WORD BRINGS NEWS OF DEATH OF BABY; NEW CAFE OPENS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX Game Surveys Made by Foresters here are total and private place­ ments: Albany, 330 and 308; Marsh­ field, 200 and 206; Portland, 208 and 131; Roseburg, 94 and 94; Eu­ gene, 59 and 58; Hood River, 57 and 3; Klamath Falls, 54 and 50; Astor­ ia, 46 and 24; Baker, 25 and 22; Bend, 23 and 10; Salem, 23 and 22; Medford, 21 and 5; Oregon City, 15 and 12; Corvallis, 15 and 8. Many Eggs Taken from Brood Trout loor. I Loggers Lose citing Game to Banks on nonia Wednesday ' This promises to be an ex­ The first game game. be- tween the two teams was played the Vernonia floor with Ver­ coming out on top; then Birkenfeld defeated Vernonia on the Birkenfeld floor. TIMBER—(Special to The Eagle) —Word was received here Monday of the death of the four and one- half month old baby daughter of Estimates Made for Num­ Game Commission Plans Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Foote of Clatskanie to Be Next Arlington. Mrs. Foote will be re­ Stocking of Lake for Cut­ I Encounter for Quintet Grade School Win.— ber of Years; Recent I membered as Miss Gladys Shiffer. throat Development Surveys More Accurate on Friday Night I The Washington grade school The snow storm last Thursday | I Approximately 1,219,345 The United States forest service basketball quintet won its Wed- eggs: was a false alarm, closing the) In the basketball game played have been taken to date by the in the high school gym here camps only until Monday morning. | has been making game estimates nesday game here with John Gumm Wed- Alvin Cornett returned home for a number of years, states assis-1 state game department from less school of St. Helens 19 to 18. The nesday evening the Vernonia Log- Tuesday morning from Grants Pass than 20,000 adult native searun tant regional forester L. H. Doug­ winning score was gained in over­ where he had been employed. Mr. gers first team lost to Banks by a cutthroat trout held at the Alsea time play. Cornett was reported ill and spent las, Portland, Oregon. trout hatchery. This supply of : - tw°-Po>»t margin in overtime play- “Game 1 management”, says Doug- |> 1 _ 1 several days in the hospital' there. brood trout, the only one of its | . The nf animal hiuhnnilrv SS-Cvl. VÄ ...e second team won its game New Timber Cafe opened its las, “is a kind kind of animal husbandry. kind in Oregon, has been developed doors to the public January 21st A deer, like a cow, needs a certain 'with the Banks second five. Dairymen Required to through careful selection and was | First team games scorres under the management of Fred amount . of summer and winter for­ reported by Dr. Fred J.! were Fitzsimmons. Pay Approximately Half recently . regional ___ C director ¿2_____ „ ,„B U. i Vernonia 28, Banks 30; second team age. Over-population and under-pop ­ Foster, of the Timber Town team was defeated ' for Licenses S. Bureau of Fisheries, to be the | scores were Vernonia 27, Banks 17. Monday night by Hillsboro Town 1 ulation usually is shown by forage . r^a, m ««"g, Annual licenses for Grade A largest and finest stock of adult Andy Killian was high-point man as well as by numbers.” team 37 to 31 on the gym floor conditions * native cutthroat trout in existence. The first surveys were based whol- here. Timber was also defeated at dairies have been reduced to a for the evening with 13 counters y The Commission plans to rear # A Hillsboro Wednesday night 50 to 37. i ly upon the judgement of local for- minimum of $5 for up to 10 cow to his credit. Iest officers. They were, however, cutthroat brood trout at the Alsea //welcome Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Castle and each additional and 50 cents for ta; On Friday, February 2, the Log- hatchery for the purpose of stock­ Mrs. David Castle attended the the only game population estimates i / GIFT cow, reports the state department lug Eel lake in Douglas and Coos gers journey wedding of Ralph Cutright to Fredia that were made, and aroused much to Clatskanie. This n to the of agriculture. The order reducing counties, which is being acquired j, - interest. Recent surveys, made by Lardy last Saturday at Roy. Fol­ is the first time this season the Former - - lowing the wedding was a reception more intensive methods, show that the fee is retroactive to January 1, for development as a cutthroat.