PAGE FOUR Comments = f the VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Week MANY SPORTSMEN. FEW COMMERCIAL . FISHERMEN Western Oregon sportsmen rallied for the hearing last Wednesday evening at Salem in far greater numbers than the commercial men to present a milch more convincing show of sincerity in seeking enactment of the Steelhead Senate Bill. Sportsmen turned out in such numbers that seating capacity of the hearing chamber was at a premium. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1941 ItTHE-POCKETBOOK W KNOWLEDGE by^jAMES P reston The day of miracles may be gone —but American industry is doing the “impossible” these days in its effort to supply defense goods to alt those free nations now battling Comments heard here on the measure, which will regulate dictators. the use of nets in coastal streams with exception of the Colum Authorities for that sta.ement are bia, gave greater promise of enactment into law than was the none other than William S. Knud case two years ago when anglers attempted to have the steel sen and John D. Biggers who, head declared a game fish by legislative action. That measure through the new OPM, head up this of two years ago passed the state senate but was voted down country’s defense production. in the house. TWENTY THREE POUND STEELHEAD Regardless of the inroads of commercial fishing on the number of fish which escape nets and swim to upper readies of the Nehalem and Rock creek, one fish caught last week is the largest steelhead ever to be reported. It weighed 23 pounds. Ordinarily a steelhead of 15 pounds is considered plenty large. CARD OF THANKS 'ish to express our sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness, floral offerings and ex pressions of sympithy during the recent illness and death of our beloved husband and father, E. D. Denson. M’S. E. D. Benson Charles, Mark and Cl ra Benson Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Moore Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Durrett and' family. /Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bergerson and family. Those statements, of course, are VERNONIA CONTRIBUTES ITS SHARE based on fact and not fancy. Many Many who attended the President’s Ball Saturday evening reports reaching Washington tell expressed themselves favorably with the dance. The dance com of new “impossibles” which have mittee also was pleased with the result of their efforts in bring been accomplished by surmounting ing to completion a successful affair and with the amount of difficulties and proglems which in funds which Vernonia contributed to the infantile paralysis ordinary times would be “impos- sible.” fund. Same reports already have been Along with the sale of dance tickets, the Tawanka Camp repeated in this column. Here are Fire girls sold pins for an amount of $15.24 which in itself is a few more: a considerable contribution. Surely the amount this year will Most defense contracts have oeen be greater than was last year’s in giving assistance to such a placed with fewer than a thousand manufacturers. The reason was that worthy cause. Business LEE GETS PUBLICITY Eagle Items Of Past Years COUNTY NEWS Uiw. R.’.iek has written a gay and amus ng oook of a happy mar- r age Mr. and Mrs. Cug-t married "for, for woroe.” Sometimes it was definitely worse. Such as the time Mr. Cugat appeared at a very foimal masquerade dressed in a suit of armor and slightly reeling. To make matters worse, he manag ed to set himself afire inside the minor and disrupt the whole affair by his strange gyrations. Mrs. Cugat’s very b d habit of exaggeration pretty nearly has ser ious results, but Mr. Cugat steps in at the last minute and saves h:s w'fe’s face by a little fancy ex "geration of his own. Knudsen reported a couple of weeks ago tthat industry already had done the “impossible” but must do more. Now Biggers says that the word “impossible” has been struck from the American manu facturers’ vocabulary. the government did not know where taken care of before too long a else to go. Neither government nor Appearing in Colliers this week time. The job isn’t easy. For many any other group had facts and fig is an article entitled “Our New people it is very disagreeable but ures describing small plants here So the manufacturer is making the Army” in which Howard Lee, well- the deputy collectors will assist and goods on old—and less efficient— there which alone are not big known Vernonia boy and graduate you if the bookkeeping of your enough to handle a sizeable defense machines and will start deliveries of Vernonia high school, gets size business is up-to-date. If you can’t February 1, more than two months order but which could do part of ahead of schedule. So far he has able publicity mention by the meet with the collectors, or do not it. article’s author, Lee, it seems, is wish to, there are several people Government officials wanted in had no assurance—not even silent of an inventive nature and has de- in Vernonia who will make out formation aibout these small pia.tts assurance—that the government vised a game called “Blitzkreig” your reports. If you can make them but they thought it was “impossible” will pay his higher costs. which he i intends to market if out yourself you needn’t worry to get it. So now industry itself about having someone else do it. is doing the job. Through the Na Another comparatively small man possible. Vernonia also gets mention as Nevertheless, the returns must be tional Industrial Council, which is ufacturer has made loans of more a mythical land, a part of the filled on time: Federal, March 15 sponsored by the National Assoc than $500,000 to even smaller sub- and State, April 1. game. iation of Manufacturers, a nation contractors so they can turn out Regardless of whether the game wide survey of plant capacities . parts faster, The banks thought the loans were “impossible” and proves successful, Lee has received DONKEY BASKETBALL being made. The donkeys received most of considerable publicity and the name wouldn ’t make them, so the manu When the information is facturer did. * Vernonia” has been spread across the advance publicity for the don ed and tabulated, it will be turned much of the nation by means of key basketball game Monday eve over to defense officials in Wash- that magazine’s wide circulation.