Friday, July 11, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon SPORTS 1941 Playing Rules Unchanged Softball League Meeting Called The exceptions to the national rules as used by the Oregon State Softball Association for 1941 are the same as 1940. There are but few minor changes in the national rules that should be noted, the most important being the new section which “prohibits the ‘rocker’ action of a pitcher,” who having the ball in pitching position, separates the hands mak­ ing a backward and forward swing of the pitching arm bringing the ball again into both hands in Iront of the body, or any type of wind­ up in which there is a step, or re- versal of the forward motion. This does not prohibit a wind-up in which the motion of the pitching arm is continuous even though the hand taken off the ball may again touch and travel with the ball in the course of the wind-up.” A meeting of the softball league is scheduled for Thursday evening at 7:30 at The Eagle office by President Williams. Several details of organizing for play have yet to be completed so that the schedule may begin next week. Since the first work of organiz­ ing was done some time ago, it is not n-jw definitely known how many teams will participate in piay. The construction of bleachers also remains to be done. The Forum Do you think Christ meant busi­ ness when he was asked the ques- tion: “Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life” Note the reply in 19:16-18—"If verse 17 of Matt. ____ ________ thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments,” and in verse 18 he specified the ten commandment law. In Luke 10:25-28. “A certain lawyer stood up with this question: ‘Master what shall I do to inherit eternal life?’ again the answer was, ‘What is written in the law, how readest thou ’ ‘This do and thou shalt live.’ ” Our Saviour’s last recorded bless­ ing in the last chapter of the la»i book of the Bible is pronounced upon those who do something, nd this something is their passport through the gates of the Holy City to the tree of Life. Rev. 22:14— Blessed are they that do His com- mandments that they may have light to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” There is mighty and striking evi­ dence that the court of High Heav­ en is now in session, and from its just and final decisions there will be no appeal. “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened which is the Book of Life, and the dead were judged out of those things that were writ­ ten in the books, according to their works.” Rev. 20:12. When in the final judgment you are asked the question—why did you trample on the Sabbath of the fourth commandment you will be speechless, like the man who did not have on the wedding garment. To be found wanting in the final judgment will be the saddest of all experiences. We invite you to join us in this To the Editor: It is true that Seventh Day Ad­ ventists did not begin the present discussion on the Sabbath questipn, and in that discussion have been careful not to make it appear that the Sabbath was the foundation of the church, “For other founda­ tion can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Cor. 3:11. In the Eagle Forum letter of Exceptions Listed June 20, paragraph one, we find Following are the exceptions to this statement: “Peter never wast­ a moment in his life preaching the national rules as used in Ore- ed about days,” then in paragraph gon: two we have the following also 1. Nine men shall constitute a about Peter: “But after the Holy Ghost had fallen on them, and his team. was refreshed, he at once 2. The pitching distance shall be memory led the Christians to make the 40 feet, measured from the outside first day their day of worship.” corner of the home plate to the We leave it to the reader to har­ front line of the pitcher’s plate. monize these two Statements. our June 20 Forum scribe (This overrules Rule 3, Section 4.) will If quote in her next Forum let­ 3. The batsman is out immed­ ter, the Bible text, giving chapter iately after three strikes have been and verse where Peter ever spoke called. (This overrules Rule 20, of the first day of the week—or a text hinting a change of the Sec. 7, which allows the batter to Sabbath from the seventh to the aitemtp to reach first base on the first day of the week, written by Peter, the rest of the apostles, or third strike not caught). 