. Mr.s F. Siegenthaler visited Mon day afternoon with Mrs. A. Dowl ing. Brothers Visit William Wallace has been visiting h’s brother, A’n. William lives in California. Floyd Libel was at home from Portland this week-end. Mrs. Charles Hanson is planning a few days visit with Mr. Hanson s parents in Washington. The Mist Helping Circle met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Ilolce where the members also tendered Mrs. Ain Wallace a farewell gift, presenting her with a beautiful blanket. The hostesses served a delicious chicken dinner along with the added pot-luck. At the business meeting two new names were presented for member ship. Mrs. Addie LaBeck and Mrs. Hilda LaBeck. It was decided to be an all-day missionary district rally in the Willamette Blvd. Evan gelical church, Cor. W illamette Blvd, and Gay St., Portland. A group from (the local' chureh will present a number The regular prayer meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30. The monthly meeting of the Ad ministrative Council will' be held immediately after prayer meeting. Demonstrations to Be Given The regular meeting of the Al The eounty demonstrations will bright Brotherhood will take place bv resumed this week on Friday. Thursday evening at 7:30. We will meet at the Mist gym and The public is invited to all our have a pot-luck lunch. services. Miss Bernice Siegenthaler return ed home last Friday night from Assembly of God Church nearly a month spent traveling. She —Rev. John W. Hodges, Pastor went as far as Norfolk, Virginia, Sunday services: where she visited with some of her 9:45 A. M.—Bible school, direct mother’s friends. She spent a week ed by Alban Colsen, superintendent. in Minneapolis with an aunt, also 11:00 A. M.—Morning worship. saw the city of Chicago thoroughly 6:45 P. M.—Christ Ambassador’s and spent some time in Cinncinaitti. services. She left Saturday evening for Bell Wednesday night, 7:45—Bible ingham Western Washington College study and prayer meeting. of Education where she is a junior Thursday, 2:00 P. M.—Ladies this year. Her mother and brother, missionary and prayer band. Arthur, took her as far as Port Friday, 7:45—Christ Ambassadors. land. We invite everyone to be in our services. At The Churches . For Anyone Christian Church —The Livingstones. Minister« 9:45—Bible school; M. L. Herrin superintendent. 11:00—World Communion Serv- ice. 11:30—Morning sermon: “The Lord and His Table.” 6:30—The two Christian Endeav or Societies. 7:30—Evening preaching; subject, “Recharging the Battery.” 7:30—'Wednesday evening, Prayer meeting. "the official watch of airline accuracy"... HAMILTON T h E famous "Lindbergh line" planes — TWA—have adopted Hamilton time official time aloft from coast to coast. There’s a thrill In owning "the watch of airline accuracy." Prices from $37.50 up. Evangelical Church— —Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister 9:45—Bible school with Chris tian instruction. 11:00—Morning worship in which this church will cooperate in the great world movement of the “World Communion Sunday” in the interests of peace and unity. Bible message subject will “Christ Set the Table.” 6:30—The E. L. C. E. will meeting in three groups. You welcome. 7:30—This evening service be a special missionary service in which several groups will have a part. An offering will be taken. Tuesday, October 7th, there will A. L. Kullander Watchmaker and Jeweler Official for S. Watch P. Inspector and S. Ry. Son Born YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE JOY THEATRE NOTICE—Price Changes Effective October 1 Bargain Night. Adm. 2Zr Defense Tax 3c Total 25c Children under 12 Adm. 10c lc Defen.e Tax 11c Total Thursday and Friday, October 2 and 3 SIS HOPKINS Judv Canova, Cha«. Butterworth, Jerry Colonna Comedy Cartoon Saturday, October 4 KITTY FOYLE Ginger Roger« Disney Cartoon Dennis Morgan Sport Reel Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Smith re ceived word that her sister, Mrs. Dorn Casceato, has an eight-pound baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Alois Sauer and family were Friday visitors at the Roy Hartman home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Krebs of Sun set Camp were Sunday evening visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Hulan Thacker. Mrs. Garland Segar, Patricia and David, Mrs. Floyd Thomas and daughter, Jeanine, Mrs. Al Baches and Gary and Miss Myrtle Stacey were Sunday visitors at the Alois Sauer home. Mrs. Hulan Thacker, Raymond, Patsy and Ruby Thacker and Am- old Counts motored to Portland Sat- urday. Flu Causes Illness Sunday and Monday, October 5 and 6 DIVE BOMBER Fred MacMurray New. Errol Flynn Cartoon Tuesday, October 7 PLAY GIRL James Ellison BULLETS FOR O’HARA Roger Pryor Joan Perry Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, October 8, 9, 10 ZIEGFELD GIRL Mrs. Ray Cota is confined to with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Pickens family of Brooks spent from day until Monday visiting friends in Treharne. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Smith and Marvin were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cota. The occasion was Mrs. Smith’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kline and son, Billie, of Portland called on the H. E. Schram and M. E. Barrett fam ilies Thursday. James Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr, Lana Turner Special 80% Third Dimensional Murder COMING—Man Power — The Big Store — Topper Return« — Broadway Limited — The Devil and Mi«« Jones NOTICE—C. A. Malm.ten. Geo. W. Robbin«, Mr«. J. W. Skin ner, H. H. William« and G. W Thacker, Vernonia; and A. P. Erickson, Clarence Fowler and T. J. Gatton, Mist Rt., are in vited to present this coupon at box office any time before Sat. urday evening, October 4, for complimentary admission. Collision ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE SEE James F. Rainey House Or STATE 38, O-A Hill Anywhere FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES YOU'RE LOOKING AT CHEVROLET AIDS NATIONAL DEFENSE 3 have a reception in the gym on 8 to 10 giv- Wednesday night from : en by the circle for the teachers, Miss Truby and 1 Miss Furney. The Natal community i is invited, also the to discon- teachers. It was decided < tinue the services > of our caretaker at the cemetery ’ for the winter months. Our next meeting will be with Mrs. Charles Hanson the 4th Thursday in October. THE NEW STYLE TH A T WILL STAY NEW DESIGNED CHEVROLET’S TRIM "LEADER LINE" STYLING TO LEAD IN Chevrolet brings you “the new style that will stay new” . . . with swank, sweeping “Leader Line” Styling . . . with distinctive new “Door-Action” Fenders . . . with smoothly modeled B<xlies by Fisher of a size and beauty equaled only by much costlier cars. And matching this style leadership of The Finest Chevrolet of All Time is the combined performance and economy leadership which has made Chevrolet the No. 1 car for ten of the last eleven years. . . . See it —drive this beautiful new car today! STYLING DESIGNED TO LEAD IN PERFORMANCE DESIGNED TO LEAD IN ECONOMY IT PAYS TO BUY THE LEADER AND GET THE LEADING BUY Vernonia Auto Company A Safe Place to Trade Vernonia, Oregon