Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 22, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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part of every member of the caat,
and of consummate handling of
sundry sliding panels, secret pass­
ageways, fearsome, clutching hands
and of all the devices ever con­
ceived—plus some new ones—Ifor
striking terror.
Dr. Poling Is
Speaker to
Senior < lass
Explanation Given of
Offerings of Oregon Sys­
tem of Education
Dr. D. V. Poling, Chairman of
the High School Relations Com-
mittee of the Oregon State System
of Higher Education, in his address
Friday morning to the senior class
of the high school outlined and
«»plained the dfl- 'erings of the
different schools of the Oregon
System of Higher Education: the
three normal schools, University of
Oregon, Oregon State College, the
Medical School, study by corres­
pondence and by extension, and
ladio school. He stressed the re-
quirements and opportunities of
each branch of education and
replied to questions put to him by
c’ass members.
In regard to living at a college,
Dr. Poling stated that there is a
growing spirit of democracy evi­
dent. No longer is it necessary to
belong to a fraternity or sorority
to be accepted in student body
activities and social functions. Co­
operative houses are increasing in
number for those students who do
not care to live in a dorm.
Following his hour with the sen-
iors, Dr. Poling spoke to the stu-
dent body. He pointed out that
although 70% of the young men
and women do not receive higher
education, the lack of it should
not prohibit those persons from
living useful and happy lives. He
further stressed that the Oregon
State System of Higher Education
has something to offer but not
to sell—the schools are already
Dr. Poling led the group in sing­
ing after his address. Conferring
with individuals on vocation ques­
tions followed the lunch hour.
News of the
Connoisseurs of that type of
motion picture which masterfully
combines scary doin’s with clever
quips and more than a few mo-
ments of romance have a distinct
treat in store for them at the Joy
Theatre where ♦ Paramount’s “The
Cat and the Canary,” starring that
pre-eminent gagster of screen and
radio, Bob Hope, and lovely Paul­
ette- Goddard, will show Saturday.
Based on the famous stage play
by John Willard, a story which
terrified and titillated Broadway
playgoers for hundreds of per-
formances, “The Cat and the Can­
nry" comes to the screen as a rare
combination of fine acting on the
• 4
■ •
■ .
The vast heritage of literature
dialing with the American West is
eliminated by the works of Zane
Grey, and it is no small wonder
therefore that in the field of west­
ein pictures the Zane Grey films
a’e outstanding, Apparently this
holds true in the case of Zane
Grey’s *,Knights of the Range, »» 1
which will' come Saturday to the
Joy Theatre, featuring a grand
caet of popular favorites including
Russell “Lucky” Hayden, Victor
Jury, Jean Parker, J. Farrell Mac­
Donald and Britt Wood.
This Zane Grey yarn looms as
one which combines plenty of ac­
tion and romance, with even more
emphasis than usual on the ro-
n ance since the theme of the pic­
ture lies in the gallantry of an out-
lew who is won over to honesty by
the love of a beautiful girl.
At The
Churches . .
Assembly of God Church
—Rilla M. Sanders, Pastor
Revival continues throughout the
week. Services every night at 7:45
p. m. except Monday night. God
has been blessing as Rev. Strey-
feller preaches out of the richness
of His experience. He preaches the
word in al! its fullness, without fear
or favor. Come expecting a blessing
and you will go away with one.
Evangelical Church—
—Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister
During the week activities:
Tuesday the Martha Circle meets
with Mrs. J. W. Nichols on B St.
Wednesday evening the prayer
meeting group meets for sjfiritual
refreshing. The Sunday School
Board convenes immediately at th .
close of the prayer meeting.
Thursday evening at 6:30 the
annual Father and Son Banquet will
take place in the recreation hall
o' the church. Mr. Art Kirkham
will give the address of the eve­
Fridav at 7:30 p. m. the young
ooople hold their business meeting
and spend e social evening together
battle-scarred "i the recreation hall of the church.
battle flag has had its face lifted.
