Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 15, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    Beeler and Nelda in Hospital----
Mrs. Eay Beeler and her daugh­
ter, Nelda, are both in t>he St.
Mary’s hospital in Astoria recover­
ing from appendectomies. Nelda
Mrs. Reichard«’« Father 111—
underwent an operation on Sat­
Mrs. Forest Reichardt was called urday evening of last week; the
to Portland this week due to her following day, Mrs. Beeler was
father’s serious illness.
stricken with appendicibus and was
operated upon. The Beelers, former­
Senior class play—“Smilin’ Through”
ly of Wilark, reside in Jewell.
Minister in Srattle—
Reverend H. R. Scheuerman left
Monday evening by bus for Seattle
where he was bo officiate at the
wedding of his son, Cecil R.
Scheuerman, to Miss Bernice Davis
of Portland. Reverend Scheuerman Fri., March 15, 8 p. m. 10c, 15c, 35c The Deborah Circle Invite« You—
planned to return here Wednesday. In Portland— ,
St. Patrick silver tea, Fri., Mar. 15,
The wedding ceremony was read
Mrs. Ina Scott, primary teacher from 3 to 5 at Greenman'«. Come!
Tuesday night at eight o’clock at in the Washington school spent last
‘he Evangelical parsonage with weekend in Portland visiting rela­ Baucoms and Seuman« Move----
The Ira Baucom family moved
;’ev"rend and Mrs. R. A. Sundberg tives and friends.
into the Ed Sessman home on B
as witnesses.
Senior class play---- “Smilin’ Through” street Saturday; the Sessmans mov­
Here from St. Helens—
Fri., March 15, 8 p. m. 10c, 15c, 35c ed onto Corey hill in the house
Mrs. Willard Howell, former Ver­
formerly occupied by the Baucoms.
nonia resident and now of St. Hel­ Here from Klamath Falls—
ens, visited at the C. A. Mills home
Jim Monger and Al Denny were
or. Park Drive Monday and Tuesday >f Klamath Falls are visiting here
this week. Holly is employed as a fishing on the lower Nehalem last
o'! this week.
State Police in Klamath Falls.
Senior class play—’’Smilin’ Through”
Fri., March 15, 8 p. m. 10c, 15c, 35c
At the Beach—
Visits Parents----
Miss Jane Lovett, Miss Ruby
Mrs. Ivan F. Talbot of Hood
Former Publisher Here—
Maddess, Miss Alvenia Connell and River is the guest of her parents.
Ray D. Fisher, former publisher Wesley Pace motored to Depoe Bay Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Livingstone.
o«' The Vernonia Eagle, and L. A. Sunday.
Gritten, manager of the West Coast
Telephone company, were visitors Vacation at Beach—
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman and ANNIVERSARY
in Vernonia last Saturday. Both
men are residents of Forest Grove. Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Eby spent the CELEBRATED
past weekend at Cannon Beach.
Senior class play—‘‘Smilin’ Through”
KEASEY—(Special to The Eagle)
Part of the time there was sipent
Fri., March 15, 8 p. m. 10c, 15c, 35c digging clams. They returned home —Mr. and
Mrs. Charley Kreiger
Sunday evening. The reported the ,ai.d daughter, Evelyn, visited from
Here from Kansas—
Joe Criquie and William Vogel, Wolf Creek Highway as being in March 1st to 3rd with Mr. and Mrs.
friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bush bed condition due to breaks in the Albert Kreiger and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bales cele­
have been visiting at the Bush home load’s surface and sliding of the
their 21st wedding anniver­
since Thursday of last week. They
came here .from Leavenworth, Kan­ The Deborah Circle Invite« You— sary at the Herb Counts home Sun­
ias, and will remain for a Short it. Patrick silver tea, Fri., Mar. 15 day. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Clhet Fugate, Mr. and Mrs. L.
time longer.
from 3 to 5 at Greenman'«. Come!
C. Boeck and daughter, Ruth, Mr.
Senior class play—‘‘Smilin’ Through”
and Mrs. Melvin Backes and Mr.
dr«. King III—
Fri., March 15, 8 p. m. 10c, 15c, 35c
Mrs. Harry King has been unable and Mrs. Harry Bales and son.
Millard Counts visited at the Herb
o be about for the past week be
Newspaper Sold----
Counts home Saturday evening.
Word released here late last
Mrs. Anna Luther and Victor
week made mention of the sale of to have settled in that spot, follow­
Bergerson were in Hillsboro and
the Clark County Sun, Vancouver,
Banks Thursday.