* ning but the donkey’s riders pro ington. Then they will These know the of how are but a very few samples vided much more of the entertain practical details about the “impossible” is being thousands ment than did the deasts. The eve of small plants into which defense done these days. Small wonder that A GENTLE REMINDER With the announcement this week ning’s entertainment was interesting, jobs can be put. Knudsen and Biggers say that of the itinerary of deputy collect was something different for Ver Then there will be even more word is going the way of the dodo. ors who will assist in making out nonia people and was very amus instances like the soap manufactur income tax returns comes the re ing, especially, as mentioned be er who is loading shells, the type minder that that detail must be fore, the riders. writer factory that is working n machine guns, and the stove com pany that is making special bolts. You will enjoy meeting Mr, and Mrs. Cugat. They are de'.'.gntful pe.pie. Book Talk . . By EDNA ENGEN “We all should spend more time with books, And not so much upon our looks. The world would be a better place, If we thought more of book* and less of face.” —L. E. D, Professional Directory Marshall A. Rockwell M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 72; Residence 73 a “Mr. and Mrs. Cugat” by Isabel Scott Rorick. LODGES Wendell’s Barber Shop Shaves and Haircuts Conscientious Work Shoe Shining Shower Bath* DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Vernonia Lodge No. 246 I.O.O.F. Cleo Caton The Apparel Shop Under ordinary circumstances ,'t Meets Every Tuesday Dr. U. J. Bittner would be “impossible” for a manu- ONE YEAR AGO— 8 P. M. Oscar G. Weed announced inten LIGHT CATCHES acturer to take many of his best Mike Willard, N. G. Dentist REPORTED HERE— workers out of his own plant and tion to file as a candidate for Paul Gordon, Secretary county judge in the May primary turn them over to another manu Joy Theatre Bldg. Phone 662 The few fishermen who are op election. erating in the St. Helens and Co facturer for training in a new line COUNTY FARM Vernonia F. O. E. The Nehalem Hunters and Angl lumbia City districts on the river of work. Any man who did that ers club met to discuss the possib REVIEW GIVEN— (Fraternal Order of Eagles) are taking light catches of steel long, under usual conditions, would ility of obtaining a fish hatchery A review of the farm situation head salmon with an occasional not stay in business long. J. E. TAPP in Columbia county as it has de- early Chinook salmon, a few of But in one Eastern state, one on Rock creek. L. gion Hall veloped since 1938 was given last which have arrived far ahead of manufacturer is selecting about 700 Thursday at an all-day meeting of the March run when the commercial of his own most capable workers FIVE YEARS AGO— All Kind* of Wood Vernonia The Mist-PStltsburg section farm crops, livestock, farm home fishing season closes. and turning them over to a second Friday Night* Prompt Delivery and rural life committees held in manufacturer for training in mak the Nehalem highway will be paved the courthouse. The meeting, devot It was reported that one fisher ing airplane engines. Not only that, with oil process macadaam during 8 o'clock Phone 241 ed to a review of the agricultural man took close to 100 pounds of but the first manufacturer is supply the summer it was announced by set-up and to suggestions on future steelhead one 'night early in the ing free a huge building in which J. W. Bishop, state highway main Alford Doree, W. P. developments, was one of a series week and a number of 'Chinooks his workers are befng trained to tenance engineer. Willis Johnson, W. Sec’y. being sponsored in all Oregon coun have been delivered to the local work for the other fellow. The Expert Tonsorial Work ties by the O.S.C. extension service. markets. A price of 10c a pound is first manufacturer is even furnish TEN YEARS AGO— Knights of Pythias The Brown Furniture Co. moved paid for the steelhead and 20c a ing heat for the building. Harding Lodge No. 116 BEN’S BARBER SHOP Speaking at the morning session, pound for Chinook. its stock from the building east of Vernonia, Oregon George Nelson, county agent, des It usually would be “impossible” Rock creek to the McGee building Meetings:—I. O. O. F. Vernonia, Oregon cribed the gradual decline of Bang’s FATHER FLEMING TO TAKE for a manufacturer to deliver to at Second and Bridge streets, the Hall, Second and disease reactors in Columbia’s dairy OVER ST. FREDERIC’S— location formerly occupied by the a purchaser goods which cost him Fourth Mondays Each herds since a campaign was launch Mellinger Hardware company. Roland L. Treharne Father Michael E. Fleming, pastor more than he gets for them. That ed against the disease in 1924. At Month. Expert Automobile Repairing would mean