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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1940)
Oer tío FRIDAY, SEPTEMBE 6, 1940 Jr VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON Council Approves Pur chase of New Motor for Pump at City Water Plant City councilmen named four men and two alternates to serve as a budget committee pt the Wednesday evening meeting yhhh. was post poned from M^mljji^due to the Labor Day holMu^ , , The group named'fncludqs: R. L. llaymond, A. L. Ku landerAGeoriye Johnson, and J. J. Gradjçf Aitar nates a e li. M. Aldrich and Harry Ke, ns. Voters in the city election on November 5th will be afforded the opportunity o' voting on the ques tion of the sale olf alcoholic liquors in Vernonia according to a petition filed last Saturday with Loel Rob erts, city recorder. 145 Name» Signed The petition filed by Albau bi son, L. L. Wells, and Weaver Clark contained 145 names which is con siderably over the number necessary to place the question on the city ballot. According to law 10 per cent of the registered voters in a city "must sign a petition to place any question upon the ballot. ',’iyone qualified to vote at an election of city officials is quali i- ed to vole on a question such as this. Heading Given The will meet with The terminology olf the heading councilmen to draw up a budget of the petition is as follows: fcr use during the coming year We, the undersigned, legal vou'rs No definite date for thi?'meeting of the City of Vernonia, Columbia has been set but will be held within County, State of Oregon, respeci- i short time. uily petition that on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, 1940, an In addition,to placing the official election be held to determine on irztnf-the-month bills, whether the sale of all alcoholic councilmen gave their approvalfor liquois shall be prohibited in the the purchase of a new motor to be said City of Vernonia, Columbia uced at the city water pumping County, State of Oregon, and each for himself says: I have personally plant. signed this petition and my resi- dence, post office and voting pre cinct are clearly written after my name. An appreciative and good-sized group of Vernonia men and women witnessed the dedication of the flag-pole and the raising of the flag last Thursday afternoon at approximately f ive o’clock on the grounds surwuuding he Oregon American office. Firms Assist For Host Days Harry Culbdrtson, fire chid', this week issued the list of names of those who cooperated In making the Vernonia Host Days a successful affair. Finances necessary for the awarding of prizes to winners of Speakers included Judd Green- events were made possible by the following: man, who acted as master of cere Pal Shop, Wendell’s Bapber Shop, monies, Alfred Doree, president of the local I. W. A. and George J. C. Lincoln, Squeeze Inn, N. Sod en, Frank Lusby, Ben Brickel, Fed- Koehn, past state commander of erici Shoe Shop, Miller Mercantile, the American Legicn. Jake Boss, Bill Armitage, W. E. The key o{ the ceremony was Burton, Dr. Eby. Jewett Bush, Dr. Dockwell, Safe way, Vernonia 5 & 10, Bill’s Place (Shamrock), Vernonia Service Sta tion, Oregon American Lumber Cor poration, Terminal Cafe, Thomas Variety Store, Geo. Paterson, Nance Pharmacy. Cozy Confectionery, Tom Craw ford, Vernonia Eagle, Orvel Ed wards, Dad’s Hamburger, Vernonia Laundry, Vernonia Trading Co., King’s Grocery, Bill Heath, Zeine« Grocery, C. Bruce, J. H. Stubbs, Three Vernonia swimmers won Roland’s Repair Shop, Hoffman recognition last Thursday at St. Hardware. Helens in the first annual county Peggy Hatfield, Nehalem Market, championship meet. Ruth Housler A. L. Kcllander, Dr. Bittner, Sam placed second in two events, the & Bcb, Bert Mills, Fred Ovesen, Vernonia Auto Co., Roberts & 110-yard free .«tyle and 110-yard Hieber. back stroke. Jonnibel Hatfield also Dan Cason, Dick Lynch, H. H. tied for second position in 110-yard Sturdevant, Joy Theatre, J. E. Tapp, free style. Third place mention in Reeher’s Grocery, Nehalem Dairj Products Co., Oregon Gifs and Elec tile 50-yard free style event was tric Co. won by Ruth Housler. struck by the speakers in their stating that freelom for which the American lag is a symbol was exemplified in the open meeting held that afternoon. Three Win Swim Prizes The meeting is to be held each year, this being the f irst time it has been staged, according to Noble Dutton who accompanied the group. Those making the trip were Roberta Sword, Jonnibel Hatfield, Ruth The board of school district No. Housler, Dorothy Sasse, Calvin 47, Jt., this week issued a state Sasse and Glen Justice. ment expressing their appreciation to the many individuals who assist ed in raising the flag pole at the Washington grade school and to J those who loaned material neces- sary for the work. The pole is one that should last for 20 years, it was said and should A fire starting Thursday after- serve as a reminder to the boys noon near the Oregon Gas and and girls of the district of their Electric company dam at Keasey obligation to their country. was quickly extinguished it was reported. School Board Appreciative Keasev Fire Short Lived Operator (Concrete Mixer)---- Smoke rom the blaze was notic ed by Oregon Gas and Electric workmen who immediately reported and called for assistance. Two pumpers were brought to the scene from Camp McGregor and