The regimentol colors of the 165th Christian Church
Infantry, New York (the old 69th
—The Livingstones. Minister’
N. Y. N. G.) was sent from the
The Annual Communion Service
regimental armory in New York to observed by the Christian Churcn.
Warner Bros, studio and there dup­ will be given at 7:30 o’clock at
licated by three expert embroidery the Church this (Thursday) eve­
workers, stitch for stitch and tassel ning.
fir tassel, for use in “The Fight­
ing 69th,” the James Cagney, Pat
O’Brien and George Brent starring SEVERE ARM INJURY
picture which opens at the Joy SUFFERED BY MAN
Theatre Sunday.
The Great Seal of the State o'
KEASEY—(Special to The Eagle)
New York is the emblem on the
historic flag, which has 59 silver —Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts, Mr.
battle rings on its staff, each repre­ ind Mrs. John Counts and Mr. and
senting a separate engagement dur Mrs. D. R. DeVaney drove to the
’reach Thursday.
ing the War of the Rebellion.
Warren Gillham got his arm
'•aught in a motor of a tractor while
awing wood. The flesh was torr
“There’s one thing about mystery quite badly.
Mr. and Mrs. John Counts visit
films,” Melvyn Douglas commented
during production of Columbia’s t d at the DeVaney home Friday
"The Amazing Mr. Williams,” in evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kreiger and
which he plays the title role at the
loy Theatre with Joan Blondell as family drove to Cornelius Sunday
his co-star. “You1 can always learn evening.
Mrs. Anna Luther drove to Rain-
«omething about something!”
Mr. Douglas, whose Hollywood itr Thursday on business.
A birthday party was held at
'imeer has seen him play both detec­
tive and crook in a long and dis­ the T. R. Keasey home Friday eve-
tinguished list of mystery-comedies, lr'r.g for Marjorie Keasey. Those
was referring to his present role. As present were Effie and Elmo Mor-
a blithe super-sleuth, he is required ’•is, Dorotfhy and Dale Rollands.
to solve five mysterious crimes, one Jeraldine, Wendel, Gordon and
of them twice. It is in reference Norman Riggins, Donald DeWitt
to the latter solution, in which an and Jimmie Luther.
Joe Lindsley drove to Portland
:nnocent man is freed and the guilty
one found, that “The Amazing Mr. and got his sister, Clarabel, and
Williams” unearthed a nugget of in­ Lyla Morris and one of the other
girls from the N. p. A. school and
formation known only to a few.
“And yet,” Douglas declared, made a trip to Bonneville dam
“nearly everybody has handled a Sunday.
Mr. J. F. Callender, Miss Grace
bottle of liquor at some time or
other. I might,” he chuckled, “go so Armstrong and George Armstrong
far as to say that some people have made a trip to St. Helens Sunday
never handled anything else! But. afternoon.
seriously, did you know that every
Mrs. Harry Bales visited Mrs.
bottle of liquor has a registered W. J. Lindsley Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts visit­
number? That jt can be traced from
the distributor to the retailer, and ed at the L. C. Boeck home Sunday.
Donald DeWitt has been ill the
from there to the customer, per­
haps? I never did.”
last few days.
BOY! There’s nothing like ’em to add pep
to any meal . . . breakfast, lunch,
Remember the old saying about “The
way to a man ’• heart . .
If there’s
any truth in it (and we think there
is!), Daffodil Cake will be a regular
Dan Cupid! Try it on that husband
A done-to-a-turn treat . . . light, tasty,
Any Angel Food is a difficult cake to
bake. But we have the equipment and
experience to do it for you economic­
ally—and to a King’s taste! For we
use only the finest high-quality in­
just right
.......................... 21c
Order a luscious DAFFODIL CAKE in
advance, now. Let it bring new joy to
your Easter dinner!
Large size ....................
Vernonia Bakery
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris drove
to Portland Thursday.
Mr. and Mr». J. O. DeVaney vi»it-
ed Mr. and Mr». Vernon Lindsley
at Trehame Saturday.
Mrs. Anna Luther has been mak­
ing trips to Forest Grove to get
treatment from Dr. Wilson as she
hurt herself quite badly two weeks
ago. Mrs. George Comstock made
the trip with her.
