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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1941)
Thursday, Oct. 2, 1941, Ver onia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon 2 yOUK TOWN’S TOPICS Vemonia schools is now stationed from Trip— Mrs. Locke Taylor and »on re at Fort Lewis, Washington. turned Tuesday from a month’s Roberson* Move— visit in California where Mrs. Tay- The Alton Robersons moved re lor’s sister lives. cently into the O. A. house former ly occupied by Mrs. Alice Estey. Visit the Langet Visitors at the Frank Lange riome Dance at Natal Saturday, October this past week were Mrs. Lange's It— aunt, Mrs. Axlena Capisitrant, or 4. Glen Davis orchestra. St. Paul, Minnesota, and J. J. Hen Here from Tigard— ning of Portland. Miss Edith Ludwig who is em- ployed at The Cozy in Tigard was In Portland— Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl and Mr home for the week-end. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes motored ta Wyatt* Have Guests— Portland Sunday for dinner and a Guests of the James W yatts last show. week-end were Mr. and Mrs. James Miles and Henry Wyatt of Port- Leave for School- Miss Joanne Nichols left Septem land. Mrs. Miles and Henry are ber 21 for Eugene where she is a sister and brother of the local Mr. sophomore at the University. Her Wyatt. sister, Barbara, left a week earlier Buck Killed— for O. S. C. for her freshman year R. H. Meyer was successful in at college. bagging a 180-pound buck about five miles from Vernonia o-n the Moving to Portland— Mrs. Carrol Brock and son, Mer- Timber road. The animal was killed vin, are leaving Saturday for their Sunday. new home in Portland. Mr. Brock Go to McKenzie Bridge— has been employed in the city for Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Skuzie and several weeks. daughter, Arline, and Mr. and Mrs. Dance at Natal Saturday, October Robert Spencer spent last Sunday It---- at McKenzie Bridge visiting Mrs. 4. Glen Davi* orchestra. Charles Hoffman at her home there. Returns Here from California— Richard Robbins arrived home from California Sunday. He has been visiting relatives in Los Mal- inos and has been driving a fruit truck. Richard expects to return south soon. Harold Howard and Floyd Risley were successful in hunting last Sat urday near Cochran. They returned with a deer weighing approximately 184 pounds. Soldier Here— Relatives Visited— Deer Killed— Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Timmons left Loren Lionberger, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Emmons, spent the week last Friday for California where end here. Loren who attended the they will spend two weeks visiting relatives. stñrínual PRCIIFIC ■. »h? JL,- ITERI)« •A. -• RL ■ ■ #. . £ V. noni LIU ESTO CK 41 OSITI on V?’V . HORSE SHOW and RODEO PORTIANO, OREGON October 4 to I 1 19 Shows In One ll.v.n .cr.s under one roof. Exhibits of pure-bred Livestock. Dogu, Poultry, Pet Stock, Wild Life, Man- ufactured and Land Products, 4-H Club and Smith-Hugh«* Vocational Education Work; alao Combined Horae Show and thrill« ing Indoor Rodeo. Largs Premium Lists LOW FORES-OLL LlflES Stoney Point Farm Purchase Is Made STONEY POINT—Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaffer were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brady and family, Mrs. Grace Rob erts and bftby and Erma Kober- stein. We regret to have our neighbors, the O. A. Atkinson family, move away, They moved Tuesday to a house in i Pittsburg, Mr. i and Mrs. Otto Michener and family are moving back to their home on Stoney Point. The neigh bors extend their welcome to an old neighbor returned. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dusek and family have purchased the old Epp ing farm and have moved onto it. May we extend welcome to another new neighbor. Mrs. E. S. Wooldridge is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I Michener. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker were Sunday dinner guests at the L. Christenson home on Rock creek. Birthday Dinner Given Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis gave a birthday dinner for their son, Cai- vin. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, Francis Davis and the honored guest, Calvin Dav is. Francis Davis is home for 15 days frim Pendleton where he is stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Miller were Sunday evening guests at the Glen Bodell home. Saturday visitors at the Glen Bo dell home were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Latimer of North Platte, Nebraska, and Mr. Jim Latimer and Ann. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Calhoun and family visited with Mrs. Calhoun’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sham pine, at Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. MacDonald made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Harry Howell has his big four- point buck. He killed it Sunday on the Salmonberry. Nebraska People Visit Wednesday visitors at the Gier. Bodell home were Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of North Platte, Nebraska, Mrs. Harry Howell, Mrs. Mulkins and Mr. and Mrs. J. Jun kins. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lewis who live near Timber were visitors at the D. H. Calhoun home. Mrs. Everett Wood has a message for the many friends in and aDout Vernonia of her son, Jimmy Cay- wood. Jimmy has just made the 1st class aviation machinist mate rat ing. He and his wife are living i . i Honolulu at this time. Hand Injury Suffered Sunday See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. CAMP McGREGOR—Mr. and Mrs. Verne Ego motored to Seattle where they will remain until Mr. Ego’s hand is well. He chopped it quite badly Sunday, September 28. Mrs. Bert Hawkins is slowly im proving and expects to return home in a week or two. Chris Norgard is getting along nicely after an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olson’s son, Reuben, is expected home to visit his parents for a short while this week. He works in an Alaska fish- ery. Mrs. Ora Gore returned home Sat- The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK Invites You to Bank by Mail if Inconvenient to Come in Person J. A. Thornburg, President Pedestrian Protection—Pnncipai'vSa Vacation Ends Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mellinger ar rived home Friday night after a week’s vacation. Mr. Mellinger hunt ed near LaGrande and Mrs. Mellin ger visited at the William Ellis home in Oregon City. May I take this opportunity to correct a mistake in last week’s writing. The Mellinger men hunted cut from LaGrande instead of Baker as previously stated. Guests at the Oliver Mellinger home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. VanDoren, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Fletcher and son and Pete Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lamping. Mr. and Mrs. John Junkins were visitors at the Kenneth Walker home. The Junkins and Walkers were friends at Burns. Oliver Mellinger, Pete Benson and Milton Lamping were hunting Sunday. Oliver Mellinger brougni home a 170-pound buck. Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien were Sun day guests at the Dale Savage home on the O-A hill. Mrs. Clyde Carrick of Chapman was a Monday visitor at the E. Shaffer home. Half a million pounds of metal, meetly tin, may be saved for de fense this year through substitution cf plastic in the metal tips that go on shoe laces. According to current estimates, one pound of plastic will replace more than three pounds of metal. Pidestrians Who Don’t Know How to Drive Are the Chief Traffic Fatality Victims Field Seed I ■’KILLED BUT NEVE8 tiCEftS^pfo'p DR IVE ¿ , I KILLED e> I LICENSED Tf 14?.®» Studies in several states show that lack of familiarity with problems of motor vehicle operation plays a significant part in pedestrian fatalities, accord-ng to the St: te Traffic Safety Divi sion of Oregon. For that reason, persons who do not drive should be more careful while walking —Chart Courtesy of the Oregon State Motor Association Unfamiliar Persons Lack Judgement Pasture Grass Seed ita with a rating of one car to every 3.3 persons. California was first with a rate of 2.8 wnile Nevada was third with a iaiw of 3.1. “I saw the car coming but I CARD OF THANKS thought it was too far away to be a hazard.” That statement fre- We wish to thank the kind friends quently is given by pedestrians who have been so thoughtful and struck by cars aftei' the person on helpful to us following the loss of our loved one. foot has walked into the path of Tom Juola and children the approaching vehicle, according to the State Traffic Safety Division of the State Department. Persons unfamiliar with the op eration of motor vehicles often fail to judge correctly the speed of ap- proaching vehicles and often they underestimate the distance neces- sary to bring the approaching car t6 a stop. As a result, these pedes trians sometimes walk into the path of oncoming ears, believing they have adequate time to cross in saf ety, and are struck. Vernonia Trading Co 4 Vernonia, Oregon SUPERIOR CLEANING PAYS Hundreds Trained The state driver-training program sponsored by the