(o L Friday, July 18, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Salt Lake People Plan Stay Here RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. Fay Carter are here from Salt Lake. They are guests of the Roy Co bats. Mr. and Mrs. Carter plan to stay in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. George Cobat spent the week-end at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobat and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bassett spent Sunday at Ecola Park. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Harman spent Thursday in Portland on business. Mrs. A. Main spent Sunday and Monday at the John Baker home. Visit Hillsboro in Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Crume and family spent Friday at Forest Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Crume and family were guests at the home of friends at Hillsboro Thursday. Nate Huntley of Sheridan, Jim and Tom Williamson of Hillsboro and John Hayes of Hillsboro spent Sunday at the L. L. Huntley home. Mrs. L. C. Boeck and daughter, Ruth, drove to Forest Grove Friday on business. W. T. Grav.es, Thomas Graves and S. V. Malmsteu attended the ball game in Portland Sunday aft- ernoon. Hale Graves is visiting in Los Angeles for a few weeks. He left last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mahnsten of Vancouver spent Thursday at the C. Ratkie home. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Lynch spent at Breitenbush the week-end Springs. Mr. and Mrs. George Bell, Bessie Bell and Margaret Haiman are spending a few days at Breiten- DANCE BAND PARADE Buddy Maleville Thru July 20 WILLIAMS Griff July 21 to |\ 27 Joe SUDY July 28 to August \\ 3 f \ Mrs. Nick Farnstrom is spending tiush Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond were in a few days at Eugene visiting her Portland Saturday on business. sister, Mrs. L. H. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes visited at St. Helen* People Visit the Louis Huntley home Wednes Mk. and Mrs. Whitlock and day. Dale Patton of St. Helens were guests at the John Krinick home. Jerry Steele of Tillamook was a guest at the Mrs. W. D. Steele and Oscpr Steele homes Sunday. Jerry and Sharon Whitlock nave been guests at the home of their ANDY DEVINE IS grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John CENUINE CLOWN— Krinick. They returned home Sun- Furnishing comedy high-spots in day. an action-filled drama, Andy De Mr. and Mrs. Fred Browning of Salem spent Wednesday and had vine comes to the Joy theatre co dinner in the evening at the C. I. starring with Richard Arlen in Christensen home. “The Devil’s Pipeline.” Miss Sella Hubbard will be a Said to be afforded ample op- guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Kuck- portunities for his versatile comic er for a while. talents, Andy appears in the role of an oil expert, who, with his pal, Goble People Entertained Arlen, is ordered to his company’s Mr. and Mrs. M. Gregory of East Indian headquarters to un Goble visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert cover suspected intrigue. Nelson Saturday. Noted for his ability to inject Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Holmes and impromptu gags and bits of “bus son had dinner Thursday evening iness” into his roles, Devine was with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George reportedly in rare form during and family. production of “The Devil’s Pipe- Mrs. Henry Nelson from Beaver- line." ton is spending the ’ week at Mrs. MAR1NES HEAD FOR JOY— V. L. Powell’s home. “Devil Dogs Of The Air”, which Mrs. Sam Anderson and infant daughter, Linda, and son, Leon. Warner Bros, bring back by pop will spend the week at the C. I. ular demand, will be shown at the Joy Theatre soon. It is a rollicking Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Crume have comedy drama romance of the av returned from their vacation at iation corps of the U. S. Marines, Mendle Point where they have carrying many breath-taking thrills. been guests of Mrs. Crume’s The all star cast includes James mother. Cagney and Pat O’Brien in the leading roles with Margaret Lind Boeck Home Visitor« say and Frank McHugh supplying Mr. and Mrs. Howard Larson and the romance and humor respect family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ively. BergerAon and family spent Satur- day evening at the L. C. Boeck ‘SLEEPERS WEST’ EXCITING MYSTERY— home. With more thrills and bigger s Mrs. S. F. Shepard and sons laughs than ever before, Lloyd spent Sunday at Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coburn and Nolan and Lynn Bari meet aboard family spent Sunday and Monday the crash-bound “Comanche Limit- ed” in “Sleepers West.” at Cannon Beach. Lloyd, again playing the i*ole Mrs. Carl Adams and children fast-talking detective, that and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bevens of of San Diego were callers at the Michael Shayne, swaps wisecracks with reporter Lynn