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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1941)
Lady Burned Soldiers Home At The For Week-End Churches . . Mr. «nd Mr*. "Doc” Lockhart of Yankton were vi»itor» at the L. B. Parcell* residence Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding of Mist were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Devine Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stevenson and niece, Virginia Owen, took a group of girls to the basketball game in St. Helens Tuesday. Mrs. Fowler from St. Helens is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler and family. The visitor is Mr. Fowler’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight visited at the Claude Gibson home Sun day. George Peachey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Peachey, was home from Camp Murray over the week end. Mrs. Claude Norris visted with Mrs. Ted Aspinall recently. Mrs. George Parker, Mrs. jack Dalyrimple and Mrs. Charles Gi,l visited Mrs. Virgil Gill in Timber Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, Tom Parker and Mrs. Jack Daly- rimple motored to Portland Satur day to attend the funeral of Mrs. Connie Crane. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmes and family of Brookes, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Holmes and daughter of Salem spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Holmes and son and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Holmes. Mrs. DoraLachine and Mrs. Rex Pemble visited Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ted Aspinall. Oswald DeRoia from Wasco is staying with his brother, Angelo DeRoia, in Pittsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Orwig from Wilark were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo DeRoia and family. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graves and son, Denny, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves Sun day. Mrs. Echols from Portland wa3 visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Christiansen over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Chipman and fam ily, who recently moved to River view, moved back to their old resi dence Saturday. STONEY POINT— (Spacial to The Eagle)—Corporal Harold and Private Francis Davie of Camp Mun ay upent the week-end with home folk. Mr. and M '. P.obert Gardner and daughter, Ma.garet, of Tre- harne spent Sunday afternoon at the Carl Davis home. Miss Alma Simmons cf Miami, Oklahoma, arrived Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Etta Driscoll, and family. Milton Brown, a former resident of Trenton, Nebraska, but now re siding at Mountaindale, spent Sun day at the Kirkbride home. Mrs. H. R. Scheuerman, Mrs. E. J. Douglass and Mis. Sidney Malm- sten spent last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young and son of Newport spent the week end at the Perry Browning hou,,. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bigelow • Clatskanie also spent the week-end with the Brownings. Perry Browning and Otto Boeck spent Saturday 4t Newport. Mrs. Clyde Carrick of Scappoose visited one day last week with Mrs. Etta Driscoll and family. Mis. H. E. Stevenson is conlmed to her bed with a severe cold. Ervin Smith was operated on for appendicitis at St. Vincent’s i.os- pital in Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Counts „jre dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. DeHart at their home on the O-A hill Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange and daughter, Mrs. T. L. DeHart, were Forest Grove visitors recently. Mrs. Oliver Mellinger and chil dren and Mrs. Perry Mellinger mo tored to Portland last Thursday to bring Mrs. Emma Deerberry home. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dun lap of Camp McGregor took Mrs. Deerberry to Camas, Washington, to visit her sister, Mrs. Laura Cook, who recently returned from the hospital following a major opera tion. Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger, has been sick the past week. Y€LP TOWS TOPICS By Hot Water Hara fram Eugana— M. P. (Red) Ranee and eon, Bobbie, were in Vernonia for sev eral houre Monday afternoon to move their furniture which has been stored here since the family moved to Eugene over a year ago. The Ranes will move this week into their newly built home located on Emerald street in the University town. Mr. and Mr». Gaorge Laird whom he had not seen for 27 year*. McNeese is stationed at Hamilton Field, California, now but about April 1st will be at the new Port- lasd air base now under construc tion. He is a member of Lloyd Andrew Hamilton Post No. 540 of the American Legion. The visitor left Tuesday. Recover» from Measles— Leaves for Sacramento— Miss Alvenia Connell was ill with Milton Scheuerman, left Tuesday the measles over the week-end but of last week for Sacramento, Calif was able to attend teaching dutieB ornia, where he has enrolled in the Monday. aeronautics school in the Sacra Attend Concert— mento Junior College. Mrs. Alice Estey, Miss Alvenia Pledges Kappa Delta— Connell, Miss Ruby Maddess, Miss Jean Lewis of Wilark was named Jane Lovett and Miss Wilma Jacob a pledge to Kappa Delta, social son attended in Portland Tuesday sorority, recently, according to an night the concert of Vladimir Horo announcement from 0. S. C. where witz, Russian pianist. Jean is enrolled as a freshman. Recovers from Ill with Illne»« Measles---- Mrs. Richard Tunnell, who lives Joy Willard is able to be out this on First Avenue, became ill with week following an attack of the the measles Wednesday morning. measles. She became ill in school Thursday of last week and has been Home for the Week-End.— Mrs. Justine Prescott and Miss confined to her home. Ruby Maddess spent the week-end Here from Springfield— in Corvallis and Eugene respectiv« _ Elmo Smith who is employed at ly. Miss Maddess motored as far as the Bennett mill in Springfield was Corvallis with Mrs. Prescott, taking home for the week-end to visit his the stage on to her home in Eugene. family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith, who live on Timber Route. Elmo and Siekers Move— Katherine Dowler of St. Helens at Mr. and Mrs. George Sieker and tended the President’s Birthday Ball daughter moved this week into one of the Harry Culbertson houses on held here Saturday. First Avenue. Mr. Sieker is em Here from Waldport— ployed by the Vernonia Auto com Mrs. Nannie B. Hall of Waldport pany. is visiting friends in Vernonia. In Portland— In Portland— Mrs. J. W. Nichols, Mrs. Lex Tay IMrs. Merle Cline was in Portland lor and Mrs. Robert Raymer were Tuesday on business. Portland business visitors Friday of last week. Visit in St. Helen»— Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fowler Week-End Visitor»— were visiting in St. Helens Satur Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Niles of day. They were accompanied home Aloha spent part of Saturday and by his mother, Mrs. Fowler. Sunday in Vernonia visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ship Dinner Gueats---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice had man. as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Stephens and two children and Mrs. June Anglin. First Sergeant Visit*— First Sergeant Allen McNeese arrived here Saturday to spend a few days visiting at the home of PAUSE FOR REFRESHMENT! When you have that tired feeling, the place to go is Dessy’s. There you can relax and re fresh FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1941 ' VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO yourself among friends. Dessy’s Tavern DESMOND LAIRD Portland Folk Visit Relatives KEASEY—(Special to The Eagle) —Mrs. Ellen Luther and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Luther and son of Portland and Jim Brown of Indep endence spent the week-end at the Luther home. Mrs. Jack Beardsley, who has been staying at the Herb Counts home returned to Portland Friday. Mrs. Sadie Austin and grand daughter, Joy Counts, visited W. J. Lindsley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts visited Friday night in Portland at the home of Mrs. Jim Bannon. They drove to Albany Saturday where they attended a sale and purchased seven aclves. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westernberg and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pettijohn of Portland visited at the J. 0. De- Vaney home Sunday. Herb Sturdevant and son, Ralph, visited at the Albert Kreiger home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kreiger vis ited at the W. J. Lindsley home Monday evening. W. J. Lindsley returned home from the hospital Saturday. LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $7.50 per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. c. iiiuci: l)IL GEORGE BUTTERFIELD OPTOMETRIST — EYE SPECIALIST Will be at KULLANDER’S Jewelry Store Monday, February IO Make Appointments with Mr. Kullander Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Terms—A small down payment, Balance monthly The Forest Grove National Bank Invites You To Bank By Mail if Inconvenient To Come In Person J. A. Thornburg, ’’••sident "THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” Mist Resident Dies Snndav A. Birkenfeld