Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 01, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1940
District 5
To Hold
Blue Barons Tourney
1WA Talley« 58 to Bar­
ons’ 29 in Friday Night
St. Helens to Act as Host
to Teams Thursday, Fri­
day, Saturday
The Vernonia IWA basketball
quintet rose to tihe heighths Friday
night here when they trounced the
highly favored St. Helens Chamber
of Commerce Blue Barons by the
overwhelming score of 58 to 29.
The undefeated Blue Barons,
winners in 22 consecutive games,
started fast to lead at the end of
the first quarter 11 to 7. The sec­
ond quarter saw a shift in the IWA
de ense to ciheck the sharpshooting
of Ketel and Hamilton. The local
boys hit their scoring stride in the
second quarter and maintained it
throughout the contest. The second
half turned into a route as the
hard-driving locals scored at will
over their bigger opponents.
The Vernonia offense was led
by Carter, Aldrich and King aided
by the excellent floor work of
Rundell and Coach Merle Chase.
Especially notable was the fine
game of Ralph Aldrich, veteran
center, in holding the high-scoring
Earl Hamilton, six-foot-six Blue
Baron center in check while scoring
six field goals and two foul con­
Earl King, IWA defensive player
figured prominently in the scoring
by connecting for twelve points,
mostly on long trys from mid floor.
This new scoring punch from back
court will add greatly to the team’s
offensive in future games.
Ed Carter, fast-breaking forward
led the point-getters with 10 field
goals and two foul conversions. A
yeturn game is being sought by the
Blue Barons at a later date.
Blue Barons
Vernonia IWA
(1) Hiatt
Carter (22)
(13) Ketel
Chase (•'>)
(4) Hamilton
Aldrich (14)
(4) Rutherford
Rundell (3)
(6) Bergman
King (12)
Due to unexpected happenings,
the district basketball playoff as
planned previously has been Chang-
id. Three Columbia county teams
lave tied which would have necess-
tated both a county as well as a
listrict playoff, an impractical set­
up before the State Tournament
o be held in Salem March 13-14-
As a consequence, District 5 will
hold its eighth annual tournament
as before, this year at St. Helens,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
•’ebruary 29, March 1 and 2. Ths
double elimination system will be
ised; that is, each team must be
iefeated twice before being elimin­
ated from the play-offs.
There are seven Class A schools
in the two counties included in
District 5: five in Columbia an*
wo in Clatsop. In order to elimin­
ate a bye, it was decided to add an
ighth team which will be the “B”
nr second team <r" the host school,
St. Helens second team will then
his year make the eighth team,
Expenses of the tournament, in-
eluding hotel, food and transports-
tioi for the players will be paz-
fi. m the receipts of the tourna
ment; remaining money will be div­
ided equally between the schools.
Thursday at 3 o’clock in the
ifternoon, Vernonia plays St. Hel­
ens; at 4 o’clock, Rainier plays Sea-
ide; at 8:30 Astoria plays Ctats-
hrtiie. The remainder of the sche-
lule depends on the progress of
each team on the ladder of the
Winning from St. Helens, Ver­
nonia would play the winner of
he Rainier-St. Helens second team
Tame at 2:00 Friday; losing, Ver-
wnia would play the loser of that
tame 9:30 Friday morning.
Each schecl will be represented
y eight players and two alternates,
leach McCoy has chosen the fol-
'wing: Baker, Killian, Parcells.'
Walker, Roeser, Mullins, Crawford,
Culbertson and the two alternates:
Davis and Lusby.
Legion Post
Holds Annual
"Shoot” Wed.
Captains Choose Sides
for Competing Teams in
The Vernonia Legion Post Wed­
nesday night held another of its
annual “shoots” by choosing sides
and competing under the leadership
of George Baker as one captain
and C. L. Anderson as the other.
Reports of the match state that
competition was keen and betting
heavy although pay offs were few
by losers. Many alibis were prof-
ferred to explain poor marksman­
Individual and total scores were
as follows:
Anderson 107
Preston 120
Culbertson 166
Nichols 177
Schalock 155
Thompson 63
Treharne 139
Weidman 109
Birgerson 149
Timmons 106
Pemble 132
Tiffney 101
Richter 53
Schultz 153
Kerns 95
Tapp 83
Shipman 71
Johnson 37
Lincoln 142
Gronbeck 70
Only the five highest individual
scores were totaled in arriving at
the final team score.
