FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE THREE Mrs. Jun« Renfro is visiting at and visited her grandparents, Mr. Nancy Cobat visited Mr*. Ray Pry the J. O. Libel home. She liven at and Mrs. A. Dowling, last week; re male of Vernonia Saturday. “Island of Doomed Men,” new Salem. turning home Sunday with her par Speck Ford’* brother and aister- Columbia film due Wednesday at Mr*. Nora West, who ha* been ent* who came up for the day. in-taw and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Crawford finding her most the Joy Theatre, presents Peter visiting her brother and family, L. Miss Baker Given Ed Reynolds purchased a used Ike Ford, visited at the Ford home effervescent role as Susan, and Lorre in one of the strangest roles E. McGee, is returning to her home Chrysler car last week. Bridal Shower— Tuesday. the famous portrayer of unbalanced Miss Patricia Baker, whose mar Fredric March co-starred as her mentalities has ever had. Lorre is at Oakland, California, this Thurs Mrs. Sharp from California was Ozzie Ray of Vernonia is spending riage will be read September 20, husband, Barrie. visiting old acquaintances here in a few days with his grandparents, starred as a psychopathic tyrant day. Some of the villagers who attend the valley. She, with her husband, Story of a social gadabout who who rules a group of paroled con- was honored a miscellaneous Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkins. thower Wednesday afternoon at the adopts a new secial ad and insists victs and forces them to work his ed the fair Saturday were Mr. and moved out some forty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanna and Mrs. J. O. Libel and her guests,' horn* o' Mrs. Mike Ludwig, with on trying to convert her friends, diamond mine. Rochelle Hudson She was then Mrs. Isaac Smith. daughter, Dorothy, spent the week Mrs. Ralph Reynolds, Mrs. Oscar plays his wife, upon whom Lorre and Mrs. Aldridge from Clatskanie; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lane came only to make a muddle of their Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds, Mrs. end visiting Mr. Hanna’s brothe, Ka;:hammar, Mrs. Warren Aldrich lives and her own, “Susan and God” also practices a form of refined George Jones, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. down from Molalla last week-end and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Witte, and Mrs. Harley Woodruff assisting cruelty. Other familiar figures in and »pent the time at their home boasts one of the strongest casts of oi Hillsboro. While there the two the hostess, Mrs. Ludwig. About the drama, include Robert Wilcox, McGee, Mrs. West, Mr. and Mrs. here. the seasun in support of Miss Craw fifty ladies were invited to the af ford and March. George E. Stone, Charles Middleton William Keaton, Francis and Elsie Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis attended families spent Sunday visiting fair. Miss Baker was the recepient and Stanley Brown. Charles Barton Bridgers ana Mr. and Mrs. Bud the county fair Saturday. Washington park zoo. They return Ashby and Willene. directed the production. of many lovely gifts. Merlin Bjerke is working up at cd home Monday evening. ROMERO IS GAL CABALLERO Mr. and Mrs. James Joyce spent the rock crusher. AGAIN IN “VIVA CISCO KID”— Mr. and Mrs. Walt Fowler and a few days at Buxton wiith his ‘ MAN WITH 9 LIVES" Birthday Party Honors The Cisco Kid gallops back (from children were in Vernonia __________ on busi- mother, Mrs. Wowning, last week. OPENS HERE SOON— Harry Johnson— the border with his guns blazing ness Monday evening. The Spofford family who bought Boris Karloff stars in the weird A surprise birthday party was to preve once again he’s still' the Mr. and Mrs. John Rider and the George Taylor farm on the held last Friday for Harry Johnson most dashing Caballero of them all! and fascinating horror-film, Co Burn about two years ago moved children motored to Portland on lumbia ’ s “ The Man With Nine in honor of his 44th birthday. The business Tuesday evening. Handsome Cesar Romero, who to Knappa last week. affrir was held at the home of Mr. first played Cisco in “The Cisco Kid Lives,” due to open Wesrsesday at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlock and the Joy Theatre. Central figure of Preliminary tests in other states, and Mrs. George Johnson with his and the Lady” is again the color ul Mrs. William Garlock attended the WILARK—(Special to The Eagle) father, Alonzo Johnson, as host. O. Henry outlaw—barking guns, the thrilling drama is a ruthless county fair at St. Helens Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Bert Garner, Jr., now being tried in Oregon, indicate that successive wilting olf perennial A ter the dinner colored motion flashing eyes, romantic heart and scientist, portrayed by Karloff, who Also the Austin Dowling family. and son visited Mr. Garner’s par weeds, such as white top and Can pictures were shown. The evening all— in “Viva Cisco Kid,’’the 20th returns to life after being in a Mrs. Kenneth Wilson is in the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Garner, Sr., was completed by playing pinochle. iCtentury-Fox production which is state of “frozen sleep” for ten hospital in Clatskanie where she of Vancouver and Mrs. Garner’s ada thistle, will give 'better results years. As soon as he is restored, coming to the Joy Theatre on Tues the scientist embarks on a ruthless was taken after an accident in mother, Mrs. Frank Lavaris, of than using chlorate. Refinements in the method will have to 'be made day. series of experiments in his under Portland last Sunday, a week ago. Portland, over the week-end. before it will ibe cheaper than Cisco is chased by a posse, accus ground laboratory which result in It will not be known for a while Mr. and Mrs. Speck Ford visited chlorates on morning glory and ed of murder, trapped in a mine the snuffing out of five lives. how serious were the results of the in Portland Sunday. Russian knapweed. cave-in and left for dead by the Roger Pryor and Jo Ann Sayers are accident. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Orwig and West’s toughest hombre—but it’s all featured in the new film which was Shady Lane returned home Sun son visited in Forest Grove and Of the total tax oi $3,587,132.26 in the name of Romance! day from attending the funeral of Hillsboro Friday a ternoon. paid on gasoline sold in Oregon dur- directed by Nick Grinde. ELECTRICITY USERS his brother at Toledo. Earl Atkins was a Portland visi- the first four months of this year, NEED CANDLES ALSO— “YOUNG AS YOU FEEL” The Mist Helping Circle met tor Tuesday. approximately $430,455.87 goes Although 20th Century-Fox stu IS MERRIEST ESCAPADE— Thursday on the Burn with Mrs. L. back to consumers in the form of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Cobat spent dios may use in the course of a We’ve been through a lot of E. McGee. There was a large gath Friday night and Saturday in Port refunds on gasoline not used for s:rgle production enough electricity hiliarious predicaments with the ering although many members wer.- land on business. highway purposes, or fuel purchased to light the average small town, they Jones Family, but when they all get absent. There also were three visit by governmental agencies. Marian Reller and Janet and still are one of the largest consum that young feeling and decide to ors. A most delicious dinner was ers of candles in the country. In take over Broadway in “Young As MIST—(Special to The Eagle) — served at noon, followed by a feast Darryl F. Zanuck’s production of You Feel,” the latest of ths 20th We understand that Mr. and Mrs. of watermelon on the back lawn, “Little Old New York,” l.or-example Century-Fox comedies which comes Clyde Harmon have purchased a after which the short business meet more than 3,800 tapers were used. to the Joy Theatre Tuesday, they residence in Vernonia and soon wi.l ing was held. One new member was At the Joy Theatre Friday with bit a new laugh high. For Dad turns move there. Their business “The initiated into the Circle. The next Alice Faye, Fred MacMurray, Rich pla.vb ly, mother goes glamour girl Oasis” is to be managed for the meeting will be with Mrs. William aid Greene and Brenda Joyce fea and all the Joneses step out in time by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeser Keaton the fourth Thursday in tured, “Little Old New York” is a style. with Mrs. Harmon coming down September. Angel Food Cake with Lemon Frosting robust, rollicking romance of the Dad Jones decides to give up his each week for business reasons. The boys who have been at their old New York waterfront and Rob drug store at the persuasion of his Special Ray Garlock has been making grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. ert Fulton’s invention of the steam famous family, and they all go to regular trips with his truck to Sher Melis, most of the summer are re boat. Pure White Cake with Peppermint Frosting New York to give the hot spots a idan doing some hauling. turning to their separate homes this whirl. The whole family, with the Mrs. Lloyd Garlock and son, week. Charles Webber, Jr., to his Special CRAWFORD, MARCH TEAMED exception of Dad, who has to pav Larry, recently visited her parents California home; Vern Furgerson to ON JOY SCREEN— the bills, is taken in by some phony in Portland. Kirkland, Washington; and another This Store Will Close Sunday and Monday “Susan and God,” Rachel Croth- friends of Jack, the oldest son. Pos Norvin Wikstrom came home from friend to Portland. ers’ stage hit which enjoyed an ing as bluebloods and members of Timber last week where he has been Mr. and Mrs. William Bridgers eight-month run on Broadway before the nobility, they are out to take working for the past few weeks. went to Seaside Saturday night, being taken on the road, will be the Joneses for all they can, and Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock have Mrs. Bridgers remained there for seen in its screen form at the Joy how nearly they succeed must be moved to Vernonia where he has a week at their cottage. Theatre beginning next Sunday with seen to be appreciated. employment. Ayla Trotter came up from Elsie LET’S EE SOCIABLE LORRE STARRED IN HORROR ROLE— Wilark Felk Visit Friends News of the Theatre Road Oiling To Be Finished For Your Labor Day Picnic or Dinner 29c 49c Vernonia Bakery m HMM Labor Day Week'End Many Exciting Contests Between Home Folks I Prizes for Winners SAT. Eve. Band Concert— 7:30 P. M. Street Dance In Legion Hall In Case of Rain SUNDAY Pet Parade— 1:30 P. M. Water Sports Softball Game MONDAY Program Starts at 10 A. M. Includes log chopping, bucking, cable splicing, bicycle races, pie eating contests, etc. EVERYTHING FREE! You need not spend a cent or leave home to enjoy three days of fun and entertainment. Sponsored by Vernonia Volunteer Firemen