SHOWERS GIVEN KEASEY LADIES DURING WEEK Fisherman’s Luck Topic Of Poem Sardines Are the Result of Day’s Effort for Nim­ rod The poem following is one con­ tributed to The Eagle this week. The topic is that of a fisherman whose effort for the day results i:. not one single catch. THE FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE.VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX FISHERMAN The fisherman, one summer day, Went to the river in his old Chevrolet. He took his pole, and some hooks, and a line; The fish, for others, were biting very fine. He fished in the morning, and he fished at noon, And he said, “I ought’a Catch one pretty soon!’’ But the day wore on, and the sun sank low, ‘Till pretty soon it was tame to go. So he came home and pulled out of his “jeans” A can that was labeled—“Sar­ dines!” TIMBER GIRLS’ TEAM DEFEATS CORNELIUS; KILBURGS IN SEATTLE TIMBER—(Special to The Eagle) —Timber High School girls defeat­ ed the Cornelius Ladies Town Team in an exciting game of basketball on the local floor Friday night. The score was 36 to 24. Timber girls have won ail the games they have played this season. Mrs. Lorane Hamilton of Bright­ on was a caller at the B. Tallman home Monday evening. ■Sir. and Mrs. Anthony Kilburg and son, Ronald, are spending two weeks in Seattle, Washington, with Mr. Kilburg’s father, A. W. Kilburg. Mrs. Kenneth Benefiel who has been recuperating irom a recent operation and staying the past few days at the William Huffman home, returned to DeLake Sunday. Natha- lin returned home with her mother after having spent the past three weeks with the Huffmans. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kubler were the guests RTturday night of Mr. Kubler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. KubLer, of Portland. A birthday dinner was given at Darlene Warren, Portland, Oregon admires the registered Jersey bull calf Coronation Remulus Ilus which was donated by Mr. C. W. Sherman, Jersey breeder, St. Helens, Oregon, to be awarded to the holdei of the lucky number at the Brownsmead Dairy meet­ ing in Clat'op County, Tuesday evening, March 5. Only dairymen from Clatsop and Columbia Counties and their families were permitted to draw. Th< calf was given to stimulate interest in better dairy cattle for the community. He was selected from the Sherman I erd by T. R. Warren, Portland, Oregon, western repre­ sentative of the American Jersey Cattle Club. the Gildner home Saturday night feid were visitors at the Ida Kil in honor of Miss Bettye Jean. Tnose 'burg home Friday morning, when present for dinner were Mrs. Ed they visited Mrs. Bryant Walters- Bowen and Jo of Forest Grove, who had recently retunped from a Della McCampbell and Jane Hensley. four months stay in Holly Springs, After dinner they all went to Forest Mississippi. Mrs. Walters is a nieci Grove to see the show. of Mrs. Tom Riggle. Albert Karpstein of the Richfield Word was received here las; service station spent the weekend ■ week of the bir-tfi of a secona in Corvallis. 1 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Uriah A pot luck dinner was served I Roth at Albany. Dee Ann arrives at the school house Friday, as this was the last day the hot lunches | February 24. The Roths formerly were served this winter. I lived here." Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hensley and Mrs. Earle Fisher and Mrs. E< Jimmie were Wednesday visitors in Peterson of Sunset Camp wen McMinnville at the home of Mr. luncheon guests of Mrs. Elmo Tall and Mrs. Edwin Terry. KEASEY—(Special to The Eagle) —A shower was given at the W. J. Lindsl'ey home Saturday for Mrs. Sum Smith and Mrs. Vernon Lind- sley by their aunts from Hillsboro. Those present were: Mrs. James Walters ¡yid three children, Evelyn, James and Donald, Mrs. Kichard Sandford and son, Glen, of North Plains, Mrs. Ray Dorland and three children, Bettie, Jack and Donald, ol' Hillsboro, Miss Lois Mead from Forest Grove, Mrs. Sadie Austin and Mrs. John Counts an 1 daught­ er, Joy, JVIiss Lois McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lindsley and daughter, Sherrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith of Vernonia, and Mrs. Frank Morris and daughter, Lyla. A pot-luck dinner was served. Many nice gifts were received. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Brown and ''arnily of St. Helens visited at the H. A. DeWitt home Sunday. George Crawford visited Ted DeWitt Saturday night. Mrs. Isola Morris attended the Home Interest Conference in Cor- allis four days last week. Victor Bergerson and Mrs. Anna '..uther and son, Jimmie Lhtiher, pent Saturday at Forest Grove and Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Al Pierce and fam- ly and Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Gillham pent Saturday evening at the Art Kirk home. Mrs. Grace Pierce and Mrs. Georgia Mellinger demonstrated the care of cloth to the Mist club Fri­ day. Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam Smith and Mrs. Lindsley and Ruby McDonald trove to Gales Creek Thursday where a shower was given for Mrs. Smith and Mrs. MrDonald. They 'lotlh received many lovely gifts. Jello and cake was served. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts and laughter, Bettie, visited John Counts in Vernonia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed and son, Bobbie, visited at the W. J. Lindsley home Sunday. Clarabel Lindsley and Lyla Morris T>ent the weekend at home with their parents. ingstone, minister of the Christian church. At The Churches FIVE YEARS AGO— Emil Messing was notified of his appointment as a member of the national reemployment committee Assembly of God Church for Columbia county. The Ben-nett and Johns midi start­ —Rilla M. Sanders, Pastor ed with crew of about 12 men. Friday (March 8) 7:30 p. .n. A. E. Jones began hauling logs to Christ's Ambassadors Service, Mr. I the mill Friday. Local men are be­ Jack Christiansen speaking. ing employed. Sunday services: Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. TEN YEARS AGO— m. Rev. K. D. Streyfeller, Evangel­ M. E. Carkin purchased the Ver­ ist will be speaking. Evangelistic nonia Dry 'Cleaning establishment service 7:30 p. m. Rev. Streyfeller rom Peter Paulue and will unite speaking. Rev. Streyfeller begins a his new business with the City revival campaign Sunday evening. Cleaning and Pressing company. Tuesday 6 p. m. Shut-in Service Tom Crawford sold his garage conducted by Hie young people. business to Jack Kerr of Grants All other services o the' week Pass. dismissed for the Revival Meeting. T.he Vernonia Eagle changed its Come and enjoy this meeting. Rev. nublieation day from Thursday to Streyfeller is a forceful speaker, Friday. preaching the Word without fear or G. W. Ford was elected first favor, in all its fullness. vice president of the Lower Col- Christian Church —The Livingstones. Minister- Church School at 9:45, Mrs. Liv­ ingstone, acting superintendent. Communion service and sermon at 11:00. Subject of the sermon, “A Man’s Credentials Before God”. •Special music by Ladies Chorus. | Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 with Maxine Brady as leader. Eve­ ning worship service at 7:30, spec­ ial music. Subject of sermon, "The ¿Man We Need to Know”. Evangel­ istic service .on Wednesday evening at 7:30. The public will find a hearty welcome at all of these services. umiiia Associated Ohamber of Com­ merce at the quarterly meeting of the organization held in St. Helens. The Terminal Cafe equipment has been moved into the space for­ merly occupied by the Bennett Variety store on Bridge street. GARDEN SEED AND LAWN Fertilizers BULK GARDEN Eagle Items Of Past Years ONE YEAR SEEDS OF ALL KINDS AGO— C. L. Anderson was named presi­ dent of the Vernonia Softball League at its first meeting of the year. A program of painting and a new roof, redecorating for the in­ terior, new lights and the construc­ tion of a new foundation was an­ nounced by Reverend W. O. Liv- Vernonia Trading Co. Vernonia, Oregon SAFEWAY Fred and Tom Riggle of Birken- man Friday. Prices Effective Friday Through Monday March 8th - 11th Our Paper an