IWA to Play
Two Games
This Week
The IWA basketeers have two
games slated for this week accord­
ing to announcement by Denny
Ryves, team manager, early this
week. The first encounter is with
the Rainier All-Stars and was play­
ed Wednesday evening, last night.
The second game of the week is
slated with Forest Grove Friday
evening at the high school gym at
8:30 p. m. The Forest Grove five
is made up of Pacific University
4-H Club Leaders Hold
Spring Business Meet
The Columbia County 4-H Club to the newspapers of the county.
Leaders Council met Saturday, Feb­
Eleanor Plouff of Goble report­
ruary thirteenth, at Deer Island ed on the organizing of a 4-H club
grade school l|or their regular Members County-wide Association,
Spring business session. Since the which was formed while the Lead­
original constitution was lost, a new ers were meeting. Newly elected of­
constitution was adopted, The an- ficers for this Junior Group were
nual election of officers followed, chosen as follows: president, Walt­
resulting in the choice of Mrs. Ben er Hunter, br. of Goble; vice-pres-
Fasero of St. Helens for president, idene, Irvin Jones of Goble; sec­
Mrs. I. Morris of Vernonia for retary, Petsy Greene of Deer Is­
vice-president, Miss Hallstrom of land; yell leader, Don Winkleman
St. Helens for secretary.
of St. Helens; song leader, Bonnie
Mrs. Purvine, Home Demonstra- 1 Nelson of Goble; News reporter,
tion Agent, presented a National Harry MUleT of Deer island The
Award for outstanding work in. following committees were appoint-
Home Beautification to Bill Winkle- ed; committee on the constitution,
man of St. Helens. Mrs. Purvine ' p^^gy Greene, chairman, Velma
complimented him on his splendid Mul ray, Helen' McKenny and Ruth
photographs of the home and Thompson, all of Deer Island. Social
grounds before he began and after committee: Chairman Eugene Cleve-
completing his project, and also on land> Eve]yn Morris> Elma Morrigi
his complete records.
and Marjorie Keasey, all of Ver­
Mr. Nelson, County Agent, pre­ nonia. Program committee: Chair­
sented Mrs. Thompson of Goble naan Walter Hunter, Jr., Fritz
with a five-year 4-H Club Leaders yan Allmen , Jr., William Oman.
Pin, after which he and Mr. Sey- and [rv|n Jones, all of Goble. Pub-
mour, State 4-H Club Leader, gave; ^cjjy committee: Chairman Don
talks on the exhibits at the Fairs winkleman> Floyd Stronk> Bin
They recommended that the Judged. winkk,man and Leonard Mowery,
of the goat exhibits at the next ad
I airs be experts on goat raising. | a name for this Members organ-
3 he President appointed Mrs. jzat;on wm be chosen ait the next
Edith Thompson of Goble, as thei ^„ty meeting.
News Reporter for all 4-H clubs of i
the county. All club news is to be.T,
,. ,
sent to her and she distributes ¡t j Ev angelical Missionary
Group to Meet March 6—
Rainier Gt'ts
Defeat from
Grade Five
Lloyd A. Burris
David O. Bennett
St. Helens, Oregon
PIANO FOR SALE—Want respon­
sible party living near Vernonia
to take over small bungalow piano
and pay out on contract at $6.50
per month. Write Harry Bryan; c-o
Baldwin Piano Distributors; Box
444, Vancouver, Washington. 8t3
FOR SALE—Capons. Leave order
at Sam and Bob’s, Nehalem Mar­
ket or W. E. Crawford.
29, 1940.
WANTED—Some housework and I FOR SALE—35 white leghorn
pullets. Or trade for small pigs.
care of children for Protestant Mrs. J. A. Armstrong. Keasey,
family. Small wage. Inquire at
Eagle office.
9t3 [
------------------------------------------------ 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE—Oats and
AVAILABLE AT ONCE—nearby, vetsch $13 per ton in one-ton
Rawleigh Route. Good opportun- lots wdl trade" for cows or heifer
ity for man over 25 with car. Trade caives> Also have team to trade
welt established. Route experience for C0W3 or heifer calves. Old
helpful but nut necessary. Write Snider piace „ear golf course. 7t3
at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. OR/C-218-
102, Oakland, Calif.
9t4 [
Cut Flower»
Potted Plants
E. P. Belongia.
Sprays for Funerals
Bush Funeral Home
FOR SALE—Disc, walking plow/ Phone 592
hay fork and carriage. Very •
cheap. O. A. Estes, Mist Route, ’ I
WANTED—Shake boards and . shin-
I gle bolts; one-half bf 25 double
---------------- I splits. Cedarwood Timber company,
FOR SALE—Five-room house and Timber, Oregon. See Mr. Thomp­
lot in Riverview. Very reason­ son at Timber.
able. O. A. Estes, Mist Route, Ver­
9t3 FILMS DEVELOPED—25c, 2 prints
each, from any 8-exposure film.
FOR SALE—New Hampshire setting Reprints 2c each. Send coin. Fine
eggs. 50c per setting. Mrs. Herb Art Studios, 8649 N. Jersey St.,
Counts, Rock creek road.
9t3 Portland Oregon.
' i ’OUND —Pair of glasses and case.
Next Wednesday, March 6, at 2
p. m. is the time for the March WANTED—Housework during day.
Good cook. 25c an hour. Inquire
To those friends Who so ably
meeting of the Woman’s Missionary
Society of the Evangelical church. at Otto Michiener’s or The Eagle. assisted us at the time of our be­
9tl reavement and for the many floral
The theme for study is “The
offerings wfe wish to extend our
Road Leads On—Follow Thou Me
in Old World Byways”. The book FOR SALE—Bailed vetsch and oats most sincere appreciation.
The Pettijohn Family.
review will deal with missions in
hay. Oscar G. Weed.
.Great Britian and Europe.
As far as possible, the ladies are
asked to greet each other in some
European language. Also, all those
that when you see the sign
who have curios from Great Britian
or any European country are re-
quested to bring them for exhibit.
that you and your family’s health is being safe
Pictures of old cathedrals are es-
pecially desired.
guarded. You get this assurance at the
English tea will be served by
members of the Deborah Circle
during the social hour.
In a closely checked and hard
fought game last Friday the Wash­
ington grade school basketball team
defeated Rainier, placing Vernonia
in a tie for the league champion­
ship with eight wins and one loss.
Should an upset occur in remain­
ing games in the league, Vernonia
and Rainier will play at the tourna­
ment for championship honors.
Owens and McDonald were high-
point men for Vernonia.
4 Mrs. E. Buckner
1 Honored with Party—
Mrs. Harvey Heath and Mrs. O.
4 I H. Kaphammar gave a shower for
0 Mrs. Ed Buckner Friday afternoon.
Substitutes: Lane.
Those present were Evelyn Heath,
Vera Willard, Mrs. Harry King, Mrs.
Rundell, Mrs. George, Mary Kap­
Loggers Defeated by
hammar, Mary Heath and the hon­
St. Helens, Rainier—
ored guest, Alice Buckner. Those
The St. Helens Lions defeated unable to attend were Edna Em­
the Vernonia Loggers in a well- mons and Mrs. Harold Howard.
played game on the Vernonia floor The group presented Mrs. Buckner
last Friday night. Score: 42-35. with a bathinette.
Baker and Killian were high point
men. Tuesday night, Rainier defeat­ Mrs. Johnson Gives
ed Vernonia 51-25 here. Baker was Birthday Party—
high point man.
Mrs. Willis Johnson gave a joint
Ibirthday party for Mr. Johnson and
Mrs. Harry Emmons Saturday night.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Oregon Gun Club, Canco
Roy Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Shelby
Bow to Vernonia Rifle­
Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller, Mr.
The and Mrs. Jewel Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs.
