FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1941 LET’S EE SOCIABLE Joint Installation Held January 27— Joint installation of the Vernonia Temple No. 615, Pythian Sisters, and Harding Lodge No. 116. Knights of Pylhias, was held January 27. Is. ibel Cvl'bertion with the assist­ ance if Grayce Bundy and Eda Gronbeck was installing officer for the Py hian Sisters. Joan Mellinger presented each new officer, install­ ing officer and the musician with a corsage during the ceremonies; little Joan was presented in return with a gift, following the installa­ tion. These Pythian Sisters installed in offices were: Past Chief, Isabel Culbertson; M. E. C., Georgia Mell­ inger; E. S., Edna Heenan; E. J., Jean Ciawford; Manager, G'adys Parry; M. of R. and C., Fern Kull- ander; M. of F., Clara Kerns; Pro­ tector, Murel Knight: Guard, Laur- eta Lamping. William Van Doren and Harry Culbertson installed the following Knights of Pythias: C. C., 0. G. Weed; Vice Chancellor, Ray Mills; Prelate, Norris Soden; Master of Work, Fred Johnson; K. of R. and S„ R. M. Aldrich; Master of Ex­ chequer, Cl. C. Van Doren; Master- at-Arms, Marvin Kamholz; Inner Guard, J. T. Scott; Outer Guard. H. M. Culbertson. Queen of Hearts Meets Thursday— The Queen of Hearts bridge club met at the home of Mrs. R. D. Eby Thursday, January 30. Mrs. Alice Estey was a guest. High score for the afternoon’s playing was held by Mrs. William Heath while the hostess, Mrs. Eby, held second high. Stork Shower Honors Kentucky Lady— Ai stork shower was given at the home of Mrs. B. J. Cline Thursday, January 30, in honor of Mrs. Alvin Anglin of Grayson, Kentucky. She has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Burl Stephens, who has moved here recently from Kentucky. Mrs. Ang­ lin plans to leave for Kentucky soon. She received many nice and beautiful gifts. Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Alvin Anglin, the honored guest, Mrs. Gertrude Kirk, Mr». Isola Fowler, Mr». Ione Jus­ tice, Mrs. Eva Jacobs, Mrs. Dorcas Bays, Mrs. Theresa Goertzen, Mrs. Ruby Tackett, Mrs. Waiter Porter­ field, Mrs. L. A- Rogers, Mrs. Min­ nie Johns, Mrs. Beryle Cline, Mrs. Burl Stephens, and the hostesses, Mis. B. J. Cline and Mrs. Nannie B. Hall of Waldport. Those who were not present but sent gifts were: Mrs. Ole Estes, Mrs. Merle Cline, Mrs. Russed Cline, Mrs. Della Hewes of Port­ land and Mrs. Ethel Hall. Junior Auxiliary Organized Friday— A Junior Auxiliary for daughters of Legionnaires was organized last Friday. Election of officers was held and resulted as follows: presi­ dent, Martha Tapp; vice-president, M; rgaret Sturdevant; and secretary­ treasurer, Ruth Boeck. Social Club Meets Tuesday— The Mt. Heart Social club met Tuesday, February 4, at the home of Mrs. J. C. Junkins on the O A hill. A cooked-food sale was plan­ ned for February 15 at Sam and Bob’s store. Plans were also made for a card party to be given at the I. 0. O. F. hall on Saturday, March 1. After the business meeting, dainty refreshments were served by the hostess to the following ladies pres­ ent: Mary Kaphammer, Ruby Biggs, May Mellinger, Minnie Wood, Mary Pemble, Louise Emmons, Evelyn Heath, Maude Salomonsen, Eva Hearing, Edna Linn, Nan Crume, Mina Slawson, Hazel Bergerson, Zoe Whitsell. The next meeting of the club will be held at the Odd Fellows hall, March 4 when all members are asked to come at 10 a. ni. to enjoy a hard-time party with lots of fun and surprises in store. A pot-luck lunch will be served. Group Attends District Meet— The conference of District No. 1 of the American Legion Auxiliary was held Saturday, February 1, at Astoria. Local members attending the meet were Mrs. Alice Estey, Mrs. E. J. Preston, Mrs. J. U. Nich- VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON ole and Mrs. J. C. Lincoln. A navy plate was won by this unit for the 140% membership gain. Frances Crampton, president of the