FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1941 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SPORTS R. Duncan Loggers Catches Win from Tigers Tues. Big Fish Clatskanie Loses by 22 to 28 Score to Revived Logger Quintet 23-Pound Steelhead Is Holder of Record for Biggest Fish The Vernonia Loggers met Clats kanie Tuesday evening at Clatskanie and won their first conference game cf basketball this season by a 22 to 28 score. The win the first of the week will give the Loggers spirit to try for a second win Friday eve ning when the same two teams meet again, this time on the Vernonia floor. Tuesday’s game was a rough-and- tumble affair with 18 fouls being called on Vernonia and 11 on Clats kanie. Sunnell and Roeser fouled out for Vernonia and Sendstrom for Clatskanie. Lusby rated high-point mention for the Loggers with 8 to his credit while Harwood of Clatskanie was high for that team with the same figure. Score at half time showed Vernonia in the lead then 19 to 14. While fishing on Rock creek a short distance above his farm on Keasey Rt., last Friday morning, Ross Duncan caught what is re- ported to be the largest steelhead taken in this part of the state by hook and line. The fish weighed 23 pounds. A phone call to Meier & Frank brought information that no fish of that size had ever been report ed at a former time. Dr. Feldman Leaves Tues PAGE FIVE and second, Betty Schram, and few people. Mr. and Mr«. Walter Gildner to Ella O’Connor. Ella O’Connor entertained ehe and Betty Jean were visitors Sun Quilting Club last Thursday. day of Mrs. Gildner’a brother and Mrs. William Falconer and Mary, siater-in-law at Buxton. Mrs. Hulan Thacker and Raymond, Miaa Eva Jean Sievers of Jewell Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mildred spent from Saturday until Monday and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell night at the Walter’s home with spent Wednesday at Mountaindale with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McNew. Miss Alga Ribbers. Cleo Teason of Vienna, South Dak- The card party given Friday eve- ota, returned with them and spent ning by the ladies of the Service the night at the Wilbur Thacker League was not well attended, al- home. Marietta Hodgson spent Sunday though twelve dollars and fifty at the beach with friends from cents was taken in. This fund will Portland. go to help boys and girls who are The Pinochle Club met with Paul- infantile paralysis victims, The ine Schmidlin Wednesday afternoon. prizes were donated by local High score went to Agnes Moehler, people. First prize in pinochle was second to Rita Frisbie ond consol won by Miss Taza Regester, con- ation to Hazel Hoffman. rolation by Virgil Rainwater. First Mrs. Hulan Thacker and family prize in 500 by Mrs. Florence Pear visited at the Ain Wallace home son and consolation by Mrs. Myrtle in Mist Sunday afternoon. Ramsey. The dance given by the Sub-Deb Called to Portland---- girls Saturday night was well at Mrs. F. R. Olin was called to tended. Music was furnished by Portland this week to be with her the Swing Melodians, and every- sister, Mrs. Dilley, who fell Tues one reported a good time. day and broke a bone in the lower The bright posters seen about part of a leg. town advertising certain social functions are the handiwork of Miss To Tour with Choir— Bette Ramsey and Mrs. Mary Camp 'Miss Zonweiss Douglass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Douglass, bell, local artists. leaves soon with the other members of the Cascade College Choir for a six weeks tour of California. Seuih Dakota TIMBER—(Special to The Eagle) People Visit —Dr. C. E. Miller from CICC head quarters has temporarily relieved TREHARNE— (Special to The Dr. S. E. Feldman, wh-o left early Eagle)—Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Teas Clatskanie Tuesday to accept an assignment on and daughter, Cleo, of Vienna, Vernonia Nelson with the Veterans’ Administration South Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. John F Hall Grace in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. Feld R. McNew and daughter, Betty, >f F Soejimi Harwood man has been with Reehers