FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1940 LET’S BE SCCAIBLE Evangelical Missionary Holds Novel Meeting— The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Evangelical church held its regular meeting at the church Wed­ nesday of last week. Devotions on the subject “Are You A Christian?” were led by Mrs. Boss. Mrs. Estey reviewed the study chapter on the work in the Red Bird Missions in the mountains of Kentucky. A playlet written and directed by Mrs. Greenman illus­ trated the need of Lincoln pennies in the mission work. During the business session a decision was made to hold a father and son banquet March 28th for which Art Kirkham, KOIN radio announcer, has been engaged as speaker. z Following the business session the ladies were invited to “come on in to supper”, The room, lighted with kerosene lamps, was decorated with red birds and pussy willows in rustic baskets. On the table was a log cabin mountain home con­ structed by Mrs. Greenman and Mrs. Matthews. The supper served by the Martha Circle, consisted of corn bread, sorgham molasses and beans. Water was served from the old waterpail with a leaky dipper. Guests were all invited to “stay all night”, but declined because of family duties to go to their homes. The next meeting will be March 6th when missions in Europe will be studied. >f the club with a gift. Ice cream, cookies and coffee were served at four o’clock. Attending were Mrs. Broderick, the honor guest, Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett, Mrs. Florence McDonald, Mrs. Ida Mae Richards, Mrs. Beulah Baslington, Mrs. Laura Bennett, Mrs., Bessie Stolen, Miss Ethel Spencer and the hostess, Mrs. Spencer. Those sending gifts but not able to be present were: Mrs. Lena Stanton, Mrs. Lucy Uhlin, Mrs. Mamie Dübendorf, Mrs. Stella Monger, Mrs. Parkill and Mrs. Pearl Jones of Salem. Study Club Meets with Mrs. McCrae— The Vernonia Study Clulb met February 8 at the home of Mrs. Wallace McCrae. Alter the dessert luncheon served by the hostess, each ember responded to roll call by giving a new word, its meaning and its use in an original sentence. During the business meeting it was < decided to sponsor a move­ ment for “a community center“ where clothing and household ar tides may be stored and where people in need of them may call for them. Mrs. E. M. Bollinger gave an interesting review of the book ‘The Brandoils” by Angela Thir- kell, a novel offering the particu ar kind of highly sensitive amuse­ ment one can get in the now in­ frequent drawing room comedy. It is a singularly attractive example of an older form of entertainment cunningly adapted to present mood. Mrs. Spencer Entertains It makes no false appeal of any Birthday Club Monday— sort in relying upon the simple Mrs. R. L. Spencer entertained resources of clear humor and cleai the Old Time Birthday Club with skill. Mrs'. Ray Mills was Critic. The next meeting will be on Feb a Valentine party at her home Monday afternoon, complimenting ruary 22 at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Charles Broderick, who re- Hamp Roberson; Mrs. Judd Green- c ived lovely gifts. Mrs. Florence - man will review “We Who Speak McDonald presented each member' English’’ by Charles Allen Lloyd. YOU MAY KE SUIIE that when you see the sign “GRADE A MILK and CREAM” that you and your family’s health is being safe­ guarded. You get this assurance at the NEHALEM VALLEY DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Local People Married in Vancouver— Mrs. Brickel Gives Birthday Dinner Sunday— PAGE THREE POPULAR SONG REACHES SCREEN— ents for the first time on the screen, the song sensation which “Oh, Johnny, H)ow You Can Ruby Smith, daughter of Mr. In honor of her husband’s and gives the picture its name. Charles and Mrs. Oscar Smith of Gales Mrs. Frank Hartwick’s birthdays. Love,” Univarsal’s new comedy, Creek, was united in marriage with Mrs. Ben Brickel entertained at at the Joy Theatre, is said to com­ Lamont was the director on the Ronald McDonald, son of Mr. and. dinner Sunday evening. Attending bine romance, music and thrills in film and Ken Goldsmith the assoc­ Mrs. Walter McDonald of Vernonia, were Mr. and Mrs. Harry King, a fast moving story. It also pres- iate producer. February 10th at a noon ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Mr. in Vancouver. Mrs. Mildred Hult,'and Mrs. Stubbs and the host8> Mr the bride’s sister, was her only , ,, . YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE ,. , . „. . . land Mrs. Ben Brickel. attendant. Glen McDonald acted as best man for his brother. Party Following this ceremony Annabel ¡Birthday 1 Given Mr. Skuzie— Lindsley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A birthday party honoring Leslie Thurs. & Fri., Feb. 15 & 16; DOUBLE FEATURE W. J. Lindsley of Keasey and (Sam) Garland Arthur Smith, son iSkuzie was held at the Skuzie home Charlie Chan in “CITY OF DARKNESS” of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith of Monday evening. Those present for Starring Sidney Foler, Lynn Bari the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gales Creek, were married. Miss Claribel Lindsley was her sister’s, •Frazee and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bau- “BLONDIE BRINGS UP BABY” only attendant. Henry Olsen acted: eom> Mr. and Mrs .Harold McEntire, Starring Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake as best man. Others attending were ! