Here YOUR TOWN’S TOPICS Goei Hear McNary— Bend— to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols and Jim Byers spent the week-end at daughters, Joanne and Barbara, his home in Bend. motored to Salem Tuesday to hear Here from Forest Grove— Senator McNary's acceptance speech. daughte), Mrs. Clarence Hull, Anna Marie, and Monty Keys ot Mother.Daughter Banquet Tuesday, Forest Grove were in Vernonia September 13; Evangelical Church Monday. Miss Alley Here— Miss Nettie Alley, Columbia Return from the Fair— Mrs. Alice Estey, Miss Dor’s County Red Cross Nurse, was in Es'ey and Mrs. Ollinger returned Vernonia Tuesday. the fore part of last week from a Ruhle and Hieber« Visit— ti ip to San Francisco where the Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Rurl and Mr. group enjoyed the Exposition. and Mrs. Lowell Hieber spent Sun day at Toledo visiting Mr. and Mrs. At Cascadia— Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin spent Fred Wall and children. The Fred the week-end at Cascadia where Walts formerly lived on the O. A. they visited their son, Dan, who is hill. in the Forest Service there. A 2-year guaranteed tire at mail* older prices at Rolands. Here from Bakersfield— Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hackney and children of Bakersfield, California, arrived in Vernonia last week. They plan on making this their home. Mrs. Hackney was the former Elna Spencer. gtZHZHZHZNZHZfl H H H H H * 18 QT. NATIONAL H H ^ALUMINUM CANNERH Special Price J ^With full set of pans “and cookers for food-v m Special Close Out H $11.75 H Cash Only H HOFFMAN g Hardware Co H H H H H H kxhxhxhxhxhxr Son Married— Clare Jarvis, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Jarvis of Salem, former ly of Vernonia, and Fern Prickett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Prickett of Forest Grove, were unit ed in marriage at Chehalis, Wash ington, on August 14. They will make their home in Forest Grove. Marshalls Have Guests— iMr. and Mrs. Frank Gillam an 1 Mrs. Lucy Shipley o' Beaumont, Texas, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dave Marshall for the past two weeks. The group has taken several interesting trips including one to Seattle to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marshall, and some fishing trips. The visitors plan to leave the last of the week. Nance Pharmacy YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE Thursday, August 29; BARGAIN NIGHT Adults 2Cc; Children, 10c MAD MEN OF EUROPE Edmund Gwenn, Mary Maguire, Geoffrey Toone Also- TWO FISTED RANGER with Charles Starrett Sun., Mon., Sept. 1, 2 frauiford * March SUSAN AND GOD wt,h RUTH HUSSEY • John carroll Rita HAYWORTH • Nigel BRUCE Bruce CABOT ■ Rits ouiciiv «R<»« hoe»"* A FRED M ac MURRAY £ • RICHARD Go to Salem— Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman and F. R. Olin attended the meeting in Salem Tuesday to hear Senator McNary. Here from Los Angeles— September 13; Evangelical A special invitation is extended by the Christian church to all visi tors to the city over Sunday. The Bible school will be held at 9:45 a. m. with classes for everyone. Communion and preaching service will begin at 11 and close at 12 noon. Evening services begin at 6'30 for young people and the preaching service at 7:30. You will be cordially welcomed. See «cm« Our Gang Comedy— ALFALFA’S DOUBLE First-Run Universal News GREENE Tuesday. Seutember 3 PAL NIGHT ft) i BRENDA JOYCE VIVA CISCO KID— AHOY DEVINE HENRY STEPHENSON If ! Cesar Romero i YOUNG AS YOU • Also Selected Shorts i i FEEL — The Jones • Family i Wed., Thurs., Sept. 4, 5; BARGAIN NIGHT Adults, 20c; Children, 10c ISLAND OF DOOMED MEN—Peter Lorre THE MAN WITH NINE LIVES—Boris Karloff NOTICE—Richard Tunnell, R. G. Kennedy and J. L. Timmons, Vernonia; D. O. Cantwell and Oscar Johnson, Wilark; and A. L. Austin and Byron Kirkbride, Keasey Rt. are invited to pre- sent this coupon at box office any time before Saturday evening, August 31, for complimentary admission«. 