FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON U. S. government and our Union, THEREFORE, be it resolved that we ask Congress and the President of the U. S. to outlaw the Com­ Rebekahs Install • Guests were Hazel Stevens of munists Party, German American New Officers— | Charity Lodge, Hamilton, Montana Bund and Silver Shirts and all On Thursday, January 11, Mt. an on Circle dressed in Japanese kimonos with the sisters guessing their I January 25. Mrs. F. R. Olin will to serve refreshments of tea, cakes friends and drawing review the book “Seasoned Timber” and jello. birthday The next meeting will be held names of the new year. by Dorothy Canfield Fisher. February 7, at which time the LET’S BE SOCIABLE Mrs. Nelson Given Surprise Party— ' 1 I ©IÁ to Buy at THE APPARU SHOP I • I I A surprise birthday dinner and party was given in honor of Mrs. Adolph Nelson by her daughters, Mrs. Margaret Powell and Mrs. Marble Cook at the ljome of Mrs. Cook in Beaverton Tuesday, Janu­ ary 9. The table 'was beautifully decorated with pink and white tapers and white daises. Attending the party were Mrs. Floyd Howard, Mrs. Jim Craig, Mrs. Frank Chillade, all of Portland; Mrs. Lee Johnson of Gales Creek: Mrs. Alfred Norgren and Mrs. Gent Crawford of Forest Grove; Mrs. Ernest Sunei'l and the guest of honor, Mrs. Nelson of Vernonia. Also present besides the hostesses were Mrs. Nelson’s grandchildren, Marlene Cook and DeAnna Powell. Odd Fellows Name New Officers— VALUES All-wool Tailored Jackets (New Stock) $2.98 All-wool SKIRTS $1.59 Clearance of Sweaters Were $1.49 and $1.98 now $1.00 Clearance of COATS Some as low as $3.98 Clearance of HATS Were $1.98 and $2.98 now $1.00 Dollars spent at The Apparel Shop are dol­ lars wisely invested— for you get a full return in satisfactory merchandise. The Apparel Shop Lode McPonald, District Deputy Grand Master of the I. O. 0. F. installed the following officers of the Vernonia chapter of that lodge recently: W. W. McCrae, Nolble Grand; Sam Hearing, Jr., Vice Grand; Paul Gordon, Secretary Lee Rogers, Treasurer; Rob­ ert Stawson, Warden; Roiberi Haynes, Conductor; Emil Messing. Right Support of the Grand Noble; Wiiliam Heath, Left Support of the Grand Noble; Norris Soden, Chap lain; Alton Roberson, Right Sup­ port of the Vice-Grand; Robert Tip­ ton, Left Support of the Vice­ Grand; Harvey Crume, Right Scene Supporter; Harry Forkier, Left Scene Supporter; Past Grand, Al­ fred Bassett. IWA Auxiliary Plans Silver Tea— The Ladies Auxiliary of Ver­ nonia I. W. A. are heartily in favor of the fight the Finnish people are putting up against Russian dictator­ ship and are planning a Silver Tea in the near future, funds from which will bj' used for Finnish relief. The Ladies Auxiliary No. 21 of the I. W. A. of Vernonia introduc­ 'd at the convention in Klamath Falls, October 18 and 19 the fol­ lowing resolution: WHEREAS there ■ are subversive groups in the U. S. working again­ st the best interests of our govern­ ment, and, WHEREAS the Communists, Na­ zis and Facists have undermined the Meal- Planning Can Be a Drudge —if you let it! But are you doing everything you can to make it pleasant, to give your family “meal surprises” every day? Do you know about the many ney desserts and the new ways to prepare old favorites? We’ll be glad to make suggestions, to point out the values of easy-to-prepare meats and vege­ tables. DELIVERY SCHEDULE------ Corey Hill—10 A. M. and 3 P. M. O-A Hill and East Side—10:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Phone 761 Quantity Orders Gladly Delivered SAM and BOB Grocery & Market ladies will make an interesting visit to the Red Bird Missions in Ken- tucky. Scouts Hold Court of Honor Here— PAGE THREH General Motors Builds 25-Millionth Unit Brief ceremonies were held in the Chevrolet assembly I plant at Flint, January 11, marking completion of this car, 1 the 25-millionth unit built by General Motors. In behalf of the thousands of workers who had a hand in its manu­ facture, 75 members of the final assembly line crew handed M. E. Coyle, Chevrolet general manager, a commemora­ tive scroll for presentation to W. S. Knudsen, president of General Motors. Veteran Chevrolet employes, and execu­ tives of the Buick and AC Spark Plug divisions, were present as special guests. I The Boy Scouts’ Court of Honor of the Forest Grove district which includes Vernonia was held here at Emil Messing was the instigator of the American Legion Hall Monday the custom. night, January 15. Awards to mem­ The committee planning and ar­ bers of Troop 201, Vernonia, were ranging the affair is named as fol­ made to the following boys: Second lows: Tom