district, awarded the china plate greatly prized for its historical sig­ nificance. The Vernonia Auxiliary feels justly proud in the award given their unit for the greatest membership increase in their class of 50 or less members. Plans are already under way for the Poppy Sale to be conducts in May; this is an annual activity for the benefit of disabled soldiers who make the poppies so signficant of the last Great War. 950 poppies have been ordered by the local Auxiliary. PAGE THREE by the unfair tactics of petty racketeers, she urges to boy on to win. YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE "FOUR MOTHERS” DELIGHTFUL FAM1LR FUN, FOR JOY— JOY THEATRE “Four Mothers,” the latest of the Four Daughter series will be shown locally at the Joy Theatre starting is Wednesday. It is a warm, human story of a family who know how to make sacrifices. The film has the same delightful cast that were in the other Lemp family pictures. The four Lemp girls are portrayed by the Lane sisters, Priscilla, Rosemary, Lola, and Gale Page. Adam Lemp is play­ Deborah Circle ed by Claude Rains and the role of hie sister is played by that grand Meets Tuesday— The Deborah Circle of the Evan­ old lady of the screen, May nob- gelical Missionary society met Tues­ son. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. R. Olin; Mrs. E. J. Preston as­ sisted Mrs. Olin, the hostess. Mrs. Herman Dickson was a ^uest. The March meeting of the group will be held at Mrs. Richard Fletcher’s home with Mrs. A. J. Hughes assist­ ing. Stork Shower Given Wednesday— Leora Bjerke and Bessie Bell were hostesses for a stork shower for Mrs. George Smith, the former Edna Mowe, Wednesday of last week. Invited to the shower were: Millie McMullen, Christine McKen­ zie, Lorraine Anglesey, Lilly Anne New. Bernice Smith, Mrs. D. L. Willhite, Viola Eckland, Matilda Bergerson, Mrs. A. V. Mowe, mother of Mrs. Smith, Bessie Stolen, Alice Lindsley, Mrs. G. Wood, Mrs. G. W. Rell. Betty Lou Kirk and Patsy Tisdale. News of the Grade A Milk & Cream ASSURES YOU OF PURITY UNMATCHED ANYWHERE Phone today for regular de­ livery to your home—by prompt, efficient route men. Nehalem Dairy ProductsGo Thursday and Friday, Feb. 6, 7 LOST HORIZON Starring Ronald Colman Plus—BLONDIE PLAYS CUPID The Bumstead Family Saturday Only, February 8 CAPTAIN CAUTION Victor Mature — Louise Platt Leo Carrillo Also—HOW HIGH IS UP— Three Stooges Comedy. Sunday and Monday, February 9 and 10 SANTA FE TRAIL Errol Flynn ------ Olivia de Havilland Comedy and Universal News Tuesday Only, February 11 TURNABOUT Adolphe Menjou ------ Carole Landis Second Feature—GOLDEN GLOVES Richard Denning ------ Jean Cagney Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Feb. 12, 13,-14 FOUR MOTHERS With the Lane Sisters and Gale Page Also SAPS AT SEA—A Laurel and Hardy Comedy COMING ATTRACTIONS Escape — Flight Command — Comrade X — Kit Carson — East of the River NOTICE—Harry Gill and L. Geiger, Timber Rt.; and Harry Morris, Loel Ro-berts and Orvel Edwards, Vernonia; are invited to present this coupon at box office any time before Saturday evening, Feb. 8. for complimentary admissions. PHONE 471 Theatre DARING ACTION IS HIGHLIGHTED— The roaring action of (battles on the high seas, the thrilling, smash­ ing action of two vessels fighting for supremacy is unfolded with terrific impact and amazing realism in Hal Roach’s “Captain Caution,” the sweeping sea epic based on Kenneth Roberts’ best seller, which will have its local premiere at the Joy Theatre on Saturday. The scope of sweeping action on the screen has always been limit­ less because of the versatility of the camera, and never has this been more forcefully proved than in the vividly realistic sequences which are unreeled in “Captain Caution.” ERROL FLYNN LEADS ACTION— “Santa Fe Trail,” the new Errol Flynn-Olivia de Havilland co-star­ ring picture, which has its premiere local showing on