Mrs. Clarence Reed and sons,
Ivan and Bobbie, made a trip over
the Wolf Ireek highway Saturday.
STONEY POINT—(Special to The
Eagle)—Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Car­
rick called on Mrs. Etta Driscoll
and family Sundav afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Junkins from
the O. A. hill called at the Thomas
Turner home Sunday afternoon,
Bob DePue spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGee at
G. C. Kirkbride and C. C. Van
Doren were visitors in Salem and
Independence during the week,
Mrs. Etta Hanel and children.
Lawrence and Naomi, of Hillsboro
were visitors with Mrs. G. C. Kirk
bride, who has been ill the past
two weeks but is better now.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore of
Tittsburg called on Mrs. Perry
Browning Sunday.
Mrs. Hugh Dunlap of Camp Mc­
Gregor and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Chapman and Children of Portland
pent Tuesday at the Perry Melling­
er home.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger
motored to Portland Saturday, tak­
ing several Camp'ire girls in to
'he National Campfire Council.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bigelow and
■hildren of Mist were Saturday
••¡«¡tors at the Perry Browning
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Short of
Silver Creek, Washington, Mr.
Oakes of Longview. Washington. Mr.
' -»liken and Mrs. Gustason of Deer
Tsland and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Reker of Vernonia were Saturday
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1940
dinner guests at the Perry Brown­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Turner, all
of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Ted
ing home.
Mrs. Perry Browning, who has F'no and baby of Willamette, Ore-
been quite ill for the past week, gon.
is much better at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Byers and
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Hickox of Jackie and Connie of Warrenton
Beaverton nrd Mr. and Mrs. Erman
visited Sunday with Mrs. Byers
Parsons of Portland were Sunday
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
visitors at the Otto Midhener home. Byers.
Miss June Michener returned to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kubler had as
her home, from Portland, Satur­ —e«t« March 6 to
celebrate Mr.
1 Kubler’s birthday; Mrs. Kubler’s
Mrs. J. D. Worth o' Forest
I "arents. Mr. and Mi’s. L. H. Van
Grove came Satnrdn” to «"end a
week with her daughter, Mrs. Otto Zrtten and Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Kibler, all of Portland.
M chener, and family.
A large crowd attended the dance
Saturday night, all report having
"--d time.
Mr«. Ethel LeSerf of Oakridge
»¡sited several days at the home
her sister. Mrs. A. M. Elliott.
TIMBER—(Special to The Eagle)
IMr. and Mrs. Ray Elliott and
—Mrs. Jesse Brown and Elaine of
Eugene spent from Thursday until -on of Hillsboro were Sunday visit­
Saturday at the Elmo Tallman ors of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Castle.
The 4-H Club girls took in $5.00 Seniors to “Take Over”—
at their card party Fridav night.
(Continued from page /.)
Don Robinson was pain'ully in­
jured in an auto accident Saturday lock Baker, Andy Killian, Heidi
right and taken to Portland Gener. Reich, Homer Michener and clerk,
Delores George. The board met,
il H spital.
George Riggle of Buxton is re­ drew up a list of qualifications for
modeling the living room and kit- and received written applications
for the principalship Which Jack
chen for B. Tallman this week.
Mrs. Edith Rigirle was a Sundav Baker was granted following a per­
dinner guest of her daughter and sonal interview.
Principal Baker and the board
'amily, Mrs. B. Tallman.
■Miss Maxine Ki lb nr" loft Mnndpv «his week have made qualifications
for a two weeks visit with her 'or *u :-- ’rnohers who were, follow­
rrther, Mr. A. Kilburg at Seattle. ing annlication, interviewed and
I. hired. . The
_____ teachers
____ will confer with
Sunday guests at the John Bino i the real teachers to carry out the
h'me were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles I plans for class work for the lay
Frice, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Turner, the seniors “take over”.
Wholesale and ll el ail
See mv bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $7.50
per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m.
to noon.
c. Bin o: