VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1940 spent the night, Monday, at the be held Wednesday evening at 7:30. home of Dorothy Hanna Sunday and Wilson, has been spending a home of Mrs. Sam Hearing, enroute ---- Welcome to God’s house few days at a warm springs to night. to Portland where she will spend Christian fellowship. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pearl and rtgafn his health. several days. Mrs. Glen Pearl and children children spent the weekend with daughter, Arline, were dinner guests Go to Oregon City— took Mr. Pearl’s father to St. Hel­ Mrs. Pearl’s folks of Goble. Return, to Work---- Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire i Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanna and ens Monday on business. Walter Vaughn, salesman for the at the Ira Baucom home Monday lelt Tuesday for Oregon City to I Oregon American returned to his evening. Dorothy were Vernonia visitors Betty Olson was ill with the flu visit with Mrs. McEntire’s family] business activities this week after Working at Sam and Bob'.— Saturday. i a iew days week. during the week school is closed. | spending a week at his home be- Paul Gordon is helping in Sam Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lindsay have' Mrs. Glen Pearl and children, cause of an attack of the flu. •» « mu litu. taweesprf U ms and Bob’s store during the week Visit in St. Helena— purchased a new car. j Glenna and Gerry, and Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Ira Baucom and, Six«,y-fiv-e percent O- the tourists school is closed. Transferred to Portland— Hanna motored to Portland Friday John Barton is back on Bowen ’ s son, Eddie, motored to St. Helens Joe Boyington, driver for the Go to Medford— c J v .u . .. , at . the, .. visiting »«Hing Oregon during s the J year truck after a week of absence. on business. Sunday where they virited local unit of the Shell Oil Company, 11939 Mis. Art Rice and daughter, 39 came from Washington and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MacDonald Federici home. Mrs. E. R. Palms, l_ Connie Sutherland from Vernonia ... was transferred to Portland to be- are spending the week in Medford Jean, were Vernonia shoppers Mon­ and her two daughters who have , California figures compiled by Earl spent the weekend with Mr. and I '•in activities there Thursday of where Mrs. MacDonald’s family day. been at the Baucom home for the Snell, secretary of state, revealed Mrs. Bob Woods. this week. Boyington has been sta- Mrs. Robert Wood’s sister and lives. past two weeks accompanied them today. Of the total of 149,502 visit­ tioned here for over a year. Mr. and Mrs. John lUbe.ta and 1” _ad cf i’..:tiand were Sunday that far enrouts to Washington. Mi. In Hill.boro Hospital— ing cars registered in the state dur­ Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Roberts motored vi. itois ut the W cd’s heme. In Seattle on Business— during ing the year Mrs. Ruth Kellmer is a patient Palms is the local mortician 69,958 were from J. A. Bush ’ s absence. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caulfield motor­ in the hospital in Hillsboro, She is California and 28,430 were from to Rainier Sunday evening io visit friends and relatives. ed to Seattle Thursday of last week quite ill. Washington. Mrs. Smith Recovering— on business for the Oregon Amer­ Lester Roberts spent the weekend Non-resident registration for the Mrs. E. S. Smith who has been Boss’ S’iced White ican. Mr. Caufield took the trip in Saturday Evening Guests— at Rainier. past few year t0 PP« d that of 1938 by 10,529 ill with the flu for the Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brutkie visited place of Walter Vaughn who was again. pars, or an increase of 7.58 percent, Mrs. Bill Linusay has not been confined to his home with the flu. Saturday evening at the Forrest weeks is able to be about Snell’s figures showed. The year’s feeling well lately due to a si.g nt Reichardt home. Unable to Work— ----- ------- C I ■ total • was the highest LL/L for any J year Campfire Girls Request---- attack of the flu. Clarence Lamping has oeen ill except 1937 when heavy migrations The Campfire Girls are desirous Mr.. Syke. Ill— Bill Lindsay and Bill Virtue .. 1 - - ■ | from T wx 4- the n w-1 1/1 .. / Ï-. 