FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1941 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SP ORTS Postmen Lead in Bowlins Monday Game Gives To­ tal of 14 Wins, 6 Losses for Leaders The Post Office bowling team opened the 1941 portion of the bowling schedule last Wednesday evening to defeat the Town Team and continued to win in ccmpetition with Sam and Bab Monday evening to give the postmen a total of 14 wins and six losses to date. Team standings with the comple- tion of the Monday evening game was: W 14 10 10 7 Team Post Office Kings Town Te. m Sam and Bob L 6 8 9 12 Tclal pins for each player were: own Team, Jan. 1 Post Office vs Howard, 291 Bateman, 283 Henderson, 318 Shipman, 295 Edwards, 308 T sdale, 364 B. Fowler, 231 H. Fowler, 327 Briot, 283 Eby, 284 Post Office vs 1 m and Bob, Jan. 6 Vernonia Logger basketeers will Horn, 313 Tisdale, 312 meet the Seaside high school quin­ Hearing, 287 H. Fowler, 336 A. Roberson, 270 tet here Friday evening to continue Shipman, 318 C. Roberson, 320 the season schedule of games. Hieiber, 323 ‘Loggers will wear their complete­ Tipton, 298 Plymcte, 296 ly new uniforms on that evening for the first time. Loggers to Meet Seaside Large Steelhead Caught Near Mist Falling Limb Causes Injury W<«Taee Buffmire, 87-year old father of Ray Buffmire, w s for­ tunate in catching a 37%-inch, 15%-pound steelhead last Wednes­ day near Mist. The fish is reported­ MIST—(Special to The Eagle) — ly one of the largest caught this George Jones had the misfortune season. to hove a limb hit him in the face close to the eye Friday. However, upon being dressed the injury was not as serious as at first thought. The Matthews Bros, logging op­ erations were at a standstill for a couple of days owing to some part of the donkey breaking. We are sorry to hear of the sud­ den passing of Westley Duke, which occurred over a week ago. The demonstration meeting Fri­ day was very interesting and help­ ful. The talk given by Mrs. Mabel Mack was especially so as it was on “Colds.” Mrs. Maude (Purvine) C swell was also in attendance. Raymond McGee has gone down to Grand Kunde to work for Joyce, Ni ls and Butler. He is moving his family down this week. The William Bridgers were Port­ land visitors Monday. L. Wikstrcm has been at Taft for a few days doing some mechan­ ical work for the Kerry company. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner were Vernonia, Oregon Mist shoppers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. I. E. Knowles was a Ver­ nonia shopper Saturday. Crown Feeds Kitchen Queen FLOUR 49 lb. Sack $1.30 Vernonia Trading Co. LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $7.50 per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. C. BKUCE New and Used Parts New and Used Tires Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS RIVERVIEW Phone 773 A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick - Easy • Safe Write or call for complete information— St. Helens Branch of the United States National Bank Head Ottico, Portland, Oregon MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT I N S Ü IM N C I C 0 II r O U I I 0 H provincial English town, and Darcy, handsome, wealthy young aristocrat, who comes to town as a visitor. Mrs. Bennet, the girls’ fluttery mother, has her cap set for any eligible bachelor who comes within her vis­ ion. Darcy falls in love witih Eliza­ beth, but can’t stand her family. But Darcy finds that family pride is not nearly so str-ong as love "nd in the end comes to the rescue when Elizabeth’s sister Lydia, runs away with an adventurer, Wickham. This brings Elizabeth and Darcy together again. THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE New Plan to Sell Hides A new plan for handling un­ claimed deer and elk hides held by cold storage and locker plants of the state has been announced by the Oregon State Game Commission. Instead of destroying the hides, the various plants will ship hides to the Portland off;ce for sale to the highest bidder. One-half of the net proceeds will be returned to the plants to reimburse them for handl­ ing the skins. Before shipment is made, the plants will first notify the iCommission office of the num­ ber of hides on hand and state police officers will then check and tag the hides before shipping. In announcing the new plan, the Game Commission makes it clear that any individual has the right to claim the hide of a deer or elk he has killed legally and if proper­ ly tagged, he may have it tanned and made up into articles of