FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1940 VERNONIA. EAGIÆ, VERNONIA, OREGON - High Spots on Record-Breaking Run ffsptta ■ ■ Corbett Loses Rifle Match r Fo Vernonia AUTCS g ’ 35 ÿ-fi ■ . 'HUCHS ■ ■ 30 ■ Westport Wins from 1WA Sunday Sitting-Standing Competi­ tion Nets Score of 852 to 782 Sunday Contest Last This Year for 1 Union Team Gunmen of the Vernonia Rifle Club were success ul last Sunday in scoring another win over Corlbett by a score of 852 to 782 in a sitting-standing match, a type of competition reputedly difficult for th- tallying ■o'f a high score, Counting only the five high snores made by Vernonia men dur- the match results were: Melis, 176; Fotsch, 173; Zimmcrdahi, 170; Kelmer, 169; and Tomlin, 164. The strong Westport basketball team defeated the local I. W. A. boys last Sunday night on the high -chool gym flocr with a score of "1 tc ”2. Meehnls and Quinlan led the Westport attack; Chase, Run- lell and MacDdnald starred or Vern nia. At the half, Westport led by only a few points but from ’here on and when Earl King sprain­ ed h's ankle in the middle of the 'ast quarter, the gap widened. RIVERVIEW—(Special to The Fpgk-)—Mr. and Mrs. Melvin BoecF from Roseburg are here visiting V>-. and M’’s. L. C. Boeck. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffmar were dinner guests or Mr. and Mrs. Vernonia Grade School 0. O. Marston Sunday. Five Drops to Third Mr. and Mrs. Harry McMullen were in Portland Saturday. Position Mrs. Harold Lippold and son of Rainier had first place at the Portland were here visiting Mr. II”'^ MHarry McMullen Sunday basketball tournament for grade ; Clara ------- Rond - attended the basket I ........ school teams invited to participate ball tournament in Rainier Satur- at the meet in Rainier last week­ day. end. Vernonia held third. This a'-| M •. and Mrs. Claude E. Gibsor fair was not the county playoff ¡spent Saturday in Portland where as such but awards were given to I they visP 'd Mrs. Claire Barnett. and Mrs. Goldie the outstanding team in the county I Mrs. Minnie White Waldkirch. as shown in the playing done dur­ Ray Castlemen from Westport ing that weekend. The county was here Friday to visit Mr. and championship as it now stands is a Mrs. B. H. Henderson. Mr. and Mi’s. Hugh Coburn were tie between Rainier and Vernonia; no official word has been received | in Portland Saturday. Ed Buckner and Thomas Ge.ten yet, according to Paul Gordon, Ver­ nonia coach, as to when or where ■ are building a shingle mill behind *he Buckner home on the Slaughter the playoff will be held. YOU MAY in: sun. that when you see the sign “GRADE A MILK and CREAM” that you and your family’s health is being safe­ You get this assurance at the NEHALEM VALLEY DAIRY PRODUCTS CO Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Let GARLIC Help Fight Harmful Celon Bacteria! CombatlntestinalPoisoning that may be causing your Biliousness, Dizzy Spells, Headaches, Tired Feeling Here's a marvelously simple way of combating intestinal putrefaction that’« proven to be effective in bo many, many cases. Best of all, it doesn’t call for the use of harmful laxatives or drugs. Modern science now says that extract or concen­ trate of GARLIC gives valuable help to the colon in its fight against these poison­ creating bacteria. If you feel “half dead“ much of the time, have minor aches and pains, headaches, dizziness, or foul hreath, it might well be that intestinal putrefaction is at the bottom of It. Why suffer? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. . , „ If you suffer aches, pains, headaches, dizziness and fatigue, why not do as so many other folks are today doing. Try Garlic Concentrate for your troubles. DEARBORN Concentrated Garlic Tablets offer you the medicinal virtues of Garlic in tasteless, odorless, easy-to-take tablets. Start using them today and learn for your­ self just what these tablets can do for you. A package of 40 tablets (a two-weeks k supply). costs only 59c. At all good jM Drug Stores. Be sure to get the genuine J DEARBORN Garlic Tablets. If you are one of the many folks that, feels “punk” much of the time and suffer j from little aches and pains, biliousness, headaches, fatigue, “furry” tongue, and even foul breath, we want you to know that very often these conditions are due to the activity of harmful bacteria in the colon, i These bacteria attack food wastes and often produce poisons that are absorbed by ‘ the body and so cause many very distress­ ing conditions. It is hard to kill these bac-1 teria in the colon. Powerful drugs that might kill them may also hurt you if taken internally. However, if you just “slow down” the , activity of these harmful bacteria that • cause putrefaction, nature will be given a chance to set things right again. EDEKTs Come in today • Hlats generous FREE package of DEARBORN trated Garlic Tablets. Costs No obligation. W. J. ARMITAGE, DRUGGIST and get TRIAL Concen­ nothing. Dated and first publication : at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. ORC-218- March 1, 1940. 102, Oakland, Calif. 9t4 Date of final publication : March FOR SALE—Five-room bouse and lot in Riverview. Very reason­ Lloyd I A. Burris able. O. A. Estes, Mist Route, Ver­ Administrator nonia. 9t3 David O. Bennett St. Helens, Oregon FOR SALE—New Hampshire setting Attorney eggs. 50c per setting. Mrs. Herb Counts, Rock creek road. 9t3 Classified Ads . • FLOWERS • — Cut Flower» Potted Plants FOR SALE—One Silver-Spangled Sprays for Funerals Hamburg rooster and six pullets Bush Funeral Home ready to lay. See Mrs. R. I. Hall. Phone 592 6tf— Utl— WANTED—Shake boards and shin­ FOR SALE OR TRADE—Horses. gle bolts; one-half bf 25 double Ray Delsman, Garibaldi Street, splits. Cedarwood Timber company, Hillsboro, Oregon. 1 lt3 Timber, Oregon. See Mr. Thomp­ son at Timber. 46tf—• FOR RENT—Small house on A street. $7.50 per month. See FILMS DEVELOPED—25c, 2 prints Claude Gibson, Riverview. 