with men from a section crew in the vicinity the fire was stopped. Origin of the blaze has not yet been determined, it was said. VOLUME 17, NUMBER 36 X“ Many lominittce Named O-A Flag Pole Dedicated E agí e The U. S. Civil Service Commis sion announces an open competitive examination for Operator (Con crete Mixer). Applications must be On file with the Manager, Eleventh U. S. Civil Service District Federal O fice Building, Seattle, Washing ton, not later than September 10, 1940. Information may be obtained locally at the post office. People Attracted to BeaverCreek Third Animal Celebration 4-H Club « _ u High School 479 Enroll Firemen Kates Honor ° „ Say Event Enrollment For First Second Place Position in Stock Judging Won at Increased Fair by Three Boys School Day Successful Second-place honors for stock 204 Students Registered judging at the state fair at Salem on First Day of School; were won the first of the week by Typing Classes Full the Beaver Creek 4-H club. Com petition in judging was against all The total enrollment of students other counties in the state accord in the Vernonia high school was ing to information received here. recorded at 204 students for the The second-place prize was $12. first day of school' Tuesday. That Members of the club and those figure was a slight increase ov». doing the judging were Billy Craw last year when enrollment during ford, Jack McDonald and George the first week stood at 198 stu- Schmidlin. This year marks the dents. seventh for the club’s e^istance. It is expected that the total will increase slightly due to several students being occupied with 4-H club work at the state lair. Regist ered by classes Freshmen number 62; Sophomores, 64; Juniors, 47; Seniors, 29 and post graduates, 2. Eagle Day Planned Sept. 14 Vernonia Aerie of Eagles to Be Host to Visiting Members of Order Plans for a bigger and better Eagles' Day celebration were being whipped into shape this week by the various committee groups of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, The event, staged last year at the time of the Host Days celebration, is to be held this year on September 14, Saturday. Invitations are being sent to other Aeries in this part of the state to attend. A program 1 or the day has been worked out as follows: 10 a. m. Registration 1 ; P- m. Parade 2 P- 1 m. Speakers 3 to i 5 p. m. Games and sports « P- 1 m. 'Dinner for F. O. E. mem- bers and families 7 to 9 p. m. Drill teams exhibi- tion 9 to 12 p. m. Public dance Floats for the parade are to be furnished by the various business firms according to present plans. All C om Elk Tags Sold All cow elk tags, authorized for issuance by the Oregon State Game Commission, have been sold. Inas much as practically every news paper in the state carried at least one story and many two stories on the cow elk tag sale, sportsmen were given ample notice. The cow elk season extends from November 1 to 16, both dates inclusive. A limited supply of antelope tags are still available, and hunters planning to indulge in antelope shooting should make application to the Portland office of the commis sion at once for the antelope tags. The antelope season is from September 29 to October 6, both dates inclusive, and the territory open to antelope hunting includes portions o' Lake, Malheur and Har ney counties. Road Repairs Made This Week A crew from the State Highway Department spent several days this week on road work in and about Vernonia. Repair of the posts along the pedestrian lane on the O. A. hill and repair of holes in the high way in town were among the prin cipal improvements made. Pleasant Hill Consolida tion Makes Increase in Number in Grade Schools First day enrollment figures of students entering the Washington i.nd Lincoln grade schools totaled 479 it was revealed Tuesday by E. H. Condit, superintendent. That figure is considerable over the first day enrollment last year when the number was 412. The increase is attributed to the consolidation of the Pleasant Hill school with approximately 60 stu dents. Otherwise it was agreed that this year’s enrollment would have been less than 1 last. Interest Great in Contests of Skill; Prizes Awarded Winners The third successful Vernonia Host Days celebration came to an end Monday evening when the Vei nonia firemen concluded the sche duled series of events which had provided entertainment for spect ators. Many of those witnessing the a fair expressed themselves as well pleased with the manner in which events were staged. Weather condi- tions, always somewhat uncertain at this time of the year, were fav- orable during the entire time with only a slight shower occuring Mon- day afternoon. Prizes Awarded Of the total, 416 students went Cash prizes made possible by co Largest class in the school is to classes i at the Washington school operating Vernonia merchants were awarded winners in all events of Typing I with 72 registered for and 63 at Lincoln. competition. The list of merchants instruction, 12 more than last year. Enrollment by grades is as fol making the prizes possible is given Four new typewriters have been lows: 1st, 40; 2nd, 36; 3rd, 47; elsewhere on this page. purchased. 