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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1940)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1940 VFR NON IA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO of Montgomery-Ward and company. guests at the Carl Anderson home. Mr*. J. C. O'Connor who has been Mr. and Mr». Richard Tunnell and Mr. Eastman ha* been employed while in Vernonia at Pater»on ’ » visiting her »on, Frank O’Connor, two ions and Mr*. Tunnell’* sister, returned to her home in Beaverton Betty Warner, motored to Scio last Furniture Store. Monday. Friday. They, with Mr. and Mr». Mr*. Matthew* Leave*— Mr*. Elizabeth Matthews, mother Chetter Reynold* who i* «tationed Lloyd Tunnell, who have been vi»i- ting relative» there, returned to of Mrs. John Burnside, left last at Camp Nehalem at Fo»» »pent the Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Vernonia late Saturday night. w>eek-end with hi* parent*. M. E. Groom, for Lo» Angeles where Viola O’Connor and her cousin, Here from Seattle- she will spend the winter. Mildred O’Connor, of Portland spent, Mr. and Mr». Jack Marshall of the week-end at the Frank O’Connor Seattle spent the week-end at the In Milwaukie- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander home. home o Mr. Marshall’s parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howell spent visited Mr. Kullander’s brother and and Mrs. Dave Marshall. wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kullander, the week-end at Scappoose with Texan, Visit— Mrs. Howell’s 'amily. June Mulkins, in Milwaukie, Oregon, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lodle (the for who has been spending the pasl mer Christine Rainey) of Houston, Birth Announcement---- month with her sister, returned to A balby girl, named Anna, was her home Saturday. Texas, arrived recently to spend their vacation with Mrs. Lodle’s born at the Emanuel hospital in Mrs. Hazel Morty is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rainey. Portland, August 11, to Mr. and sister, Mrs.- George Baslington. Mrs. Lee Tombleson. Mrs. Tomble Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cota have mov Goes to Jantzen Beach— son was the former Elizabeth Ek ed into the house formerly occupied Joanne Nichols attended the Un who attended Vernonia high school by Chick Johnson. iversity of Oregon Rally held at some years ago. Jantzen Beach last Tuesday night. Go to Scio---- YCIJK TCWN’S TOPICS Kauai People Viait— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seckier of Leavenworth, Kansas, are the guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Jewett Bush Thurs day and Friday of this week. Mr. Seckier who is at present on the Leavenworth Times staff was editor of The Astorian in 1900. Monday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason at the O. A. cam-p. Gordon* Return— Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gordon re turned Monday from a trip to Crat er Lake, British Columbia and Seattle following Mr. Gordon’s at tendance at the U. of O. summer Robbins in Trout Lake— Mr. and Mrs. Olin Robbins and school. <’:-’ghter, Mary Jane, spent the McCoy* Here----- «•'c’k-end at the home of Mr. Rob Mr. and Mrs. Mason McCoy were bins’ parents at Trout Lake, Wash in Vernonia a short time the fore ington. part of the week. They have spent the summer in Olympia, Washington, Burnside* on Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. John Bumside left Mr. McCoy’s home. The couple will Monday to spend their vacation at visit in Portland before returning to Vernonia. the beaches. Return Boy Return* After Vi*it— Lawrence Robbins returned home to Vernonia---- New and Used Parts New and Used Tires Gas and Oil Expert Aulo Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS FACTS r FO* IMVfKI The two accident types which cause the greater proportion of the traffic accident deaths in Oregon arc the auto-pedestrian collision and the non-collision mishap, according to a survey Of accidents which oc- cured during the irst six months of 1940, results of which were re leased today by Earl Snell, secre tary of state. Sixty-seven percent of the 161 traffic fatalities during the first hah o the year resulted from crashes of these two types, Snell’s survey indicated. Pedestrian acci dents accounted for 42 percent of the deaths and the non-collision mis haps accounted for 25 percent Crashes between two or more cars, the type of accident generally