1 ltl each, from any 8-exposure film. Reprints 2c each. Send coin. Fine WANTED—Some housework and Art Studios, 8649 N. Jersey St., 3tf— care of children for Protestant Portland Oregon. family. Small wage. Inquire at Eagle office. 9t3 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deepest i AVAILABLE AT ONCE—nearby ».ppreciation to the many ■friends Rawleigh Route. Good opportun­ who came to our assistance at the ity for man over 25 with car. Trade time of the loss of our loved one. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Armstrong welt established. Route experience and family helpful but not necessary. Write NFW SHINGLE MILL ’’EING CONSTRUCTED IN RIVERVIEW Rainier Takes First Place In rourney guarded. messisi j ': ***** 1 wain* i ¡tig ALABAMA 1 309 it llttltaî 1 1 ksi PAGE FIVE Corsages BUS SCHEDULE Signs of the times in a motor age—these highway markers tell the story of a two-year, 100,000-mile truck test run recently completed by Chevrolet. In Canada, Mexico and every state of the Union, the truck operated on all types of highways and under every conceivable weather hazard, setting a new world mark for sustained and certified automotive operation, under the sanction and official observation of the American Automobile Association. The unit carried a 4,590-pound “payload." An average of 15.1 miles per gallon of fuel was main­ niles, at an average operating speed of 33.07 tained throughout the 100,000 miles, high—1,072 miles per quest. miles per hour. Oil mileage was correspondingly < I >n Portland— house road. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Brock were Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick were in Portland for business purposes Helens visiting their daught- n St. last Friday. r, Mrs. G. C. Whitlock, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Veberes and . Donna Aldrich visited at the Claude I — — I K | — X? — — - ■I Gibson home Sunday. I Legal INOTICGS Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch were tinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. George Woods of Camp 8. Mrs. D. Glenn of Camp McGregor brought her daughter, Donna, to Vernonia to have the doctor remove i splinter that had been in her eg for over a year. They then ¡sited Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch. Margaret Haiman and Richard Banzer were in Clatskanie Sunday, Fred and Harry Henderson jf -< aside were here Friday. Harry ntends to stay here a wieek. WILARK RESIDENTS MOVE TO COOUILLE; LYDIAS LEAVE (Too late for last week) WILARK—(Special to The Eagle) —Mr. and Mrs. Carl Halverson «pent a few days in Forest Grove 'ast week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray spent Thursday at the Earl Atkins’ home. Dan Rollins and Robert Roeser intended the basketball tournament n St. Helens Saturday. Mrs. Charles Lewis is spending 1 few days in Portland. She has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Olson and little daughter, Patsey, returned home after a two weeks visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lydia and children ’have returned to Montana. Mrs. Lydia’s brother, Charles Roes- er, has gone home with them. Connie and Bethene Sutherland snent Friday and Saturday with their g-andparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods. Mrs. George Baker, Alice and Pat Paker and Mrs. Earl Smith visited at the Charles Lewis home one day 'ast week. Dorothy Hanna spent Monday night with Juanita Parker in Ver- nonia. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkins, Lylath Van Do Bogart, Ray and Tobby Scoll spent Saturday eve­ ning at the J. C. Hanna home. Bud Atkins spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pearl and i i children have moved to Coquille to make their home. Their friends of Camp 8 were sorry to see them to but all wish them good luck. Barney Cantwell spent a few days at the home of his son, Otto Cantwell, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Speck Ford were Portland visitors Sunday. WIN YOUR RACE For Business Supremacy By Advertising NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE TATE OF OLIVER BURRIS, ceased. Notice is Hereby Given, That the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State o Oregon for the County of Columbia, duly made and entered on the 23rd day of February, 1940, was appoint­ ed Administrator of the estate of Oliver Burris, Deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such Ad­ ministrator. All persons having claims against said Estate are here­ by notified to present the same, duly verified, as by law required, to him at the of: ice of David O. Bennett, in St. Helens, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. You Get Faster, Better-Looking Shaves With This New 3!ode New Kind Of Shaving Edge* On Eatg-Floting Sitai Stand Up Whtrt The Going It Tough t UICK, easy, ipick-and-apan shave« at rock-bottom coat. That's what the new Th'n Gillette Blade .. 4 tor 10c .. . gives you every time. Cutting edges of a radi­ cally different kind protect your skin from smart and burn caused by misfit blades. Your face looks better ... feels better .. . and you eave real money. Buy a package of Thin Gillettes from vour dealer today. Q Thin Gillette B fades Are Produ'ej By The Maker Of The Fame Gillette Blue Bia 5 For 25c Trips by way of Banks and Forest Grove Leave Vernonia: Leave Portland: 8:05 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 1:35 p. tn. 2:45 p. m. 6:35 p. m. 4:45 p. m. Call Service between Vernonia and Keasey and Pittsburg for Passengers to or from Forest Greve or points Beyond. The Cozy Fountain TERMINAL: AGENT: Mrs. Earl L. Smith 582 for information PHONE: OREGON MOTOR STAGES LUMBER SHINGLES — VENEER Wholesale and Retail bee my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 >er M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. C. 1BHUCE