Secretary of State’s office, is training hundreds of persons to drive motor vehicles and this program is helping reduce the pedestrian fatalities caused by lack of familiarity with the opera- tion of cars, it is believed. “Every pedestrian who does not drive should remember that his judgment of the speed of approach ing cars may not be dependable,” Safety Division officials declare. “They also should remember that cars cannot stop on a dime, espec ially on wet pavement. So when cars are approaching, wait on the curb, don’t walk out into the path of an oncoming car that may not be able to avoid hitting you.” FACTS If you crave a delicious soda, think of Dessy’s. One of his sodas will satisfy that craving completely. Dessy’s Tavern DESMOND LAIRD demand expert cleaning to keep them fresh and new looking. We turn out high quality work for you every time. At our reasonable prices you can afford to be ready for all occasions with freshly cleaned clothes. Vernonia-Seaside Laundry & Cleaners Vernonia Phone 711 Seaside Phone 56 Change your oil-use signal *0*» lumi Every 1,000 miles have your oil changed for smooth running; Fresh, clean oil allows only a minimum of wear in engine parts. Change today and use t**t mu. With a registration of 422,210 motor vehicles in Oregon at the end of August, this state now has one vehicle for every 2.5 persons residing within its borders. Registrations this year are approx imately ten per cent above the registrations for the same period a year ago. Fees for the first eight months amounted to $3,207,689. Of the totol registrations, 343,- 507 vehicles are private passenger cars. This amounts to one private passenger car to every 3.1 persons in the state. In 1940, Oregon stood third in the list of 48 states in passenger car registration per cap- SIGNAL OIL AND GREASE Phone X57 Riverview urday from Hillsboro. She is con valescing from an operation. She is slowly regaining her health. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dunlap are ill with influenza. "THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ROLL of Columbia County, State of Oregon, for the year 1941 a* finally equalized by the County Board of Equalization H H Roofing Specials H 35-POUND ROOFING H 1 GALLON ROOF COATING H 1 GALLON PLASTIC CEMENT H SHINGLE NAILS H ROOFING TACKS H H H H HIP SHINGLES H H Ro11 $1.25 H 69c H 69c H Pound 10c H H Pound 12*2C Each 6%c H ROOF JACKS FOR STOVE PIPE 50c For Hardware—See Hoffman About It! Hoffman Hardware Co. H H Real Property: Tillable lands ........................... -...... -............. 25,796 Nontillable lands ............................................ 202,120 23,193 Timber lands ......................................... Structural improvernerts on unplatted lands Platted lands ....... — Structural improvements on platted lands Mineral Reservations ............... .................... Total real property ...... ....... ...................... Personal Property: Movable machinery and equipment Boats, vessels and other water craft ......... Merchandise and stock in trade Farming implements, machinerv & equipment Furniture and equipment in commercial use 1,241 Horses and mules ....... 12.093 Cattle ............................ 2,837 Sheep and goats .......... 902 Swine ...................... —.. Poultry ) Fur-bearing animals ) 29.289 Miscellaneous ) 841 Bees No. Miles—34 Railroad ” Total value as equalized by county board X Less veterans and widows exemptions S Less total exemptions Total net taxable vaiue Acres reforestation 69.382.79 Value $ 1,652.005 1.845.125 974.680 2.003.600 621,295 1,112,290 5,570 $ 8,214,565 $ 1,704,770 13.895 681.585 66,230 96.665 24,505 263.380 8.070 5,585 15.400 1.710 114,000 $ 2.995595 1 *11,210,360 I Total personal property |4 Vernonia, Oregon Phone 181 H IJXHXMXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX'J H Classification of Property Acreage or Number . 50,020 50.020 I *11.160,340 Listen, ladies, if you have a family to keep happy and a budeet to keep within, you’ll find happy hunting at King’s. Our selection is wide—make onr store your headquarters. DO YOU NEED A SALAD SUGGESTION?— HERE IS ONE BY HARRY KING— WILTON SALAD 1 can tomato soup 1o cup chopped green pepper 2 tbsp, gelatin in 1 2 cup 2 cream cheese cold water 1 cup mayonnaise 1 2 cup chopped celery 12 cup chopped onion Boil tomato soup, add cheese, stir until smooth, add dissolved gelatin. When partly cool, add vegetables and mayonnaise, mold. Chill for 3 hours and serve on lettuce with mayonnaise and paprika. King’s Grocery and Market “Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge, Riverview