cloth­ ing. No individual has the right, however, to sell or barter such hides. PAGE FIVE TOOAf- rnotm /- is n estimated that taxes oh LIGHT AND POWER COMPARES HAVE RISEN FROM 97t CERTS IN1927OH EACH POLLAR REVENUE ® HU CERTS TbPAf LILLIAN RUSSELL’S NAME AGAIN IS IN LIGHTS— 5.000,000 -TWICE ItM RECEMT TIMES. ANNUAL PRODUCTION Of AOraMOWlE'S IN THE U S. HAS EXCEEDED 5MILLION CARS—MOR, THAN WERE PRODUCED IN ALL THE YEARSSEFOREIBIS MODERN EIRTRICZ ewuiaventk 25 MILLION TIMES MORE EFFICIENT than the firefly in ms METHOD OF PRODUCINE LI6HT W The name of Lillian Russell again is flashing across the theatres of America—the name that thrilled the world as her glamorous, fabulous life unfolded on the front pages of the newspapers. In Darryl F. Zanuck’s production of “Lillian Russell,” the 20th Cen­ tury-Fox film which is coming Wed­ nesday to the Joy Theatre, featur­ ing Alice Faye as the famous beauty, Don Ameche as Edward Sol­ omon and Henry Fonda as Alexan­ der Moore, the most striking beauty of three decades is shown in all her splendor. ÜHDfltfftXW Of? FffNCH MÜSMÜD0M WHO 5MV/ iheu ? crops uNDfg Mcny op wk . LIVE IF A SMWWtHEAN CT/Of THE/ROVN IRtrHIUAWnUTlHS sysrrM, smtrs. lkheahp ntig UWES. BESIKS VAST MUSHRXR BEPS Several' guests gathered at the William Bridgers’ home to watch the old year out and the new one in Tuesday night. There were sever­ al tables of cards and delicious re­ freshments were served during the evening. Don’t forget that the Mist Help­ ing Circle will meet the 23rd with Mrs. Ed Reynolds as hostess. Mrs. Myrtle Holee spent a few days in Portland last week. Mrs. Merlin Bjerke took charge of the central office during her absence. School students gathered again Monday after enjoying almost two weeks vacation. Bernice and Arthur Seigenthaler were Astoria visitors Friday. Much sickness is in our village. Among those who have been ill are Austin Dowling and several mem­ bers of the Dowling family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundland and Don­ ald and Oscar Jones. All are better now. Walt Batson will move into the house Raymond McGee is vacating and Joe Roeser will move into the Walt Batson house. Mrs. A. Dowling and son, Bern­ ard, were in Vernonia Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Eastman -were in Clatskanie one day last week. We are informed that Percy Melis was recently married, his bride being an Idaho girl. Percy is the son of Mr. and Mr3. A. R. Melis and is employed by the government in forestry blister control. He lives in Helena, Montana. The young couple took a trip to California and visited Mr. Melis’ sister, Mrs. Charles Webber and family. Con­ gratulations from your correspon­ dent who is personally acquainted with Percy. At The Churches . . Assembly of God Church —Rilla M. Sanders, Pastor Special revival services are in progress in the Assembly of God church. Dorothy and Pat Reed, the evangelists, are from Missouri and have a very unique message. The interest has been increasing from night to night and many have brought their burdens to the Lord. There is a real spirit of revival and each and everyone may come with their need. You will enjoy the ser­ vices immensely and be profited thereby. Services every night except Mon­ day at 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. m.; young peoples meeting, 6:30 p. m., Sunday. Come and enter in to the services. News of the Theatre Legal Notices WANTED—Middle-aged couple of good character. Board and room offered for the wife’s caring for invalid woman, and cooking for two men. Inquire at Eagle office. It3— FOUND—1941 Oregon license plate bearing number 209-108 near mile bridge at Treharne. Owner pay fcr this ad and claim. 2t3— FOUND—Str. y Holstine heifer, one- year old. Come and geit her as soon as possible. R. Pedusen, Jewel, Oregon. 52t.3 Bush Funeral Home NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of school district No. 47 Jt. of Columbia county, State of Oregon, that a school meet­ ing of the said school district will be held at the Washington Grade School on the 10th day of January, 1941, at 8 o’clock P. M. for the purpose of voting and authorizing the Vernonia school board the authority to dispose of the Rock Creek grade school building and the Pleasant Hill grade school buildings, both cf which have be^n consolidated with district No. 47. Dated this December 26, 1940. Signed. Lee Schwab District Clerk T. F. Keasey Chairman of board of directors. — Cut Floweis Potted Plants Sprays for Funerals 592 6tf— Corsages Phone NOTICE It is no longer necessary to have empty sockets Classified FOR SALE—3-room modern house with screened porch; call it Shady Nook. Mrs. G. W. Faust, River­ view. 2tl FOR SALE—Baled hay or will trade for heifers. Will also pay cash for heifers. Ray Delsman, Hillsboro. From wildcat “cracker” to Geor­ Ore. Phone 2102. 