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rasmussen sent gifts but were unable to be Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and Saturday, February 17; DOUBLE FEATURE son, Joe, Lyla Morris, Mr. and 1 present for the party. Mrs. Oscar Smith and son, Ron­ i_________________________ “BAD LITTLE ANGEL” ald, Mrs. Walter McDonald and A comedy drama starring Virginia Weidler, daughter, Lois, and Loran Johnson. Gene Reynolds, Guy Kibbee Following these ceremonies there was a wedding dinner given at the To the Editor: “JEEPERS CREEPERS” Oscar Smith home at Glenwood by According to a recent bulletin Starring Weaver Brothers, a drama with music. Mrs. Ray Colts. published by the Oregon State Col­ lege Experiment Station at Cor­ Mon., Feb. 18-19 j Tuesday & Wednesday Rebekahs Hold Meet vallis, there is now over 75 acres in Forest Grove— an experimental irrigated pasture, } February 20 and 21 The most thrilling A number of Rebekahs from Ver­ while 12 years ago there was less adventure known nonia went to Forest Grove Wed­ ,than an acre under irrigation. There PAL NIGHT tomanlThegreat- nesday night, February 7, for the are three departments at the Ex­ official visit of the state president periment Station cooperating in the est acting cast of the lodge, Mrs. Henderson, of development of irrigated pastures. ever assembled! Salem. Six members were initiated According to the Station Bulletin, The best motion at the meeting. “The Value of Irrigated Pasture picture of 1939! Members of the local lodge at­ for Dairy Cattle” just published, it- tending the gathering were: Mr. is pointed out that a five-year and Mrs. R. L. Spencer, Mrs. Ruby average yield from fertilized, irrig-I Twentiert\^«Ah»ry-Fox presents Darryl F. Zanqck s-Production of’ Biggs, Mrs. Dorothy Sandon, Mrs. ated pasture was equivalent to 6.4 Hattie Ward, Mrs. Lee Mellinger, tons of alfalfa hay, or 284 bushels Mrs. Cecile McDonald, Mrs. Hazel of oats per acre. It is also pointed Bergerson, Mrs. Luella Shaver, Mrs. out in the bulletin that the use of Zoe Whitsell, Mrs. Mary Kapham- fertilizer or irrigated pasture has mar, Mrs. Maude Salomonsen, Mrs. been found to be absolutely essen­ Gladys Parry and Mrs. Eva Hear­ tial for most profitable returns. i tarring “SHOULD ing. The yield per acre fertilized with HUSBANDS WORK?” 300 pounds of superphosphate per with Masons Hold District acre is 75 per cent greater than Starring The Gleason NANCY KELLYlR Meet in Rainier Thursday— on areas not fertilized. Family ninmnn nnrrnr ¥*¡1? These Masons from the Vernonia The fertilizer experiments were Lodge attending the District meet­ carried out on a pasture of a little Thurs., Fri., Feb. 22, 23; DOUBLE FEATURE ing in Rainier Thursday night, less than nine acres. Even with February 8, were: Ray Mills, Paul two acres left unfertilized, the 4 MEET DR. CHRISTIAN” Gordon, Glen Hawkins, Grant Lay­ prea supplied 65 per cent of the Starring Jean Hersholt, D. Lovett er, Emil Messing, R. W. Conley, nutrient requirements of more than Frank Lane, A. L. Kullander, W. 12 cows daily, which had an aver­ “OH, JOHNNY, HOW YOU CAN LOVE” E. Watson, J. E. Tapp, Roland age production of 40 pounds of Starring Tom Brown, Peggy Morgan Treharne and W. F. MacDonald. milk figured at 4 per cent butter­ The occasion was the visitation fat. COMING ATTRACTIONS: “Gone with the of Gr^nd Master Finseth. Because Any farmer wishing to secure Wind”, “Drums Along the Mohawk”, “Grapes of of illness Mr. Finseth was unable this bulletin may do so by writing j Wrath”, “Four Wives”, “Everything Happens at to be present; substituting for him to Oregon State College Experiment vas F. C. Howard, Grand Master Station, Corvallis, Oregon. Night”, “Fighting 69th”, “My Little Chickadee” Lester Sheeley : if last year. JOY THEATRE The Forum STANLEY ER TRACYf Betty Brites Meet Tuesday Afternoon— CHEVROLET The Betty Brite Circle of the Missionary Society of the Evangel­ ical Church met Tuesday afternoon, February 13, at the home of Mrs. Harold McEntire. Mrs. Noble Dutton assisted the hostess. The group of thirteen decided to continue sponsoring the series of traveling teas, a project started some time ago. The next meeting will be held March 12 at the home of Mrs. W. F. MacDonald. Extension Club to Meet Tuesday— SEE US FOR THE BEST The Vernonia Extension Club will meet Tuesday, February 20, at the home of Mrs. Glen Bodell. Mrs. Purvine, the County Agent, will be present. At noon a pot luck dinner will be served. This meeting is open to the public and visitors are always welcome. USED CAE 3 BUYS IN TOWN GENEROUS ALLOWANCE Mrs. Ada Fish Given Surprise Party— on your old car! Friday, February 2, Mrs. Ada Fish was pleasantly surprised by a shower given in honor of her birthday by the teachers of the Washington grade school. Mrs. Fish, who has charge of the book -bind­ ing and repairing of the grade school books, received lovely gifts among which were linoleum and a desk lamp. 1 » The Jd cars and the of values best used “ town. _ buy front Rainbow Girls Meet Monday Night— The Rainbow Girls held their regular meeting at the Masonic Temple Monday night, February 12. Reports from the committees re­ sponsible for the successful dance given last Saturday night were heard. Plans to invite Rainbow chapters from St. Helens and Cor­ vallis for a future meeting at which time an initiation ceremony will be exemplified were discussed. K/i 3 SAVE All used cara priced tosellfast in order to make room for more trade-ins. methods. A lowest prje« I ** mens’* quality sella- Father, Son Banquet Slated March 28— The annual Father and Son ban­ quet sponsored by the Evangelical Misionary Society will be held on March 28. Mr. Art Kirkham of Portland, KOIN radio announcer, has accept­ ed an invitation to be the guest speaker. Vernonia Auto Company Vernonia, Oregon A Safe Place to Trade