con sidered in the public mind as the cause of most traffic deaths, ac counted cr only 20 percent of the deaths reported during the Since 70 percent of the peufcs- trians involved in fatal accidents were committing some unsafe action at the time they were struck and since most of the non-collision accidents involve cars which go off the highway on curves or at other places due to speed too great for conditions, elimination of these •Q- ■ A, New Shipment ¿L um : Peam-O-Scope Equipped G. E. Radios. NOW IS THE TIME TO TRADE IN YOUR OLD RADIO ON ONE OF THESE NEW MODELS. See the Big Beautiful New Genuine Biltwell Sofa Beds and Chairs to match. NOW ON DISPLAY $79.95 Toasters — Waffle Irons — Percolators — Coffee Makers — Table, Bridge and Floor Lamps — Pvrex — Etc. New Lonergan Combination Oil Burning Circul ator and Air Conditioners, Now on Display. Everything for the Home on E-Z Terms - Portland Prices! We deliver FREE up to 150 miles At Geo. G. Paterson FURNITURE — RADIOS — REFRIGERATION VERNONIA — OREGON — FOREST GROVE Vernonia, Oregon A Safe Place to Trade ------ Hunting Hats Jackets Also a complete stock of Men’s Sweaters J. C. [Abe] Lincoln The Men’s Store Here’s Where You Can Save on Your Picnic— Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wood attend ed a picnic held outside of Salem last Sunday; 38 relations attended the affair. Grocery Purchases • l In Eugene----- Mrs. W. O. Livingstone is in Eu gene this week in attendance at the Womens State Board of Missions that meets on Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. Mrs. Livingstone was elected to this of ice at the State Convention at Turner in July df this year. Lake Choice of Blue, Brown, Rust, Wine and Maroon Colors Complete Line > - -■<- Vernonia Auto Co. FULL SUPPLY! Mrs. Myrtle Bunker o La Grande who has been visiting Mrs. Harry Sandon left for her home the first cf the week. Attend Many Chevrolet owners make a habit of our free automobile inspection. They have found that we can save them money by correcting minor servic ing needs on the spot and at small cost. It assures them more miles of trouble-free driving with a car at its peak of per formance and economy. Sweat Shirts La Grande Visitor Here— only Forest fire* to the number of 430 have burned over 16,458 acres of forest land» in Oregon since the beginning of the 1940 fire season, gmojter8' carelessness ranked next to lightning as the chief cause of fires, being charged with 28 per cent of the total. At the Beach---- Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman re Pumulas in Portland—- Miss Patricia Baker and Paul turned to Vernonia Tuesday after Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pumala and Adams spent Sunday at Seaside. noon, following a summer’s stay it Leona spent the week-end in Port their home on the McKenzie River. land. Mr*. Greenman Here---- Mrs. Hale Greenman and small Teacher Return*— Attend Wedding---- son, Jim, spent last week-end at ths Mrs. Ina Scott, grade school teach Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steele at er, returned to Vernonia recently. tended the wedding of Constance Judd Greennian heme. The younger Mrs. Scott attended San Francisco Bougher and John A. Wildman held Mrs. Greenman will return to Fres no, California, her home, before the Teachers’ College this summer. last Sunday at the St. Stephen’s end of the month. Episcopal Church in Portland. The In Newport— Aimee Turner has been spending bride taught in the Vernonia schools Here from Beaverton— Mr. and Mrs. Florian Mills and several weeks at Newport, conval a number of years ago. children, Donna and Alan, of Beav escing from a recent appendectomy. Three Arrested— erton, spent the week-end at the Three cases involving minor in C. A. Mills home. Sunday visiters Return from Vacation— Marshal Ace Lolley, Mrs. Lolley fractions of traffic laws were heard at the Mills home were Mr. and Mrs. and three daughters returned this in the Justice of Peace court here Joe Wangler (Merle Mills) of Salem. week from a vacation trip which Monday. Walter Buckner received a covered 2400 miles. Stops includeu ticket for failure to stop at a stop Yakima, Washington; Idaho; Reno, sign, George Lindsley or no tail Nevada; and the San Francisco Fair; light on his automobile and Robert at San Francisco they visited Mr. Sword for no tail light on a trailer. Lc Hey’s mother. The Lolleys return Only small fines and court costs were assessed. ed via the Coast highway. TREHARNE—(Special