FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON LET’S EE SOCIABLE Wedding Shower Given Mr. and Mrs. Savage— of the order to be followed by the showing of several reels of moving pictures taken by local people. Mrs. Myrtle Layer staged the movie« by showing a number of acenes she had taken and a number taken by Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Knight. About 50 people were present for tihe aftfair. son, Algie, Sylvia Brady, Helen Jane Henderson, Harold and Deryl Mrs. Garland Gilman and Mrs. Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Everett DeHart entertained at a Graves, Miss Maxine Johns, Mr. and shower honoring Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mrs. Harry Eckland, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Mills Hostess to ’ c age, a week ago Monday eve- u. xvu.j,-, Mi. unu Mrs. Russell Whit- Study Club— 1 i.g, March 11, at bhe home of ■ 11, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hall and Mrs. Ray Mills was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Everett DeHart. Many Aletha Murray o. Vernonia. the Vernonia Study Club at her b.autiful gifts were received. Re­ home March 14. A delightful des­ freshments o cake, jello, coffee Stork Shower Given sert luncheon carrying out the St. and cocoa were served. One lovely Patrick theme was served. Members Thursday — cake was decorated with a miniature Mis. Alverne Hold was honored re-ponded to roll call by giving a bride and groom, and another with with a stork shower at the home o line from a modern play. two pretty lovebirds. Following a short business meet­ Those attending wire: Mr. and Mrs. Anna Wood last Thursday Mrs. Leon Savage, guests of honor, afternoon. Attending were Mrs. ing, Mrs. Wallace McCrae reviewed Mr. C. D. Bushart, Mrs. Clarence Elva Davis, Mis. Hazel Woolsey, the play ‘I Have Been Here Be- Murray, Mi's. Jack Christiansen, Mis. Elmo Brewer, Mrs. Margaret tore” by J. B. Priestly. The plot Miss Luella Cedarburg, Miss Angie Broderick, Mrs. Hannah Wilson, f the drama centers about a young Ht nderson, Mr. and Mrs. Albin Mrs. Betty Crouse, Mrs. Laura school master, Oliver Ferrant; a C ben and son, Dickie, Mrs. E. Bennett, Mrs. Emma Clark, Mrs. wealthy industrialist, Walter Or- Sturdevant, Mrs. Ruth mund; and his young wife, Janet. Graham, Mrs. Mamie Hill, Mrs. Alvina Ellen Frank, Mrs. J. Rosowurm, Brownlie, Miss Margaret Sturde A German philosopher, Dr. Gortler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scbmidlin, Mrs. ar.t, the honored guest and the who believes our lives are lived in Nrla Brady, Wesley, Dean and ■ostess. Sending gifts but unable cycles which are often repeated, Aretha Brady, Miss Grace Arm­ o attend the affair were: Mrs has seen, through an experiment strong, Mr. J. F. Callander, Mr. R. I. Hall, Mrs. Virginia Hall, Mrs what 'has happened to fhe lives of Orndull, Mrs. Elizabeth 'he other three in a f i rmer exist- end Mrs. Garland Gilman and Doris, Maud Brown "nee and i comes to takc a hand in and Mrs. Tom Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gilman and the affair. children, Mr. nd Mrs. Russell Cline, Mrs. F. R. Olin’s sister, Mrs. Mrs. Jennie Oswald, Mrs. Warren F. O. E. Members T,illey of Portland was a guest of Stevenson, Mrs. J. L. Sargent. Miss Enjoy Pot-luck Feed— ne club. Rilla Mae Sanders, Mrs. Carroll' A number of members of th The play, “Susan and God”, wili Chance, Mr. and Mrs. Everett De­ Fraternal Order of Eagles and theii Hart, Ruth and Larry DeHart. wives enjoyed a social evening with be reviewed at the next meeting Those sending gifts, but unable i pot-luck lunoh and moving pic March 28 by Mrs. Harry Sandon to attend were: Mr. and Mrs. S. tunes last Friday evening at th< vlho will also act as hostess. Dalrymple of Centralia, Washing­ Legion hall. The evening’s lunch ton, Mr. Lincoln Peterson of Mist, was provided by the losing team Nehalom Club Meets Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Seaman of 'ed by Albert Pierce, Of a recent At Olin’s— The Nehalem Club, social club Jennings, Louisiana, Mr. and Mrs. membership drive, to the members J H. Reeves of Beaumont, Texas,