Friday, July 18, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon 114 Youths Registered by Long Motor Selective Service Board Trip Taken » Serial number» of the youth* who registered by the Columbia County Selective Service Board early in July were released last week by the board. A total of 114 were signed at the registration. Another national lottery is to be conducted this Thursday, July 17, at Washington, D. C. to deter mine the order numbers for regis trants. Serial numbers for those youths registered from the Nehalem Valley are given as follows: Samuel T. Hearing, Vernonia, S-6t Otis C. Eubanks, Vernonia, S-10; Norman C. Hanson, Mist, S-14; Kyle E. Clark, Vernonia, S-16; Robert Workman, Vernonia, S-17; Hugh C. Caton, Vernonia, S-20; Milton A. Henderson, Mist, S-28; John R. Chambers, Mist, S-30; Robert K. King', Vernonia, S-33; Arthur G. Bellingham, Bir kenfeld, S-34. Ellis L. Workman, Vernonia, S-36; Ellis L. Austin, Vernonia, S-38; Clarence H. Lamping, Ver nonia, S-40; Robert C. Lyster, Ver nonia,* S-43; Orley B. Milligan, Vernonia, S-48; Leon S. Jones, Bir kenfeld, S-63; George H. Holding, Mist, S-66; Joseph A. Roeser, Mist, S-86; Elton G. Bogart, Vernonia, 'S-95; Byron D. Winslow, Birken feld, S-97; Raymond C. Lamm, Mist, S-98; James R. Davies, Vernonia, S-101; James L. R. Thompson, Vernonia, S-103; Shirley O. Robertson, Ver nonia, S-107; Donald E. Coy, Bir kenfeld, S-109; Ross B. Wilkins, Vernonia, S-110; Jefferson J. Ens- worth, Keasey, S-112; and Frank T. Tanizaki, 'Vernonia, S-114. Extension Unit Group Meets KEASEY—The Keasey Extension Unit met at the home of Alice Gwin Wednesday, July 9th. Those present were Blanche DeWitt, Hilda Keasey, Grace Pierce, Georgia Mellinger, Iva Gillham and the hostess, Alice Gwin. The meeting subject was “Hand Lotions.” Mrs. Riddle of Bellflower, Calif ornia and Mrs. Dewey Luther of Portland visited Friday with Mrs. Herb Ctounts and Mrs. Ann Luther. Brother Visits Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mead and two chillren, Phyllis and Dean, of Beav erton visited at the W. J. Lindsley home Sunday. Mr. Mead is Mrs. Lindsley’s brother. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lindsley, Joe and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley made a trip to Fay Mead’s home on Green Mountain Thursday. The J. A. Armstrong family moved into its new home at Ar cadia Park Saturday. Marine Visits Here Alfred Crawford, who has been with the Marines in San Diego, spent several days of his furlough at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Gillham. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts and daughter, Bettie, and Mr. Bonnick attended Grange Saturday evening. Mrs. Ellen Luther of Portland visited a few days at the Luther home here, v Sunday visitors at the Count’s Three Visitors home were Mrs. Ann Luther and Greeted Wednesday— Mrs. Dave Marshal! had friends son, Jimmie, Cass Bergerson, Vic in to greet Mrs. J. C. Cropper of tor Bergerson and Phillip Keasey. Visitors at the Bruce McDonald Tijunga, California and Mrs. E. E. Hayes and daughter, Mrs. J. home for the past week were Mr. W. KerT, of Longview on Wednes McDonald’s cousins, Misses 'Clara day afternoon of last week. The and Sarah Kennedy of Detroit, three ladles lived in Vernonia Michigan. The former is Social during the early operations of the Science and English instructor at Edwin Denby high school and the O. A. mill. Those who were present to meet latter is a registered nurse at again the guests were: Mrs. J. H. Highland Park Hospital in Detroit. Burnside, Mrs. C. L. Anderson, While in the state they visited the Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. Judd Oregon beaches, lava beds, Timber Greenman, Mrs. F. M. Ruhl, Mrs. line Lodge. Columbia River High J. M. Peachey, Mrs. Elmer Angle way and McKenzie Pass. They plan sey, Mrs. Emma Weed and Mrs. to return to Michigan by the Southern route, stopping at Crater J. T. Lilly. Lake, Yosemite, Hollywood movie studios and Northern Mexico. Special 80% Collision ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE SEE James F. Rainey House 38, O-A Hill Or Anywhere STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES TREHARNE—Mr. and Mrs. Nel son Moehler and Leland and Inez Moehl’er, left recently for a trip by car to visit friends and relatives in their former home town in Kansas. They plan to be gone for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bergstrom and Delores and Mrs. Pretsman spent the holidays visiting various ocean beaches. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Eubanks and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Davenport spent the Fourth visiting the beaches. Former Resident Visited Mr. and Mrs. William Falconer were Seaside pisitors Sunday where they visited Mrs. Joe Regambal, a Pedestrians frequently fail to recognize the vast difference in their “speed” and the former Treharne resident. Mr. speed of approaching cars, according to the state traffic safety division. In the picture above, Regambal has been under a doc one more step will place the person on foot in the danger zone. For if the car is moving tor’s care since January and will 25 miles an hour it will go one full car length each time the man takes a step. Pedes be for several months more. trians are advised to stay on the curb till ths approaching car has passed. Donna and Delores Barrett re —Photo courtesy Oregon State Motor Association turned home last Munday after spending a two-weeks vacation with their grandparents at Gales Creek. Mulford Wolfe of Portland spent a few days last week visiting his sister, Mrs. Melvin Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Hulan Thacker and family spent their vacatio't Pedestrian safety studies show visiting at different beaches aud For tastier meals, j | Shopping at King’s that nearly half the pedestrians at Timberline Lodge. serve delicious qual- j ! means extra dollars involved in accidents are struck be ity meats from King’s j i in your purse. You al- Week-End Spent Here fore they have taken more than Market. You’ll be [ j