to The Examination*---- Erven* Vi*it— Eagle)—A group o men came from The U. S. Civil Service Commis Portland Friday evening to pleasant Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erven spent the week-end visiting Mrs. Erven’s sion has announced the follow ly surprise Emil Lund on his birth brother and family at Ocean Lake, ing open competitive examinations: day. They were, his two sons, Fred Machinist (inside), Machinist (out Lund, John Lund; Marvin Schoog, Braemar, Oregon. side), and Welder, Electric (spec Charles Newman, all of Portland, Here from California— ially skilled). The exam is for the Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ludwick o-f purpose of filling existing and fu and Gus Anderson of Milwaukie. Anna Mae Reeder of Salem is Huntington Park, Cali ornia, came ture vacancies at the Puget Sound last Sunday to spend a week visiting Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington. sipending a few days in Vernonia the Edward Salomonsen and James Applications must be on ile with and Treharne visiting relatives. Luella Ortman is spending some Davies families. the Recorder, Labor Board, Puget time with her sister, Mrs. Clarl Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, not Anderson. later than September 4. Full infor Mr. and Mrs. Dan Richards enter mation may be obtained at the post tained at dinner Sunday in honor oLlfice here. of Mr. and Mrs. Lum Brown of Goble. Other guests were Mr. and Employed at Shingle Mill---- Miss Helen Romtvedt is working Mrs. R. L. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. as plerk for the Cedarwood Timber Carlan Hackney and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hartzell and Mr. and Mrs. Company. Clyde McDonald and daughter and Johnsons Return— niece. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and Mrs. Howard Allen entertained son, Larry, returned recently from with a joint birthday dinner Sun their vacation. They visited Crater day in honor of her husband, How Lake, Diamond Lake as well as ard Allen, and her father, Emil spots along the beaches. Lund. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings Visiting in Portland— Mis. Hattie Ward is visiting were Saturday evening dinner friends in Portland for a short while. Mrs. Ward is Mrs. Harry RIVERVIEW Sandon’s mother. Emil Lund Has Birthday Party Phone 773 two (factors—carelessness on the part o the pedestrian and speed on highway*—should be the primary goal of the traffic safety work con ducted in this state, Snell said. Fishermen— Mr. and Mrs. Jewett A. Bush and Rdbert Burley of Portland left last Friday for Crater Lake to fish. They also spent some time at Dia mond Lake and at McKenzie Bridge where they visited Mr. and Mis. C S. Hoffman be ore returning to Vernonia. They returned Sunday. Viait Hoffman*— Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Skuzie and Mr. and Mrs. John England spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman at McKenzie Bridge. They left here Saturday evening nnd returned Sunday evening. PICKLING SPICE Wadhams 4-oz. cello pkg. Q q CLINIC TOWELS .................................. 2 rolls 15c 49c ROSE LUNCHEON MEAT........ No. 1 tin 23c CAKE FLOUR Swansdown 2%-lb. pkg. 23 q WADHAMS COFFEE ............... 1-lb. tin 25c MINCED CLAMS ’As tins.......... 2 for 25c SNOWDRIFT................................. 3-lb. tin ORANGE JUICE Palm Beach ...... No. 2 tin CUT BEANS Wadhams Fancy 2 No. 2 tins PINEAPPLE Sliced or Crushed..... No. 1 tin 9c 25c 9C PEP OR RICE KRISPIES— Kellogg 2 NU BORA— With Premium 32-oz. ........... Pheasant Quart Glass 19c VEG-ALL— 2 For ..................... JAR CAPS— Mason ...................................... 23c Specials for Friday and Saturday, August 23 and 24 King’s Grocery and Market vVJiprp Your Money Buys More Monday— Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eastman plan to leave Vernonia Monday for Grants Pass, where Mr. Eastman will be employed at a branch store 29c 303 Tins Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bateman and daughter, Donna Lee, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, arrived here last Friday to spend the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman. The ormer Mr. Bateman is district sales super visor for the Shell Oil company. The two families spent Saturday and Sunday at Cannon Beach. To Leave Package SALAD DRESSING— Dozen Here from 23c Packages Ph. 91 At the New Mile Bridge 2 Deliveries Daily