PAGE SIX VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON ject, "Christians Keep on Learn­ ing” ; 7:30 worship service, song service and sermon, theme: “Prop­ hesy and the Jewish People”. 7th in Prophetic Series. Public wel- come. At The Churches Christian Church —The Livingstones, Ministers Church School at 9:45, Mrs. Liv­ ingstone acting superintendent; Communion Service and sermon, sermon subject, "Persistence in in Well-Doing”; evening services consist of Christian Endeavor at 6:30, leader Kathleen Lolley, sub- Evangelical Church— —Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister 9:45—-Church School with classes for all. 11.00—Momjng Worship with good music and a sermon by the paster on the subject, “With Jesus to the Mount.” 6:30—The Evangelical League of LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER Wholesale and It était my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. c. biiuce Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Headquarters tor Infant’s Supplies and Stork Shower Gifts Bassinettes in Cream or Pink color. Detachable basket with casters and folding legs. $3.98 and $4.98 Infants’ Rayon Comforts. Pink and Blue Two- Tone ONLY....................................... $1.25 Infants Blankets 49c to $1.49 10c and 25c Infants Pin-on Garters Infants Shoes 69c — 79c — 98c — $1.00 Infants Hand Embroidery Dresses 49c and 59c Infants Outing Sacques 35c 49 c 39c Infants Outing Kimonas Infants Outing Gowns Infants Banks Infants Rattles Infants Rubber Blocks Infants Rubber Pants l lftr 4Qr 15c — 25c — 50c Look for our 10c Special Table of Hose. Ladies Rayon Plated, and cotton hose. Childrens cotton hose and infants pure silk hose at Only 1 Or Ladies Jackets Just the thing for cool spring days. A very special All-Wool $3.98 Value Now Selling at C. E. meets in three distinct groups. You may be a member of one. 7:30—“I Believe in the Holy Spirit” will be the subject for discussion at this hour. The Martha Circle meets Tues­ day afternoon at the parsonage, 864 State Ave. Wednesday evening is prayer I meeting night. You are invited to | worship with us in prayer and song and Scripture discussion. The S. S. Board will meet at the close of She prayer meeting. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1940 removed last week. the home of her mother-in-law for Dr. Starr was called over from' a while. Clatskanie Sunday afternoon to the Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Libel and Ain Wallace home to see Mr. Wal­ son, Shalmon, drove to Portland lace who was taken ill. Saturday. Mr. Libel going in for Miss Thelma Wikstrom was con­ r.n examination by the doctor. fined to her home last week with The young people’s meeting was an attack of flu. She returned to held ait the Knowles home last Wed­ her work at the Knowles the last nesday night. of the week. William Bridgers was a Portland Mrs. Lloyd Garlock is staying at business visitor Monday. NOTICE Dog owners in the City of Ver­ nonia must purchase licenses for bheir animals before March 1 or be assessed a penalty of 50 cents. Licenses may be obtained at the city hall for a charge of $1 for males and $1.50 for females. A. D. Lolley City Marshal Assembly of God Church —Rilla M. Sanders, Pastor Friday 7:30 p. m., February 23, Christ’s Ambassador’s service. Mrs. Mary Gilman will be the speaker. Sunday services: Sunday school 9:45 a. m., E. Frank, Superinten­ dent; Mrs. Minnie Ratkie, Assist­ ant. Morning worship 11 a. Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday 7 p. m. Shut-in meeting conducted by the young people. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Bible study and prayer, Questions wered. Thursday, ladies prayer band meets at the ! home of Mrs. Murray. Good music and singing. preach only the Bible. We welcome you to all these services. £hooit the Co^ee you {¡he beit' w£a|eioaty GUESTS AT SEHORNS MRS. HODGSON GIVES VALENTINE PARTY TREHARNE—(Special to The Eagle)—Mrs. W. Falconer was host­ ess for the pinochle club Wednes­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Woods of Rainier spent the weekend at the E. L. Sehorn home. Mrs. Alberta Workman and Mrs. Emma Clark celebrated their birth­ day anniversaries Sunday at the Clark home. Many from this neighborhood at­ tended the birthday dance held at the Gales creek hall honoring George Bledsoe of Buxton on his 76th birthday. Mrs. Gladys Morrell, teacher at the Keasey school, visited Pleasant Hill school Monday morning as it was visiting day for her school. A. H. Webb, Myrtle Webb and Delores Bergstrom motored to Gar­ den Home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ortman of Forest Grove spent Tuesday at the Carl Anderson home. Mrs. Harry Hodgson honored her daughter, Marietta, with a Valentine party Wednesday evening, Febru­ ary 14. Those present were: the i honored guest, Marietta Hodgson, i Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sehorn, Jear. McDonald, Delores Bergstrom, Fran­ ces Carrick, Patsy Thacker, Keith Clark, Eugene Murphy, Jimmie Moellar, Jack Frisbie, Bobby Fal coner and the hostess, Mrs. Hodg son. MIST HELPING CIRCLE MEETS AT HANSONS; SEVERAL ILL WITH FLU MIST—(Special to The Eagle) — Mrs. I. E. Knowles and her daught­ er, Mrs. Chet Alexander, from Vernonia and Mrs. Knowles’ son, Earl, were Portland visitors on Sat­ urday. Claud Johnson took his daughter, Aileen, to Vernonia to visit the dentist Monday. Mrs. Newton Trotter and daugh­ ter, Ayla, came up from Elsie Sat- urday and spent the weekend with Mrs. Trotter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones and small daughter from Seaside were visiting relatives here Saturday eve­ ning. The Austin Corll family have all been ill with the flu. Mrs. Al Taylor has also been ill with flu. Henderson had his tonsils Pound ...... 19c 2-Pound Package 37c Airway Coffee Made by Vernonia Bakery POTATO BREAD ENJOY THE LUXURY OF “MATCHED FLAVOR” Perfect blend of finer coffee« Pound 3 lbs. 35c CANTERBURY TEA H-lb- ph«....................... FLOUR $1.55 LIPTONS TEA Black H lb. 43 c BAKING CHOCOLATE— Hersheys )•» pound . .. 12c With A Money- Back Guarantee 49 lbs STOKLEY CATSUP 14-ounce 2 for 2 pounds 22c CRAFT 0™L y VAN CAMPS SPAGHETTI each LIMA BEANS 2-lb. cello bag 19c RED BEANS 3 pounds 19c CAMPBELL’S SOUPS 4 Bags (Bbl.) Except Chicken and Mush­ room. 3 for 25c HERSHEY COCOA ^2 pound NATIONAL HONEY WEEK DRIED FRUIT SALE Lenten Items Nature’s Own Sweetening COMB HONEY 12-OZ. 49c RAISINS 2ic 4 lbs jg^ OREGON PRUNES 11c size No. Tillamook Oysters 5-oz. can ......... 11c Tasty. MARSHMALLOWS FLUFFIEST 1-iib. cello bags ..... each 10c CHEESE Alaska Salmon Hiway. Medium Pink No. 1 tin . ................ 14c owem/trimMr-k 4 l'bs. Mid Pacific Tuna 15c VALLEY HONEY 5 lbs. J 39c BRADSHAW’S FINEST IDAHO CLOVER HONEY MILD AMERICAN Fine Flavor .............. lb. |g AND MNCIWJUIŒ 1 RANCHO SOUPS Tilt IIHIti fiom filini *11 «IICILT FKK I W1TIHT n*«i rea 46-oz. Large can 3 for.................. 15c 43c 25 ,k’............. Jell Well .... pkg. 4c Xo. 2 Mi cans SUGAR BELLE BLENDED PEAS 3^ 12 cans ^ 6c 3 for Q a BREAD 1 JULIA LEE WRIGHT -lb. loaves ....... each 1 1 11c SPAGHETTI Large Bars 35 - $1.23 P & G Soap 6 for 25c Can be depended upon No. 2 size cans 3 cans FINE GRANULATED TOMATOES Camay Soap SUGAR 8IH REVELATION SUGAR Are Becoming Popular Tomato, Pea, Vegetable and Asparagus each 6c 4 for ......... 23c Zee Tissue 4 for 17c SONNY BOY BRAND ITALIAN STYLE Castle Crest Peaches Fancy Large Halves 29c No. 2H size 2 for 4 cans, Reg. 10c size ....... 25c p- Cherub Milk Supurb Soap TALL CANS ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR, SHE USES IT 3 cans for 20'C Case .00 Recommended by American Medical Association each 19c 3 for 55c giant pkg. 35c These Savings and Many Others for Friday and Saturday, Feb. 23 and 24 BACON BACK SLICED BACON Trv that Ileal Home Hade Loaf EDWARDS Nob Hill A POSITIVE GUARANTEE OF FINER FLAVOR Lean, No Rind BONELESS PICNICS PORK SAUSAGE FRESH OYSTERS POT ROAST BEEF STEAK PORK CHOPS SMELT PURE LARD 15c 19c 19c 15c 15c 16c 23c 2 lbs. 35c 3 lbs. 10c 2 lbs. 17c Fresh Produce LETTUCE 2 for 13c 3 for 10c Doz. 23c 2 lbs. 15c .. box 63c Solid, Crisp CAL. CARROTS Large Bunches LEMONS 360 size Fresh Stock RHUBARB Early Spring BANANA APPLES Fine Quality C Grade