-- • Tigers and Loggers have met. On Resident brood lake and from which it is attended by a large group of friends the earlier estimates tended to be 1940. 3 ’ hoped that it will eventually be, Tuesday, February 9, a rubber too low. and relatives. The new regulation means dairy­ possible ta secure enough eggs to j game between Birkenfeld and Ver­ Game Surveys are made by sev- A. T. Kilburg spent the weekend IN THIS NEWSPAPER men will pay only about half a supply the needs of the coast | nonia will be played on the local at his home here. Mr. Kilburg is eral methods adapted to the sea- Southern Pacific log scaler at son and the type of country. If two mucE for their licenses this year feet or more of snow are on the as in the past. Booth, Pregon. Mrs. Beatrice Squire of McMinn­ ground, deer concentrate in small Each herd will require a separate ville is spending two weeks at the areas and do not move around license, with a herd to be consider­ home of her son and family, Mr. much. The enumerator can come close and make a fairly accurate ed cows in one location only. A and Mrs. Robert Hensley. Mrs. Mae Tallman spent from count. Strips may be run to cover group of cows divided and milked Wednesday until Friday in Portland average conditions and the game in more than one location must b counted. The density of the strip is licensed as separate herds for ear h with Marie Tolson. pppiied to the whole area. In the' location. Claude Gilmore of Seattle, Wash- , IThe fee applies also to shippers ington, spent Saturday night and spot method, representative spots Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Laura receive a 100 percent count by grid­ of Grade A pasteurized milk. Plants them or by driving the game that handle Grade A milk, either Gilmore, and his daughters, Claud- ironing i ette and Shirley Mae. 1 past the enumerators. The figures raw or pasteurized, are subject to applied to the whole unit. A less a $10 annual plant license. Miss Gladys LeChapelle left last are ! Thursday for Grants Pass where accurate method is to divide the she will visit two weeks with Mr. unit into watersheds or sections, and I i in each division get the information and Mrs. Al Mauck. Mrs. David Castle had as her from trappees, residents, records guests last Friday her two sisters, i kept during the season, and other Mrs. Ernest Paulson and daughter, I sources. Airplanes are used to count It's your big opportunity to replenish those Mary Ann, of Pe Ell', Washington' game in open country and to locate pentry shelves et extremely low prices. Buy and Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Davis and concentration areas. in doeen and case lots for extra savings! Where serious over-population three children, Ted, Donald and exists, a detailed survey is made,' Bettie of Seattle, Washington. Anyone Interested Invited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elliott and which includes all factores such as to Contact Wallace Me- PEAS Sugar Belle No. 2 can 12c ........ Dozen $1.35 Richard of Hillsboro were Sunday condition of forage plants, summer I Case $2.49 Crae, Principal dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. and winter range, disease, parasites, j CORN Country Home No. 2 can 10c ........ Dozen $107 Case $2.07 sex ratios, shedding and growth of A. Castle. Principal McCrae received word KRAUT Steinfeld No. 2»/2 can 10c ........ Dozen $1.05 antlers, and breeding seasons. Monday that the National Youth Case $2.05 Administration is beginning a part- I----------------------------- TOMATOES Staregon No. 2»/ 2 can 9c Dozen 98c Case $1.95 time Resident Work-Training Cen­ ter in Newberg, Oregon, to start HOMINY Golden No. 2>/2, can 10c Dozen $1.05 Case $2.05 February 7, 1940 and to continue SPINACH Vai Vita No. 2%, can 10c Dozen $1.15 Case $2.25 through June 30, 1940. Twenty four young women, un- TOMATO JUICE employed, between the ages o Stokely’s 46-oz. cani8c Dozen $1.95 ■ ■ 18 through 24, will live in the PINEAPPLE JUICE Stokely’s ...No, 2 can 12c Dozen $1.29 Center under the supervision and direction of a trained Home Econ ­ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Town House Moderate Winter Aids in 46-oz. can 17c Dozen $1.79 omics supervisor. The work will' Maintaining Conditions have to do with all phases of home­ PEARS Harper House No. 2%, can 18c 6 for $1.00 Dozen $1.95 in Oregon making and up-keep of the home APRICOTS Mellowest No. 2»/2, can 13c .... 