CCC Mountaindale, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Roeser C Parton camp the past ten months. G Lusby Stowell of Buxton, Mr. and Mrs. Sunnell G Doyle Mrs. George Ritthaler was in Hulan Thacker and Raymond, Mrs. Substitutions: Vernonia, Davis, Timber Monday looking after prop William Falconer and daughter, erty interests, before going on to Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Crawford; Clatskanie, Norgren. Cornelius where she will visit her Thacker and daughter, Mildred, mo mother-in-law for several days. tored to Seaside Thursday. It was B. T. Hart was a Portland visi the Teason’s first trip to Oregon tor several days last week. and the first time they had ever Mrs. Earl Fisher of Sunset camp seen the ocean. They are cousins and Mrs. Elmo Tailman vere For- of Mrs. Falconer, the Mesdames est Grove visitors Friday. They Thacker, and Mr. Stowell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartlett King’/ Grocery rated top mention also visited at the George Fisher and Alex Scales of Portland were with information released by W. E. home in Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stout of Fort Tuesday visitors at the Herb Schram Burton, bowling alley manager, the forepart of this week. The King’s land were visitors Saturday night home. Miss Roberta Stevenson and Lloyd team has gained highest rating for at the Ida Kilburg home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kubler had as Fisher were Saturday evening visi the second time on the bowling schedule, having topped the Post Sunday dinner guests Mr. Kubl'er’s tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kubler, H. E. Schram. Office. Mr. and Mrs. Hulan Thacker and The standings as listed Tuesday of Portland. Estelle Porter of Portland spent family and Ruby Thacker motored were: P the week-end here with her son, to Portland Saturday. W L 27 Donald Welsh. 17 10 Mr. and Mrs. Linn O’Connor King’s Farrell West of Oswego spent and family of Portland were Sun- 18 12 30 Post Office 30 Saturday night and Sunday with day guests at the Frank O’Connor 15 15 Town Team 27 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed West. home. 8 19 Sam and Bob Timber grade school girls defeat Sunday guests at the H. E. ed Cornelius grade schools girls in Schram home were Mr. and Mrs. basketball here Friday, score being Johnnie Davidson and daughter of 30 to 8. The Timber bovs won over Willamina, Mr. and Mrs. John Glass- Cornelius boys 30 to 12. ner and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bar Mrs. Ida Kilburg returned to her rett and daughters of Vernonia. home here Saturday af er having The A. B. C. Pinochle club met Hill Military was loser to the ~-"nt the week at Bay City at the with Helen Bailey Wednesday. High Vernonia Gun Club last Friday when home of Mrs. Maible Smith. score went to Hannah Scharback the two teams met on the Hilt rifle Miss Mariie Beals of McMinnville range. Hill scored 882 and Vernonia was a visitor at the B. Tallman American Income Rises 889. home Sunday evening. I Vernonia high point men were: 14 Cents; Living Costs Ed Klein, who is working out of Fetsch, 181; Kellmer, 178; Nichols, Albany, visited his family here Sat Hold At 1939 Levels 177; McCollum, 177; Zimmerdahl, urday and Sunday. 176. Lt. Julian Freedman, commander The Mt. Hood Rifle club will be of Company 5461, CCC, returned PURCHASING POWER here Friday evening of this ween to Camp Reehers last Tuesday «ve- DECEMBER, 1940, Compared to complete another portion of the niny after having spent a month ’n wi+h DECEMBER, 1939 schedule. Georgia. Two logging trains were put on IMVISTOAS SYNDICATE f MINNEAPOLIS With 3,065,000 miles of highways Monday night. This is the first z the United States has a road mile time there have been more than / I age nearly three times as great as the local freight trains since the the combined mileage of England, Christmas holidays. Several logging France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, camms resumed operations Monday V./4 f/./5 and Italy, according to the Oregon morning which makes the world too look brighter for good many State Motor Association. WHAT’LL YOU HAVE FOLKS? Pleasing every patron every time—that’s how the Terminal has grown popular. New and Used Parts New and Used Tires Gas and Oil § Expert Auto Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon I ? FOR SALE—Two rocking chairs, witl 1 pads, $2.50 each. Also floor FOR SALE—1935 Plymouth 4-door $1.00. C. W. Erven, Corey lamp, Sedan. Trunk. In good condition. 