either bankruptcy, or of St. Wenceslaus parish at Scap that time, approximately 14 per Pythian Sisters WELDING I cent of the cattle in the county poose for the last several months, a new manager. But one manufac- Vernonia Temple No. 61 CARBURATORS REPAIRED turer who got a sizeable order is were reactors, while at present only will assume the pastorate of St. Vernonia, Oregon ROLAND’S about one per cent react. Mr. Nel Frederic's parish in St. Helens and doing just that, Meeting*:— 1. O. O. F. Hall SERVICE STATION He expected to get new machines Second and Fourth Wednesdays son also traced the increase of for St. Mary's in Vernonia, starting I Each Month with services Sunday here. He re more efficient than those now in age crops in the county. places Father John Green who left use. He was to begin deliveries in •y aaa*. I«IU. — Nehalem Valley Order of Eastern Star Thursday’s meeting was devoted for his new charge in Silverton April. The new machines, how’ever, Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. almost entirely to a review of the yesterday morning following a par won't be finished until late March. Oregon’s visitors traveling by Columbia county happenings since ochial school reception. Regular Communi Motor Freight automobile will no longer be re- cation first and the last farm outlook conference quired to register their cars under Frank Hartwick, Proprietor third Wednesdays The new pastor will say mass in 1938. During the next two the provisions of Senate Bill No. Portland - Timber - Vernonia of each month, at weeks the various committees rep Sunday at 8 a. m. and 10:30 p. m. 4, which has passed the house Sunset - Elsie - Cannon Beach Masonic Temple. resented at the session will have at St. Frederic’s and will be form MILITARY ROAD Gearhart - Seaside without a dissenting vote. This bill All visiting sisters meetings and will make recommen ally installed at ceremonies set for AGAIN ASKED— Vernonia Telephone 1042 and' brothers wel was the first through the Senate, dations on a program at a session 3 p. m. Rev. John Laidlaw Dean will come. The Lower Columbia Associated being unanimously approved, and planned for February 15 at the officiate at the installation. Chambers of Commerce threw their was also the first Senate Bill to Allie Dickson, Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Secretary courthouse here. CASON’S TRANSFER Father Fleming is a Canadian weight behind a movement to have receive the approval of the House. Folio ing this general committee born and bred, but received most the Lower Columbia river highway Prepared and introduced at the re A. F. & A. M. LOCAL .nd LONG-DISTANCE meeting a series of community ses of his training for the priesthood from Pcrtlsnd to Astoria designat quest of Secretary of State Earl Vernonia Lodge No. 184 HAULING sions will be held in which the in the United States and has been ed and improved as a military Snell, the bill bringing about this A. F. & A. M. meets at adopted program wilt be exphiined a U. S. resident since 1923. He highway at a meeting of the beard repeal places Oregon in line with SEE US Masonic Temple, . . Stat- to County residents. For Your Old-Growth ed Communication First ....... completed work at the University of governors in Portland Monday the many states that are doing all Thursday of each month. 16-1NCH FIR WOOD in their power to eliminate barriers of Toronto in 1923 and was grad morning. Special called meetings The board adopted a resolution between the states, and to promote uated with the degree of bachelor AND CEDAR SHINGLES other Thursday nights, 7:30 petitioning the United States roads the free and uninterrupted flow of science. administration and the Oregon of traffic, with the least possible come. Visitors most cordially wel- State highway commission to elim inconvenience and delay to the Special meetings Friday night«. MARVIN KAMHOL7. LUMBER SHIPMENTS Roland D. Eby, M. D. inate curves and grades on the traveling public. C. L. Brock, W. M. Editor and Publisher TOTAL 10.000.000 FEET— 1 • Glenn F. Hawkins. Sec. bwny ind m ke it more curable In commenting upon the measure, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Entered as second class mail Lumber shipments from the local matter, Auarust 4, 1922, nt the post Pope and Talbot unit will total of handling movements cf troops Mr. Snell stated that the need for VERNONIA office in Vernonia. Oregon. under s.ightly more than 10,000,000 feet and materials as well as to make non-resident registration had long Town Office 891 it more attractive to tourists and since passed with the lowering of POST 119 the» act of March 3, 1879. during January, approximately the motorists. AMERICAN license fees, and that experience Official newspaper of Vernonia, Ore amount of the mill’s production. NEAL W. BUSH The resolution pointed out the in handling this work had convinced LEGION This figure does not include sever fact that the roadway was of im- him that it should be eliminated. M*ets First Attorney at Law al hundred thousand feet of creo- portance to the national defense He further stated that it would Joy Theatre Bldg., Phone 663 On »0’0 soted material and much green and program because of the new and save the state some $20,000 eich Third Wednesday« S 0 Cl AT I OK In Vernonia Mondays and creosoted piling, estimated to total renewed activity at Tongue Point, biennium, which is the cost of the AUXILIARY pjoiistV Tuesdays 2,000.000 feet board measure. First and Third Mondays Fort Stevens and Camp Clatsop. present service. Si. Helens ( 'lalskanie The Vernonia Eagle