6 for 75c Dozen $1.45 With the continued help of mod­ including clothes construction, bud­ It’s easy to take out erate winter weather, employment geting, meal planning. The work PINEAPPLE Tidbits can 6c .... 6 for 35c .... Dozen 60c conditions in Oregon kept on of the Center will be done by the vacation insurance ar even keel this week; according to youth workers who will < earn BLACKBERRIES No. 2, can 10c 6 for 50c Dozen 98c reports from all sections of the ;ufficient money through the ! N. against costly break­ Y. A. sewing project to pay for State to Director L. C. Stroll. Canned Foods Sale Friday, Saturday and Monday, February 2, 3, 5 Additional workers went back to living expenses, medical care and down and lost pleasure I work in Marshfield, several crews incidental items. I time. After paying these expenses, of longshoremen were on the job at Newport and turkey pickers each girl' will have a minimum of I r continued post-holiday activity at $8.00 a month for personal ex-1 Drive in today for a free SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS several valley towns. While highway penses and for traveling. Each inspection of your Chevrolet. and building construction!, and I'og- youth will live in the Center one- It’s a service that costs you 1 gers had closed down in many sec- half of each month. FINE GRANULATED nothing but may save you Any young woman qualifying in because of cold weather, several future time and costly repair good-sized jobs were resuming op- age and unemployed who is inter-1 Half or whole slab bills. 1 operations. Retail trade generally ested in this project is invited to j see Wallace McCrae, high school was reported as quiet. I Job placements for the week at­ principal. I A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE tained the highest mark for 1940 I I CORN STARCH 'with 1319, of which 1023 were At M. A. Oakes* Home— Miss Mildred Oakes, sister of M. ; with private employers and 126 more on solicited public jobs, a new A. Oakes, returned Sunday from. classification which includes private her home at Salem to spend the I contractors working on government 1 coming month at her brother's j AIRWAY COFFEE l-lb. bag 14c 3-Ib. bag 39c j | home caring for Mrs. Oakes who | projects. Classified by employment offices, | has been ill for some time. SUPURB Soap Powder Large pkg. 19c 3 for 55c Grade A Dairy License % LETTER icora HOME* S STOCK UP a/rb<£. save ! Training Center To Begin February 7 One - Stop Conditioning I Employment Conditions Remain Same Check our handbill for items not listed here SUGAR 10 lbs. 47c ARCO 2 pkgs. Vernonia Auto Co 15c Lard Bacon Ground Beef Bacon Jowl Oysters 4 ibs. 2»e lb. l«i/2c 2 lbs. 29 c lb. 1214c pint 19c Vernonia, Oregon PEAS,BEANS,CORN SLEEPY HOLLOW SYRUP We Are Happy to Announce Tlie Opening Of Our New Store Saturday February 3 Come in and see our complete line of threads, notions and gifts Watch for our advertisement next week and learn how you can win one the several prizes we are giving away on Saturday, February 10. Vernonia 5**10 Corner Bridge and Third (In the old Red and White Store) Pints 5-ib. tin 69c bar 5c TEA Canterbury Orange Pekoe '/j-lb pkg.29c 1-lb. pkg. 53c KRISI’Y CRACKERS ........................................ 2-lb. box 27c DOG FOOD 50c 15c LUX TOILET SOAP Playfair WALNUTS . . I Oc MACARONI SPECIAL CUT can 4'/ic Dozen INDUSTRY BRAND can • • • 7 c dozen 77c case 24 cans $1.4» —FRUITS AND VEGETABLES— Bananas Dry Onions 10 lb * Oranges Firm, Ripe ® ® ® • lb. 6c 15c 2 doz. 49c • In shopping bag FARMER CONSUMER APPLE SALE Rome Beauties • . New Towns Extra Fancy Winesaps 89c > box 69c 6 lb. 25c box