5t3 Hilt. Price $250. Inquire at Eagle of fice. 6tl— FOR SALE OR TRADE—Good farm work horse. $60 in cash or FOR SALE—ICalble-Nelson Piano. Inquire In good condition. Cash or terms. trade for good milk cow. Eagle office 513— House No. 6, O-A hill. 6t3 FOR SALE OR TRADE—House hold furniture for trailer house. Furniture includes: daveno and chair set, 'breakfast set, occasion al chair, kitchen and heater stove and miscellaneous articles. Also drag saw and tools for sale or trade. Bert Keck. 6t3 FOR SALE—Size 38 ladies winter coat; worn very little. See it at 1158 Columbia Street. 4t3 FOR SALE—Baled hay or will trade for heifers. Will also pay cash for heifers. Ray Delsman, Hillsboro. Ore. Phone 2102. 2tf— FOR SALE—Baled oats and Vetch FOR SALE—Scratch pads in con venient assorted sizes. Your hay. Lester Sell, four miles beyond Buxton on Banks road. 6t3 choice, pound 15c at The Eagle of fice. 4t3 FOR SALE—Hay, oats and vetch; good quality. First ranch north FOR RENT—Four-room house. See Harry Culbertson. 5tf— of Vernonia air port. 6tl FOR SALE—House and lot at 1004 REWARD OFFERED—For return of one Manchurian Pheasant. Ai- Rose avenue. Will be sold reason 5t3 able if sold this week before re tert Schalock. building. This property has title’ insurance. Inquire Jewett A. Bush. LOST—Lineman’s hand hatchet just 6tl— beyoad Kern’s Bluff on Rock creek on or about New Year’s. Re FOR SALE OR TRADE—1935 ward for return to The Eagle of Chevrolet Touring Sedan. $275. fice. 4t3 Bargains for Your Budget! ■ | Terminal Cafe Your food dollar will go farther when you spend it with us. Quality foods at low prices always. DELIVERY SCHEDULE------ Corey Hill—10 A. M. and 3 P. M. O-A Hill and East Side—10:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Phone 761 Quantity Orders Gladly Delivered SAM and BOB Grocery & Market A GOOD THING For A RAINY DAY Among All Biggest-Selling Low-Priced Cars CHEVROLET FOR 41IS F misi / first / first -------------- • i » ì feti y , ■ * • » * •4* • Frote- ~ I 1 A IE above chart, showing how the average American fared in ■ aational Income changes in the last twelve months. Is based on the monthly consumers’ study of In vestors Syndicate of Minneapolis. ; Mr. and Mrs. Public tn December had a "real income” of $1.14, or an Increase of fourteen cents on the dollar over the same 1939 month. This "real income” is not a sub traction of cash Income and. expen ditures. but an average relative of these figures designed to show how living costs affect adjusted Income dollars. Cash Income of Mr. and Mrs. ' Public In December was $1.14 for every $1 a year earlier. This gain of fourteen cents on the dollar re sulted from the following changes per dollar: wages up sixteen cents and salaries eight cents; Investment Income was up seven cents and other income was up twenty cents on the dollar. Rents in December were a cent higher than a year ago. but cloth ing, food and miscellaneous Items were unchanged, making living ex penses unchanged from s year ago. T Classified Ads . . . Sam and Bob Offer You King’s Team Tops Bowling Gunmen Win Shooting Try Will take cheaper pick-up in trade no Fords. A. J. Schultz, 991 Rose Avenue. 6tl »IUI HIU, < DRIVE ' ET ONCE ANDYOVli DRIVE IT AIWVS! AGAIN CHEVROLET'S THE LEADER mRENGINf • • • because Chevrolet for *41 is the only low- priced car with a 9O-h.p. Valve-in-Head "Victory” Engine—the same type of engine that holds all world’s records for per formance on land, sea and in the air! CONCUltO Mrtry sun . " «9 "TM Cffr NO N0 El NO N0 EjNO N0| *v ntHin marni ¡¡¿J no no ^' i / idkhiiauiom ^ ko ho I Un un I HUNO NO I nnofMAiifamy^NO noi u..... I MAS AU mta WM/TVHjmn" K mm .. CFIKSTBTOSi ITS FINEST! ♦ ♦ £Yi IT TRY IT-- BUY IT! Vernonia Auto Company A Safe Place to Trade Vernonia, Oregon