Crawford, Frank Lane, Class Scout, John Plymale; First R. W. Conley, Ray Mills, Paul Class Scout, Ralph Bennett and Gordon, Carol Brock and Emil Fred Thompson. Messing. The examining board was made up of Guy Miller, Field Examiner; Probation Violation Ray Miller, District Chairman; Le- Roy Smith, Camping and Activity Sentences Begin— Albert Ole Tichenor of Vernonia Chairman; Dale Underwood, Ad- vancement Chairman; Dr. Fred Rich­ and James Leslie Turnham of Mc- ards, District Vice-Chairman; Jack Spearman, Troop Committeeman; Your Money Buys a Better Harry Sherman, Scout Master of | Value When You Trade at the Troop 238 at Forest Grove; Tom Vernonia Bargain Store Seager, Scout Master of Troop 213 New and Used Goods at Forest Grove; Ira Baucom, Scout 810 Bridge St. Vernonia; Master of Troop 201, rHarold McEntire, Assistant Scout Master of Troop 201, Vernonia;, Fred Zeiner and Walter Thompson^ Save Money And Get of Vernonia; and the Mayor of! Forest Grove, E. L. Drake. Comfortable Shaves With Azter the Court of Honor, the! Mothers’ Club of Vernonia Boyj This New Scouts served refreshments to thej court and the guests present. Mrs. Walter Thompson acted as chair-. man. » An announcement was made to the group that a Skillarama will replace the Scout Circus usually given each year. The Skillarama. which will demonstrate different nhases of scout skill, will’ be held in Portland at the Auditorium some­ time in February, the definite date I to be announced later. I In photo, left to right: C. E. Wetherald, general manu­ facturing manager, Chevrolet; Mr. Coyle; H. H. Curtice, general manager Buick Division; A. P. Sloan, Jr., chair­ man of the board. General Motors; Fred Brown, veteran Chevrolet employe; C. S. Mott, vice president, General Motors; C. E. Wilson, executive vice president. General Motors, and Mr. Knudsen. The car was taken at once to Detroit, to play a major part in the "March of Men and Motors” celebration staged that night in the Masonic Temple. Nulty, who were arrested recently to five years and Turnham to one on charges of violating probations, year last week when they appeared were taken to the penitentiary on before Judge Zimmerman in the Tuesday. Tichenor was sentenced circuit court at St. Helens. A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick - Easy - Safe Write or call for complete information-- St. Helens Branch o/ United States National Bank the MEMBER Head Office, ftortland, Oregon fHlUl DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE JOY THEATRE UtH-n FRANK LLOYD'S AlHfASOf THt SÍA The Past Worthy Advisor’s of the Rainbow Girls met Monday night, January 15, at tlie| home of Erma Kent who is the new- I ly elected president of the group.; Plans for assisting Rainbow Girls' in their annual doughnut sale. slat-¡ ed for the 26 and 27th (Friday and , Saturday) of this month, vrere furthered. i Masons to Hold Annual ' 1 Banquet Saturday— ' i The Masonic Lodge of Vernonia; will hold its annual banquet and' , _ jer inis get-together this coming Saiuruay Saturday z! night in the Masonic Temple. The f event is one of the outstanding social gatherings of the fraternal ; order, All Masons of this Lodge j and affiliates of other Blue Lodges I who have friendly interest in the Vernonia brotherhood are issued invitations to attend this anticipat­ ed banquet. This year is the eighth I in which this feast has been given;1 January 18 and 19 Jr. At Mi Price! Past Worthv Advisors ! Meet at Kent’s— Thursday and Friday Saturday, Jan. 20; DOUBLE FEATURE Thia Cillette, 9*1«- guard Your Skin From AH The Smart Arid Burn Caused lAVfor A SONO-HIT ON HIS UPS.. A LULLABY IN EITHER FIST ..... ifalU/ OW for you men who want a bang-up razor blade at low price... here's a value that's real! Thin Gillettes cost only 10c for 4 and give you quick, easy, good-looking shaves every time. Made of easy-flexing steel with edges of an entirely new kind, they out-perform and out­ last misfit blades two to one. Buy a package from your dealer. N Thin Gillette Blades Are Produced By The Maker Of The Famous Gillette Blue Blade 5 For 25c The Forest Grove National Bank Invites You To Bank By Mail if Inconvenient To Come In Person J. A. Thornbtirifi »’resident “THE ROLL OF H ONOR BANK” k COOPER Sunday and Monday January 21 and 22 News and Pete Smith Tuesday & Wednesday THERIAL January 23 and 24 \ GLORY DOUBLE FEATURE PAL NIGHT Plus—“Beware of Spooks,” a comedy «OWER of 0NDON Thursday and Friday January 25 and 26 Also Selected Shorts COMING ATTRACTIONS: That’s Right Your Wrong with Kay Kyser, Adalph Menjou; The Rains Came, with Myrna Loy, Tyrone Power; Allegheny (Jprising with John Payne, Claire Trevor.