Bari over the Cloburn home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Handley whereabouts of the star witness of Garden Home were guests of Shayne is escorting to a murder Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steele Sun trial. She’s blonde Mary Beth Hughes, and a gangster is on board day. to keep her from testifying. News of the Theatre Sunday y BEACH PARK/ DANCE • SWIM « PICNIC ANO PLAY Visit Made Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Corey of North Plains were guests at the John Krinick home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond were among the many who spent Sun day at Seaside. NEWEST PEPPER STARTS RUN HIT daughters visited several beaches over their vacation, staying over night at Olsen’s Point in Netarts. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker were Forest Grove business visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker, Ruby and Mildred, visited Mrs. Thacker’s father, Sam Stowell of Hillsboro July 6th. Mr. and Mrs. William Nissen and children spent their vacation at the home -of C. R. Watts at Nehalem. Mr. and Mrs. Hulan Thacker mo tored to the beaches Sunday. While there they visited their nephew, Walter Wooldridge, who is guard at the Bonneville plant at Astoria. Mrs. Clyde McDonald and daugh ter, Jean, and Patsy Thacker mo tored to Sweet Home Sunday. Mrs. McDonald brought her father and mother home with her for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hodgson, Marietta Hodgson and Marx Al- bright motored to Cannon Beach Sunday. ' Bobby New is spending a few days with the Hulan Thacker fam ily. Marx Albright of Portland is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess and children and Mulford Wolfe of Portland spent the week-end visi- ting with the M. E. Barrett and H. E. Schram families, They also attended the carnival in Vernonia, The swimming pool is a busy place these days as the heat keeps all the young folk hugging the banks trying to find a cool spot. Week-end guests at the Otto Michener home were Corporal El mer Michener and Sergeant Ellis Wooldridge. June Michener is visi ting for a week with her parents. Sunday the guests with Mrs. Mich ener and children visited Mrs. Mich- ener’s mother, Mrs. J. D. Worth, in Forest Grove. Spare light bulbs for headlamps on cars not equipped with sealed beam lights, also for rear lights and extra fuses in case of a short circuit should be carried for emer gency use, particularly during the vacation season. Failure of the lights on a lonely country road is doubly dangerous and inconvenient, for fuses or extra bulbs might not be readily available. Helping Circle Meet at Mist MIST—The Mist Helping Circle met Thursday of last week at the home of Mrs. William Bridgers. Three guests, the two Mesdames Le Becks and Mrs. Lola Davis, ».etv present. After the delicious pot luck lunch was served, a short bus iness meeting was held at which time the members voted to give their aid in an aluminum drive, After the meeting Mrs. Siegenthalei was honored with a birthday cake and gift. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Roy Hughes with Mrs. Eastman assisting the Hostess. William Bridgers has been lame in his back and shoulders and is taking treatments at Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hughes, mr.c Maud Rodgers and Mrs. Myrtle Holce have just returned fro«. a trip to Canada. Mrs. J. O. Libel was a Clatskanie visitor on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundland were business visitors in Portland a couple oj days last week. Mrs. Austin Dowling and son, Bernard, took a trip over to 4th to Marshfield, picking up some friends and then going on to Lake Odell, Klamath F..lls, Ashland, Medford and Grants Pass. A lovely trip and some lovely scenery. Bud Ashby and family and Mrs. William Keaton and Elsa were up from Grand Ronde over the week end during the 4th. Norman Hanson has recently had pneumonia. Miss LaVerne Hanson had charge of the central office during Mrs. Holce’s absence in Canada. Mrs. A. Dowling called on Mrs. W. R. Johnson last Friday. Mrs. Johnson is very ill we are sorry CALLED 0 Held Reunion The Trotter families held their annul family reunion at Hudson park last Sunday. All five of the brotheis, Acie, Sam, Newton, Char lie and Wilson and their families and three sisters, Mrs. Vane Burtt, Mrs. Al Glenn and Mrs. Harold Rash, and their families, were pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wikstrom were Portland visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock are staying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlock, for a while. George Jones is one of the fire wardens again as in the past years. He is stationed at Benson Lookout. Mrs. T. W. Larson, Mrs. Knowles rnd I. E. Knowles were in Clats kanie Saturday as were Mrs. A. Dowling and Bernard Dowling. Picnic Annual Held The members of the church of the Seventh Day Adventist held their annual picnic dinner at the home of Ray Garlock last Sunday. The weather was ideal for the picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Trotter and Ayla were here from Elsie Sunday and called on Mrs. New- ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dowling. Billy Carmichael was at home over the week-end. He has been in California with the soldiers oi their six weeks maneuvers and was just returning to Fort Lewis. 