VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX The principal talk was made to a group of 25 dairymen by Mr. H. P. Ewalt, Instructor in Dairy Hus­ bandry at O. S. C. Mr. Ewalt is in charge of the dairy herd at the Oregon State College. He gave a very interesting talk on the winter Biggs, Johnson to Con- 'feeding of dairy cattle for the most tinue as Directors for economical production, He recom­ mended that dairymen mix their Coming Year At the annual meeting of the own feeds to obtain the most econ­ Columbia County Cow Testing As- omieal results. He also st a tod that sociation at Clatskanie last week, it is quite important that dairy ( they need I a summary of the association’s work cows get all the water to drink during the winter months has made substantial progress in I when they are being stabled. for the past year indicated that it The former directors of the As-I increasing the membership and in­ sociation were reelected again for! terest in cow testing work. Erode the coming year; namely, Fred Warren; Fred Spaeth, i Lassen, cow tester, reported that he Boesel, has been spending 17 days testing Goble; R. L. Keatley, Clatskanie;! 26 herds in Columbia county each W. C. Johnson, Mist; and C. L. I month. There are reports that other Piggs, Vernonia. Mr. Fred Boesel | dairymen are desirous of joining is president of the Association and I IPII the Association in order to get the presided over the meeting. Arrangements have been made by | j j I I M ) 11 bene its from the testing work. the Association for selling calves (from high producing cows of the ■ members of the Association. • Coats, suits and dresses clean­ ed our way, you’ll agree, look as shop new as the day you bought them ! VERNONIA SEA SIDE LAUNDRY u DRY CLEANERS VERNONIA PHONE 711 SEA SIOE PHONE 56 olilltiS Candidacy, Announced by Coroner Incumbent; Qualifications Given • (Christian Church if you don’t buy new clothes, £r , Office Intentions At The Join the Easter Parade, even “Because of my knowledge of Columbia county, topography and financial, and experience, the con­ tinuing of this office in my charge will be to the advantage of every- one in Columbia county. “My qualifications are: 24 years as a licensed mortition of the State of Oregon, experience as Deputy Coroner in Clatsop and Marion counties and Clark County, Wash- nglrn. I am nt a newcomer. I understand conditions in Columbia county as I have or the last 18 years been a Columbia county tax payer and have and am schooling my children in the county.” J. O. Elbon Summary of Association Work Made —The Livingstone». Minister? Church School at 9:45, Mrs. Liv­ ingstone acting Superintendent; communion service and preaching at 11:00. Subject o'.f sermon, “The Triumph of a King.” Evening ser­ vices, Christian Endeavor at 6:30; subject, “Introduce Your Friends tc Christ,” leader, Dorothy Acord. Evening evangelistic meeting at 7:30, song service, subject of the ■ermon, “Peginning Again.” Special service on Wednesday evening at 7:30. You are invited to all the services. Evangelical Church— —Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister Sunday services at the usual hours. The sermon subject for the morning worship is, “With Jesus at Jerusalem.” The evening sermon subject is, "I Believe in Everlasting Life.” The Pollyanna Circle meets with Mrs. Claude Knapp Wednesday afternoon. „ The regular prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:30. The community is invited to our services. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1940 family went to Kelso, Washington, Christian Church Plans last weekend to meet Mrs. Tisdale’s Special Services— mother, Mrs. Nelson, who is spend­ The Christian church will hold ing a few days here before return­ special services each evening next ing to Cali ornia. She has been week, preaching each evening by visiting in Seattle, Washington, the the pastor. On Thursday evening past 3 months. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and the church will observe its annual George motored to Portland last communion service that will be of Wednesday where George received special interest and the public is medical care. .noct cordially invited to attend all A family reunion was held at the | of these services. They will begin Carl Wienecke home Sunday. Guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. aj'a evening at 7:30, no service Wienecke of Hillsboro, Mr. and being planned for Saturday evening. Mrs. W. H. Wienecke and son, Jack, _________________________ and Walter Lange of North Plains Dr. Poling to and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke Speak Here Friday— HOLD REUNION; and family. TISDALES IN KELSO; Dr. D. V. Poling, Chairman of Mrs. William Falconer and Mrs. MRS. FRISBIE IMPROVES Carl Wienecke called on Mrs. Stan­ the High School Relations Com- TREHARNE—(Special to The ley Frisbie Monday afternoon. Mis. ■nittea of the Oregon State System Eagle)—iMr. and Mrs. Hulan Thack­ Frisbie has been quite ill but is o' Higher Education, will visit the er, Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mrs. i impioving. the!h^ school tlhis Friday, March 15. Otto Stowell motored to Portland Many from here attended Sunday to visit Otto Stowell at ! charivari for Mr. anti Mrs. Ronald i I>r- Poling will address the senior tlhe Emanuel hospital where he is | McDonald and Mrs. and Mrs. Sam class ’from 10 to 11 o’clock in the getting along quite nicely. ! Smith held at the home of Walter morning; the next hour will be de­ Liittle Joy Smith who is in the McDonald Friday evening. voted to individual conferences Shriner’s hospital in Portland is re- Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire o ported improving every day. Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. with members of the. senior class. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nelson and Sehorn were in Troutdale Sunday At 2:45 in the afternoon, a general Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wheeler arc melt fishing. assembly of the high school students spending some time with relatives M: s. Carl Anderson entertained will be held to hear Dr. Poling. it Jewell. , ’he quilting club at her home last The eighth grade will be invited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and Thursday. ■.> attend. , Jennings 0. Elbon, Columbia County Coroner, this week rel< ased I a statement to The Eagle regarding j his candidacy for reclection to thi office. “If I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office i-onduct the affairs of the coroner', o d'ice as I have since May 1939. £VERVTH|WJ5 ÏSÜ By "VALUE" Safeway mean«, that which ii more important to you than the money you pay for it. Everything you buy at Safeway ir that kind of value - guaranteed to be the most in quality and quantity for the money. Compare Safeway'i vj I um see for yourself I Assembly of God Church —Rilla M. Sanders, Pastor Sunday services: Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Mr. E. Frank, Superin tendent, in charge. Morning wor­ ship 11 a. m. The Lord willing Rev. Streyfeller will speak on “The Sealing of the Saints.” Evangelistic message by Rev. Streyfeller at 7:4F p. m. Revival continues througl out the week with services every night at 7:45 p. m. except M.onda.- night. We urge you to hear brother Streyfeller. His is a rich ministry­ having spent 50 years preaching th< gospel. He began his ministry as the first pastor of the Evangelical ihurch here 50 years ago. We wei | •oime all, come expecting something from God, He will surely meet your every need. Large Fri, Sat., March 15 16 Rose City Cut RALEIGH CIGARETTES 2 packages 25c CUDAHY TANG For Lunches 10c Townhouse GRAPEFRUIT 46-oz. cans ......................... 2 JUICE for 35c Snowdrift 10c 25c 3 for 50c SLICED BEEF 2-oz. JARS S 25-lb. box $1.29 CANDY BARS 5 for 15c LIMA BEANS 2 pounds 15c ZEE TISSUE 4 for .......... 17c 2 for 15c; doz. 87c LUX FLAKES 20c ARGO STARCH CORN OR GLOSS 8c NOTE Candy DON'T FORGET FRIDAY GUM AND CHOCO­ LATE DROPS, SATIN MIX 2-lb. cello bags jgc LET’S ALL GO TO THE SENIOR PLAY White Magic Bleach the very lines! 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Tender, mild with a delicious and appetizing flavor PURE LARD BANANAS Fresh, meaty lb. }4c SLICED BACON I Sterilized — 5 lbs. 29c No. 303 Size 51c 9 for lie 13c EACH 10c HIGHWAY MATCHES 6 Boxes CARTON ..................................... FANCY LARGE EXTRA Corn, Peas, String Beans $1.59 M TOMATO JUICE 1 uns .................. USE THIS COUPON AND SAVE $2.00 THE VERNONIA EAGLJE VERNONIA. OREGON ‘ Date ........................................................... Enclosed is $3.00 in FULL PAYMENT for a ONE YEAR’S subscrip­ tion to the following SIX publications: The Vernonia Eagle 1 year American Poultry 1 year ♦Pathfinder (Weekly) 1 year Journal Woman’s Home Companion 1 yearFarm Journal and 1 year Woman’s World 1 year Farmer’s Wife Movie Mirror ♦Instead of Pathfinder send me: True Romances- My Name Is Address TENDERIZED JUMBOS 45c 3 $1.00 19c 2-lb. cartons .................................... 21c SHORTENING SPERRY’S PANCAKE FLOUR 10 BAG ..................................... YOU GET ALL SIX publications for ONE FULL YEAR, and if you are al­ ready a subscriber to ANY of these well-known publications, your present subscription will be extended one full year. Return the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive FIVE BIG MAGAZINES and THIS NEWSPAPER—152 issues in all— for only $3.00. ORDER AT ONCE before we have to withdraw this offer, or advance the price. FANCY ITALIANS 4-lb. cello package SUNSWEET MILK SUPURB SOAP 24-oz. packages i Safeway has been asked to help move the surplus due to export outlets being shut off by war conditions. Our customers can profit in the resulting low prices Macaroni DUCHESS SALAD DRESSING Quarts ................................................... State lb. 17c Cheese 26c KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR 49 Pounds ................................. ♦PATHFINDER (Weekly) ............... 52 Issues for One Year WOMAN’S HOME COMPANION 12 Issues WOMAN’S WORLD ......................... 12 Issues AMERICAN POULTRY JOURNAL 12 Issues FARM JOURNAL and FARMER’S WIFE 12 Issues THE VERNONIA EAGLE 52 Issues * If you prefer, you can have TRUE ROMANCES, or MOVIE MIRROR, instead of Pathfinder VALUE $5.00......................... YOU SAVE $2.00 Farmer Consumer Prune Sale 111 KRISPY CRACKERS 2-lb. carton .................... COUNTRY HOME CORN 2 Size ............................. Here’s What You Get! Extras 20c 1)ozen CHERUB 18 cans Each forOne Year-A Total of 152 Issues Paas Egg Dyes 7 c pkg- Eggs SUGAR BELLE PEAS Finest Quality. No. 2 can, each 11c Our Paper and 5 Magazines Town . at sufeuibv bum RADISHES, ONIONS 3 bunches J0c jpOTATOES 12 lbs. 25c U. S. No. 1 Deschutes. Free »hopping bag SAFEWAY