FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX furnished ready tx> receive his bride and they will be “at heme’* to their many friend» after this week. The Chief extends the heartiest congrat ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Conyers. May ycur joys be as deep as the ocean, Your sorrows as light as its Mr«. Hammack Leave»— foam.” Mrs. William Hammack left Wed nesday to return to Chander, Oklahoma, where she now resides. Studio Girl Shampoo Mrs. Hammack has been the guest of Mrs. A. W. Sauer for several and Dried Fingerwave weeks. Special from Sept. 26 PACIFIC ifiTERnnTionRL LIUESTOCh .'XPDsiTion; Shoot One Deer— Paterson’s Pay-Day SPECIALS D rtzi «14« Ca«1 Modernistic Wood Cir- DUciLlllIlll culating Heaters with full 20-inch Firebox. Porcelain Enamel Finish, and priced at Only $29.95 While They Last. (2 Only Left) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bergerson returned Tuesday from a hunting trip spent in eastern Oregon near Jo-hn Day. They left the latter part of last week. Oil Burning Circulators $39 95 to $199 50 95 w ith "e'luine Seng Pad construction and a S io# FHRes-'ni;|j IT’S NO GAG— 5-year guarantee. Cf « Large Premium List« (Continued from page 1) and Mrs. Conyers were the recep- ients of many uselul and ornament al presents. Will is one of the most popular young men in this vicinity and has hosts o' friends who unite in wishing himself and bride a long, happy and prosperous life. Mr. C. has a pretty little cottage nicely Beautiful Roomy Biltwell Sofa Beds and Chairs Just Annette Beauty Shop 1892 NEWSPAPERS REVEAL— 50 Other Models up to 19 Shows in Ono Eleven acres under one rooi Exhibits ci pure-bred Livestock, Dogs, Poultry, Pet Stock, Wild Life, Man ufactured and Land Products, 4-H Club and Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Work; also Combined Horse Show and thrill ing Indoor Rodeo. (A $1.00 Value) Dr. U. J. Bittner treated the first string of the Vernonia Loggers to ice cream cones last Friday after the game for the good -work the boys did against Nehalem. New Wood Enameled Ranges Just ........ $39 95 PORTLANO, 0RÚG3N October 5 to 12 50 c Logger. Receive Cone»--- (All Beautifully Styled) HORSE SHOW and RODEO to Oct. 2 Return from Trip Other Models Priced from ^39‘9^ *° $59'^9 New 30th Annual Mr. and Mrs. Jewett Bush, Ed Botlinger and Frank Sargent of Portland spent almost a week in eastern Oregon hunting. The party left last Wednesday and returned Monday evening of this week. ‘ij Beautiful Colored Steel Chairs Regular $4.35 Now Only $3.95 The b ginning of a more socially pleasurable vacation, for to the friends you will meet, spotted or I sc. led clothing labels you “anin viting” and mak s you “uninv. 1 |cd”! While they last. (Choice of Rocker or Chair). Hand-Made Chests of Drawers. Finished and Unfinished. $4.95 to $8.95 FREE Foclball Cake for the best offensive player £ Complete Line on the Vernonia, team in Friday’s game. and Remington Ammunition, Hunting Knives, Pack Sacks, Rifles, Etc. Vernonia When we tell you that you get better service in a more friendly atmos phere at Dessy’s. Eig Game Telescope Sights Only $5 ()5 Complete with mounts. Everything for the Home on E-Z Tenns----- At Portland Prices! We deliver FREE up to 150 miles akery Refresh yourself at Dessy’s Tavern Geo. G. Paterson FURNITURE — RADIOS — REFRIGERATION VERNONIA — OREGON - FOREST GROVE DESMOND LAIRD I LADIES’ FALL AND WINTER FELT HATS SPECIAL 25 blends eeiily by home mixing melhodi. Win inilenl approval lor finer cakes, pastries, biscuits, with thru Men. Sept. 27-30 Beautifully Tailored COATS of Oregon’s best wool —Reefers, Swaggers, Hollywood Wraps and Tailor ed Styles with Velvet Collars. SUGAR I I I I NYLON HOSE Gr.ido Colle It- CRT IM STYL.: 2-49- (.USAGES -17« PURITAN PORK k-ineapple Ice. »e i-or. 19* c-in L’BBY S or Stokely'a Prices $ 10.95 a"d $15.90 Marshmallows I It. pi kir 39* CORN FLAKES 4c Pkg. Albers ^G^‘*rch2 pkgs. 15« SATIN $1.35 $1.00 REH SO Soap 23ft or LIFEBUOY 1JK pkg 1 45 IM * • bUNBRI’ ’ CLEANSER 4 * . p&esbaf I I ♦ I ♦ ♦ GIANT EARS Friday and PORK ROAST ( Picnic Style) PORK STEAK NEW! CORDUROY! SKIRTS! $1.98 PORK Saturday lb. CHOPS BEEF ROAST (Blade Cut) BOILING BEEF lb. ». jPANCE 13c 19c 25c 17^c a>. SLICED BACON Armour’» r, ¥ Can ib. ] ORANGES Sunkist 4 doz 49c LEMONS 360’s Sunkist 1 doz 25c RIVER BRAND FANCY 1(W RICE (Clo ae-out) SU-PURB Granulated Soap ST 15* 50-O1. pkg 29c ,k For TOILET nr BATH Chiffon and Service Pure Silk 6* Id V CAMAY SOAP 3 » BLUE LAKE TENDER CUT BEANS No. 303 tin» 3 lb. c.n GRANULATED Berwy Sheer Pure Silk Crepe Twist in Beautiful Fall Shades $1.00 ! HARVEST BLOSSOM GREEN BEANS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES/ 2-lb. carton mer 3ORTENING New Fall Shades. Perfect 51 Gage Hose ......................... 89c 17$ 1 A tUC EDWARDS™' 4-lb. can 75« Sizes 13 to 44 Irregular Nylon Hose Mb. «Ile. bag DEVILED MEAT H'» 3 For .............................. I J J KITCHEN CRAFT 49 POWDERED Camel Hair — Nubbv Novelty Weaves and Tweeds A BEANS Red or Small White 5-lb Calio *5 EC Package ti3* GRAPES Tokay» 1 lb. 5c SWEET POTATOES 4 lb». 19c U.S. No. 1 Smooth, Fey, Quality POTATOES 12 lb., 25c U. S. No. 1 Netted Gem», POTATOES 50-lb. bag 55c U. S. No. 2 Netted Gem» DRY ONIONS 4 lb». 10c U. S. No. 1 Yellow DRY ONIONS 10-Ib. bag 15c U. S. No. 1 Boilers PEPPERS 6 for 5c Just right for Stuffing CELERY Gre-n Type 1 stalk 5c Jumbo Utah's LETTUCE 1 Head 5c Solid Crisp Heads PARSNIPS 3 pounds 10c Top Quality and Clean DANISH SQUASH 5 for 10c CABBAGE 60-70 lbs. 1 sack 59c Solid Round Heads BACON (By the Piece) ... SKINNED HAMS Cenpak SHORTENING SLICED HALIBUT SLICED SALMON 12c 22c FRESH OYSTERS J Legion Hall--Vernonia SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28; 9:30 P. M. MUSIC BY JIMMIE WHETMORE I