Washington, that paper having been is about on crutches due to a badly
The 4-II club met at the Pleasant
edited for the past one and one-' sprained ankle sustained during the
Vale school March 5th. Most of the
half years by Marion Sexton, former
members were present. The differ­
co-publisher of The Vernonia Eagle. Lachines Here----
ent clubs met, then Mrs. Maiude
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lachine f Purvine gave a talk on posture.
XHZHXHZHXHZHZ Rainier visited here Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Armstrong
and son, George, drove to Portlan«
Here from Nehalem----
Mrs. H. A. DeWitt, Mrs. Franl
Lyle Kerns of Nehalem visited
here Saturday evening at the Lura Morris and Mrs. W. J. Lindsle;
attended the shower given for Rub;
Shipley home.
McDonald last Thursday at the Walt
Spend Sunday in Florence—
•r McDonald home.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Christ, Wilma
The Keasey Extension club me
Adams and Buster Acord spent at the Mrs. J. O. DeVaney hom<
Sunday in Florence.
March 6th. The meeting was ai
curtain and draperies, how to da
Bennett* in Salem—
ign them and how to make them
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bennett
Those present were Viola Comstock
visited in Salem Tuesday with
Hilda Keasey, Eda Parker, Mari«
friends and relatives.
Christenson, Anna Luther, Iva Gill
hem, Cora Carlson, Vivian Counts
In Hillsboro—
Zelma Shipley spent Saturday Blanche DeWitt, Mildred Brady, Ma<
visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mellinger, Georgia Mellinger, Jun<
Gopher Bombs ........ 5c
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Morley, at DeVaney, Isola Morris, Clara Lind
dey, Eola DeVaney, Sigard Arm
BAIT to Destroy
Mrs. John Ellis and 0. H. Kap- •trong and Mrs. Maude Purvine.
Cutworms, Earwigs,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank White ant
tammar and son, Dickie, spent
H. A. DeWitt made a business trip
Etc. .................. 25c
Monday in Forest Grove.
‘o Portland Thursday.
Named Vice-President----
Best Grade
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westernberp
Doris Rae Estey of Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. O. H. DeVaney, Ralph
ONION SETS ........ 7c
rophomore in pharmacy at Oregon DeVaney from Portland, Verle De
State college, is the newly elected Vaney from Raymond, Washington,
Good Grade Garden
vice-president o'f The Pines, girls’ and Lenore Carrick visited at the
■o-operative house. Miss Estey wi.l I. 0. DeVaney home over the week­
serve for th» coming year.
Each 80c
Mrs. Vern Duscnberry visited Mrs.
Garden Hose—Nozzles
Hamp Roberson, Sr. saw-mill I. 0. DeVaney Thursday evening.
and Small Garden Tools
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDonald
superintendent for the Oregon
Portland Prices
American Lumber Corporation, had and three boys, Bobbie, Charles and
the ligaments in his right leg injur­ Delmer, and daughter, Lois, and Joe
See Hoffman About It!
ed Tuesday morning when a piece Lindsley visited at Eugene over
of timber, as it came down a roller, he weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, Mr.
struck him. It will be necessary for
Mrs. Brady and Pat, Mrs. Ro­
Mr. Roberson to be on crutches for
land and daughter, Dorothy, and
several weeks.
Elm Morris drove to Portland Sat­
Mr«. MacDonald Falls----
Mrs. W. F. MacDonald fell in her
home Tuesday afternoon as she was
< ntertaining the Betty Brite Circle WOOD CUTTERS
Ph. 181, of the Missionary Society and dis- "NCOUNTER BEAR
HXHZHZHXHZHXH located her shoulder.
STONEY POINT—(Special to The
Eagle)—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis
and son. Harold, w’ere Portland
visitors Saturday.
Mr. arfd Mrs. Louis Wilkerson and
-hildren, Thelma and Donald, anti
Mrs. Maude DePue and Margaret
■spent Saturday at Sandy.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lindberg and
children spent Sunday with Mrs.
Maude DePue and family.
Miss Dorothy Hall of Riverview
spent Wednesday night with Joyce
Mrs. Thomas Turner and Mrs.
Carl Davis were among those pres­
ent at a quilting held at the home
•f Mrs. J. F. Heenan on the O-A
hill last Friday.
Joyce Turner visited with Mrs.
W. B. Ortner and Peggy Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bigelow and
sons of Mist were Sunday supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Brown­
Miss June Michener spent sever­
al days last week with Mrs. Milton
Lamping at Keasey. Sunday, she
Hardware Co.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1940
went to Portland where she will
stay with her uncle, H. Hickox,
while seeking employment there.