13; Evangelical Church At Jantzen Beach— Mr. and Mis. Robert Swan and daughters, Cheryl, Maxine and Nancy, and Edgar Oulbertsc» spent last Sunday at Jantzen Beach. A t the B ach— Walter Parcell’s, Jack Adams, Edi son Ald.ich and Robert Acord spen. Saturday at Seaside. National Bank Invites You To Bank By Mail if Inconvenient To Come In Person w. A. Thornburg, p isident. “THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange went to Portland Sunday to bring Mrs. Sadie Austin home from the hospit al. She is recovering from her operation very satisfactorily. W’ille in Portland they visited Ernest Henderson, former Vernonia resi dent, at the Good Samaritan hos pital. He is not doing very well. A quality tire at a low price and a 2-year guarantee. Buy Zenith Rolands. Ceremony Read— Beautiful 4-Piece Bedroom Suites, Regular $69.95 NOW Just A The Misses Margaret and Daisy McDonald, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Dave MacDonald, left last Sat urday or a two weeks vacation to be spent at the Fair at San Fran cisco. Here from California— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kale and two daughters of California were here last Thursday to visit Alonzo John son. Mrs. Kale is a niece of Mr. Johnson. The visitors le t here for Portlrnd and Oregon City. They also planned to visit relatives of Mr. Kale before returning to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth White snent. part of the past Sunday iin Portland. $59.50 While They Last. New Beautiful Modernistic Wood Circulators Roland. Attend the Fair— Sept. Church Return. Hom Invitation Extended— hazards. Fri., The Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Mossman are spending two weeks here visit Here from Vancouver---- Jack Nance spent the past week ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman. The visitors came end in Vernonia from Vancouver from Los Angeles and will leave where he has employment. the forepart of the coming week. Here from Depoe Bay- Mr. Mossman is a brother of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McWilliams Shipman. from Depoe Bay spent Friday and Saturday at ths home of Mr. and In Clatskanie— Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman, Mr. Mrs. Olin Robbins on the O-A hill. and Mrs. Henry Mossman and Mrs. In Astoria— Cora B. Mossman spent the past Mr. and Mrs. Olin Robbins spent Sunday visiting in Clatskanie. Saturday afternoon in Astoria on Mother-Daughter Banquet Tuesday, business. In Portland— JOY THEATRE ALICE FAYE Mrs. L. A. Dowell and daughter, Lolita, of Parsons, Kansas, return ed to their home Wednesday follow ing a week’s visit with the Carol Brock family on the 0. A. hill. Loren S- Lion be r ger enlisted in The U. S. Civil Service Commis the U. S. Army service the first sion has announced examination for of thia month and is stationed with Company B, 69th Q. M. Battalion Inspector, Steel Tcwer Construction and Inspector, Line Construction to at Presidio, California. fill existing, and future vacancies. Mother-Daughter Banquet 6:30 p.m. Applications must be on file not Fri., Sept. 13; Evangelical Church later than September 9. Full infor mation may be obtained at the Ver Two Forfeit Bail— Edward DeRossitt and Charles nonia post of. ice. AT red Eastham, arrested recently Get your tire aljuxtmonts at home. by city officials on charges of Buy Z r.ilh tires from Roland. drunkeness, forfeited bail last Sat urday when they failed to appear for trial. Oscar Johnson, also arrested recently on a charge of being drunk on a public street was fined $15 in the Recorder’s court Saturday. mother of (Coming as a surprise to friends Gene Shipman, returned to Spokane this week was the marriage o La- Business Trip— A. L. Kul'landsr returned to Ver this week after a three-week visit vina Zeiner to Lawrence Beymer spent here. of (Seattle. The ceremony took nonia Monday from a business trip place August 24th at Vancouver. Seattle and which took him to Hear McNary Speech— Tacoma. He