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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1941)
Friday, July IS, 1D41, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon y©UK TOWN’S TOPICS Sunday Guest* Entertained— Visits in Cathlamet— Mr. and Mr*. Alfred Nordgreen of Fore*t Grove, Mr. and Mr*. Dessie Cook and eon of Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs. Marble Cook and daughter, Deanna, of Beaverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Burich and daughter, Deanna, of Vernonia were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nelson Sunday. Mr*. Edward Horn is spending two week* visiting her parents in Calthlaimet, Washington. She ex pects to return to Vernonia next Sunday. During her absence Miss Ada Mills is managing the Eliza beth’s Beauty Salon. Here from Portland— Mr- and Mrs. Larry Mobley were in Vernonia Sunday fenroute to Week-End Visit Made— their home in Portland. The couple Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fluke, Jr., bad been visiting Mrs. Mobley’s and son, Gaylan, spent the week mother, Mrs. B. B. Hawkins, who end here with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. is confined in a hospital in New port with a nervous disorder. McNutt. North Dakota People In Visit— Mr. and Mrs. D. McNutt motor- ed out from Alexander, North Dakota for a short visit with his brother, M. A. McNutt. Motor to Centralia— Mr. and Mrs. Olin Robbins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lindberg and family pioto red to Centralia, Washington, Sunday to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dalrymple. Miss Mary Jane Robbins stayed to visit a month at her aunt’s home. Visit Daughter— Seattle— Mrs. Alice Esltey returned Tues day after having spent several days in Seattle. Mrs. Estey left Vernonia Friday to motor to Long view where she met a friend, Dr. Helena M. Winters, who accom panied her to the Washington city. Visit Mr*. Brown— Mrs. R. A. Simmonk, Mrs. Her- man Dickson an,d Mrs. Oscar George motored to Portland Sun- day where they visited Mrs. J. W. Brown who is an invalid living with her sister. On Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Warner left Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fletcher last Friday for Delena where they left Saturday for a two weeks will visit a daughter. The Warners vacation which they will spend in plan to return this week to their Portland ant| at the beaches. home here. In In Portland— Longview— Miss Maxine and Miss Nancy Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes spent Brown have been in Longview the week-end in Portland, Mr. visiting friends for the past week. Hughes had an interview with Abe Bercovitz, KGW violinist, who is Ensworths Take Trip— in the near future going to play Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ensworth over the radio Mr. Hughes’ re and children, Ruby Jean and Max. cently completed violin. left last Friday for Vancouver. B. C., returning here Sunday eve Returns from Trip— ning. Wednesday morning the family Mrs. Franklin Malmsten returned few days last week from a trip to Iowa left Vernonia for a in California. where she visited friends and rela- visit tives. Mrs. Malmsten has been Attend Conference— gone since early in June. Emil Messing, local' postmaster, and Emil Mueller of Clatskanie To Live in West Slope— left Tuesday for Bend where they Mrs. Holly Holcomb, Jr., and baby daughter, Bonnie Sue, nwv- will attend the Postmasters’ con ed Thursday to an apartment in vention on Wednesday and Thurs West Slope. Mrs. Robert Holcomb day. drove them to their new home. The In Newport— former Mrs. Holcomb has been Mrs. Lex Taylor is in Newport here since the Fourth of July stay- for the week visiting her parents. ing with her father-in-law until living quarters could be found near At Seaside for the Week— Robert Raymer is in Seaside Beaverton where her husband is during the shut-down of the woods stationed as state patrolman. crew during the hot weather. MOTHERS— Medical science has proved that milk is the most satisfactory food for growing children and adults! Grade A Milk & Cream Phone today for reg ular delivery to your home. vehicle accidents at grade cross- were injured and there left Tuesday after spending a week Sees Mother Off ings during the year, 48 persons total of 140 such accidents. visiting at the J. W. Nichols’ home. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kubler went The ladies are Mr. Nichols’ mother and sister, respectively. They live to Portland Wednesday to bid fare well to Mr. Kubler’s mother, who in San Carlos, California. left by train for Sparks, Nevada. Mrs. Tousley in Portland— F. W. Kubler has been transferred Mrs. Leatha Tousley and •on, from General Foreman in the Arthur, were Portland business visi- Brooklyn Yard, Portland, to As- tors Wednesday. sistant Master Mechanic at Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggle and Fish at the Coast— son, Melvin, of Buxton were din Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Kuper- ner guests Wednesday night at smith and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gib the home of Mr. Riggle's sister and son spent Sunday fishing along the brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Oregon coast. Tallman. Mrs. Maxine Cameron spent On Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hawken Tuesday in Portland on business Make a note to try a bottle and son, Lyman, Jr., are spending Leave for Idaho Mrs. Walter Gildner and daugh of Barclay’s Private Stock their two weeks vacation at their ter, Betty, and son, Eldred, left Straight Rye Whiskey. You’ll home in Cannon Beach. Friday for Boise, Idaho, where be mighty glad you did. It’s Only 13 more days left for the they will visit two weeks with only $1.85 a quart and 95c SMASH WASHER S.vLE—$49.95, relatives and friends. a pint ... a real’ buyl $59.95, $69.95, and $79.95. With Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gilmore the purchase of any one of the and Shirley Mae of Seattle, Wash 86 PPOO« above we’ll give an all metal iron ington, spent Wednesday night at ing board, and a G. E. automatic the home of Mr. Gilmore’s mother. iron, value $14.90, absolutely free. Mrs. Ida Kilburg had a new This offer positively end* July 31. roof put on her house this week. Vernonia Furniture Store, Jewett Otto Wilson of Forest Grove and A. Bush. It— Bill Huffman did the work. Miss Bette Ramsey spent Friday Beaverton Couple Here— and Saturday of last week in For Mr. an'd Mrs.' Joe Campbell of est Grove at the Warnick home. Beaverton spent the week-end in Miss Barbara Warnick returned Vernonia visiting the Hale Green- home with Bette for a few days mans. The two couples with Mr. .visit, and Mrs. Robert Holcomb had Sun Mrs. Laura Gilmore received word day dinner at the Judd Greenman last week that her older son, Art- home. hur, underwent an operation last Tuesday at the Province Hospital To Leave for Yellowstone— in Seattle. Mr. Miss Barbara Nichols leaves Fri along nicely at Gilmore is getting this writing. day for a two weeks trip to Yellow Louise Maisam spent Friday, Sat stone National Park. Miss Nichols urday and Sunday at her home in is accompanying friends from Portland. Longview. Mr. and Mrs. George Zelanes of Detroit, Michigan have been Mrs. Preston’s Sister Leaves---- Mrs. L. G. Tayi'or of Salina, living in Mrs. Zelanes’ father’s Kansas, left Thursday after visi house the past two weeks while ting her sister. Mrs. E. J. Preston, her father, Fred Rushton, is work- on the O. A. hill. Mrs. Taylor ar- ing in Olympia, Washington. Mr. HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF IT rived here last Satuday after visi- Rushton spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at his home here. Here’s the amazing new light source that ting in California. FLUORESCENT. the magic name in Lighting Coles Here Dr. and Mrs. Millard Cole and son, Donald, were in Vernonia for a short time Tuesday evening, com ing for their daughter, Shirley, who hjs been visiting at the Kent home since last week. Curries Have Guest*— Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Currie had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mardall and family of Pofrltlandl Mrs. Mardall lis the Grand Clerk of Neighbors of Wood craft. At Sea.ide— Mr. and Mrs. Harry King and Mrs. Ruhl Has Guest— Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brickel spent Mrs F. M. Ruhl had as her Sunday at Seaside. guest for the day, Monday, Mrs. Josephine Nichols whom she knew Visits Here from Longview— Miss Shirley Cole of Longview when both ladies lived in Louisi ana. Mrs. Nichols is J. W. Nichols’ has been visiting with Erma Kent mother who has been visiting here for the past week. Miss iC'ole was winner of the American Legion for the past week. afard given the outstanding eighth Take Auto Trip— grade girl in the Longview schools. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaughn left Tuesday for a two weeks trip. Guest* at the Nichol*— Guests at the J. W. Nichols home during the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vandercook of Ryderwood, Washington, who were here Saturday; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Switzer and Mrs. Ruth Cribb and children of Longview wiho visited Sunday; and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lambdin and son, Bill, of Cochran, who were Sunday eve- ning visitors. not only creates easier seeing and decora tive possibilities, but brings a new solu tion to many of your lighting problems I Tuesday— Mrs. Dunn's Father Dies TIMBER—Mrs. John Dunn receiv ed word Wednesday of the death of her father, O. C. Farmen, of Mill City, who passed away July 2nd. Other surviving relatives are the widow, Mrs. Caroline Farmen; three sons, Carl, of Canby, Minne Nehalem sota; Oscar, of Salem; Oliver, of Seattle, Washington; five daugh Relative* Depart Tuesday---- Dairy Products Mrs. Josephine Nichols and Mrs. ters, Mrs. Mabie Olson, Mill' City; PHONE 471 Harry Selfridge and son, Richard, Mrs. Regina Christenson, Forest Grove; Mrs. Theodore Nordahl of £HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH¿ Holt, Montana; and Mrs. Lillian of Birkenfeld. H Rider Mr. and Mrs. B. Tallman spent H from Thursday until Saturday in H Pendleton with their son, Lorraine, H who is stationed there with the 20th Air Base Squadron. H H Leo St. Germain was married in Vancouver, Washington, July H 3rd to Mary Ellen Hartman of H Aloha. They will make their hoqie GARDEN HOSE 1st Quality 50-ft. section H in Aloha. FACTS *0* »AlVfM The M azda F (fluores cent) daylight lamp has already proved its value as a “plus” light source. Busi- nes3 offices, industrial plants, stores everywhere already testify to its higher lighting levels, color match ing and color discrimina tion. But with this higher level of lighting, glare and heat are greatly reduced. There is an even spread of light along the entire length of the tube, and surface temperature permits touch ing without discomfort. SHOW CASKS a, teas tatLL d ? 'ue On a dark night in a small Ore gon town, a logging train with empty cars was backing slowly across a street. Suddenly a speed ing car approached the crossing and, as the driver failed to Aotice the skeleton log cars of the slowly moving train, the machine crashed into the truck on the crossing at that moment. The force of the pact bent the skeleton log car a 45 degree angle, hurled the high into the air and killed driver instantly. One passenger was seriously injured and another was less seriously hurt. That accident illustrates one of the greatest dangers at grade crossings in Oregon, according to Earl Snell, Secretary of State, who has released a summary of grade crossing accidents in this state during the year 1940. Six teen persons were killed in motor ■SàWiTTr- J T x BÍT Start on it today THIS NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC Co Summer Garden by taking full advantage of bargain day specials. You save in the kitchen by serving leftovers days later "dressed up" as new dishes. You save thru the years with the famous General Electric Thrift Unit which has established an unsurpasied record for depend able performance and enduring economy. You save at th* store Needs • Beautifully styled all-steel cabinet • Almost 12 sq. ft. shelf area • 8 pound ice making capacity • Giant bottle storage zone • Automatic interior light • G-E sealed-in-steel Thrift Unit $4.49 H H H H HOSE MENDERS HOSE COUPLINGS HOSE FAUCETS HOSE WASHERS 10c 25c 60c 01c 35c $1.90 $1.60 60c Soldier H H H H H H SPRINKLERS H CLAM SHOVELS H PITCH FORKS H PITCH FORK HANDLES H For Garden Supplies—See Hoffman About It! H M H (Only a few) (5-ft. Handles) Hoffman Hardware Co. Vernonia, Oregon H H H H Phone 181 H HXHXHXHXHZHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHZJ Home Tommy Ramsey, of Fort Lewis, Washington, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ramsey, Tommy, Jr., had just recently returned from the armv maneuvers in California. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson of Sweet Home were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn last week, Mr. and Mrs. Carlson were among the unfortunate who were burned cut at West Timber last year. Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson of Portland were week-end visitors of his porents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearson of Hr'llsboro were Visit oirs last Thursday at the Ida Kilburg home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kubler and tittle Billy were visitors of Mr. Kubler’s mother, Mrs. F. W. Kub ler. in Portland Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dudrow were visitors from Friday until Sunday at Copal is Beach, Washington. Preference! Tops In Performance! Only $4,74 Per month hnvc if! buys it! GEO» G» PATERSON Highest Trade-in Allowances Easiest Terms ______ Lowest Prices. Everything for the Home on E-Z Terms at Portland Prices? We Deliver FREE up to 150 Miles FURNITURE VERNONIA RADIOS OREGON REFRIGERATION FOREST GROVE