installed new water pipes last week. Francis Larson, with the help of his sons, is erecting a cottage on the location of the old Hotel build ing which has been torn down. The “Grim Reaper’’ has once more entered our community and taken Mr. Enneberg, father of Carl ami Tom Enneberg and Mrs. Fred Parkinen at whose home he passed away Sunday evening. The funeral services wilt be held Wednesday afternoon here at Mist. His wife passed away a few years ago. He also leaves grand children and other relatives. We all extend our sym pathy to the family. He had been e resident of the community for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds spent last week on the Burn visitiing her son and family, George Turner. Mrs. Newton Trotter from Elsie visited her mother, Mrs. A. A. Dowl ing Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Chase drove over from Rainier a week ago to spend a day with the William Bridg et’s family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Buckley and her sister, Mrs. Cecelia Johnson, were up from Tideport Sunday to spend the day. So the Ground Hog did see his shadow Sunday. Well, you know that means six weeks of bad weath er. Oscar Jones is working for the Van Vleet Logging company at this time. Mr. Fitzwater, a Portland attor ney, spent the week-end with his friends, the Al Becker family, re cently. Mrs. L. Wikstrom came home from the Clatskanie hospital last Saturday bringing with her a new arrival. Paul White Wikstrom. Agnes Batson has the measles. Waiter Turner is convalescing at the home of his grand daughter, Mrs. Lee Warner, in Vernonia, hav ing recently been in the Good Sam aritan hospital. The United States is often called the “cleanest country" in the world, because it uses about one-third of all the soap produced each year. There are nearly 20.000 employees in the soap industry of this coun try. DANCE Benefit Infantile Paralysis Industry spent *215,000,,000 last year to improve existing product* and try to discover new ones. This year, because of defense needs, the figure will probably be much higher. Christian Church —The Livingstone*. Minister» 0:45—Bible school, M. L. Herrin, superintendent. 11:00—Service cf Communion. 11:30—Sermon, subject, “The Church Universal.” 6:32—Cnrictian Endeavor meet ing. 7:30—Song service and preach ing, subject, "Personal Responsiv ity for Today.” Mere from Fore»t Grove— Mrs. Lloyd Thomas of Forest Grove motored here Wednesday to be present at the annual Guest Day luncheon held at the Evengeli- cal church and sponsored by the Missionary society. ill with the Flu— Miss Wilma Jacobson, teacher of remedial woik in the Washington grade school was ill with the flu over the week-end. Regardless of its age an engine should never be operated at high speed until it has been warmed up at moderate speed for at least ten minutes in summer and twenty min utes in winter, according to the emergency ro:d service of the Ore gon State Motor Association. Reserve Your Cake for Valentine NOW! We’re going to bake a special cake for Valentine Week . . . using a famous home recipe by Betty Crocker. It’s going to be the home-made sort of orange layer cake that folks go for in a big way. Although we’re only planning a limited quantity, we don’t want anyone to be disappointed. So, make sure you get one of our HEART-SHAPFD SWEETHEART CAKES Let us take your order now ___ BIRKENFELD, ORE. SAT., FEB. 8 59c Vernonia Bakery Health Is Wealth! Healthful foods mean healthy bodies and healthy bodies are irreplaceable wealth. Besides you save money on healthful food at King’s Grocery! Lower Prices on Higher Quality Meats MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 14-oz. bag ¡3C HOT SAUCE— Tomato PEP Kellogg’s 10-oz. pkgs..................... 2 for 23c RICE KRISPIES Kellogg’s 6-oz. pkgs. 2 for 23 c 6 Tin« ................................ CREAM of WHEAT— 28-oz. pkg. J5C SOAP Palmolive ........................... 3 Bars 17c BAKING POWDER Calumet .. No. 1 tin 17c CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS.................. pound ¡9C OXYDOL .................................. 2 Packages 37c PAPER TOWELS Clinic ............ 2 Rolls 23c SALMON— Pheasant Pink 2 No. 1 Tins ... 29c RAISINS— Apex Seedless 4-ib. pkg......................... 25c COFFEE— 35c 2 for 49c Tins 29c Wadhams 27c PINEAPPLE Pheasant B. S. 2 No. 21/2 tins 1-lb. Tin PINEAPPLE JUICE 46-oz. tins ....... SALT—2-lb. carton PEPPER—2-oz. Tin PEAS Sweet Dimple............ 2 No. £ Wadhams Both For 13c Specials for Friday and Saturday, February 7 and 8 King’s Grocery and Market W here Your Money Huyn More Ph. 91 At the New Mile Bridge 2 Deliveries Daily