Friday, May 23, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon LET’S BE SOCIABLE Condits Give Picnic for Faculty— Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Condit were hosts Tuesday night for a picnic fi/en for faculty members of the Washington and Lincoln grade scnoois. The cut-door party was held on the grounds about the Con­ dit home. Firemen Have Banquet Tuesday— The Vernonia Firemen held their annual banquet Tuesday evening of last week in the social hall of the American Legion hall. Wives of the firemen prepared and serv­ ed the meal'. Guests were Water Superintendent Kent and Floyd Ens- worth of the Oregon Gas and Elec­ tric. Following the banquet, the group were guests of the Joy Theatre management. Nehalem Club Meets Wednesday— Mrs. Marvin Porterfield was hostess for the meeting of the Nehalem Club held Wednesday, May 14. Twenty ladies of the Eastern Star were present. Plans were made for presenting in the near future a chest of drawers fill­ ed with household linens. Jimmie Grier and his orchestra now at Jantzen Ballroom. “Recreation and Fun for Everyone” BEACH PARK 1 DANCE « SWIM » PICNIC AND PIAY| Red School House Used as Theme— The annual Senior Banquet was held Wednesday night in the Leg­ ion hall with members of the Aux­ iliary in charge. Using the colors of the class of '41, red and white, the theme of “the little red school house’’ was carried out. A minia­ ture school' was the main table dec­ oration with napkins imprinted with class colors, motto and flower, and with place cards representing slates. Bill Duncan, class president, was master of ceremonies. Response from other students and teachers was given. Miss Alvenia Connell sang, Miss Erma Kofoerstein gave a reading, and the high school girls’ sextette sang. Tawankas Complete Year’s Work— The Tawanka Campfire Girl's completed a year’s work Monday afternoon when they held their Council Fire. Miss Grace Condit, guardian, presented the beads and rings to the Wood Gathers, and pins to the Trail Seekers who were also given honor beads by Hazel Jones, second year girl. The graduating Trail Seekers are: Aileen Uhlin, La Rue Moon, Joyce Hatchard, Ruth Tackett, Jean Turner and Jean McDonald. The Wood Gatherers are: Hazel Jones, Junie May Hobson, La Vonia Hobin, Betty Cummings, Sheila Bailey and Evelyn Stevenson. With the .guardian, Miss Condit, the group spent Saturday and Sun­ day at the Campfire cabin in rhe city park. club May 15. The affair, held at the home of Mrs. Judd Greenman, was attended by members and their guests which inchided the teachers of the city schools. Music preceding the address was provided by Miss Alvenia Connell with vocal selections, Miss Barbara Sneath with cello solos and by the high school girls' sextette. Miss Eileen Enos accompanied. Dr. Munk, exiled Czech econom­ ist, is author of “Economics of Force” and is a member of the Reed College faculty. In his infor­ mal address the economist warned that our democracy should regard the seemingly impossible for mean­ ing rather than the obvious in interpreting Nazi moves and that the psychological aspect of war can be as devastating to a nation as bombing. Members of the Study Club do a great deal for safe-keep­ ing American ideals of democracy by the right kind of propogand, Dr. Munk admonished the group. Art Teacher Given Shower— Miss Shirley Weigal, art instruc­ tor in the grade schools, was the honored guest at a bridal shower held recently at the home of Mrs. Mason McCoy. Assisting Mrs. Mc­ Coy as hostess were Mrs. Dave Marshall and Miss Mary Fossatti. News of the Theatre •CISCO’ ROMERO RETURNS TO SCREEN— Lithe as a shadow—and as hard to catch! Fleet as the wind—and as hard to hold! Who else could it be but O. Henry’s lovable rogue—the Cisco Dr. Munk Addresses Kid, who returns to the screen in Study Club Thursday— the “Romance of the Rio Grande,” Dr. Frank Munk was guest speak­ the 20th Century-Fox picture which er at the annual Guest Day pro­ has Cesar Romero in the title role. gram given by the Vernonia Study Featured with Remero are Pa­ tricia Morison, Lynne Roberts, Ric­ ardo Cortez and Cisco’s ever-pres­ ent side-kick, Gordito. nightingale, a mocking-bird and a finch for his role in “The Wild Man of Borneo.” It took a vaudeville whistler. Ruby Ray, to teach him the bird lingo. Miss Ray, who can imitate any bird call known, provided the bird calls in “Snow White” and “The Blue Bird,” and moot recent­ ly educated William Powell for the bird “love call" in “I Love Yon Again.” DESIGNER— Elviry Weaver, of the famous “Weaver Brothers and Elviry” team, now starred in Republic’s “Friendly Neighbors,” designs all the hul- billy dresses she wears in her pic­ tures. In private life Elviry is one cf the screen’s most fashionably dressed women. NEW “GRACES" FOR MR. GABLE— Because some producers insist on making motion pictures tell the truth ajiout life, actors are occas­ ionally Called on to do things they never did before. The significance of this observation was disclosed when Clark Gable discovered he had acquired new social' graces during the filming of “Gone with the Wind.” In the production of Margaret Mitchell’s celebrated best-seller nov­ el of the Civil War South, Gable was required to enact for close-ups many intimate accomplishments of a dashing young blood of the ’60’s. Gable had to learn to dance the Virginia reel smoothly. A related accomplishment was learning to walk gracefully in trousers that had a strap under the shoe sole, and not so related was the knack of tying Scarlett O’Hara’s bonnet string. The actor customarily smokes cigarettes, but he had to change over to stogies. An expert automo­ bile driver, he had to take lessons at the reins of a pair of carriage AUCTION SALE On Saturday, May 24, I will sell at public auction at Timber, Oregon, the following described Real Estate and Personal Property. Sale to start jit 10 o’clock. FREE LUNCH ALL DAY Two Modern Houses, One-room cabin, three gar­ ages and two acres of land, with mountain spring water and 1500 gal. reservoir. This property will be open to inspection at any time before date of sale. Inquire at B. T. Hart home across from highway from roundhouse at Timber. If unable to attend sale, sealed bids may be placed with owner or clerk to be opened at start of sale. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. GARDEN TOOLS, AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES B. T. HART, Owner J. W. HUGHES, Auctioneer A. H. ABTS, Clerk Commercial National Ban’: YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE JOY THEATRE Thursday and Friday, May 21 and 22 TOBACCO ROAD Charley Grapewin Marjorie Rambeau Cartoon Musical Featurette MEET ‘JENNIE’ A COURAGEOUS WIFE— Smiling, dimpled dynamite—that’s “Jennie”, the pretty young wife who fights in a woman’s way to hold the man she loves in the film of that name. Lovely Virginia Gil­ more, one of the “finds” of the year, portrays the wife who tame? a family tyrant and brings joy and adventure into eight empty lives in the 20th Century-Fox film. ALL THE LEADING LADIES WANT HIM!— Robert Young, who plays the dramatic lawyer-sweetheart of Lor­ aine Day in “The Trial of Mary Dugan,” has the record of having appeared with more leading ladies than any other star in Hollywood. During his career he has played opposite most of the important stars of the past decade, including Helen Hayes. Luise Rained, Myrna Loy, Joan Crawford, Ann Sothern, Eleanor Powell, Maureen O’Sullivan and Ruth Hussey. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family visited with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and daughters, Ruby, and Mildred, motored to Hillsboro on business Friday. Mrs. Nell Thacker and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Hazel Hoffman and Mrs. Malissa Hult motored to Port­ land Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Barrett and daughters spent the week-end with relatives in Portland. Picnic Food Values King’s Grocery and Market “Where Your Money Buys More” St­ LOOK MOTHER.. 9 CÄW tufa it, tra •» % ig r I I THE NEW! Lv E • 1 A grand new idea in comfort and convenience ... so feather-lite a child can flip it over! • The Seedy Sleep Ensemble puts an end to back-breaking mattress-turning. You sleep on a separate felted- cotton mattress... delightfully soft and airy... amazingly easy to turn and air. • What's more, the Sleep Ensemble actually saves you mon­ ey. With its complete box spring and mnerspring unit it entirely eliminates the expense of any other box spring or bed spring! ; Styled L ♦. « $59.5° I I On top, a fluffy, removable sleep pad. The sturdy foundation unit consists of a buoyant in- nerspring construction, combined with a set of fine box springs. . two sets of resilient springy for lasting comfort - ------------ -------- a . Terms Only $5.00 Down, $5.00 Per Month GONE WITH THE WIND FREE A Beautiful Bed Lamp With Each Set Sold !! Clark Gable — Vivien Leigh — Leslie Howard Olivia de Havilland —•— Shows Start at 8 P. M. Sharp General Adm: Men, Women & Children 55c Each NOTICE—W. F. Aldrich, Glen .nd W. R Chamber., Mi.t Route; and Edward Horn and G. C. Mellinger, Vernonia are invited to present this coupon at boa office any time before Saturday evening. May 24, for complimentary admissions. ’à.’! Mrs. Sylvia Fatconer entertained the Quilting Club last Thursday. £ Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, May 28, 29, 30 Starts at 2:30 P. M. Sharp Adults, 40c — Children, 25c I Club Entertained TREHARNE—(Special)—A birth­ day party was given in honor of Mrs. Ida Reynolds last Wednesday '/hen a group of ladies surprised her. The ladies brought pot-luck dinner which was served at noon. Those present were Mesdames Auda Rawlett, Floy Davenport, Clara Reynolds, Pauline Tisdale, Florence Nelson, Florence Reynods, Bertha McChristian, Anne Eubanks, Grace Glenn, Ida Reynolds and the Misses Goldia Reynolds and Thelma Rey. nolds. Mrs. Reynolds received many lovely gifts. A number of friends from Tre­ harne surprised Mrs. Dave Reynolds at Shields Camp Monday. Tb^ oc­ casion was her birthday. Those at­ tending were Clara Reynolds, Ida ir- i Í t 3 Reynolds, Floy Davenport and daug­ hter, Auda Rawlett and daughter, Agnes Bascue, Florence Reynolds and son, Pauline Tisdale, Goldie Marie Reynolds, Gustave Reynolds, Thelma Reynolds and the honored guest, Mrs. Dave Reynolds. Pot-tuck dinner was served at noon and she received many lovely gifts. Donald Meek, the amateur gard­ ener, found the hours he has spent observing nature were of little help when he began the task of learn­ ing to whistle like a canary, a Sunday and Monday, May 25 and 26 THE TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN Robert Young ------ Laraine Day Cartoon and News ON FRIDAY ONLY — MATINEE Treharne News 01 Week Told DONALD MEEK: BIRD CALLER— Saturday, May 24 ROMANCE OF THE RIO GRANDE With Cesar Romero as the Cisco Kid JENNIE Virginia Gilmore and William Henry Tuesday, May 27 THE WILD MAN OF BORNEO Starring Frank Morgan FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS Weaver Brothers and Elviry horses before he could handle them expertly. Starred with Gable in the picture are Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard and Olivia de Havilland. AMERICAN - MADE : r- z A. L. Kullander Watchmaker and Jeweler Official Watch Inspector for S. P. and S. Ry. Geo. G. Paterson Everything for the Home on E-Z Terms at Portland Prices. Highest Trade-in Allowances Easiest Terms — Lowest Prices. We Deliver FREE up to 150 Miles. FURNITURE RADIOS — REFRIGERATION VERNONIA OREGON — FOREST GROVE 1