FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE1VERNON1A, OREGON PAGE SIX P. T. A. HOLDS MEET WED; VERNONIA FOLK VISIT TIMBER—(Special to The Eagle) —Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Whitlock and two children of St. Helens and Mr. and Mrs. John Krinkrk of Ver- nonia were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Ida Kilburg. Miss Thelma Thompson spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mowe, near Ar- cadia Park. /Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hensley were business visitors in Portland Saturday. Miss Ida Eliasson of Astoria was an overnight guest Saturday night at the B. Tailman home. The regular mqfeting of the rtber P. T. A. was held last Wednesday. Following the business meeting a double shower was held for Mrs. Phillip Castle and Mrs. LaRue Brown. They each received very lovely and useful gifts. Tea and cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hamilton of Brighton were Friday morning vi­ sitors of Mrs. Mae Talhnan. The Hamiltons were en route to Port­ land on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hensley, Jimmie, Miss Jane and Miss Bettye Jean Gildner were last Wednesday visitors of Mr. Hensley’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Terry and Carole. Mrs. William Huffman returned home Sunday from a two weeks stay in Portland where she has been caring for her invalid mother, Mrs. John Robinson. Albert Karpstein who has been employed several months at the Barnes’ garage and filling station le t Sunday for Corvallis where he will attend Oregon State College. Ted Bino of Willamette was a Sunday visitor at the John Bino home. Little Jimmie Hensley is very ill at this writing. Mrs. Elma Tallman attended a stork shower at the home of Mrs. Earl Fisher last Thursday for Mrs. Art Fluke. A delicious lunch was served and Mrs. Fluke received many lovely and beautiful gifts. Chester Byers and Gladys La­ Chapelle visited Sunday afternoon rt the home of Miss LaChapelle’s sister, Mrs. Harold Bateman, at turned home Saturday. Jaimes Armstrong, Jr., is sick Gales Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kubler were with pneumonia. Lyla Morris and Clarabel Lindsley visitors Wednesday, Thursday and were home from Portland and spent Friday with Mrs. Kubler’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. p the weekend with their parents. Two Dvkstra and daughter, Nellie, a at t of the girls girte accompanying them cnem tuburn, Washington. | Margaret Blaklley at the Lind- George Riggle, who has been do-, »ley home and Mary Hemmelberger ing carpenter work for his son-in- at M the Morris home. .. ____ 1 .. „,1 M.. law, B. Tallman, the past 10 days, ’ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and Mr. Lindsley anJ returned to his home at Buxton an