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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1940)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1940 National Guard Member Baek RIVERVIEW—(Special to The Eagle)—The Warren Steven* and Harriet Huntley are picking cucum bers in Scappoose. Mrs. Blaine Cobat was honored last Thursday, August 22, by a birthday party at Camp 8 given by several of her friends. She receiv ed several nice gi ts and luncheon was served later. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mauer and the George Cobat family. ¡Mrs. Ralph Cobat, who came home .from the hospital recently with her young son, was able to be up and around Tuesday. George Peachey arrived home from a three-week stay in the na tional guard encampment Saturday. He was in Company K of St. Helens which was reported to have 'been on the front lines a great deal of the time during the sham battle in Washington. Mrs. Belle Neale, who has been visiting at the W. T. Graves home, returned Sunday to her home in Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. Alice Crawiford has been ill at her home for the past week. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marston were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ho fman and Ca hrin and Alice He firan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cummings spent Thursday at the Multnomah County Fa'r in Gresham. IMr. and Mrs. J. W. Waldkirch. Barbara and Mary Anne, and Mrs. C.aire Barnett spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the Claude E. Gib son home. Claude E. Gibson, Claudine and Patsy Jean motored to St. Helens Sunday to spend the day. Maxie, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Buckner, arrived home fiom Portland Sunday where he spent the past week with Mrs. E. George. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sher man, C. L. Sherman and son, Le roy, of Prineville, viaited the J. M. Peachey family Sunday. During Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday they, with Mr. Peachey and son, George, attended the Astoria Re gatta. They entered the Chinook fishing derby there. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turner and daughter, Joyce, Mrs. Fowler and sons, Harold and Delbert, spent Monday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Les Grenia attend ed the Eagle picnic at the Oaks park in Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heath arrived home Thursday from the iSan Francisco Worlds Fair. They spent nearly a week on the trip. Mi s. Stanley Rumble arrived home Thursday from Vale where she has been visiting her parents. At The Churches . . Christian Church —The Livingstones. Ministers Bible School at 9:45, followed by lhe Communion Service at 11 o’icicek; sermon by the pastor on the subject, “God Speaks.” Christ ian Endeavor meeting at 6:30, and the evening hour at 7:30 with wor ship service in auditorium, song service and sermon on the subject, “Ba t or God?” Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30; young people’s “Back-to-School social Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. We come to all the services of the church. Evangelical Church— —Hnrvey R. Scheuerman, Minister 9; 15 Church School with a live cla-s for all ages. 11.00 This is Conference Com- munon Sunday. The pastor will speak from the subject, “Jeremiah’s LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER Wholesale and Retail See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $7.50 per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. C. BRUCE All Roads Lead To HEATH’S PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Call.” There will be special music. 6:30 The Evangelical League of C. E. will meet in the accustomed rooms. You may have your choice of three: Intermediate, Young People or the Adult group. Wel come. 7:30 The sermon subject is, “God’s Invitation.” The Woman’s Missionary Society meets Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the church. The Prayer Group meets Wed nesday evening at 7:30 for prayer and Bible study. The community is invitted. WANTED—.Painting, either exterior or interior. Reasonable rates quoted. Inquire C. I. Hackney, 242 B Street. 35tl and board at the rate oif $20 per month, 2 to one room; $25 single. Al LaChine, (former Vernonia res ident) 3436 S. E. Washington 34., Portland. 33tS WANTED—Grain sacks. Will pay WILL BUY—Cattle for butchering. Will pay market prices. See Bob FLOWERS 5c each. Must be in good condi Tipton at Sam and Bob's Grocery Corsages — Cut Flower» tion. Nehalem Dairy Products Com and Market 34tf_ Potted Plants pany. 33t3— Sprays for Funerals ANY SCHOLAR—wishing to attend Bush Funeral Home WANTED—General repair work: a Portland school may get room Phone 592 «tf— carpentering, painting, cement and plaster work and brick laying, at reasonable prices. Call William Vogle, phone 592, Vernonia. 