PAGE FOUR VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1940 I will be held here on February 10th broadcasts, is the basis of RKO at the Odd Fellows hall, according Radio’s “Sued lor Libel.” to notices from the hydroelectric Featuring Kent Taylor and Linda commission. r cellar Hayes, the story presents Taylor ENFORCEMENT OF THE JUST A SUGGESTION as a news reporter who dramatizes DINNER TO AID FINNS— ORDINANCE RESPONSIBLE— FOR A VACANT LOT— To aid the Finnish Relief fund a the news of the day on the radio. CITY COUNCILMEN recently voted to TO NEWCOMERS in a city, the number chicken dinner will be given by the How his program involves him in a law the bicycle ordinance which since its en­ of vacant lots is often an indication of the Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Assoc- murder mystery and how he event­ prosperity of that city. Should those new­ iation of Peace at their church in ually solves the crime through the actment and since the enforcement of its comers be of the mind to seek a location for Quincy January 28. Serving will be­ use of radio broadeasting facilities, rules has proven of value in the regulation some form of business then the number of gin at 10 a. m. Fifty cents will be provide the drama of the story. of the uses of bicycles in Vernonia. Some those vacant lots, should that number be the charge per meal. A Finnish ser­ means of regulation was needed and was men­ quite large, might be the cause of people with mon will be conducted in the after- CHILDHOOD LISP Yes, and in Your A CAREER BOON— tioned several times with the result that the those intentions to move on to some commun­ noon by Tapani Ojalehto. Attic Too! A childhood “ handicap ” was ity of more prosperous aspect. ct now in effect is one that is proving of turned to a good purpose in the Turn Those Things In Vernonia there is a portion of one lot CONTRACT LET FOR value in making for a more safe city. case of Helen Lynd, comedienne in the center of the business section that is OILING MARKET ROAD— You Don't Want Into Since several bicycle riders have been Tidepoint Co. of Astor'a was appearing in Republic’s “Flight At unused for a great part of the year. That Money with a Want Ad apprehended through violation of the ordin­ section is located at the corner of Bridge and awarded the contract for s.rfacing Midnight," showing at the Joy S(A?Xffof ance and have been punished, an improvement Second Streets where its vacancy is doubly and oiling 5.48 miles of Summit- Theatre Tuesday. Helen’s lisp was the dispair of her evident due to the many people who daily Mist section of Mist-Clatskanie is noted on streets and sidewalks where for­ parents throughout her childhood. secondary highway. The contract pass that way. merly there was danger of injury either to They took her to specialists who It is probably true that the lot is vacant ■alls or $26,506. the cyclist himself or to pedestrians. Bicycles Seven state highway jobs were at length effected a cure—but a due to no need for the space for the erection are used with more care and more respect pened this week in Portland by few years later Helen was lisping of a building but other worthwhile use could for others than has been the case for some he highway commission and total- again, before the cameras! easily be made thereof. Helen’s cute baby stare and her time. It is noteworthy that greater responsi­ In the fall the lot is used for the staging cd $375,000. r.musing lisp have made her con­ of a number of events of Vernonia Host Days. bility means greater safety for everyone. stantly in demand for “sweet-but- IVER WORK The band stand remains there unused for dumb” roles. In “Flight At Mid­ UND SOUGHT— the remainder of the year — other space on CITY COUNCILMEN are also responsible Improvement for the the lot is never used. But the space is there Clatskanie night,” she portrays one o. dle for another action taken even more recently iver was recommended for the contenders for the heart and hand to be used should the proper incentive arise. —enactment of an ordinance regarding the orthcoming fiscal year beginning of Phil Regan, who plays the lead. Complaints are heard in summer that licensing of dogs. Licenses formerly paid to children have no place to amuse themselves .ext June 30th in the annual report KAY KYSER’S DEBUT FILM in constructive activity. The lot could be made ■ f the army engineers to Congress, INTRODUCES 5 SONG HITS— the county dog control board are now payable Expert Refrigerator into a playground and with little effort an nade public this week. to the city. Non-payment will result in action Five melodic dance tunes of hit­ Service Engineers were in Clatskanie Sun­ parade calibre are the musical fea­ instructor or supervisor could be engaged to towards the removal of those dogs which Household and Commercial devote a few hours of the day to the grounds. day and they said they were going tures of “That’s Right—You’re have become a decided nuisance on the streets. The lot is certainly far from well-kept. o make a survey of the Clatskanie Wrong,” delightfully served by Kay BERT EASTMAN Formerly the dog-control board was respons­ iver in the near future. Grass grows in profusion with little if any Paterson’# Furniture Store Kyser who is co-starred with care. A lawn, planted and maintained, would ible for those