ways get high qual- Mrs. Viola Treharne of Seaside four steps away from the curb, well pleased. j | ity foods. and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Kelly according to the state traffic safe and children spent the week-end ty division. This means, it was at the Frank O’Connor home. said, that pedestrians need o pay Mr. and Mrs. Wan Rowlett and attention to' the hazards of Cars daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Harley approaching the intersection as they Davenport and daughter were fort start across the street. land visitors Monday. Many elderly persons, who do not “Where Your Money Buys More” Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds drive cars, fail to realize the dif and family and Mr. and Mrs. John ference in the speed of an approach Reynolds and daughter spent the ing car and their rate of walking. Fourth at Hillsboro. Consequently, the traffic safety division declares, the pedestrian Rodeo Enjoyed often miscalculates his chances as Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and he steps into the path of the ap daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Row proaching Car. lett and daughter, and Jean Mc A survey made in Oregon indic Donald enjoyed the Rodeo at St. ates persons under 35 years of Paul July 4th. age, in the average, walk 7.6 feet Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Keene and per second; persons in the age family spent 'several days last group 35 to 55 years, walk 6.7 week at Crater Lake. feet per second while persons over Leona Kelly of Monmouth is 55 years walk only 4.9 feet per visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank second. Compared to the speed of O’Connor. 36 feet per second for a car trav Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tunnell eling at a rate of 25 miles an and two sons spent last Friday on hour, it is clear the pedestrian the Fish Hawk creek below Mist should not start across until the picking blackberries. The Tunnells way is clear. plan to leave July 25th for a week’s vacation. They will go to Pendleton to visit relatives and friends. Safety Studies Shew Danger Get Your The Forum JOY THEATRE Thursday and Friday, July 17 and 18 BLOOD AND SAND Tyrone Power Linda Darnell Short—Battle of the Atlantic (Showing actual scenes taken by newsreel photo graphers while covering world news events) Saturday, July 19 THE DEVIL’S PIPELINE Richard Arlen Andy Devine THUNDERING FRONTIER Charles Starrett Iris Meredith Cartoon ___________ Sunday and Monday, July 20 and 21 DEVIL DOGS OF THE AIR James Cagney • Pat O’Brien Bob Hope Comedy Cartoon ________________ News Tuesday, July 22 SLEEPERS WEST Lynn Bari FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS IN TROUBLE Edith Fellows__________________ Ronald Sinclair Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, July 23, 24, 25 THE GREAT AMERICAN BROADCAST Alice Faye Jack Oakie Comedy Cartoon COMING—Penny Serenade — Road Show — Woman’s Face — Cheers for Miss Bishop — So Ends Our Night — Moon Over Miami — The Bride Came C. O. D. NOTICE—O. A. Atlmaoa, W. E. Barkley. A. D. Bon..Uw, B. W. Borton and John Ellis are invited to present this coupon at boa office any time before Saturday evening, July 19, for complimentary admissions Big Food Bargains King’s Grocery and Market Not only does the United States have far more motor vehicles than any other country in the world, but it also is far in the lead over all the other major powers in the ration of motor vehicles to popu lation. The United States has one motor vehicle for every four per To the Editor: sons, while France has 1-17, Great Britain 1-19, Germany 1-41, Italy AN IRONIC STORY BY RUSSELL FRAZIER 1-88, Russia 1-213 and Japan 1-388. YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE Lloyd Nolan Pedestrian Protection— BetsePeeduSêdof Because there are not enough ships to carry piled-up food sup plies to Britain, some of the vast stocks on hand may be diverted to relief needs in the United States. This good news for Americans was revealed this week by the Surplus Commodities Corporation. In fact it begins to look as if this gigantic aid-for-Britain program is going to help also the undernour ished and underprivileged of this country. It so happens that, according to the latest report of the NNC, 40 per cent of the American people are undernourished and four-fifths of them because of insufficient in come. The food stamp plan is already reaching about 4,000,000 persons and nutrition experts want to see it extended to ail citizens with an income of less than $1,000 a year. And, oh yes, lease-lend officials are rushing supplies of canned tomatoes to England. About 15 million cases thus far have been purchased by the government and <1 Eastern canners have been cleaned out of stocks. This month more than 100,000 additional acres are being planted in tomatoes. (Writer hopes they won’t be paid to plow them under). Giant Indiana warehouses are re ported not to have a can of tom atoes left! Tomato vitamins, it seems, have a special value for underground sheltered people and in consequence, tomato production in the United State* will be hiked by some 300,000 to 400,000 tons. Well, this writer hates war, but the above news does look like mane small good may come out of it yet. Our American underground dwellers (slums) in our large cities need the same vitamins as Britain», so let us hope the in creased acreage may spread even to our own undernourished. Submitted by Mrs. A. E. Jennings CROWN FEEDS at the Vernonia Trading Co. Vernonia, Oregon “Wett-done, xl jtuñob£t&neJ taerience, plus moienl œetkoàs,plusWW®- aie^aretereasousta overwhelming populantg. sen True of laundry work as of everything else. Washing wearing apparel, shirts, sheets and other items is a task »• can do for you. And the manner in which our work is praised by those whose continued patronage we enjoy, proves we are doing it well! Tell us to have our driver calL VERNONIA SEA SIDE LAUNDRYuDRY CLEANERS . vtawONi* phoni 7ii se* sipf phone st _Tr, iiiiiz-wiiviniiD Beer GIAHANTEED SATISFYING ■ lltr COa*M< 3