4. A runner on third base cannot Christ himself, our June 20 corres­ will be in line for the one score on a wild pitch or a passed pondent thousand dollars that has been of­ ball. (This section is an addition fered as a reward for forty years, io i.ule 30, and was eliminated ter such a text. Please take your Bibles now and from ¿he National Rules in 1939.) let us talk about the relation of A runner on third base when a pitch Christ to the Sabbath. is started cannot score on any pitch- In Mark 2:28, we have Christ’s ed ball which passes the batter, pro­ own words: “The Sabbath was vided they catcher returns the ball made flor man.” Naturally we like to know who made it, directly to the pitcher, except when would whv it was made and when. the bases are full and the runner The Sabbath was made by the is forced to advance by reason of one who made the world. Gen. 2:1-3. the batsman being awarded a base Everv Christian will admit that. N w who made the world? Th-1 on balls, or if an illegal pitch, or answer is Christ himself, for quot- balk, is declared. ing John 1:1-3, “In the beginnin'g was the word, and the wörd was May Score from Third with God, and the word was God. “The same was in the beginning A runner on third when the with God.” “All things were made by Hus pitch started may score on a fair hit ball or on a play on himself or and without Him was not anything made that was made.” on any other runner. Now verse 10—“He was in the (Any attempt to make a play on wcrld and the world was made oy Him. ” Heb. 1:1, 2—“God who at a runner who is trying to score, or who is returning to third base sundry times and in divers man­ ners spake in time past unto the after a pitched ball, releases the fa*he ’s by the prophets, hath in runner from the necessity of re- these last days snoken unto us by turning to third base and permits His Son, whom He hath appointed Heir of all things by Whom also him to score if he can make it). made the worlds.” A runner on third base when He Again sneaking of Christ as the the pitch started may score on a Creator of all things, in Collosions pitched ball which passes the bat­ 1:13-16, 16th. verse reads: “For ter if the ball is then thrown to bv Him were all things created, are in Heaven, and that are any fielder other than the pitcher. that in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or domin-, ions or principalities or powers, all Special things were created by Him and 80% Collision for Him.” This ought to be proof enough ALL KINDS OF for the Christian, that Christ made the seventh day Sabbath, for “With­ INSURANCE out Him was not anything made SEE that was made.” John 1:3. The Sabbath was blessed and James F. Rainey sanctified bv Christ Himself at the House 38, O-A Hill , «■nd of Creation week; it was made for mankrnd and Christ was its Or Anywhere I.o-d. Mark 2:29. | STATE FARM INSURANCE This blessed, sanctified Sabbath made bv Christ was in existance COMPANIES 3000 vears before Moses was born. Therefore, the caption “Moses’ Sab­ bath” is unbiblical and man-made. Because God’s blessing cannot be reversed by man (Num. 23:20) over one-half million people believe and have accepted as unalterable this Christ-made, Christ-blessed and Chr'st-sanctified seventh day Sab­ bath. It has now been shown be­ yond the shadow of a doubt, that Christ made the Sabbath for man­ kind, and if the Sabbath law must be repealed, the Heavenly Lawmak­ er must repeal it; the Holy Bible is as silent as the tomb on any repeal of the seventh day Sabbath, for the seventh day Sabbath is a part of - God - - ’s ten commandment law, and this is the law we will face in the judgment, “For whoso- keep ever shail ___ __ . the whole law, , and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all.” "For he that said do not commit adultery, said also do not kill, now The dainty frocks you like to »ee if thou eommit no adultery yet if your child wear need not he sav­ thou kill, thou art become a trans­ ed for “dress up” for there’s no gressor of the law.” “So speak and need of the extra work of hand so do, as they that shall be judg­ washing them. Just include them ed f>v the law of liberty.” James with your laundry bundle and 2:10-12. they’ll be returned as gently The law spoken of in the above laundered and exquisitely ironed scripture is the ten commandment as you could do them yourself— law of which the Sabbath is a part, and at low cost. and by this law every man is judg­ ed. If you were going to be judged rx-- i by some earthly law, and it was a matter of life and death, you would not sleep until you had a copy of that law, and you would not rest until you understood its [ LAUNDRYuDRY CLEANERS requirements, then you would hast­ L VLPNONIA SEA SlOE en to obey; when the law speaks ■ v phone ? ii PHONE 56 - you know it means business, and j unless we conform to its principles there is trouble ahead. ' THIS ONE VERNONIA ‘SEA SIDE Classified Ads . . TEST N0W-B£' REPAIR PARTS Heath’s Service Station U m RIVERVIEW a I » SAM'S FOOD STORE r A\GHT GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Make a note to try a bottle of Barclay’s Private Stock Straight Rye Whiskey. You’ll be mighty glad you did. It’s only $1.85 a quart and 95c a pint ... a real' buy! An Independent, Home-Owned Grocery FREE DELIVERY Today is a good time for you to stock up on everything you need. Fresh foods, canned goods, staples, everything you need to prepare delicious meals. 86 PltOOF Í* JA*. 1 SAtflAY A 5 back to the Bible movement; many par with the good, if the law of $10 per thousand. Cedarwood of our company formerly were God did pot exist. Timber Co. Call at Shingle Mill. “Let us hear the conclusion of Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, 27t3— Lutherans, Christian Church, Salva­ the whole matter; fear God and tion Army, Mormons, Catholics and keep His commandments, for this thousands upon thousands from the is the whole duty of man.” Solomon FOR SALE—Fryers. Gten Bouell, heathen world, where 721 new lan­ in Beef. 12:13. Stoney Point road. 28t3 Signed—A Reader guages have been mastered and added in the last 19 years, The contributions for the sup- FOR SALE— Black Republican port of this work during 1939 cherries. 2c per lb., you pick. totalled no less than thirteen and __ _ a half million dollars. Altogether from Chas. Schmidlin, Beaver creek. the founding of this great move­ Phone 13F51. 28tl • • ment in 1863 to the close of 1939 the total amount given to advance this last great gospel message of FOR SALE—A baby buggy, slight­ SELL YOUR PROPERTY—Hun- Rev. 14:6-12 was $279,595,710.51. ly used. Cost $10.95, will sell for dreds of buyers waiting; write At the present time there are <28tl— 28,900 Evangelistic and institution­ $5.00. Call 841. me for complete information on al laborers connected with this great work, using 820 languages, FOR SALE—Raspberries. Good for HOW to find them. Charles Albert and proclaiming the soon coming canning. Picked or you may pick Sartain, Real Estate Broker, 1104 of the Lord in 404 countries and them. Albert Schalock, Riverview. S. W. Columbia St., Portland, Ore­ islands. There has been an increase 27t3 gon. of one language every 6 days dur­ 28tl & 30tl ing the past four years. This is surety an amazingly rapid expan­ FOR SALE—53 acres. On Beaver PIANO—Must repossess. Will leave sion which would ahve been utter­ Creek road, south of Treharne. ly impossible if the Lord’s hand with responsible party. Sell Inquire of F. H. O’Connor at Tre­ had not been in the work. cheap for cash or some terms. D. Because of prejudice and the harne. 27t6 traditions of men, the Jews reject­ W. Cook, 1224 S. E. 34th Ave., ed Christ, a scathing rebuke from 28t3 Christ to the Jews reads this way: FOR SALE—Second hand lumber. Portland, Oregon. “Full well ye reject the command­ ments of God that you may keep ,<1 your own tradition,” “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of I men.” Mark. 7:9, 7. There is a movement on foot among many religionists to divorce the law from the gospel, but a gospel without law is no gospel, “For where no law is there is no Have your car brakes checked so that they are transgression or sin.” Rom. 5:15, SAFE! We can test them and replace worn parts and where no sin is there is no need of a gpspel, in other words— if necessary. "Sin is not imputed where there is no law.” Rom. 5:13. Then all wick­ COMPLETE STOCK OF HYDRAULIC BRAKE ed men and devils would be on a COMPANY, LIMITED, Poorlo, llllnoll Sensational Nev/ Low Price1« Frigidaire ■■ COLD-WML 1 i for 1941 1941 MODEL C-6 Entirely inside and out. B 9 k It’s Fully-Fitted—Here ore a few of its Features • New Super-Powered Meter-Miser • Super-Moist, Glass-Topped Hydrator • New De Luxe Meat Tender • New, Larger Frozen Storage Compartment • Double-Easy Quickube Ice Trays • New Facts Label—(You know what you get be­ fore you buy). OM $194*75 ............................. I See the new models today. ----- Only $6.75 per mo. OVE* 6 MILLION FRIGIDAIRES HAVE 9EEN 9UILT ANO SOLDI Who says you can’t buy the best? Nothing Down—and Only $6.75 per Month Buy* America’* Fine»t Frigidaire—A Big 6.9 Ft. Cold Wall Frigidaire. REMEMBER — It costs less to buy the best! You CAN’T Go Snipe Hunting with a Genuine Frigidaire—Because Frigidaire NEVER Leave* You Holding the Bag! Before you buy any refrigerator let u* tell you about Frigidaire’* 9-year optional extended protection plan. GEO. G. PATERSON Highest Trade-in Allowance* Easiest Terms — Lowest Price*. We Deliver FREE up to 150 Mile* RADIOS — REFRIGERATION FURNITURE OREGON — FOREST GROVE VERNONIA s