dogs not licensed but little Adolphe Menjou in this sprightly immensely improve the space if no other effort under that responsibility was evident song-and-laugh entertainment. development was made. PAINTING The songs are “The Answer Is here so that the time came when some other Perhaps the remark will be made: “The PAPERHANGING Love,” by Sam S. Stept and Charles action was a necessity. city owns a park already. Why undertake a CALSOMINING Newman; and “Happy Birthday to That action has been taken and although new venture?” That is true but that park is Love,” by Dave Franklin; “Fit to BOB MORRELL used principally for athletic ventures, soft- it may lead tp the loss of a pet that loss will Be Tied,” by Walter Donaldson; 376 B Street THRILLS ON LAND, ------ Vernonia ball, football, track. It has no turf. come only if the pet is not properly cared for “Chatterbox,” by Jerome Braining I I___ WATER AND SKY! Development of the lot on Bridge street by its owner. Proper care by its owner will Twenty different modern planes, and Allan Roberts; and “The Little would serve as an appearance improvement i fast cruiser, a police boat, an air­ Red Fox,” by James V. Kern, Lew not bring the necessity of action. as well as a development for other purposes Dr. U. J. Bittner ’er, Johnny Lange and Hy plane factory, fast automobiles and than that to which the city park is devoted. Heath. other devices used mechanical mar- A few pieces of playground equipment, a J Dentist “That’s Right—You’re Wrong” els in the interest of thrills in the larger, improved band stand and a lawn would revolves around the hectic Holly ­ Joy Theatre Bldg. ringing to the screen of Nick Phone 662 provide a center for summer entertainment barter, celebrated detective of wood adventures of a band leader. and amusement. These suggestions comprise iction. Walter Pidgeon plays the only a few of the many purposes to which the haracter in a drama in which thrill MARVIN KAMHOLZ, Editor and P ublisher lot would be suitable. And a notable eyesore taps thrill. “Nick Carter, Master J. E. TAPP would be erased. Jectective,” coming Saturday to the Entered as second class mail matter, August Toy Theatre. Rita Johnson is the All Kind# of Wood PARENTS CAN BE 4, 1922, at the post office in Vernonia, Ore­ teroine. Trailing an auto by plane, gon, under the act of March 3, 1879. i battle between cruiser, police OF GREAT ASSISTANCE— Prompt Delivery ioat and plane, and a battle be- V. F. W. A DECISION by school authorities and ween plane and attackers in the Subscription Rate $2 per year Meets First and Phone 241 health authorities led to the closing of schools lesert, are a few of the thrills in Local advertising rate: 26 cents per column ¡here for this week as is known by every he picture which Jacques Tourneur Third Fridays of inch resident of the valley. The purpose of that lirected. Foreign advertising rate: 35 cents per column closure is also evident—the number of cases Each Month. inch of illness had increased since last week to ‘IN OLD CALIENTE,” Expert Tonsorial Work Legion 8 P. M. an extent making necessary the action. School \T JOY SATURDAY— Classified advertising rate: Minimum 25 cents, John Grady, Commander BEN’S BARBER SHOP 5 cents per line, three insertions for price authorities have thereby done everything in As the trusted employee of Don of two. their power to attempt a decrease in the lose Vargas, wealthy landowner of Vernonia, Oregon Legal advertising rate on request number of those cases but the parents still California in 1853, Roy Rogers is Vernonia F. O. E. Reader advertising rate: 10 cents per line. have a duty to discharge. (Fraternal Order of Eagles) sent to Sacramento to sell the Should children, who may possibly spread Don’s cattle. On the return journey, Official newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon germs due to insufficient recovery from their he is carrying $40,000. LESTER SHEELEY Legion Hall illness, be allowed their freedom to associate Within a few miles of the Vargas with others, then the number of cases may Hacienda, Roy rides ahead and Attorney at Law Vernonia not decrease. But should caution be exercised leaves the money for Carlos, Don Bank of Vernonia Bldg. Friday Nights in allowing children their freedom only when Jose’s son, to bring in. As soon Phone 231 they a|re completely recovered, then the as he disappears from sight, a 8 o’clock wave of sickness in all likelihood will cease group of bandits attack and steal its spread so that schools may soon again be ’.he money. Carlos, badly wounded, Roy Barnes, W. P. Roland L. Treharne opened. Manages to ride to his father with Marvin Kamholz, W. Sec’y. Expert Automobile Repairing the news. WELDING when her clothing caught fire while Manuel Delgado, major-domo of Knight» of Pythias she was working about the kitchen ’he ranch and secret head of the ROLAND ’S Harding Lodge No. 116 range in her home. A daughter, bandit ring, in order to avert sus­ SERVICE STATION Vernonia, Oregon Mrs. Nellie Roberts, was severely picion from himself, convinces Don Meetings:—I. O. O. F. burned about the hands in extin­ Jose that the members of an Amer­ Hall, Second and guishing the flaming garments. ican wagon train camped nearby meeting followed the dinner in the Fourth Mondays Each are guilty. He gets permission to BAFFORD BROS. Month. dining