4th, 55; ^th, 52; 6th, 48; 7th, 43; Well-pleased with the successful and 8th, 65. staging of the affair, linemen, later It was estimated that a consid in the week, were discussing means cf adding to the list of events ’or erable increase would be recorded the coming year's celebration. It is over above figures during the first hoped to make possible at that time competition in truck loading and few days due to late enrollment. A special children’ s ' day program tree climbing. Saturday morning at 10:30 o’clock, Winners Named editors’ day activities Saturday and Winners in many of the events three big programs Sunday will are given below: bring the 79th state fair at Salem Log bucking, Dave Reynolds, first; to a close. Judging has been com John Reynolds, second; Albert Rey Opening of old age assistance pleted in all but the youth divisions nolds, third. and crowds have enjoyed an ex rolls recently has resulted in 65 new Log chopping, John Reynolds, ceptionally fine fair, says word applicants at the St. Helens office, first; Dave Reynolds, second; Euri Tice, county ad- Mrs. Eva Louisa from Salem. The great finale will Reynolds, third. come Sunday night with the last ministrator, said this week. Inves- Cable splicing, Bob Raymer and presentation of the All-American tigation of these 65 will probably Wes Kolberstein, lirst; James Rus- revue, an outstanding entertainment result in about 50% of them being ow and Eagle Nygaard, second; L. pl:.ced on the rolls starting October H. Bjornson and Spurgeon Golden, feature. 1. third. Extra special activities Sunday To be eligible for old age assist Ladies Log Bucking will center about Fraternal day, ance applicants must be 65 years Log bucking, (ladies) Mrs. Lloyd with at least 50 drill teams fjom McChristian and Mrs. Dave Rey- of age or over, be residents of the sections of Oregon to compete til olds, first. for the state fair trophies in a state for at least five years of the last nine and for at least one year Ladies nail driving contest, Mrs. big program at the stadium «tart Dodge, first. Eva immediately preceding application. ing at 12:30 o’clock. Seth B. They must have relief status, that Pie eating contest, Gordon Cline, insurance commis- Thompson, state first; Elmer Goodman, second; Don- is they must be in need, and in the main address sioner, will give a’d Cline, third. at this program, his theme being addition there must be no one leg ally responsible and able to support “Slaughter Wrestling match, “Fraternalism and Americanism.” decision of Lex house ” Haskew them t nd the applicants themselves Other Fraternal day features will Taylor. be a parade around the fairgrounds mu <t posses no excess of property. Slate Fair Near Finish 65 Apply lor Assistance and a picnic lunch, these events At the time the rolls closed last Swimming Eventa Winners in the swimming event? falling between 10:30 and noon. November, the relief office war, ( were : tub race, Bobby New; 50- as- handling 377 cases of old age At mid-a ternoon Sunday, exhibi •yard free-style for girls, Roberta tion harness races and a variety sistance at a cost of $8,016.95 per Sword; 50-yard free-style for men, program will be given at the grand month. At present this load is 334 Francis Davis; 25-yard race fully Crees, costing $6,991.35 per month. clothed, Calvin Sasse ; underwater stand. swim for speed, Elmer Goodman ; Monthly cost of relief in the couti 100-yard free style, Lee Thomas of On Saturday, children 14 and ty new is approximately $12,000, under will be admitted free to the Mrs. Tice said. Broken down, this gt. Helens; underwater swim for distance, George King; 40-foot »wim grounds. Other days, the free limit sum is arrived at as follows: Aid for beginners, Genevieve Schwab. to blind, eight cases at a total 'for children is 12 years. A feature of the swimming monthly cost of $188. This case load is comparatively stationary, events was the life saving exhibi Red Cross Calls since it represents practically all tion staged by Lee Thomas and the blind in the county who need Jim Ford of St. Helens. for Books— assistance. Pet Parade Winner» According to an announcement For the 50 cases of aid to de Pet parade winners were: grand made Thursday by Miss Nettie pendent children, the cost is $1658 prize, Lorraine Croat; 1st prize Alley, Columbia County Nurse, a per month, and this department is (under 10 years) Robert Porter- ci 11 from the British Red Cross constantly increasing. General as 'ield; 2nd prize, Betty Van Haden. for books printed in the Polish, sistance, with 150 erres on the rolls, Phyllis Laramore, Arline Laramoie; Dutch and Norwegian languages is costing $2800 to $3000 per 3rd prize, Donnalee Plymale; 1st has been issued to the American moti'h. Of ice and administrative ex prize (over 10 years) Hazel Jones pense is $550 per month, making and Vernon Stolen; 2nd prize, Dan Red Cross. The literature will be the total, including old age assist ny Morgan; 3rd prize, Donnie Em read by refugees and soldiers. Mi?s ance, in the neighborhood o" $12,- mons. Alley asks that books in the design 000 monthly. A horizontal bar exhibition was ated languages he left at The Eag'e Federal funds tike care of 50% given by Lyle Veit, George Swan- of ice from which place they will cf this amount, the state pays 30% ■on. Bob Odgers, Bob Luce and be collected, packed and sent to and the county is responsible for Clarence Weiss of Portland. All England for distribution by the 20%. Cost of administration is bom five are amateurs from the Penin by state and federal allotments. sula Park gymnasium. British Red Crosa.