lelt here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mann, C. F. Washington. Hieber and Frank Taylor motored Mother-Daughter Banquet 6:30 p.m. In Salem— to Salem Tuesday to hear McNary's Fri., Sept. 13; Evangelical Church Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerns, Mrs. A. L. Kdlander and Miss Montana acceptance address. Reeher« See Caves— French spent the past Sunday in Group Fish— A news release from the Oregon Salem. Mayor Bollinger and Mr. and Caves National Monument head Mrs. J. A. Bush fished at Astoria quarters late last week states that last Sunday and caught the limit Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Reeher and of salmon. Howard, Jr., were among the guests A tire guaranteed against all road at the caves last Thursday. Also Complete Line of School Supplies Including —LUNCH KITS COMPLETE WITH THERMOS and NOTEBOOKS WITH SCHOOL NAME INSCRIBED Fri., Sat., Aug. 30, 31 Kansas People Return— Mother-Daughter Banquet 6:30 p.m. Exam» Announced— Enlisted in Army---- Tuesday---- Mrs. Mildred Hay«» of Ga»ton wai in Vernonia Tue»day for a thort visit with friend». She war accompanied by Mri. Lawrence Nobley. Mother-Daughter Banquet Tuesday, Returns to Spokane---- September 13; Evangelical Church Mrs. Cora B. Shipman, We are Sales Agents For High School Text Books dr FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1940 VFRNONÏA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON PAGE TWO only CANNING TOMATOES Will be ready after September 5th Quality Fine, Long Season Mamaro Wakasugi $29.95 See the New Combination Air Conditioner and Circulating Oil Heater —NOW ON DISPLAY— Geo. G. Paterson FURNITURE — RADIOS — REFRIGERATION VEPNONIA — OREGON — FOREST GROVE Star Rt., Box 53, Banks, Oregon KING’S Here from Portland—- Leona Taylor of Portland spent several days here the forepart of last week visiting her sister, Mrs. M. A. Oakes. To Leave for East---- Bill Byers, former Vernonia high school student, will leave lor Washington, D. C., September 5 to enroll in George Washington University, it was learned thi« week. He will play football this tall and baseball next spring ac cording to present plans. The course of study he intends to follow will enroll him in the school of educa tion. Mother-Daughter Banquet Tuesday, September 13; Evangelical Church SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS LIMA BEANS WITH HAM PEANUT BUTTER Wadhams . 29c 2 tins 29c 16-oz. glass ]9c 2 tins SPINACH— Wadhams 2 ‘/i ting * For ................ ....... DICED BEETS— Wadhams CORN FLAKES Kellogg’s IVORY SOAP OXYDOL WADHAMS COFFEE MARSHMALLOWS 5c 5c Large pkg. J9C .... 1-lb. tins 25c 12-oz. cello pkg. 9c pkg- Medium Bar Q «7 0 No. 2 tin KRAFT CHEESE— Biick, American, Pimiento ^-lb. pkg. j r 1DC Funeral for Mother Held— Funeral services for Mrs. L. Ver- hagen, mother of Jake Boss, were held last Saturday afternoon in Portland at 3:30 p. m., roilowing her death last Wednesday morning. In Portland— Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lincoln spent the past Sunday in Portland where they attended a family reunion of relatives of Mr. Lincoln. The gather ing was held at the Portland city park. Here from Salem— Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Oakes, and sen. Elliott, and daughter, Mildred, and two grandchildren spent last Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Oakes in River view. PAPER PLATES Atlas ALPINE HOT CUPS 15c CASCADE SODAS CREAM OF WHEAT 28-oz. pkg. OLD IRISH NAPKINS DOG FOOD— Kenwood 15c ..... 2 Pkgs- 15c .. 2-lb. pkg. 15c ..... 2 Pk&s- 23 c 9c 2 No. 1 tins OVALTINE— Chocolate or Piain 1 Lb............................... 59c WAX PAPER— Diamond 125-Ft. Roll « n 1JC Specials for Friday and Saturday, August 30 and 31 King’s Grocery and Market Where Your Money Buys More In Portland— Mrs. John Hatfield. Mrs. George Baker, the Misses Patricia and Alice Baker, and Jack Baker were Port land visitors Monday. ..2 pkgs. Ph. 91 At the New Mile 2 Deliveries Daily