32t4— Faulty Bulbs-- Sweethearts, wives, mothers, daughters and sisters are honored WANTED—Shingle bolts. Cedar wood Timber Company. See Mr. with the names of the following 46tf— Oregon towns: Ada, Adel, Anna, Thompson at Vernonia. Aima, Alpha, Amelia, Beulah, Ber tha, Bonita, Dora, Eula, Florence. FOR SALE—Pigs, six weeks old. Gwendolen, Lena, Mabie, Vida, Ven See Ruby Biggs. 35tl— eta, Vernonia, Willimina and Zena. FOR SALE—25 horse-power engine and 30 horse-power boiler, both horizontal; also brick; in A-l condi tion. Apply Jack’s Brown Derby, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Banks, Oregon. 35t3 In the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county. In the matter otf the estate of FOR SALE—Hay, vetch and oats, William B. Derebery, deceased. clover, timothy, and straw; also Notice is hereby given that the oats for seed and vetch and oats undersigned as administrator of the for seed. Also riding plaw. A. Wal estate of William B. Derebery, de 35t4— ceased, has filed his final account lace, Mist, Oregon. in the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county, and FOR SALE—Team of mares, weigh that Monday, September 16th, 1940 about 1500. Reasonable price. at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the zo re no oh oif said day and the court Have to leave state soon. Dale 33t3 room of said court has been ap Miller, Mist . pointed by said court as the time and p’ace for the hearing of ob jections thereto and the settlement FOR SALE—’37 Dodge truck, M. F. Series, heavy -duty, good mech thereof. Dated and first publication Aug anical condition, good rubber; pric ust 15, 1940. ed to sei’. See H. M. (Pop) Rey Date of last publication, Septem nolds, Mist, Oregon. 33tS ber 12, 1940. Perry Mellinger Administrator FOR SALE—Scratch pads in var John L. Foote iety of sizes and colors; suitabls St. Helens, Oregon for school work; one pound 15c, 2 Attorney. pounds 25c. The Eagle office. 33t3 Legal Notices— Classified Ads............. plenty of out buildings; plenty of down-wood for fuel; pasture fol cows; fruit trees. G. F. Brown Pittsburg. 33t3—• FOR RENT—Ten room house. Party can rent upstairs or rooms. 1024 Columbia St. 35t3 FOR RENT—4-room house. Mrs. Foust, Riverview. 35tl WANTED—Housework or practical nursing. Place of work must have living quarters for two people. In FOR RENT—4-room house and two quire Hazel Mootry, c/o George lots. House recently remodeled. Baslington, Treharne. 35tl North end of State St. across from city water works. See Frank Lange. 3513— WANTED—High school girl to work for room and board. Light house work. Inquire at Nance Pharmacy. FOR RENT—Five room house; run 35tl— ning water, inside and outside Are you one of those people who bought a fine I. E. S. Lamp, with the proper type bulb in it, then when that bulb burned out replaced it with just any kind of bulb? I. E. S. Lamps are designed to givy an efficient light, but they must have the proper bulb in them. If your lamp not seem as bright as it was, it may be partly your fault. Oregon Gas & Electric Co. YOUR BUTCHER IS A GOOD FRIEND— He’s pretty important to the health of your family . . . and the discretion he uses in the buying of meats is reflected in Junior’s grades at school—Dad’s success at work— and your own well-being as Director of the house! Bob’s Market realizes this and is proud of its responsibility in bringing to you the best and purest in meats. DELIVERY SCHEDULE------ Corey Hill—10 A. M. and 3 P. M. O-A Hill and East Side—10:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Phone 761 Quantity Orders Gladly Delivered SAM and BOB Grocery & Market Sometimes it takes a lenely read and a brok en-down engine for a man to realize he should have had his car fixed before. Don’t let this happen to you. Heath’s Service Station wins again. Set your sights for Acme Beer, and get really satisfying refreshment! Acme Beer has been the West's best-seller ever since Repeal.-because Acme always has provided inimitably pale and extra dry qualityl Step up your pleasure Sept. 2nd thru Äth at Salera Busaes & Trains to Ground* ADMISSIONS Oit»- Adult. 50c. after 0 pm. tM. Children 1» and Under—Free. Nl<ht Horvc Show— Stadium 55c, reserved aeat 50c. box «eat 75c. Pari-Mutuel Race»— Grandstand »Sc. reaerved wot 50c. Box Kat 7Sc. 1940 All-American Revue— Orar-’-tand, 55c; Box 5Oc. Dance—25c per couple. Can 15c. Price. AU Can Affoed BEGINS »DRV soon...with delicious Acme Beer! MMf MUWUVCS. U. frm d w«- I m .M.dw Nehalem Dairy Products Co. SPIKE GREEN Junior Forester "THE FAMILY SIZE" Full 32-ounce«I More convenient ... and more for your moneyl BEER 1 Vernoria Distributors