2tf— gia “peach,”—that’s the transition Jane Withers makes in her latest FOR SALE—53 acres, 2% miles picture for 20th Century-Fox, north of Vernonia. 14 acres cul­ “Youth Will Be Served,“ which tivated; house, barn, family orchard, opens Saturday at the Joy Theatre. Jane’s latest film, which is her twenty-fifth, has heart-tugs, drama, SMART MONEY laughter, excitement, and a grand KNOWS singing, dancing finale. Critics have WHERE TO acclaimed it as “a thrilling story where something’s happening every GO AFTER second.” READING Featured in the outstanding cast THE ADS are Jane Darwell, Robert Conway, IN THIS h Elyse Knox, Joe Brown, Jr., John NEWSPAPER. Qualen and Charles Holland. Otto Brower directed the picture and Lucien Hubbard was associate pro­ ducer. Z “WE WANT THE FASTEST PUR­ SUIT PLANES EVER BUILT!”— TWO GREAT STARS Ministeri IN WITTY COMEDY— Another farmus romantic classic 9:45—Church school, M. L. Her­ has been brought to the screen in rin, superintendent. “Pride and Prejudice,” picturization 11:00—Communion service. of Jane Austen's gay cemedy, star­ 11:30—Sermon by pastor; sub­ ring Greer Gerson and Lawrence ject, “The Fettered Jesus.” Olivier, which comes Tuesday to 6:30—Christian Endeavor. the Joy Theatre. 7:30—Song service and preach­ Teaming two Academy Award ing. Subject: “The Religious Spec­ nominees of last year, the amusing tator.” story deals with the romance of 7:30—Every Wednesday, prayer Elizabeth Bennet, eldest of five un­ meeting. wedded daughters living in a small —The Livingstones, TIMBER WANTED—«-inch 7-foot split Cedar posts. Quote pr ;e, earliest shipment. Niiedermeyer-Mar- tin Lumber Co., 1207 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. It3— ACTION-PACKED film STARS JANE WITHERS— . . . And they get them. Secret tests . . . Bitter disappointments . . . Evangelical Church— Drams, initrigue, thrills aloft and —Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister aground never before imagined . . . 9:45—The church school will be as America’s air experts fill the under the supervision of J. M. Boss world’s frantic orders for planes, Classes for all with spiritual in­ planes . . . and still more planes in struction. “Men Against the Sky.” 11:00—'Morning worship for the edification of all. The sermon sub­ "MA” HARDY MAY PUBLISH ject is, “The Chief Cornerstone of HER VOLUME OF RECIPES— A cook book is the strange off­ God’s Temple,” with special music. 6:30—The -. L. C. E. is held in shoot of the Hardy Family series, three groups. You are welcome to the latest of which, “Andy Hardy Meets Debutante” will play at the the benefits. 7:30—We are assured of a very Joy Theatre Sunday and Monday. profitable and uplifting service »in Fay Holden, who has played "Ma” the nature of a sacred musical coi. Hardy throughout all the films of popular series, has received cert rendered by Mr. and Mrs. the Reginald Greenway who come well more than five hundred recipes recommended. An offering will be from wives and mothers who admire the way she keeps house for the taken. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. the Hardy Fi mily. Miss Holden has prayer group meets for prayer and compiled and edited the recipes in mimeographed form for her friends meditation on God’s word. The community is invited to all and has been asked to publish them as a book. cur services. Christian Church WANTED—Day work in private homes. Mrs. Bessie Krause, 842 First Ave. 2tl FLOWERS COSMETIC By VKWN OF ANCIENT and lots of out-range. School, mail, cream and paper routes; electricity available. Take immediate possession Full price >2250. H. H. Sturdevant, 717 Rose Ave., Vernonia, Ore. 2t3 Oregon Gas and Electric Co. The Forest: Grove National Bank Invites You To Bank By Mail if Inconvenient To Come in Person J. A. Thornburg, President "THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” SHOP AND SAVE BY PHONE! We give your phone orders the same careful attention we’d give you if you were in the store. You’ll save lots of time and effort by phoning. DELIVERY SCHEDULE------ Corey Hill—10 A. M. and 3 P. M. O-A Hill and East Side—10:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Phone 761 Quantity Orders Gladly Delivered SAM and BOB Grocery & Market