Eagle)—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar-
The Vernonia Gun Club in i its don spent the weekend in Corvallis' Harvey Heath, Mrs. Chapman, Mr.
art two shooting matches has de- where they attended the 13th an­ and Mrs. Harry Emmons and Mr.
feated both competitors by the nual Fernhoppers Banquet given and Mrs. Willis Johnson. Mrs.
score of 884 to 821 over the Ore-
by the Forestry School of Oregon
gon Gun Club and 853 to 822 < over State College. Larry Marshall of i son and Mrs. Johnson baked the
the Ganco club. The first, that with Vernonia was in charge of regist­ cake for Mrs. Emmons. Games were
| played and refreshments served.
the Oregon Gun cluib on February ration.
16, was outstanding for the score
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Moque of
made by Bob Tomlin, 185.
McMinnville, sister of Mrs. W. T.
The second match on February Graves, is visiting at the home of,
23 in Portland with Canco was a Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves.
itting-standing match, one that is
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Nutt were
dreaded by nearly all shooters, tinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. IN THE COUNT? COURT OF THE
especially the sitting position.
T. Graves Saturday nivht.
The coming two matches will be
Harry and Fred Henderson of
held here it was stated and specta­ Seaside were here visiting Mr. and¡ IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
tors are welcome.
Mrs. B. H. Henderson Saturday. | TATE OF OLIVER BURRIS, de
Scores of members of the home
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Huntley j censed.
team are as follows: In competition were in Hillsfooro Sunday visiting' Notice is Hereby Given, That the
with the Oregon Gun club, Tomlin, Mr. Nat Huntley Who just returned I undersigned, by an order of the
State of Ore-
185; Nichols, 177; Kellmer, 176; from
om tne
j I County
------- * Court
------- of
— the
the hospital.
Mrs. George Cobat, after having
for the Courrty of Columbia,
Zimmerdahl, 175; Fetsch, 171; In
gallstone operation,
'ompetition with CanCo, Fetsch, 178; 1 gallstone
operation, visited
_____ the | duly made and entered on the
Wagner, 175; Culbertson, 167; loctor in Portland Monday. She is 23rd day of February, 1940, was
appointed Administrator of the es­
Nichols, 167; Meilis, 166.
recovering very well.
The Vernonia chib is now tied
Mrs. Glen Peoples and Mrs. Earl tate of Oliver Burris, Deceased, and
for second place in the “C” division Byres were here Monday to visit that he has duly qualified as such
Administrator. Alt persons having
of the Columbia-Willamette Rifle Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Henderson.
league with a percentage of 846.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heath and claims against said Estate are here-
The percentages of the Class C Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Willard and I hy notified to present the same,
-■ Til- daughter, Joy, were at Longview ,!uly verified, as by law required,
rifle teams of the Columbia-Wil-
to him at the office of David O.
'amette Rifle Leauge are listed as and Ariel dam Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Butler from I Bennett, in St. Helens, Oregon,
W. L. Pct. I Erma, Washington, ' visited Mrs. within six months from the date
.. 11 1 .9171 Olive Powell last week. Mrs. Butler of this notice.
Forest Grove .....
Dated and first publication:
. 11 2 .846
Mrs. Powell’s niece.
Vernonia ............
11 2 .8461 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peachey left March 1, 1940.
Hillsboro No. 1 ..
Date of final publication: March
.... 3 1 .750 ¡ Tuesday morning for a visit with
Hill Military ......
.... 8 4 •6671 relatives in Olympia, Washington.
Gresham ..............
Johnson Creek ... .... 7 6 .538, Mrs. A. D. Lolley and Mrs. Olive
.... 5 8 .385 Powell accompanied them. Mrs.
Canco ____ .........
.... 1 2 .333 Powell will visit in Centralia.
Troutdale .—.......
.... 4 9 .308 i Josh Rose and Omer Nickerson
Corbett ......._..... .
.... 4 9 .308, returned to Vernonia Sunday after
Oregon Gun Club
.... 2 11 .154 spending a two weeks' vacation in
Hillsboro No. 2 ..
.._ 1 12 .077 California.
American Legion
Wholesale and Ke I ail
See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75
>er M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m.
to noon.
Gun Club
Wins Two
Legal Notices
• • What this merchant should have
said is: “My business isn't so good partly
because my store lighting isn’t so good."
it’s easy to find out if your lighting is inviting to
customers. Whether it shows off your goods to
best advantage—whether it speeds your sales—
just check your lights.
Oregon Gas & Electric Co.