4th of July visitors at the J. 0. Libel home were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burnham ar.d two boy« from Fairview, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindberg and Larry from St. Hel ens and Mr. and Mrs. George Johns I i Open for Business Come to Babe’s and Les’s for your meals Restaurant Now Open Babe9* and Les9* SOON— “Five Little Peppers in Trobule”, fourth in the popular series of comedy dramas being made by Col umbia from Margaret Sidney’s be loved juvenile classics, opens soon at the Joy Theatre. Featuring the same cast as the earlier Pepper hits, the film brings back Edith Fellows in the role of Polly Pep per, courageous “little mother” of the brood. Other players who are returning in the roles they created are Dorothy Ann Seese, Ronald Sinclair, Dorothy Peterson Tommy Bond. ■GREAT from Trip Return to report. Mrs. Ralph George was a Mist shopper Monday. Mrs. A. Ashley’s sister is visiting her at this time. Mrs. Raymond McGee was up from Grand Ronde Saturday. Mho and Mrs. Carl Enneberg were Clats kanie visitors also. Mrs. A. R. Melis called on Mrs. W. R. Johnson Thursday afternoon SIERRA PINE TOILET SOAP 3^17' BROADCAST’ SMASH HIT— That thrill you got the time you heard a melody come out of the earphones of your cry stal set twenty years ago will be amplified a dozen times by the thrill you’ll get reliving that ex perience with Alice Faye, John Payne, Jack Oakies and Cesar Rom ero in their 20th Century-Fox film, “The Great American Broadcast.” Just as “Tin Pan Alley” took you behind-the-scenes pf the song writing business, so will “The Great American Broadcast” initiate you into the gay, tuneful story of the courageous, talented people who first filled the airwaves with song and laughter. It’s an intensely moving story that’s told—The tale of the enter- prising foursome unfolded to the accompaniment of songs, laughter, and specialty numbers which rom- bine to make “The Great American Broadcast” an outstanding musical film. TREHARNE—Milo John under went an operation at the St. Vin cent's hospital Saturday morning for an injury received some time ago while he was working at the Sunset Logging company. Mrs. McDaniel left Sunday for an indefinite visit with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McDaniel, who reside in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Barrett and Mrs. H. E. Schram were business visitors in Hillsboro and Forest Grove Monday. Mrs. Nell Thacker and daughter, Patsy, Malissa Hult and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell spent Wednes- day at Gearhart digging cfams. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and STARCH 245* ss.- lioqsiord Starch CORN ot GLOSS 3pkoa 25e F SU-PURB GRAN. SOAP 24o. Pk ITci so-»s Pk 33c Nubora Granulated Soap Giant size 49c Z cans BON AMI POWDER - StRATCHUSS ■^-gallon Jug WHITE MAGIC BLEACH Carton of 6 boxes FAVORITE MATCHES 3 rolls SILK BATHROOM TISSUE I Serve a Cool, Crisp LETTUCE Firm Heads CUCUMBERS DUCHESS SALAD DRESSING Ft lit Ou.nl« NU MADE MAYONNAISE P> 22« Q**n 1« OUR FAVORITE CATSUP bdii- 3 Hot House ... CELERY Green Type TOMATOES 32-o. tx-ai. S-n> •** 2 No. 2hi 25c CASTLE CREST PEACHES Ch™<- N> 2« c*. MARASCA MARASCHINO CHERRIES 5« bo«i~ 4c Pound 5c Pound BANANAS Pound 10c Lb. 7%c Watermelons Lb. Field .LOW PRICES - EVERT DAY Emerald Bay Spinach Salad! Pound WESTAG VANILLA EXTRACT .-...«o. S o. bo«i. 25c ROTAL SATIN SHORTENING »... 18« 3-lb c*» 49c CRESCENT MUSTARD DIAMOND STRAINED HONEY ) 33-lb. box $1.30 STELLAR FACIAL TISSUES Bo« d 200 Be I soo. CALO DOG FOOD No. 1 can« 3 ^°r Grown CANDY BARS AND GUM - Sc VARIETIES 5 k» NESTLE'S SEMI-SWEET CHOC. MONSTER GUM DROPS GOLD MEDAL CORN KIX GOLD MEDAL WHEATIES 2 7« p * v 2 WHITE SATIN SUGAR NIC SHREDDER WHEAT N.B.C. Crackers ' Jels-Rite Pectin LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF HASH Milo John Has Operation ARGO CUDAHY'S TANG F... Fork PABSTETT CHEESE - PLAIN OR PIMIENTO Fk, H-Lb u b.* Lb. pkv 14' 3 DRINK MNSATION 39' EDWARDS COFFEE ia os* 25' 2 b -47' bottles Ball or Kerr Mason Jarso< s* 83c Kerr Economy Jars o. d - 93c Kerr Economy Jar Caps 2 so*. 35c Kerr Economy Clamps 2 a* 25c COLUMBIA DILL PICKLES SUNNY DAWN TOMATO JUICE Canterbury Iced Tea ISNOCOIA 27' 52' AIRWAY COFFEE $5.39 3 for 29t 100-lb - ox. Rancho Soup Soda Crackers —■ftas g’fig 5$ 2^15* ------------ •' Balogna, Liver Sausage, Frankfurters lb 23c SIRLOIN STEAK Guaranteed lb. 9Q_ Tender ................ ¿.Dt BEEF ROAST .... —,b: 21c FRIDAY. IULT 18lk thru MONDAT, JULT 21st, rnd. BACON By the Piece Lb 27c Morrell’« Sliced Bacon “• 29c )