4“ «3 ■ ' /. U ——-1 t.l mid-west dust bowl swell- Mrs. Vern Sykes has been ill with the llu this week, Paul 1 Gordon of furnishing the Campfire cabin motored to Portland on business more fully. They request a discard­ the past week with the flu and replaced Clarence in Sam an4 [ cd Oregon’s tourist figures to 155,- Saturday. 1 161 visiting cars. Bob’s store. ed steel bed or day bed. Any other a ruptured vein in her nose. Bud Atkins and Lylath Van De Ask for the loaf with Next to the two neighboring donations of furniture not in use In Portland— Bogart attended the dance at NaUl Goes to Portland- states on the Pacific coast, the the logging scene on will be appreciated. Call 321 if you Saturday evening. Mrs. Alice Estey, Mrs. Dave Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonsen and have something to offer for the Mr. and Mrs. Rex Pemble were Marshall, Mrs. Merle Ruhl, Miss north central states sent the most Mr. and Mrs. John Hat ield and the blue and white furnishing of the cabin. The girls in Portland Thursday. The men Jane Wilkinson and Miss Freda cars to Oregon, accounting for 13.- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay were 61 percent of the total. The moun ­ wrapper. will call for the articles. attended a Post Card meeting and Beck motored to Portland Tuesday. tain states accounted for 10.49 per Sunday evening Visitors at the the women attended a show. Miss Wilkinson will remain at her cent, 2.55 percent came from the Stanley Olson home. Alice Hoffman in Contest— 'Mrs. Andy Bransdel was a Ver- home in Vancouver, Miss Beck at north Atlantic states, 2.53 percent Alice Hoffman, senior at the Weekend, in Fore.t Grove— Large l’/a-lb loaf 13c nonia shopper Monday. Milwaukie during the remainder of University of Oregon, has been from the south central states and Christine McKenzie spent the the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fowler and 2 for 25c 1.03 percent from the south Atlan­ named representative of her soror­ weekend in Forest Grove at the tic states. Foreign cars and those daughter, Helen, were visitors at ity, Sigma Kappa, to contest for William Fitzgerald home. A new product of the Portland Visitor.— ¿he Otto Cantwell home Saturday the envious position and title of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holcomb registered from Alaska and the evening. “Little Colonel” at the military ball Lachine.— were in Portland Saturday. They District of Columbia, amounted to 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Pemble and returned that same evening. 3.98 percent. cn February 3. Scabbard and Blade, military honorary, will confer the family spent Sunday visiting near July was the heaviest month for Jean were Vernonia shoppers Sat­ title on the winner. Alice is a music Rainier at the Alvin Lachine home. In Portland---- tourists in 1939, with 31,721 non­ urday. Hilder Sunquist is ill with the flu Rev. W. O. Livingstone was in resident cars registered that month. major at the University. In Portland Sunday---- Portland Monday, Tuesday and The three vacation months of June, and has been unable to attend Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frazee and Wednesday of this week attending Mrs. Mill. Ill— July and August saw 83,844 cars school the past two weeks. iMrs. Ray Mills is confined to her family and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie The State Pastors’ Conference and registered, 56 percent of the year’s Bob Kent, an employee at Clark home this week with an attack of Skuzie and daughter spent Sunday the Ministers’ Parliament hied in total. in Portland. the flu. the First Presbyterian church and The city of Ashland led registra- the First Christian church. He re­ ¡ion stations in the state with Mist Guest Here— Baucoms Have Dinner Guests— Miss Margaret Mathews of Mist turned home Wednesday afternoon. 27,017 cars, 12 percent of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Skuzie and total. Cave City was second Marshall Named Chairman— Larry Marshall of Vernonia, 20,917, Brookings was third sophomore in forestry at Oregon i "2,559, Grants pass fourth State College, was appointed chair-1 8,574, Umatilla ifth with 6,935, man of the registration committee Medford sixth with 6,190, Klamath for the forestry banquet scheduled Falls seventh with 6,070, Arlington for February 24 in the Memorial ■girth with 5,725, Portland ninth Union, it was announced here last with 5,444, Bend tenth with 5,033. week. Arrangements are being mads to make it the largest banquet in NUMBER ILL WITH FLU the history of the school of forestry. > VISITS WARM SPRINGS i Students from the leading forestry SHOP IN VERNONIA schools of the northwest, who will be there for the northwest forestry | WILARK—(Special to The Eagle) school conclave, will entertain lead­ —Jean Lewis has been ill with ing lumbermen, loggers, and United the flu but is feeling better at the States forest service executives at present time. Walt Fowler is confined to his the banquet. bed with the flu and is unable to work. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkins were Vernonia shoppers one day last week. Jonnibel Hafield visited at the Y€UR TOWN’S TOPICS Vernonia Genuine 6 Cu. Ft. FRIGIDAIR At The Churches . . $ Christian Church • They're genuine 6cu ft. Frigidaire refrigerators — brand new, every one! Not a •‘stripped” model in the lot. Take advan­ tage of this great bargain opportunity without delay. ALL THESE EXTRA-VALUE FEATURES INCLUDED AT THIS SENSATIONAL PRICE I Famous Meter-Miser Mechanism • 1-Piece Al!-Steel Cabinet • Automatic Interior Light • Open-Shut Freezer Door • Uni-Matic Cold Control • Automatic Reset Defroster • Frozen Storage Compartment • Cold-Storage Tray • Touch-Latch Door Opener • 4 Big Ice Trays • Automatic Tray Release on Every Tray • Stainless Porcelain in Food Compartment • Satin-Smooth Dulux Exterior • 5-Year Protection Plan Against Service Ex­ pense! ... Exclusive F-114Refrigerant-and many others! COME IN AND SEE IT NOWI Remember—that REGARDLESS of the price you pay—there is no finer, more economical, and dependable electric refrigerator built than a genuine 1940 model Frigidaire. So—when you can buy a new 6-foot Frigidaire —for just $129.95, why even CONSIDER any other refrigerator at ANY price? We deliver, uncrate and install the refrigerator FOR YOU AT NO EXTRA COST! At Everything for the Home on E-Z Terms Portland Prices! We Carry Our Own Contracts—You do not deal with any Finance Company. We pay the freight 100 miles. Geo. G. Paterson FURNITURE — RADIOS — REFRIGERATION VERNONIA — OREGON — FOREST GROVE __The Livingstones. Minister’ Church School at 9:45, Commun- n and preaching service at 11:00 i o’clock; Christian Endeavor service I at 6:30 followed by the special I twice-a-week services now being conducted. Evangelistic service on Wednesday evening at 7:30; public cordially invited. Assembly of God Church —Rilla M. Sanders, Pastor Friday, January 26, 7:30 p. m. } young people’s service. Miss Joanne Lindbergh in charge. Sunday services: Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday 7 p. m. Shut-in-meeting conducted by the young people. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Bible Study with Bible questions answer­ ed. Thursday 2 p. m. Ladies mission­ ary and prayer band. We welcome you to all these services. Good music and singing. Full gospel preaching. Evangelical Church— _ Harvey R. Schetierman, Minister 9:45 Church School under the supervision of O. G. Weed. 11:00 Morning Worship with the 'loly Communion as the greatest •'eature of the service. The sermon subject is. “There Make Ready”. 6:30 The Evangelical League of C. E. will meet in the usual three groups for the very interesting and inspiring lesson discussion. You are welcome. >7:30 The evening service will be evangelistic. During Self-Denial week, next week, from Tuesday to Friday, there will be a special service con­ ducted in the afternoon in the church. This service is sponsored by the Woman’s Missionary Society leading up to the Day of Prayer Sunday, February 4. The regular mid-week service will SAVE MONEY Choice Meats and poultry a CAKE FLOUR Soft-as-Silk .... 44-oz. pkg. NU BORA Granulated Soap .... 66-oz. pkg. 2, 8-oz tins PINEAPPLE TIDBITS PAPER NAPKINS— Old Irish, 80 count 2 pk««...................... 15c 25c 3, No. 2 tins CHOCOLATE 15c 16-oz. Jar BANNER BROOMS ............... CORN FLAKES Kelloggs 2 pkgs. CREAM OF WHEAT .. 28-oz. pkg. 3 lbs. 45c 25c 13c 23c 14c 17c H tin .......... ASPARAGUS TIPS Picnic tin TOMATO JUICE 2 for 4, 15-oz. bottles 32-oz. bottle PUREX 15c 19c HONEY— OREGON PRUNES Bakers Premium No. 49c Whole Kernel 2, No. 2 tin. COFFEE Wadhams.......... .......... !-lb- tin BEANS— Coburg Short Cut 25c CORN— 27c 27c 13c TOMATO SAUCE— Pep 3 8-ox. tin« 10c GLOVES— Canvas, 13-oz. knit wri.t King’s Grocery and Market Where Your Jlonoy lluys More Ph. 91 At the New Mile Bridge 2 Deliveries Daily Hear Vernonia Round-Up Time Every Thursday at 11:30 a. m., KWLK