Sunday at the Joy Theatre, brings to life some of the most colorful figures of America’s history. Dealing with the turbulent days of the era just preceding the Civil War, the story is said to top the thrills of “Dodge City,” ‘IV’ir- ginia City” and “The Sea Hawk.” Flynn portrays Jeb Stuart, tam­ ed cavalry commander, Ronald Reagan is cast as General George Custer, and Raymond Massey plays the fanatical John Brown—three names that ring out of history’s pages. Froni Your Buick Dealer E. G. Roediger • VERNONIA— In Old “TURNABOUT” SPOTLIGHTS STREAMLINED STORY— Thomas Garage • Here are a few of our current bargains. Come and see the others today! ’37 OLDS COUPE—6-cylinder. Extra nice mechanical condi- tion. 5 fine tires $445 Special ............... ’32 CHRYSLER COUPE—Not mechanically perfect, but it runs fine. $85 Extra Special .......... ’35 CHEVROLET COACH— Paint above average; excell- ent tires; upholstery clean. A steal at .... $225 ’39 PACKARD 6 SEDAN— Built-in trunk. Original finish beautiful Montrey Blue and it hasn’t a scratch on it. Special ........................ $595 ’33 PLYMOUTH SEDAN— Good rubber; has $185 heater. Only ...... ’35 DODGE SEDAN—Looks fairly good; but it has not been overhauled but is a whale of a bargain $225 at only .................. ’35 BUICK CONVERTIBLE IQOUPE— Mechanically tops; low mileage. Radio $345 and Heater ............ ’37 DODGE SEDAN--Built-in trunk. Beautiful modern grey finish; has a fine motor and it is a car we can thoroughly recommend C47C Special v* I J ’33 PONTIAC SEDAN— A clean car; good rubber; radio and heater. Q 1 7 Special at ill J - •- SEE E. G. Roediger Old Thomas Garage-Vernonia Carole Landis, who made her bow under the Hal Roach banner as a prehistoric debutante, is co-star­ red with handsome John Hubbard in Roach’s new streamlined comedy, "Turnabout,” filmed from the Thorne Smith novel and slated for its initial showing at the Joy Theatre on Tuesday. “Turnabout” was directed by Hal Roach personally and its hilarious plot concerns the high jinks pro­ duced when Miss Landis as Mrs. Willows and Hubbard as her hus­ band exchange sexes. The svelte, shapely Miss Landis steps into her husband’s oversize shoes and ex­ periments with the problems faced by the male portion of humanity. Six-foot, broad-shouidered Hubbard becomes a fashionable society mat­ ron and flutters about at cock­ tail parties while his wife wears the pants—literally. SCREEN VERSION OF “GOLDEN GLOVES” That three-ring circus of the sporting world, the hair-raising an­ nual amateur "get-together,” the Golden Gloves, is the background for the new Paramount picture which opens Tuesday at the Joy Theatre. “Golden Gloves” tells the story of a young amateur heavyweight whose department store boss spon­ sors his career in the ring, and of the girl friend who tries to make him quit fighting until, incensed A grand new idea in comfort and convenience ... so feather-lite a child can flip it over! • The Seedy Sleep Ensemble puts an end to back-breaking mattress-turning. You sleep on a separate felted- cotton mattress... delightfully soft and airy... amazingly easy to turn and air. • What's more, the Sleep Ensemble actually saves you mon­ ey. With its complete box spring and innerspring unit, it entirely eliminates the expense of any other box spring or bed spring! On top, a fluffy, removal’« sleep pad. The sturdy foundation unit consists of a buoyant in­ nerspring construction, combined with a set of fine box springs . two sets of resilient springy for lasting comfort * ■ TERMS ONLY $5.00 Down, $5.00 Per Month. FREE BEAUTIFUL BED LAMP WITH EACH SET SOLD Complete Line of Beautiful New Sealy Mattresses and Springs in Manv Beautiful Pattersns and Covers. — Come in and See Them. GEO. G. PATERSON Everything for the Home on E-Z Terms at Portland Prices. FURNITURE VERNONIA We Deliver FREE up to 150 Miles — RADIOS — REFRIGERATION — OREGON — FOREST GROVE