room of the Orcadia hotel CHARLES N. ROGERS FILES search their possessions. Roy dis­ last Mondaj- evening. Walter Or- FOR COUNTY CORON5R JOB— covers they are emigrants led by General Plumbing POSTAL PROFITS mandy, local furniture dealer, is Pythian Sisters Charles N. Rogers, St. Helens his old friend and teacher, Scout SHOW BIG GAIN— Vernonia the retiring president. Vernonia Temple No. 61 mortician, this week filed his can­ Gabby Whittaker, and rides in hot Postal receipts in St .Helens dur­ Vernonia, Oregon Other officers elected were: Vice didacy for the nomination of Col­ pursuit to stop Delgado. This action Meeting#:— I. O. O. F. Hall ing 1939 set a new record, with an President, William L. Coldweli; umbia county coroner at the prim- causes Don Jose to think Roy has Fourth Wednesdays increase of $1,234.17 over 1938. Re­ treasurer, C. G. Whitlock; secret-'ary election on May 17. The office taken sides against the Spanish, and Second and Each Month ceipts for 1939 were $19,314.00 as ary, R. R. Hankins; ; chairman of at present is held by J. O. Elbon he orders him never to set foot in Nehalem Valley compared with $18,079.83. directors, Fred G. Starrett, and | of Rainier. the Hacienda again. Order of Eastern Star Receipts for the last quarter end­ directors, Wales Wood and A A i —- Motor Freight Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. CIRCUIT JURY GIVES ing in December were $5,615.45, W’ebber. “THE SHOP AROUND THE COR- Regular Communi ­ Frank Hartwick, Proprietor JENNINGS VOUGE $5,000— which was $550.45 over that of the • NER” WITH JAMES STEWART— cation first and Portland - Timber - Vernonia A circuit jury, sitting in Judge I BURNS FATAL TO similar period in 1938. third Wednesdays Sun#et-EI#ie-Sea#ide Howard K. Zimmerman’s court in! James Stewart, who is co-starred Money orders issued in 1939 to­ MRS. M. HARRIS— of each month, at with Margaret Sullavan in “The Vernonia Telephone 1042 last Wednesday after- St. Helens, Masonic Temple. taled $19,317, as against $18,352 in by I Third degree burns suffered ____ noon returned a verdict awarding Shop Around the Corner” playing All visiting sisters 1938, and money orders paid were: Mrs. Myrtle Harris in an accident Sunday and Monday at the Joy I and brothers wel­ $5,404 in 1939 and $5,371 in 1938. in her West St. Helens home 1___ last' 85,000.00 to Jennings Vouge in his Theatre, has made his fourth year come. her '»se against Gerald MacAuley and IV8U11VU in III lid . ~ ---- - - Monday 1110111111^ morning resulted Sara Drorbaugh, W. M. l|40 on the screen his biggest. After CASON’S TRANSFER C. N. ROGERS NEW PRESIDENT 1Ieath ¡„ st Helens GenerB1 hospit- P- J- MacAuley for injuries received Mrs. Helen Dewey, Secretary s-coring hits in “ Mr. Smith Goes to LOCAL CHAMBER— | a] shortly a ter noon Thursday. !in an automobile accident near LOCAL and LONG DIS- Washington” and “Destry Rides Election of Charles N. Rogers as Funeral arrangements are in charge Prescott on August 9, 1939. TANCE HAULING A. F. & A. M. Again,” Stewart was the choice of president of the St. Helens Cham-'of Rogers Funeral Home. | --------- Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Ernst Lubitsch for the starring SEE US ber of Commerce at the annual Mrs. Harris suffered the burns . A. F. & A. M. meets at male role. A favorite story of For Your Old Growth Masonic Temple, Stat- 16-INCH FIR WOOD the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer producer­ ed Communication First I director. “The Shop Around the AND CEDAR SHINGLES Thursday of each month. ; PETITIONS ARE FINED Special called meetings Corner” is a delightful romantic other Thursday nights, 7:30 FOR UTILITY DISTRICT— comedy woven around two clerks Visitors most cordially wel- Petitions were filed at Salem this in a little leather goods and novelty week with the state hydroelectric shop. Miss Sullavan is a girl hired special meetings Friday nights. Roland D. Eby, M. D. commission for a public utility dis­ “over the head” of the chief clerk. Roland Treharne, W. M. trict in Columbia county which took Stewart is the chief clerk, who re­ Glenn F. Hawkins, Sec. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON in most of the thickly settled por­ sents the girl and she him. They Town Office 891 tions of Columbia county with the quarrel constantly until they dis­ VERNONIA exception of the cities and the cover that they are really quarrel­ POST 11.» Scappoose drainage district. ing because they are in love. AMERICAN Local residents feel that the new­ LEGION NEAL W. BUSH ly petitioned Clatskanie community NEWSCASTING SECR5TS IN 4«t# First and Attorney at Law district and the proposed Vernonia “SUED FOR LIBEL”— 1. A. Thornburg, President Third Wednesdays Joy Theatre Bldg., Phone 663. district were also omitted from the An expose of what goes on be- "THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” AUXH IARY petitions filed. In Vernonia Mondays and hind the walls of radio stations, First and Third Mondays Tuesdays Hearing on the Clatskani* district especially in connection with news EAGLE EDITORIALS : Business Professional Directory News of the Fheatre Vernonia Eaele LODGES COUNTY NEWS St. Helens ksviiuoj ».-------------------------------------------- - Cl ats kaii ie— The Forest Grove National Bank Invites You To Bank By Mail if Inconvenient To Come In Person