FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SPORTS Loggers To Meet Lions MANAGERS ASK FOR SOFTBALL MEET MARCH 7 The arrival this week of sev­ eral days of weather seeming to indicate the approach of spring brought a revival of in­ terest in softball among several of last year’s players and man­ gers. Some have asked for a meeting, the first of the sea­ son, to make initial plans for the formation of a league for the 1940 season. No definite date for the meeting has been set but the suggestion was made for March 7. Game Slated for Friday, February 23 on Home Floor The Vernonia Loggers meet the strong St. Helens Lions in a league game to be played here this Fri­ day, February 23. The following Tuesday Rainier will play on the local floor. These two games are of vital interest to fans and players. Here ¡3 the dope as it now stands: Thurs- day night, St. Helens plays Rainier, St. Helens being the favored one due to the defeat of Rainier in a previous game at Rainier. If St. Helens defeats Rainier Thursday night, the Columbia county race will be thrown in a three way tie between St. Helens, Rainier and Scappoose, each having lost two conference games. If Vernonia wins from either St. Helens on Friday or Rainier on Tuesday, the Loggers’ winning will automatically eliminate that team from championship possibilities and the right to represent Columbia county in the district play-off with Astoria beginning March 1. Banks Loses To Vernonia Loggers Tues. Win from John Gumm Win Gives Vernonia Position for County Bas­ ketball Championshiip The Vernonia grade school bas­ ketball team defeated the John Gumm team by one point in the game played last Friday, February 16, in St. Helens. This win to the tune of 15-14 placed Vernonia in a position to be in line for the county championship and leadership of the league. The game on home floor with Rainier this day afternoon, February 23, be the determining one. The line-up for the John Gumm game: "RIVERVIEW—(Special to The Eagle)—Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Gill- ogby of Longview, Washington spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Holmes. George Cobat has returned from the hospital after a gallstone oper­ ation. Mrs. Earl Byers and Mrs. Glen Peoples were here from Warren- ton to see Mrs. B. H. Henderson Friday. Fred Henderson and wife of WANTED—A woman for general Seaside were here Saturday and housework. Mrs. Judd Greenman. Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. Phone 641. 8t3— and Mrs. B. H. Henderson. Harry returned with them where he is to PIANO FOR SALE—Want respon- work. sible party living near Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bennett of to take over small bungalow piano Birkenfeld spent Sunday at the and pay out on contract at $6.50 John Atkins home in Riverview. per month. Write Harry Bryan; c-o Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch were Baldwin Piano Distributors; Box dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 444, Vancouver, Washington. 8t3 George Woods Sunday. Mr. and- Mrs. Buick Brosatt were FOR SALE—Capons. Leave order in Forest Grove Sunday night. at Sam and Bob’s, Nehalem Mar­ Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Golden and ket or W. E. Crawford. 8t3 family were in Go of a doubleheader from the Banks high school Braves Tuesday night on the Banks Iloor by scores of 17 to 15 in the “B” game and 36 to 27 in the “A” game. Killian and Baker led the Ver­ nonia attack with 13 and 11 points respectively. Kaufman paced the losers with 10 points. Hall led the Vernonia seconds with 8 points. A large crowd viewed the con-' test as it was a benefit game for | the Banks High athletic fund. The Loggers play the St. Helens high flying Lions on the local floor Friday night in a triple header Wondering what to wear featuring the St. Helens “A” and the party next week? Why “B” teams and the St. Helens Blue spend a lot of money on a Barons against the local townies. new gown when with our per- The lineups: fected cleaning methods, we 1 Schlegel can make your old gown like F Baker 11 n. w. Just reach for the phone 10 Kaufman F Walker 5 of your purse instead Wolford , C Roeser call . . 5 Kawamoto G Parcells 4 8 Maida G K’.'.an 13 3 Sokal S Crawford 2 Librarian her 4-H girls of Natal attended the county meeting of 4-H Club leaders and officers at Deer Island Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Veberes visited at the Claude Gibeon home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clark visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson and family Saturday. . ACTIONS OF FOLK ¡IN RIVERVIEW CHRONICLED PAGE FIVE Portland: a. m. p. m. p. m. Famous Meter-Miser Mechanism 1-Piece All-Steel Cabinet Automatic Interior Light Open-Shut Freezer Door Uni-Matic Cold Control Automatic Reset Defroster Frozen Storage Compartment Cold Storage Tray Touch-Latch Door Opener 4 Big Ice Trays Automatic Tray Release on every Tray Stainless Porcelain in Food Com­ partment Satin-Smooth Dulux Exterior 5-Year Proteaion Plan Against Service Expense! ... and many others! Vernonia and Keasey and Pittsburg for Forest Grove or Points Beyond. HAS THE METER-MISER $ Simplest refrigerating mechan­ ism ever built. Cuts current cost to the bone. Whisper- Unseen Trouble-free. Passengers to or from The Cozy Fountain TERMINAL: Mrs. Earl L. Smith AGENT: 582 for information PHONE: OREGON MOTOR STAGES Cubic Ft. Frigidaire Frigidaire Value and Quality SUPER VALUE SIX A New Low Price for the “COLDWALL” MASTER 6 SUPER VALUE EIGHT inet. Stainless chromium shelves. Every tray a double-easy Quickube Tray. Stain­ less porcelain in food compartment. Large cold storage tray. Automatic re­ set defroster. Finished in durable Du­ lux. 11 square feet of shelf area. Three ice trays, one double width. 56 big ice cubes available! Famous Cold Wall principle for keeping food’s natural moisture and freshness d*ys longer. 12.4 sq. ft. shelf space. Stainless chromium shelve*. Five double easy Quickube Trays, 1 double width. Large glass-topped sliding food hydrator. Extra large Meat Tender, And every basic Frigidaire advantage, Finished in durable Dulux, Frigidaire’e own finish. Big 8-cubic foot size for $80 le** than lowest prie« “8” last year. One of thè biggest bargains in size and prie» Frigi­ daire ha* ever offered. Has all the same batic feature* a* the Super Value 6 . • . with more size. 17.1 sq. ft. shelf area, Five ice tray*, one double width, 84 ice cube*, IO Ibs. of ice at one fraesing. 'A reai buy! New Low Price ... New Low Price New Low Price Beautiful new design, 1-piece steel cab­ $139.95 $204.50 $189.95 G. Paterson FURNITURE — RADIOS — REFRIGERATION VERNONIA — OREGON FOREST GROVE