While Otto Boeck. Perry Brown­
ing, Ralph Devilbliss and August
Birken‘'eld were cutting wood near
.Keasey Saturday they encountered
a very large female .bear which they
killed and skinned. The weight of
the animal was not known.
Ralph Devilbliss of Stillwater,
Oklahoma, arrived last week *or
an indefinite stay at the Perry
Browning home.
Mrs. Perry Browning attended
birthday party last Thursday at
the heme of Mrs. Fred Holstein
rear Pittsburg, honoring Mrs.
R. Moore.
William Mellinger of S'. Helens
spent Sundav with his brother,
Perry and family.
WILARK—(Special to The Eagle)
—Mr. ’and Mrs. Bill Losier were
n Washington visiting relatives dur-
;ng the shirt down.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Halverson
moved to Vernonia last week; they
re taking care of Roland’s Service
Station in Vernonia while the own-
r is away.
A group of the grade school
’upils here attended ths basketball
ournament Saturday at Rainier.
Miss Violet Wold, daughter of
iouis Wold, was visiting here Mon­
lay. She is a nurse a.t the Emanuel
■ospitai in Portland.
Annetta Lane has been unable
o attend school due to a serious
ittack of the flu the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Virtue
.ere Portland visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis and
’aughter, Jean, were in Portland
¡siting Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. John Roberts and Mrs. Lyle
Inherits were Portland visitors one
ay last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rider were
Vernonia shoppers Friday.
Pauline Rollins, Jean Lewis and
byl'ath Van De Bogart met at
Dorothy Hanna’s home Thursday
ind enjoyed the evening with a
uncheon and sewing.
Mrs. Earl Atkins and Chester Ray
•¡sited at the Hanna home Thurs-
’ay evening.
Mrs. Joe Rioeser had a bad case
f the ffu the past’ week but she
s up and around and feeling much
letter now.
Leland Burtchum was home for
■is birthday one day last week.
Jack Townsin visited relatives at
loble Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Floeter moved
ato the house that was vacated by
he Halversons.
Roy Greenslit visited here Sun­
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Taylor were
Vernonia shoppers Saturday.
Orcar Johnson was a visitor in
Vernonia Saturday.
Mrs. Jimmy Burke of Vernonia
was visiting her mother-in-’.aw, Mrs.
lim Burke, one day iast week.
Harold Wold spent the week in
TIMBER—(Special to The Eagle)
—Mr. Teller, Vernon Watson and
Irene Firher of Buxton were Sun­
day afternoon callers at the home
i'f B. Tailman.
Mrs. Ida Kilburg spent from
Thursday until Saturday night at
Bay City at the home of Mrs.
Mabel Smith. Mrs. Smith returned
heme with Mrs. Kilburg 'or a
short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaffer had
as last weekend guests Mrs. Schaf­
fer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Laninger of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kilburg
and son, Ronald, returned last week
from a ten-day visit with Mr. Kil |
burg’s father, A. W. Kilburg, of:
The 4-H Girls are sponsoring a
card party, to be held at the school
house Friday night, March 15.
Tin ber P. T. A. are sponsoring
an old-time dance in the new gym
Saturday night, March 16. Every­
body is welrome at attend.
Alvin Cornett is working as third
truck operator in Robert Hensley’s l
place. Mr. Hensley has been pro-'
moted to’ the dispa tethers ofice in i
George and William Riggle of
Buxton were Sunday dinner guests
at the J<!mo Tallman home.
Mis. Robert .Hensley and little;
Timmy spent Saturday in Portland
at t.he home of her mother, Mrs.
William Baxter.
Robert Bino has been very ill |
‘he past week with the flu, as has,
ilso Joyce Thompson and Robert!
Hensley, Jr.
A work train was sent out from |
Brooklyn Sunday evening to clean j
■ip a slide on the Southern Pacific, i
Mr. and Mrs. Doree spent last !
week in Newberg with his mother.
A large crowd attended the meet- |
ing held in the school house Fri-
Lunches —
'.ay night to discuss Bonneville
lower. Mr. Sheeley of Vernonia was
he speaker.
Mrs. Percy McCampbell is spend-
ng this week in Portland at the
ed. .ide of her daughter, Lou Rhea,
.vho is gravely ill.
Mr3. William Hu'f man is caring
’or her mother, Mrs. John Robin­
in, this week in Portland.
Special For
St. Patrick’s Day
Irish Potato Bread
Irish Potato Cake
Made by
Trading Co.
Vernonia, Oregon
Short Orders
Latest Draft Beer Equipment
Light Selected Beverages of All Kinds!
The Town Pump
(Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Grenia)